20 resultados para Alternative solar collector
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La perdiz roja es la especie cinegética por excelencia en la península ibérica, cuya cría en cautividad y suelta controlada comenzó a regularse en los años 70 con la aparición del ICONA. La incubación controlada de huevos de perdiz es imprescindible, con fines cinegéticos y de preservación de la especie, y se desarrolla con incubadoras comerciales de pequeña y mediana escala, distribuidas en zonas rurales con acceso limitado y/o deficiente al suministro eléctrico. En nuestras latitudes el aporte de energía solar térmica se perfila como una posibilidad de mejorar la eficiencia energética de éstas y otras instalaciones y de reducir la dependencia energética exterior. Hay diversos factores físico-químicos que influyen en la calidad de la incubación: temperatura, humedad relativa, y concentración de gases, de los cuales sólo los dos primeros son habitualmente supervisados y controlados en este tipo de incubadoras. Esta Tesis surge en el marco de dos proyectos de cooperación con la AECID, y tiene como objetivos: la caracterización espacial de variables relevantes (temperatura (T), humedad relativa (HR)) en la incubadora comercial durante el proceso de incubación, la determinación de la relación existente entre la evolución de variables ambientales durante el proceso de incubación y la tasa de nacimientos (35-77%), así como el diseño y evaluación del sistema de apoyo solar térmico para determinar su potencial de utilización durante las incubaciones comerciales. La instalación de un número limitado de sensores permite la monitorización precisa del proceso de incubación de los huevos. Los resultados más relevantes indican que en incubaciones comerciales los gradientes de T y HR han sido despreciables (1ºC de diferencia entre las posiciones con mayor y menor T media y un 4,5% de diferencia entre las posiciones con mayor y menor HR), mientras que el seguimiento y ajuste (mediante modelos de crecimiento) de la concentración de CO2 (r2 entre 0,948 y 0,987 en las 5 incubaciones, para un total de 43315 huevos) permite valorar la actividad fisiológica de los huevos e incluso predecir la tasa de éxito (nacimientos), basándose en la concentración de CO2 estimada mediante modelos de crecimiento en el día 20 de incubación (r2 entre 0,997 y 0,994 según el modelo de estimación empleado). El sistema ha sido valorado muy positivamente por los productores (Finca Cinegética Dehesa Vieja de Galapagar). El aporte térmico se ha diseñado (con mínima intrusión en el sistema comercial) sobre la base de un sistema de enfriamiento de emergencia original de la incubadora, al que se han incorporado un colector solar, un depósito, un sistema de electroválvulas, una bomba de circulación y sensores de T en distintos puntos del sistema, y cuyo control ha sido automatizado. En esta Tesis se muestra que la contribución solar puede aportar hasta un 42% de las demandas de energía en nuestras condiciones geográficas para una temperatura de consigna dentro de la incubadora de 36.8ºC, sin afectar a la estabilidad de la temperatura. Además, el rendimiento del colector solar se ha acotado entre un 44% y un 85%, de acuerdo con los cálculos termodinámicos; valores que se mantienen dentro del rango aportado por el fabricante (61%). En el futuro se plantea evaluar el efecto de distintas estrategias de control, tales como controladores difusos, que incorporan el conocimiento experto al control automático. ABSTRACT The partridge is the quintessential game species in the Iberian Peninsula, which controlled breeding and release, began to be regulated in the 70s with the emergence of ICONA. The controlled incubation of eggs is essential, and takes place in commercial incubators of small and medium scale, distributed in rural areas with limited and/or inadequate access to power. In our latitudes the contribution of solar thermal energy is emerging as a possibility to improve the energy efficiency of the facilities and to reduce external energy dependence. There are various physicochemical factors influencing the quality of incubation: temperature, relative humidity and concentration of gases, of which only the first two are typically monitored and controlled in such incubators. This PhD comes within the framework of two cooperation projects with AECID and aims: the spatial characterization of relevant variables in a commercial incubator (temperature (T), and relative humidity (HR)), determining the relationships in the changes in environmental variables during incubation and birth rates (35-77%) as well as the design and evaluation of solar thermal support system to determine its potential use during commercial incubations; the installation of a limited number of sensors has allowed accurate monitoring of incubation of eggs. The most relevant results indicate that in commercial incubations, the gradients in T and HR have been negligible (1°C difference between the highest and lowest positions T and average 4.5% difference between the highest and lowest positions HR), while monitoring and fit using growth models of the concentration of CO2 (r2 between 0.948 and 0.987 in 5 incubations, for a total amount of 43,315 eggs) allows assessing the physiological activity of the eggs and even predict the success rate (hatchability), based on the estimated concentration of CO2 by using growth models on day 20 of incubation (r2 between 0.997 and 0.994 depending on the fit model).The system has been highly valued by producers (Finca Cinegética Dehesa Vieja de Galapagar). The hybrid heat system is designed (with minimal intrusion into the commercial system) based on an emergency cooling device, original in the incubator. New elements have been incorporated: a solar collector, a tank, a system of solenoid valves, a circulating pump and T sensors at various points of the system, whose control has been automated. This PhD shows that the solar contribution is responsible for up to 42% of energy demands in our geographical conditions for a setpoint temperature inside the incubator of 36.8ºC, without questioning the stability of the temperature. Furthermore, the efficiency of the solar collector has been bounded between 44% and 85%, according to thermodynamic calculations; values remain within the range provided by the manufacturer (61%). In the future it is proposed to evaluate the effect of different control strategies, such as fuzzy controllers, which incorporate the expertise to automated control.
