19 resultados para Acoustic surface wave devices.
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
We investigate the excitation and propagation of acoustic waves in polycrystalline aluminum nitride films along the directions parallel and normal to the c-axis. Longitudinal and transverse propagations are assessed through the frequency response of surface acoustic wave and bulk acoustic wave devices fabricated on films of different crystal qualities. The crystalline properties significantly affect the electromechanical coupling factors and acoustic properties of the piezoelectric layers. The presence of misoriented grains produces an overall decrease of the piezoelectric activity, degrading more severely the excitation and propagation of waves traveling transversally to the c-axis. It is suggested that the presence of such crystalline defects in c-axis-oriented films reduces the mechanical coherence between grains and hinders the transverse deformation of the film when the electric field is applied parallel to the surface.
This work describes the assessment of the acoustic properties of sputtered tantalum oxide films intended as high impedance films for the acoustic isolation of bulk acoustic wave devices operating in the GHz frequency range. The films are grown by sputtering a metallic tantalum target under different oxygen and argon gas mixtures, total pressures, pulsed DC powers and substrate bias. The structural properties of the films are assessed through infrared absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements. Their acoustic impedance is obtained after estimating the mass density by X-ray reflectometry measurements and the longitudinal acoustic velocity by analyzing the longitudinal λ/2 resonance induced in a tantalum oxide film inserted between an acoustic reflector and an AlN-based resonator. A second measurement of the sound velocity is achieved through picosecond acoustic spectroscopy.
We present an analysis of the space-time dynamics of oceanic sea states exploiting stereo imaging techniques. In particular, a novel Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) has been developed and deployed at the oceanographic tower Acqua Alta in the Northern Adriatic Sea, off the Venice coast in Italy. The analysis of WASS video measurements yields accurate estimates of the oceanic sea state dynamics, the associated directional spectra and wave surface statistics that agree well with theoretical models. Finally, we show that a space-time extreme, defined as the expected largest surface wave height over an area, is considerably larger than the maximum crest observed in time at a point, in agreement with theoretical predictions.
Esta tesis que tiene por título "Contribución a los arrays de antenas activos en banda X", ha sido desarrollada por el estudiante de doctorado Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, ingeniero de telecomunicación en el Grupo de Radiación del Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones de la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de los doctores Manuel Sierra Castañer y José Manuel Fernández González. Esta tesis contiene un profundo estudio del arte en materia de antenas activas en el campo de apuntamiento electrónico. Este estudio comprende desde los fundamentos de este tipo de antenas, problemas de operación y limitaciones hasta los sistemas actuales más avanzados. En ella se identifican las partes críticas en el diseño y posteriormente se llevan a la práctica con el diseño, simulación y construcción de un subarray de una antena integrada en el fuselaje de un avión para comunicaciones multimedia por satélite que funciona en banda X. El prototipo consta de una red de distribución multihaz de banda ancha y una antena planar. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de aplicar nuevas técnicas al diseño de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico. Es por eso que las contribuciones originales son la aplicación de barreras electromagnéticas entre elementos radiantes para reducir los acoplamientos mutuos en arrays de exploración electrónica y el diseño de redes desfasadoras sencillas en las que no son necesarios complejos desfasadores para antenas multihaz. Hasta la fecha, las barreras electromagnéticas, Electronic Band Gap (EBG), se construyen en sustratos de permitividad alta con el fin de aumentar el espacio disponible entre elementos radiantes y reducir el tamaño de estas estructuras. Sin embargo, la utilización de sustratos de alta permitividad aumenta la propagación por ondas de superficie y con ellas el acoplo mutuo. Utilizando sustratos multicapa y colocando la vía de las estructuras en su borde, en vez de en su centro, se consigue reducir el tamaño sin necesidad de usar sustratos de alta permitividad, reducir la eficiencia de radiación de la antena o aumentar la propagación por ondas de superficie. La última parte de la tesis se dedica a las redes conmutadoras y desfasadoras para antenas multihaz. El diseño de las redes de distribución para antenas son una parte crítica ya que se comportan como un