En este escrito se pretende llevar a cabo la realización de un proyecto técnico sobre eficiencia energética en edificios. El proyecto comienza con el estudio de la demanda térmica de un edificio, es decir, de sus necesidades de calefacción, refrigeración y agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). Una vez realizado este análisis, se procede al estudio de distintas alternativas para la disminución del coste asociado al consumo energético del edificio, las cuales son: mejora del aislamiento de la envolvente térmica del edificio, instalación de colectores solares para la producción de ACS y el cambio de los quemadores de las calderas. De estas medidas se han presupuestado aquellas que poseen un bajo periodo de retorno de la inversión, y se ha desarrollado su planificación, programación temporal y análisis económico. ABSTRACT In this document is pretended to be carry out the performance of a technical project about energy efficiency in buildings. The project begins with the study of the thermal demand of the building, that is to say, the heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) needs. Once the analysis has been done, is proceeded the study of different alternatives for diminishing the cost associate to the building energy consumption, which are: improvement of the insulation of the building, solar collector installation to produce DHW and change of the burner of the boilers. Among this measures, has been budgeted the ones that possess a low invest pay-back, and it is been developed their planning, their temporal programming and their economic analysis.
El siguiente proyecto lleva a cabo un estudio sobre la eficiencia energética en una vivienda unifamiliar basándose en la legislación actual europea y española. Para empezar se obtendrá la calificación energética del inmueble mediante el programa informático de la opción simplificada CE3X. A continuación se proporcionará un estudio con las medidas de mejora más adecuadas para mejorar la eficiencia energética de la vivienda, las medidas que se llevarán a cabo serán: la mejora de la envolvente térmica, mejorando el aislamiento de la fachada y la sustitución de ventanas, la instalación de una caldera de biomasa y la instalación de un sistema de colectores solares para cubrir la demanda de calefacción y ACS. Para finalizar se realiza un presupuesto de las medidas de mejoras propuestas, así como un análisis económico y una planificación y programación temporal. ABSTRACT The object of this Project is to carry out a study on the energy efficiency of a single family home in accordance with the present European and Spanish legislation. The first step is to obtain the home energy efficiency by means of a CE3X computer program. The second step is a study with the most appropriate improvement measures is provided in order to improve the home energy efficiency. The measures to be carried out will be as follows: improving the heat insulation, as well as, the facade heat insulation and replacing the windows, installing a biomass heating system and a solar collector in order to satisfy the heating and domestic hot water (DHW) demands. Finally a budget with the proposed improvement measures is made as well as a financial analysis and a time planning and programming of the project.
Esta tesis pretende contribuir al fomento y utilización de la energía solar como alternativa para la producción de agua caliente en el sector agroindustrial. La demanda de agua caliente es un aspecto clave en un gran número de agroindustrias y explotaciones agrarias. Esta demanda presenta una gran variabilidad, tanto en los horarios en que se solicita como en la temperatura del agua del depósito requerida (TADr), difiriendo del perfil de demanda habitual para uso doméstico. Existe una necesidad de profundizar en la influencia que tiene la variación de la TADr en la eficiencia y viabilidad de estos sistemas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es caracterizar el funcionamiento de un sistema solar térmico (SST) con captador de tubos de vacío (CTV) para producir agua a temperaturas superiores a las habituales en estos sistemas. Se pretende determinar la influencia que la TADr tiene sobre la eficiencia energética del sistema, cuantificar el volumen de agua caliente que es capaz de suministrar en función de la TADr y determinar la rentabilidad del SST como sistema complementario de suministro. Para ello, se ha diseñado, instalado y puesto a punto un sistema experimental de calentamiento de agua, monitorizando su funcionamiento a diferentes TADr bajo condiciones ambientales reales. Los resultados cuantifican cómo el aumento de la TADr provoca una disminución de la energía suministrada al depósito, pudiendo superar diferencias de 1000 Wh m-2 d-1 entre 40 ºC y 80 ºC, para valores de irradiación solar próximos a 8000 Wh m-2 d-1 (la eficiencia del sistema oscila entre 73% y 56%). Esta reducción es consecuencia de la disminución de la eficiencia del captador y del aumento de las pérdidas de calor en las tuberías del circuito. En cuanto al agua suministrada, cuanto mayor es la TADr, mayor es la irradiación solar requerida para que tenga lugar la primera descarga de agua, aumentando el tiempo entre descargas y disminuyendo el número de éstas a lo largo del día. A medida que se incrementa la TADr, se produce una reducción del volumen de agua suministrado a la TADr, por factores como la pérdida de eficiencia del captador, las pérdidas en las tuberías, la energía acumulada en el agua que no alcanza la TADr y la mayor energía extraída del sistema en el agua producida. Para una TADr de 80 ºC, una parte importante de la energía permanece acumulada en el depósito sin alcanzar la TADr al final del día. Para aprovechar esta energía sería necesario disponer de un sistema complementario de suministro, ya que las pérdidas de calor nocturnas en el depósito pueden reducir considerablemente la energía útil disponible al día siguiente. La utilización del sistema solar como sistema único de suministro es inviable en la mayoría de los casos, especialmente a TADr elevadas, al no ajustarse la demanda de agua caliente a la estacionalidad de la producción del sistema solar, y al existir muchos días sin producción de agua caliente por la ausencia de irradiación mínima. Por el contrario, la inversión del sistema solar como sistema complementario para suministrar parte de la demanda térmica de una instalación es altamente recomendable. La energía útil anual del sistema solar estimada oscila entre 1322 kWh m-2 y 1084 kWh m-2. La mayor rentabilidad se obtendría suponiendo la existencia de una caldera eléctrica, donde la inversión se recuperaría en pocos años -entre 5.7 años a 40 ºC y 7.2 años a 80 ºC -. La rentabilidad también es elevada suponiendo la existencia de una caldera de gasóleo, con periodos de recuperación inferiores a 10 años. En una industria ficticia con demanda de 100 kWh d-1 y caldera de gasóleo existente, la inversión en una instalación solar optimizada sería rentable a cualquier TADr, con valores de VAN cercanos a la inversión realizada -12000 € a 80 ºC y 15000€ a 40 ºC- y un plazo de recuperación de la inversión entre 8 y 10 años. Los resultados de este estudio pueden ser de gran utilidad a la hora de determinar la viabilidad de utilización de sistemas similares para suministrar la demanda de agua caliente de agroindustrias y explotaciones agropecuarias, o para otras aplicaciones en las que se demande agua a temperaturas distintas de la habitual en uso doméstico (60 ºC). En cada caso, los rendimientos y la rentabilidad vendrán determinados por la irradiación de la zona, la temperatura del agua requerida y la curva de demanda de los procesos específicos. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development and use of solar energy as an alternative for producing hot water in the agribusiness sector. Hot water supply is a key issue for a great many agribusinesses and agricultural holdings. Both hot water demand times and required tank water temperature (rTWT) are highly variable, where the demand profile tends to differ from domestic use. Further research is needed on how differences in rTWT influence the performance and feasibility of these systems. The main objective of this thesis is to characterize the performance and test the feasibility of an evacuated tube collector (ETC) solar water heating (SWH) system providing water at a higher temperature than is usual for such systems. The aim is to determine what influence the rTWT has on the system’s energy efficiency, quantify the volume of hot water that the system is capable of supplying at the respective rTWT and establish whether SWH is feasible as a booster supply system for the different analysed rTWTs. To do this, a prototype water heating system has been designed, installed and commissioned and its performance monitored at different rTWTs under real operating conditions. The quantitative results show that a higher rTWT results in a lower energy supply to the tank, where the differences may be greater than 1000 Wh m-2 d-1 from 40 ºC to 80 ºC for insolation values of around 8000 Wh m-2 d-1 (system efficiency ranges from 73% to 56%). The drop in supply is due to lower collector efficiency and greater heat losses from the pipe system. As regards water supplied at the rTWT, the insolation required for the first withdrawal of water to take place is greater at higher rTWTs, where the time between withdrawals increases and the number of withdrawals decreases throughout the day. As rTWT increases, the volume of water supplied at the rTWT decreases due to factors such as lower collector efficiency, pipe system heat losses, energy stored in the water at below the rTWT and more energy being extracted from the system by water heating. For a rTWT of 80 ºC, much of the energy is stored in the tank at below the rTWT at the end of the day. A booster supply system would be required to take advantage of this energy, as overnight tank heat losses may significantly reduce the usable energy available on the following day. It is often not feasible to use the solar system as a single supply system, especially at high rTWTs, as, unlike the supply from the solar heating system which does not produce hot water on many days of the year because insolation is below the required minimum, hot water demand is not seasonal. On the other hand, investment in a solar system as a booster system to meet part of a plant’s heat energy demand is highly recommended. The solar system’s estimated annual usable energy ranges from 1322 kWh m-2 to 1084 kWh m-2. Cost efficiency would be greatest if there were an existing electric boiler, where the payback period would be just a few years —from 5.7 years at 40 ºC to 7.2 years at 80 ºC—. Cost efficiency is also high if there is an existing diesel boiler with payback periods of under 10 years. In a fictitious industry with a demand of 100 kWh day-1 and an existing diesel boiler, the investment in the solar plant would be highly recommended at any rTWT, with a net present value similar to investment costs —12000 € at 80 ºC and 15000 € at 40 ºC— and a payback period of 10 years. The results of this study are potentially very useful for determining the feasibility of using similar systems for meeting the hot water demand of agribusinesses and arable and livestock farms or for other applications demanding water at temperatures not typical of domestic demand (60ºC). Performance and cost efficiency will be determined by the regional insolation, the required water temperature and the demand curve of the specific processes in each case.