atenuador a la entrada de la cadena receptora, modificando en gran medida la figura de ruido del sistema. Las pérdidas de un desfasador digital varían con el desfase introducido, por ese motivo es necesario caracterizar y calibrar los dispositivos correctamente. Los trabajos presentados en este manuscrito constan de un desfasador reflectivo con un conmutador doble serie paralelo para igualar las pérdidas de inserción en los dos estados y también un conmutador de una entrada y dos salidas cuyos puertos están adaptados en todo momento independientemente del camino del conmutador para evitar las reflexiones y fugas entre redes o elementos radiantes. El tomo finaliza con un resumen de las publicaciones en revistas científicas y ponencias en congresos, nacionales e internacionales, el marco de trabajo en el que se ha desarrollado, las colaboraciones que se han realizado y las líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out in the Radiation Group of the Signals, Systems and Radiocomunications department of ETSI de Telecomunicación from Technical University of Madrid. Its title is "Contribution to active array antennas at X band" and it is developed by Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, Electrical Engineer MsC. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manuel Sierra Castañer and Dr. José Manuel Fernández González. This thesis is focused on active antennas, specifically multibeam and electronic steering antenas. In the first part of the thesis a thorough description of the state of the art is presented. This study compiles the fundamentals of this antennas, operation problems and limits, up to the breakthrough applications. The critical design problems are described to use them eventually in the design, simulation and prototyping of an airborne steering array antenna for satellite communication at X band. The main objective of this thesis is to apply new techniques to the design of electronically steering antennas. Therefore the new original contributions are the application of Electromagnetic Band Gap materials (EBG) between radiating elements to reduce the mutual coupling when phase shift between elements exist and phase shifting networks where special characteristics are required. So far, the EBG structures have been constructed with high permitivity substrates in order to increase the available space between radiating elements and reduce the size of the structures. However, the surface wave propagation modes are enhanced and therefore the mutual coupling increases when high permitivity substrates are used. By using multilayered substrates and edge location via, the size is reduced meanwhile low permitivity substrates are used without reducing the radiation efficiency or enhancing the surface propagation modes. The last part of the thesis is focused on the phase shifting distribution networks for multibeam antennas. This is a critical part in the antenna design because the insertion loss in the distribution network behaves as an attenuator located in the first place in a receiver chain. The insertion loss will affect directly to the receiver noise figure and the insertion loss in a phase shifter vary with the phase shift. Therefore the devices must be well characterized and calibrated in order to obtain a properly operation. The work developed in this thesis are a reflective phase shifter with a series-shunt switch in order to make symmetrical the insertion loss for the two states and a complex Single Pole Double Through (SPDT) with matched ports in order to reduce the reflections and leakage between feeding networks and radiating elements. The end of this Ph D. dissertation concludes with a summary of the publications in national and international conferences and scientific journals, the collaborations carried out along the thesis and the future research lines.
Computer Fluid Dynamics tools have already become a valuable instrument for Naval Architects during the ship design process, thanks to their accuracy and the available computer power. Unfortunately, the development of RANSE codes, generally used when viscous effects play a major role in the flow, has not reached a mature stage, being the accuracy of the turbulence models and the free surface representation the most important sources of uncertainty. Another level of uncertainty is added when the simulations are carried out for unsteady flows, as those generally studied in seakeeping and maneuvering analysis and URANS equations solvers are used. Present work shows the applicability and the benefits derived from the use of new approaches for the turbulence modeling (Detached Eddy Simulation) and the free surface representation (Level Set) on the URANS equations solver CFDSHIP-Iowa. Compared to URANS, DES is expected to predict much broader frequency contents and behave better in flows where boundary layer separation plays a major role. Level Set methods are able to capture very complex free surface geometries, including breaking and overturning waves. The performance of these improvements is tested in set of fairly complex