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants typically incorporate one or various auxiliary boilers operating in parallel to the solar field to facilitate start up operations, provide system stability, avoid freezing of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and increase generation capacity. The environmental performance of these plants is highly influenced by the energy input and the type of auxiliary fuel, which in most cases is natural gas (NG). Replacing the NG with biogas or biomethane (BM) in commercial CSP installations is being considered as a means to produce electricity that is fully renewable and free from fossil inputs. Despite their renewable nature, the use of these biofuels also generates environmental impacts that need to be adequately identified and quantified. This paper investigates the environmental performance of a commercial wet-cooled parabolic trough 50 MWe CSP plant in Spain operating according to two strategies: solar-only, with minimum technically viable energy non-solar contribution; and hybrid operation, where 12 % of the electricity derives from auxiliary fuels (as permitted by Spanish legislation). The analysis was based on standard Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (ISO 14040-14040). The technical viability and the environmental profile of operating the CSP plant with different auxiliary fuels was evaluated, including: NG; biogas from an adjacent plant; and BM withdrawn from the gas network. The effect of using different substrates (biowaste, sewage sludge, grass and a mix of biowaste with animal manure) for the production of the biofuels was also investigated. The results showed that NG is responsible for most of the environmental damage associated with the operation of the plant in hybrid mode. Replacing NG with biogas resulted in a significant improvement of the environmental performance of the installation, primarily due to reduced impact in the following categories: natural land transformation, depletion of fossil resources, and climate change. However, despite the renewable nature of the biofuels, other environmental categories like human toxicity, eutrophication, acidification and marine ecotoxicity scored higher when using biogas and BM.
Concentrator photovoltaic is an emergent technology that may be a good economical and efficient alternative for the generation of electricity at a competitive cost. However, the reliability of these new solar cells and systems is still an open issue due to the high-irradiation level they are subjected to as well as the electrical and thermal stresses that they are expected to endure. To evaluate the reliability in a short period of time, accelerated aging tests are essential. Thermal aging tests for concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and systems under illumination are not available because no technical solution to the problem of reaching the working concentration inside a climatic chamber has been available. This work presents an automatic instrumentation system that overcomes the aforementioned limitation. Working conditions have been simulated by forward biasing the solar cells to the current they would handle at the working concentration (in this case, 700 and 1050 times the irradiance at one standard sun). The instrumentation system has been deployed for more than 10 000 h in a thermal aging test for III-V concentrator solar cells, in which the generated power evolution at different temperatures has been monitored. As a result of this test, the acceleration factor has been calculated, thus allowing for the degradation evolution at any temperature in addition to normal working conditions to be obtained.
The heterogeneous incoming heat flux in solar parabolic trough absorber tubes generates huge temperature difference in each pipe section. Helical internal fins can reduce this effect, homogenising the temperature profile and reducing thermal stress with the drawback of increasing pressure drop. Another effect is the decreasing of the outer surface temperature and thermal losses, improving the thermal efficiency of the collector. The application of internal finned tubes for the design of parabolic trough collectors is analysed with computational fluid dynamics tools. Our numerical approach has been qualified with the computational estimation of reported experimental data regarding phenomena involved in finned tube applications and solar irradiation of parabolic trough collector. The application of finned tubes to the design of parabolic trough collectors must take into account issues as the pressure losses, thermal losses and thermo-mechanical stress, and thermal fatigue. Our analysis shows an improvement potential in parabolic trough solar plants efficiency by the application of internal finned tubes.
Commercial aluminium foam filled structures and sandwich panels are available for structural applications. As alternative to these materials, small granular foamed pieces are proposed to fill structures as well as sandwich panels. On the present work, foam precursors are obtained by Powder Metallurgy (PM) route, using natural calcium carbonate as foaming agent instead of titanium hydride. Extruded precursor bars were cut into small pieces (around 4.5 mm long and 5mm in diameter). Foaming treatment was carried out on two different ways: electrical preheated furnace and by solar furnace. Foamed nodules presented a low cell size, density e.g. 0.67 g/cm3 to 0.88 g/cm3 and a height/diameter ratio between 0.72 and 0.84 as a function of precursor size. These properties depend on the foaming particle size, foaming cycle and precursor dimensions. Carbonate precursors are easily foamed by concentrated solar energy, due to the lower risk of cell collapse than with hydride precursors, resulting from cell stabilization by oxide skin formation into cells and a low degree of foamed nodules bonding.
In the Laser-Fired Contact (LFC) process, a laser beam fires a metallic layer through a dielectric passivating layer into the silicon wafer to form an electrical contact with the silicon bulk [1]. This laser technique is an interesting alternative for the fabrication of both laboratory and industrial scale high efficiency passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC). One of the principal characteristics of this promising technique is the capability to reduce the recombination losses at the rear surface in crystalline silicon solar cells. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize LFC because this process is one of the most promising concepts to produce rear side point contacts at process speeds compatible with the final industrial application. In that sense, this work investigates the optimization of LFC processing to improve the back contact in silicon solar cells using fully commercial solid state lasers with pulse width in the ns range, thus studying the influence of the wavelength using the three first harmonics (corresponding to wavelengths of 1064 nm, 532 nm and 355 nm). Previous studies of our group focused their attention in other processing parameters as laser fluence, number of pulses, passivating material [2, 3] thickness of the rear metallic contact [4], etc. In addition, the present work completes the parametric optimization by assessing the influence of the laser wavelength on the contact property. In particular we report results on the morphology and electrical behaviour of samples specifically designed to assess the quality of the process. In order to study the influence of the laser wavelength on the contact feature we used as figure of merit the specific contact resistance. In all processes the best results have been obtained using green (532 nm) and UV (355 nm), with excellent values for this magnitude far below 1 mΩcm2.
Laser processing has been the tool of choice last years to develop improved concepts in contact formation for high efficiency crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells. New concepts based on standard laser fired contacts (LFC) or advanced laser doping (LD) techniques are optimal solutions for both the front and back contacts of a number of structures with growing interest in the c-Si PV industry. Nowadays, substantial efforts are underway to optimize these processes in order to be applied industrially in high efficiency concepts. However a critical issue in these devices is that, most of them, demand a very low thermal input during the fabrication sequence and a minimal damage of the structure during the laser irradiation process. Keeping these two objectives in mind, in this work we discuss the possibility of using laser-based processes to contact the rear side of silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells in an approach fully compatible with the low temperature processing associated to these devices. First we discuss the possibility of using standard LFC techniques in the fabrication of SHJ cells on p-type substrates, studying in detail the effect of the laser wavelength on the contact quality. Secondly, we present an alternative strategy bearing in mind that a real challenge in the rear contact formation is to reduce the damage induced by the laser irradiation. This new approach is based on local laser doping techniques previously developed by our groups, to contact the rear side of p-type c-Si solar cells by means of laser processing before rear metallization of dielectric stacks containing Al2O3. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of using this new approach in SHJ cells with a distinct advantage over other standard LFC techniques.
El objetivo de la tesis es investigar los beneficios que el atrapamiento de la luz mediante fenómenos difractivos puede suponer para las células solares de silicio cristalino y las de banda intermedia. Ambos tipos de células adolecen de una insuficiente absorción de fotones en alguna región del espectro solar. Las células solares de banda intermedia son teóricamente capaces de alcanzar eficiencias mucho mayores que los dispositivos convencionales (con una sola banda energética prohibida), pero los prototipos actuales se resienten de una absorción muy débil de los fotones con energías menores que la banda prohibida. Del mismo modo, las células solares de silicio cristalino absorben débilmente en el infrarrojo cercano debido al carácter indirecto de su banda prohibida. Se ha prestado mucha atención a este problema durante las últimas décadas, de modo que todas las células solares de silicio cristalino comerciales incorporan alguna forma de atrapamiento de luz. Por razones de economía, en la industria se persigue el uso de obleas cada vez más delgadas, con lo que el atrapamiento de la luz adquiere más importancia. Por tanto aumenta el interés en las estructuras difractivas, ya que podrían suponer una mejora sobre el estado del arte. Se comienza desarrollando un método de cálculo con el que simular células solares equipadas con redes de difracción. En este método, la red de difracción se analiza en el ámbito de la óptica física, mediante análisis riguroso con ondas acopladas (rigorous coupled wave analysis), y el sustrato de la célula solar, ópticamente grueso, se analiza en los términos de la óptica geométrica. El método se ha implementado en ordenador y se ha visto que es eficiente y da resultados en buen acuerdo con métodos diferentes descritos por otros autores. Utilizando el formalismo matricial así derivado, se calcula el límite teórico superior para el aumento de la absorción en células solares mediante el uso de redes de difracción. Este límite se compara con el llamado límite lambertiano del atrapamiento de la luz y con el límite absoluto en sustratos gruesos. Se encuentra que las redes biperiódicas (con geometría hexagonal o rectangular) pueden producir un atrapamiento mucho mejor que las redes uniperiódicas. El límite superior depende mucho del periodo de la red. Para periodos grandes, las redes son en teoría capaces de alcanzar el máximo atrapamiento, pero sólo si las eficiencias de difracción tienen una forma peculiar que parece inalcanzable con las herramientas actuales de diseño. Para periodos similares a la longitud de onda de la luz incidente, las redes de difracción pueden proporcionar atrapamiento por debajo del máximo teórico pero por encima del límite Lambertiano, sin imponer requisitos