flows, generated by a Wigley hull at pure drift motion, with drift angle ranging from 10 to 60 degrees and at several Froude numbers to study the impact of its variation. Quantitative verification and validation are performed with the obtained results to guarantee their accuracy. The results show the capability of the CFDSHIP-Iowa code to carry out time-accurate simulations of complex flows of extreme unsteady ship maneuvers. The Level Set method is able to capture very complex geometries of the free surface and the use of DES in unsteady simulations highly improves the results obtained. Vortical structures and instabilities as a function of the drift angle and Fr are qualitatively identified. Overall analysis of the flow pattern shows a strong correlation between the vortical structures and free surface wave pattern. Karman-like vortex shedding is identified and the scaled St agrees well with the universal St value. Tip vortices are identified and the associated helical instabilities are analyzed. St using the hull length decreases with the increase of the distance along the vortex core (x), which is similar to results from other simulations. However, St scaled using distance along the vortex cores shows strong oscillations compared to almost constants for those previous simulations. The difference may be caused by the effect of the free-surface, grid resolution, and interaction between the tip vortex and other vortical structures, which needs further investigations. This study is exploratory in the sense that finer grids are desirable and experimental data is lacking for large α, especially for the local flow. More recently, high performance computational capability of CFDSHIP-Iowa V4 has been improved such that large scale computations are possible. DES for DTMB 5415 with bilge keels at α = 20º were conducted using three grids with 10M, 48M and 250M points. DES analysis for flows around KVLCC2 at α = 30º is analyzed using a 13M grid and compared with the results of DES on the 1.6M grid by. Both studies are consistent with what was concluded on grid resolution herein since dominant frequencies for shear-layer, Karman-like, horse-shoe and helical instabilities only show marginal variation on grid refinement. The penalties of using coarse grids are smaller frequency amplitude and less resolved TKE. Therefore finer grids should be used to improve V&V for resolving most of the active turbulent scales for all different Fr and α, which hopefully can be compared with additional EFD data for large α when it becomes available.
Double layer and edge-location via techniques are combined for electromagnetic band gap (EBG) size reduction. The study of the required number of elements and their dimensions is carried out in order to suppress the surface wave propagation modes and consequently to reduce the mutual coupling between radiating elements in low-permittivity substrates. By applying these techniques, the size of the EBG mushroom is reduced by 30%; however, the bandwidth operation maintains its value, and these structures can be integrated between radiating elements in broad bandwidth antennas.
Stereo video techniques are effective for estimating the space–time wave dynamics over an area of the ocean. Indeed, a stereo camera view allows retrieval of both spatial and temporal data whose statistical content is richer than that of time series data retrieved from point wave probes. We present an application of the Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) for the analysis of offshore video measurements of gravity waves in the Northern Adriatic Sea and near the southern seashore of the Crimean peninsula, in the Black Sea. We use classical epipolar techniques to reconstruct the sea surface from the stereo pairs sequentially in time, viz. a sequence of spatial snapshots. We also present a variational approach that exploits the entire data image set providing a global space–time imaging of the sea surface, viz. simultaneous reconstruction of several spatial snapshots of the surface in order to guarantee continuity of the sea surface both in space and time. Analysis of the WASS measurements show that the sea surface can be accurately estimated in space and time together, yielding associated directional spectra and wave statistics at a point in time that agrees well with probabilistic models. In particular, WASS stereo imaging is able to capture typical features of the wave surface, especially the crest-to-trough asymmetry due to second order nonlinearities, and the observed shape of large waves are fairly described by theoretical models based on the theory of quasi-determinism (Boccotti, 2000). Further, we investigate space–time extremes of the observed stationary sea states, viz. the largest surface wave heights expected over a given area during the sea state duration. The WASS analysis provides the first experimental proof that a space–time extreme is generally larger than that observed in time via point measurements, in agreement with the predictions based on stochastic theories for global maxima of Gaussian fields.