irrealizables a la forma de las eficiencias de difracción y en un margen de longitudes de onda razonablemente amplio. El método de cálculo desarrollado se usa también para diseñar y optimizar redes de difracción para el atrapamiento de la luz en células solares. La red propuesta consiste en un red hexagonal de pozos cilíndricos excavados en la cara posterior del sustrato absorbente de la célula solar. La red se encapsula en una capa dieléctrica y se cubre con un espejo posterior. Se simula esta estructura para una célula solar de silicio y para una de banda intermedia y puntos cuánticos. Numéricamente, se determinan los valores óptimos del periodo de la red y de la profundidad y las dimensiones laterales de los pozos para ambos tipos de células. Los valores se explican utilizando conceptos físicos sencillos, lo que nos permite extraer conclusiones generales que se pueden aplicar a células de otras tecnologías. Las texturas con redes de difracción se fabrican en sustratos de silicio cristalino mediante litografía por nanoimpresión y ataque con iones reactivos. De los cálculos precedentes, se conoce el periodo óptimo de la red que se toma como una constante de diseño. Los sustratos se procesan para obtener estructuras precursoras de células solares sobre las que se realizan medidas ópticas. Las medidas de reflexión en función de la longitud de onda confirman que las redes cuadradas biperiódicas consiguen mejor atrapamiento que las uniperiódicas. Las estructuras fabricadas se simulan con la herramienta de cálculo descrita en los párrafos precedentes y se obtiene un buen acuerdo entre la medida y los resultados de la simulación. Ésta revela que una fracción significativa de los fotones incidentes son absorbidos en el reflector posterior de aluminio, y por tanto desaprovechados, y que este efecto empeora por la rugosidad del espejo. Se desarrolla un método alternativo para crear la capa dieléctrica que consigue que el reflector se deposite sobre una superficie plana, encontrándose que en las muestras preparadas de esta manera la absorción parásita en el espejo es menor. La siguiente tarea descrita en la tesis es el estudio de la absorción de fotones en puntos cuánticos semiconductores. Con la aproximación de masa efectiva, se calculan los niveles de energía de los estados confinados en puntos cuánticos de InAs/GaAs. Se emplea un método de una y de cuatro bandas para el cálculo de la función de onda de electrones y huecos, respectivamente; en el último caso se utiliza un hamiltoniano empírico. La regla de oro de Fermi permite obtener la intensidad de las transiciones ópticas entre los estados confinados. Se investiga el efecto de las dimensiones del punto cuántico en los niveles de energía y la intensidad de las transiciones y se obtiene que, al disminuir la anchura del punto cuántico respecto a su valor en los prototipos actuales, se puede conseguir una transición más intensa entre el nivel intermedio fundamental y la banda de conducción. Tomando como datos de partida los niveles de energía y las intensidades de las transiciones calculados como se ha explicado, se desarrolla un modelo de equilibrio o balance detallado realista para células solares de puntos cuánticos. Con el modelo se calculan las diferentes corrientes debidas a transiciones ópticas entre los numerosos niveles intermedios y las bandas de conducción y de valencia bajo ciertas condiciones. Se distingue de modelos de equilibrio detallado previos, usados para calcular límites de eficiencia, en que se adoptan suposiciones realistas sobre la absorción de fotones para cada transición. Con este modelo se reproducen datos publicados de eficiencias cuánticas experimentales a diferentes temperaturas con un acuerdo muy bueno. Se muestra que el conocido fenómeno del escape térmico de los puntos cuánticos es de naturaleza fotónica; se debe a los fotones térmicos, que inducen transiciones entre los estados excitados que se encuentran escalonados en energía entre el estado intermedio fundamental y la banda de conducción. En el capítulo final, este modelo realista de equilibrio detallado se combina con el método de simulación de redes de difracción para predecir el efecto que tendría incorporar una red de difracción en una célula solar de banda intermedia y puntos cuánticos. Se ha de optimizar cuidadosamente el periodo de la red para equilibrar el aumento de las diferentes transiciones intermedias, que tienen lugar en serie. Debido a que la absorción en los puntos cuánticos es extremadamente débil, se deduce que el atrapamiento de la luz, por sí solo, no es suficiente para conseguir corrientes apreciables a partir de fotones con energía menor que la banda prohibida en las células con puntos cuánticos. Se requiere una combinación del atrapamiento de la luz con un incremento de la densidad de puntos cuánticos. En el límite radiativo y sin atrapamiento de la luz, se necesitaría que el número de puntos cuánticos de una célula solar se multiplicara por 1000 para superar la eficiencia de una célula de referencia con una sola banda prohibida. En cambio, una célula con red de difracción precisaría un incremento del número de puntos en un factor 10 a 100, dependiendo del nivel de la absorción parásita en el reflector posterior. Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the benefits that diffractive light trapping can offer to quantum dot intermediate band solar cells and crystalline silicon solar cells. Both solar cell technologies suffer from incomplete photon absorption in some part of the solar spectrum. Quantum dot intermediate band solar cells are theoretically capable of achieving much higher efficiencies than conventional single-gap devices. Present prototypes suffer from extremely weak absorption of subbandgap photons in the quantum dots. This problem has received little attention so far, yet it is a serious barrier to the technology approaching its theoretical efficiency limit. Crystalline silicon solar cells absorb weakly in the near infrared due to their indirect bandgap. This problem has received much attention over recent decades, and all commercial crystalline silicon solar cells employ some form of light trapping. With the industry moving toward thinner and thinner wafers, light trapping is becoming of greater importance and diffractive structures may offer an improvement over the state-of-the-art. We begin by constructing a computational method with which to simulate solar cells equipped with diffraction grating textures. The method employs a wave-optical treatment of the diffraction grating, via rigorous coupled wave analysis, with a geometric-optical treatment of the thick solar cell bulk. These are combined using a steady-state matrix formalism. The method has been implemented computationally, and is found to be efficient and to give results in good agreement with alternative methods from other authors. The theoretical upper limit to absorption enhancement in solar cells using diffractions gratings is calculated using the matrix formalism derived in the previous task. This limit is compared to the so-called Lambertian limit for light trapping with isotropic scatterers, and to the absolute upper limit to light trapping in bulk absorbers. It is found that bi-periodic gratings (square or hexagonal geometry) are capable of offering much better light trapping than uni-periodic line gratings. The upper limit depends strongly on the grating period. For large periods, diffraction gratings are theoretically able to offer light trapping at the absolute upper limit, but only if the scattering efficiencies have a particular form, which is deemed to be beyond present design capabilities. For periods similar to the incident wavelength, diffraction gratings can offer light trapping below the absolute limit but above the Lambertian limit without placing unrealistic demands on the exact form of the scattering efficiencies. This is possible for a reasonably broad wavelength range. The computational method is used to design and optimise diffraction gratings for light trapping in solar cells. The proposed diffraction grating consists of a hexagonal lattice of cylindrical wells etched into the rear of the bulk solar cell absorber. This is encapsulated in a dielectric buffer layer, and capped with a rear reflector. Simulations are made of this grating profile applied to a crystalline silicon solar cell and to a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell. The grating period, well depth, and lateral well dimensions are optimised numerically for both solar cell types. This yields the optimum parameters to be used in fabrication of grating equipped solar cells. The optimum parameters are explained using simple physical concepts, allowing us to make more general statements that can be applied to other solar cell technologies. Diffraction grating textures are fabricated on crystalline silicon substrates using nano-imprint lithography and reactive ion etching. The optimum grating period from the previous task has been used as a design parameter. The substrates have been processed into solar cell precursors for optical measurements. Reflection spectroscopy measurements confirm that bi-periodic square gratings offer better absorption enhancement than uni-periodic line gratings. The fabricated structures have been simulated with the previously developed computation tool, with good agreement between measurement and simulation results. The simulations reveal that a significant amount of the incident photons are absorbed parasitically in the rear reflector, and that this is exacerbated by the non-planarity of the rear reflector. An alternative method of depositing the dielectric buffer layer was developed, which leaves a planar surface onto which the reflector is deposited. It was found that samples prepared in this way suffered less from parasitic reflector absorption. The next task described in the thesis is the study of photon absorption in semiconductor quantum dots. The bound-state energy levels of in InAs/GaAs quantum dots is calculated using the effective mass approximation. A one- and four- band method is applied to the calculation of electron and hole wavefunctions respectively, with an empirical Hamiltonian being employed in the latter case. The strength of optical transitions between the bound states is calculated using the Fermi golden rule. The effect of the quantum dot dimensions on the energy levels and transition strengths is investigated. It is found that a strong direct transition between the ground intermediate state and the conduction band can be promoted by decreasing the quantum dot width from its value in present prototypes. This has the added benefit of reducing the ladder of excited states between the ground state and the conduction band, which may help to reduce thermal escape of electrons from quantum dots: an undesirable phenomenon from the point of view of the open circuit voltage of an intermediate band solar cell. A realistic detailed balance model is developed for quantum dot solar cells, which uses as input the energy levels and transition strengths calculated in the previous task. The model calculates the transition currents between the many intermediate levels and the valence and conduction bands under a given set of conditions. It is distinct from previous idealised detailed balance models, which are used to calculate limiting efficiencies, since it makes realistic assumptions about photon absorption by each transition. The model is used to reproduce published experimental quantum efficiency results at different temperatures, with quite good agreement. The much-studied phenomenon of thermal escape from quantum dots is found to be photonic; it is due to thermal photons, which induce transitions between the ladder of excited states between the ground intermediate state and the conduction band. In the final chapter, the realistic detailed balance model is combined with the diffraction grating simulation method to predict the effect of incorporating a diffraction grating into a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell. Careful optimisation of the grating period is made to balance the enhancement given to the different intermediate transitions, which occur in series. Due to the extremely weak absorption in the quantum dots, it is found that light trapping alone is not sufficient to achieve high subbandgap currents in quantum dot solar cells. Instead, a combination of light trapping and increased quantum dot density is required. Within the radiative limit, a quantum dot solar cell with no light trapping requires a 1000 fold increase in the number of quantum dots to supersede the efficiency of a single-gap reference cell. A quantum dot solar cell equipped with a diffraction grating requires between a 10 and 100 fold increase in the number of quantum dots, depending on the level of parasitic absorption in the rear reflector.