En el Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto para obtener una caracterización del subsuelo mediante ensayos ReMi, en colaboración con el departamento de Geofísica del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. La técnica ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) permite, mediante ensayos geofísicos realizados localmente sobre el terreno,obtener los parámetros físicos del mismo, que resultan de especial interés en el ámbito de la ingeniería civil. Esta técnica se caracteriza por englobarse dentro de la sísmica pasiva, muy empleada en prospección geofísica y basada en la obtención del modelo subyacente de distribución de velocidades de propagación de la onda S en función de la profundidad, con la ventaja de aprovechar el ruido sísmico ambiental como fuente de energía. Fue desarrollada en el Laboratorio Sismológico de Nevada (EEUU) por Louie (2001), con el objetivo de presentar una técnica innovadora en la obtención de las velocidades de propagación de manera experimental. Presenta ciertas ventajas, como la observación directa de la dispersión de ondas superficiales,que da un buen resultado de la velocidad de onda S, siendo un método no invasivo, de bajo coste y buena resolución, aplicable en entornos urbanos o sensibles en los que tanto otras técnicas sismológicas como otras variedades de prospección presentan dificultades. La velocidad de propagación de la onda S en los 30 primeros metros VS30, es ampliamente reconocida como un parámetro equivalente válido para caracterizar geotécnicamente el subsuelo y se halla matemáticamente relacionada con la velocidad de propagación de las ondas superficiales a observar mediante la técnica ReMi. Su observación permite el análisis espectral de los registros adquiridos, obteniéndose un modelo representado por la curva de dispersión de cada emplazamiento, de modo que mediante una inversión se obtiene el modelo de velocidad de propagación en función de la profundidad. A través de estos modelos, pueden obtenerse otros parámetros de interés sismológico. Estos resultados se representan sobre mapas isométricos para obtener una relación espacial de los mismos, particularmente conocido como zonación sísmica. De este análisis se extrae que la VS30 promedio del Campus no es baja en exceso, correspondiéndose a posteriori con los resultados de amplificación sísmica, período fundamental de resonancia del lugar y profundidad del sustrato rocoso. En última instancia se comprueba que los valores de amplificación sísmica máxima y el período al cual se produce posiblemente coincidan con los períodos fundamentales de resonancia de algunos edificios del Campus. ABSTRACT In South Campus at Polytechnic University of Madrid, a project has been carried out to obtain a proper subsoil description by applying ReMi tests, in collaboration with the Department of Geophysics of the National Geographic Institute. Through geophysical tests conducted locally, the ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) technique allows to establish the physical parameters of soil, which are of special interest in the field of civil engineering. This technique is part of passive seismic methods, often used in geophysical prospecting. It focuses in obtaining the underlying model of propagation velocity distribution of the shear wave according to depth and has the advantage of being able to use seismic ambient noise as a source of energy. It was developed in the Nevada Seismological Laboratory (USA) by Louie (2001) as an innovative technique for obtaining propagation velocities experimentally. It has several other advantages, including the direct observation of the dispersion of surface waves, which allows to reliably measure S wave velocity. This is a non-invasive, low cost and good resolution method, which can be applied in urban or sensitive environments where other prospection methods present difficulties. The propagation velocity of shear waves in the first 30 meters Vs30 is widely recognized as a valid equivalent parameter to geotechnically characterize the subsurface. It is mathematically related to surface wave's velocity of propagation, which are to observe using REMI technique. Spectral analysis of acquired data sets up a model represented by the dispersion curve at each site, so that, using an inversion process, propagation velocity model in relation to depth is obtained. Through this models, other seismologically interesting parameters can be obtained. These results are represented on isometric maps in order to obtain a spatial relationship between them, a process which is known as seismic zonation. This analysis infers that Vs30 at South Campus is not alarmingly low , corresponding with subsequent results of seismic amplification, fundamental period of resonance of soil and depth of bedrock. Ultimately, it's found that calculated values of soil's fundamental periods at which maximum seismic amplification occurs, may possibly match fundamental periods of some Campus buildings.
This work describes the electron-beam (e-beam) lithography process developed to manufacture nano interdigital transducers (IDTs) to be used in high frequency (GHz) surface acoustic wave (SAW) applications. The combination of electron-beam (e-beam) lithography and lift-off process is shown to be effective in fabricating well-defined IDT finger patterns with a line width below 100 nm with a good yield. Working with insulating piezoelectric substrates brings about e-beam deflection. It is also shown how a very thin organic anti-static layer works well in avoiding this charge accumulation during e-beam lithography on the resist layer. However, the use of this anti-static layer is not required with the insulating piezoelectric layer laying on a semiconducting substrate such as highly doped silicon. The effect of the e-beam dose on a number of different layers (of insulating, insulating on semiconducting, semiconducting, and conductive natures) is provided. Among other advantages, the use of reduced e-beam doses increases the manufacturing time. The principal aim of this work is to explain the interrelation among e-beam dose, substrate nature and IDT structure. An extensive study of the e-beam lithography of long IDT-fingers is provided, in a wide variety of electrode widths, electrode numbers and electrode pitches. It is worthy to highlight that this work shows the influence of the e-beam dose on five substrates of different conductive nature
Durante los últimos años el flujo de datos en la transmisión que tiene lugar en los sistemas de comunicación ha aumentado considerablemente de forma que día a día se requieren más aplicaciones trabajando en un rango de frecuencias muy alto (3-30 GHz). Muchos de estos sistemas de comunicación incluyen dispositivos de onda acústica superficial (SAW) y por tanto se hace necesario el aumento de frecuencia a la que éstos trabajan. Pero este incremento de frecuencia de los dispositivos SAW no sólo es utilizado en los sistemas de comunicación, varios tipos de sensores, por ejemplo, aumentan su sensibilidad cuando la frecuencia a la que trabajan también lo hace. Tradicionalmente los dispositivos SAW se han fabricado sobre cuarzo, LiNbO3 y LiTaO3 principalmente. Sin embargo la principal limitación de estos materiales es su velocidad SAW. Además, debido a la alta temperatura a la que se depositan no pueden ser integrados en la tecnología de fabricación CMOS. El uso de la tecnología de capa delgada, en la que un material piezoeléctrico es depositado sobre un substrato, se está utilizando en las últimas décadas para incrementar la velocidad SAW de la estructura y poder obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de frecuencias requerido en la actualidad. Por otra parte, esta tecnología podría ser integrada en el proceso de fabricación CMOS. Durante esta tesis nos hemos centrado en la fabricación de dispositivos SAW trabajando a muy alta frecuencia. Para ello, utilizando la tecnología de capa delgada, hemos utilizado la estructura nitruro de aluminio (AlN) sobre diamante que permite conseguir velocidades SAW del sustrato que no se pueden alcanzar con otros materiales. El depósito de AlN se realizó mediante sputtering reactivo. Durante esta tesis se han realizado diferentes experimentos para optimizar dicho depósito de forma que se han obtenido los parámetros óptimos para los cuales se pueden obtener capas de AlN de alta calidad sobre cualquier tipo de sustrato. Además todo el proceso se realizó a baja temperatura para que el procesado de estos dispositivos pueda ser compatible con la tecnología CMOS. Una vez optimizada la estructura AlN/diamante, mediante litografía por haz de electrones se fabricaron resonadores SAW de tamaño nanométrico que sumado a la alta velocidad resultante de la combinación AlN/diamante nos ha permitido obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de 10-28 GHz con un alto factor de calidad y rechazo fuera de la banda. Estás frecuencias y prestaciones no han sido alcanzadas por el momento en resonadores de este tipo. Por otra parte, se han utilizado estos dispositivos para fabricar sensores de presión de alta sensibilidad. Estos dispositivos son afectados altamente por los cambios de temperatura. Se realizó también un exhaustivo estudio de cómo se comportan en temperatura estos resonadores, entre -250ºC y 250ºC (rango de temperaturas no estudiado hasta el momento) diferenciándose dos regiones una a muy baja temperatura en la que el dispositivo muestra un coeficiente de retraso en frecuencia (TCF) relativamente bajo y otra a partir de los -100ºC en la que el TCF es similar al observado en la bibliografía. Por tanto, durante esta tesis se ha optimizado el depósito de AlN sobre diamante para que sea compatible con la tecnología CMOS y permita el procesado de dispositivos trabajando a muy alta frecuencia con altas prestaciones para comunicaciones y sensores. ABSTRACT The increasing volume of information in data transmission systems results in a growing demand of applications working in the super-high-frequency band (3–30 GHz). Most of these systems work with surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices and thus there is a necessity of increasing their resonance frequency. Moreover, sensor application includes this kind of devices. The sensitivity of them is proportional with its frequency. Traditionally, quartz, LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 have been used in the fabrication of SAW devices. These materials suffer from a variety of limitations and in particular they have low SAW velocity as