Direct Steam Generation (DSG) in Linear Fresnel (LF) solar collectors is being consolidated as a feasible technology for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants. The competitiveness of this technology relies on the following main features: water as heat transfer fluid (HTF) in Solar Field (SF), obtaining high superheated steam temperatures and pressures at turbine inlet (500ºC and 90 bar), no heat tracing required to avoid HTF freezing, no HTF degradation, no environmental impacts, any heat exchanger between SF and Balance Of Plant (BOP), and low cost installation and maintenance. Regarding to LF solar collectors, were recently developed as an alternative to Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) technology. The main advantages of LF are: the reduced collector manufacturing cost and maintenance, linear mirrors shapes versus parabolic mirror, fixed receiver pipes (no ball joints reducing leaking for high pressures), lower susceptibility to wind damages, and light supporting structures allowing reduced driving devices. Companies as Novatec, Areva, Solar Euromed, etc., are investing in LF DSG technology and constructing different pilot plants to demonstrate the benefits and feasibility of this solution for defined locations and conditions (Puerto Errado 1 and 2 in Murcia Spain, Lidellin Newcastle Australia, Kogran Creek in South West Queensland Australia, Kimberlina in Bakersfield California USA, Llo Solar in Pyrénées France,Dhursar in India,etc). There are several critical decisions that must be taken in order to obtain a compromise and optimization between plant performance, cost, and durability. Some of these decisions go through the SF design: proper thermodynamic operational parameters, receiver material selection for high pressures, phase separators and recirculation pumps number and location, pipes distribution to reduce the amount of tubes (reducing possible leaks points and transient time, etc.), etc. Attending to these aspects, the correct design parameters selection and its correct assessment are the main target for designing DSG LF power plants. For this purpose in the recent few years some commercial software tools were developed to simulatesolar thermal power plants, the most focused on LF DSG design are Thermoflex and System Advisor Model (SAM). Once the simulation tool is selected,it is made the study of the proposed SFconfiguration that constitutes the main innovation of this work, and also a comparison with one of the most typical state-of-the-art configuration. The transient analysis must be simulated with high detail level, mainly in the BOP during start up, shut down, stand by, and partial loads are crucial, to obtain the annual plant performance. An innovative SF configurationwas proposed and analyzed to improve plant performance. Finally it was demonstrated thermal inertia and BOP regulation mode are critical points in low sun irradiation day plant behavior, impacting in annual performance depending on power plant location.
Many efforts have been made in order to adequate the production of a solar thermal collector field to the consumption of domestic hot water of the inhabitants of a building. In that sense, much has been achieved in different domains: research agencies, government policies and manufacturers. However, most of the design rules of the solar plants are based on steady state models, whereas solar irradiance, consumption and thermal accumulation are inherently transient processes. As a result of this lack of physical accuracy, thermal storage tanks are sometimes left to be as large as the designer decides without any aforementioned precise recommendation. This can be a problem if solar thermal systems are meant to be implemented in nowadays buildings, where there is a shortage of space. In addition to that, an excessive storage volume could not result more efficient in many residential applications, but costly, extreme in space consumption and in some cases too heavy. A proprietary transient simulation program has been developed and validated with a detailed measurement campaign in an experimental facility. In situ environmental data have been obtained through a whole year of operation. They have been gathered at intervals of 10 min for a solar plant of 50 m2 with a storage tank of 3 m3, including the equipment for domestic hot water production of a typical apartment building. This program has been used to obtain the design and dimensioning criteria of DHW solar plants under daily transient conditions throughout a year and more specifically the size of the storage tank for a multi storey apartment building. Comparison of the simulation results with the current Spanish regulation applicable, “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE 2006), offers fruitful details and establishes solar facilities dimensioning criteria.
The engineering of solar power applications, such as photovoltaic energy (PV) or thermal solar energy requires the knowledge of the solar resource available for the solar energy system. This solar resource is generally obtained from datasets, and is either measured by ground-stations, through the use of pyranometers, or by satellites. The solar irradiation data are generally not free, and their cost can be high, in particular if high temporal resolution is required, such as hourly data. In this work, we present an alternative method to provide free hourly global solar tilted irradiation data for the whole European territory through a web platform. The method that we have developed generates solar irradiation data from a combination of clear-sky simulations and weather conditions data. The results are publicly available for free through Soweda, a Web interface. To our knowledge, this is the first time that hourly solar irradiation data are made available online, in real-time, and for free, to the public. The accuracy of these data is not suitable for applications that require high data accuracy, but can be very useful for other applications that only require a rough estimate of solar irradiation.
Linear Fresnel collector arrays present some relevant advantages in the domain of concentrating solar power because of their simplicity, robustness and low capital cost. However, they also present important drawbacks and limitations, notably their average concentration ratio, which seems to limit significantly the performance of these systems. First, the paper addresses the problem of characterizing the mirror field configuration assuming hourly data of a typical year, in reference to a configuration similar to that of Fresdemo. For a proper comparative study, it is necessary to define a comparison criterion. In that sense, a new variable is defined, the useful energy efficiency, which only accounts for the radiation that impinges on the receiver with intensities above a reference value. As a second step, a comparative study between central linear Fresnel reflectors and compact linear Fresnel reflectors is carried out. This analysis shows that compact linear Fresnel reflectors minimize blocking and shading losses compared to a central configuration. However this minimization is not enough to overcome other negative effects of the compact Fresnel collectors, as the greater dispersion of the rays reaching the receiver, caused by the fact that mirrors must be located farther from the receiver, which yields to lower efficiencies.