well as being incompatible with the CMOS technology. In order to overcome these problems, thin film technology, where a piezoelectric material is deposited on top of a substrate, has been used during the last decades. The piezoelectric/substrate structure allows to reach the frequencies required nowadays and could be compatible with the mass electronic production CMOS technology. This thesis work focuses on the fabrication of SAW devices working in the super-high-frequency range. Thin film technology has been used in order to get it, especially aluminum nitride (AlN) deposited by reactive sputtering on diamond has been used to increase the SAW velocity. Different experiments were carried out to optimize the parameters for the deposit of high quality AlN on any kind of substrates. In addition, the system was optimized under low temperature and thus this process is CMOS compatible. Once the AlN/diamond was optimized, thanks to the used e-beam lithography, nanometric SAW resonators were fabricated. The combination of the structure and the size of the devices allow the fabrication of devices working in the range of 10-28 GHz with a high quality factor and out of band rejection. These high performances and frequencies have not been reached so far for this kind of devices. Moreover, these devices have been used as high sensitivity pressure sensors. They are affected by temperature changes and thus a wide temperature range (-250ºC to 250ºC) study was done. From this study two regions were observed. At very low temperature, the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF) is low. From -100ºC upwards the TCF is similar to the one appearing in the literature. Therefore, during this thesis work, the sputtering of AlN on diamond substrates was optimized for the CMOS compatible fabrication of high frequency and high performance SAW devices for communication and sensor application.
In this paper, an AlN/free-standing nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) system is proposed in order to process high frequency surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators for sensing applications. The main problem of synthetic diamond is its high surface roughness that worsens the sputtered AlN quality and hence the device response. In order to study the feasibility of this structure, AlN films from 150 nm up to 1200 nm thick have been deposited on free-standing NCD. We have then analysed the influence of the AlN layer thickness on its crystal quality and device response. Optimized thin films of 300 nm have been used to fabricate of one-port SAW resonators operating in the 10–14 GHz frequency range. A SAW based sensor pressure with a sensibility of 0.33 MHz/bar has been fabricated.
Surfactant monolayers are of interest in a variety of phenomena, including thin film dynamics and the formation and dynamics of foams. Measurement of surface properties has received a continuous attention and requires good theoretical models to extract the relevant physico- chemical information from experimental data. A common experimental set up consists in a shallow liquid layer whose free surface is slowly com- pressed/expanded in periodic fashion by moving two slightly immersed solid barriers, which varies the free surface area and thus the surfactant concentration. The simplest theory ignores the fluid dynamics in the bulk fluid, assuming spatially uniform surfactant concentration, which requires quite small forcing frequencies and provides reversible dynamics in the compression/expansion cycles. Sometimes, it is not clear whether depar- ture from reversibility is due to non-equilibrium effects or to the ignored fluid dynamics. Here we present a long wave theory that takes the fluid dynamics and the symmetries of the problem into account. In particular, the validity of the spatially-uniform-surfactant-concentration assumption is established and a nonlinear diffusion equation is derived. This allows for calculating spatially nonuniform monolayer dynamics and uncovering the physical mechanisms involved in the surfactant behavior. Also, this analysis can be considered a good means for extracting more relevant information from each experimental run.
We propose a scheme for coupling laser light into graphene plasmons with the help of electrically generated surface acoustic waves. The surface acoustic wave forms a diffraction grating which allows us to excite the long lived phononlike branch of the hybridized graphene plasmon-phonon dispersion with infrared laser light. Our approach avoids patterning the graphene sheet, does not rely on complicated optical near-field techniques, and allows us to electrically switch the coupling between far-field radiation and propagating graphene plasmons.
Self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots show unique physical properties such as three dimensional confinement, high size homogeneity, high density and low number of dislocations. They have been extensively used in the active regions of laser devices for optical communications applications [1]. Therefore, buried quantum dots (BQDs) embedded in wider band gap materials have been normally studied. The wave confinement in all directions and the stress field around the dot affect both optical and electrical properties [2, 3]. However, surface quantum dots (SQDs) are less affected by stress, although their optical and electrical characteristics have a strong dependence on surface fluctuation. Thus, they can play an important role in sensor applications
This letter describes the procedure to manufacture high-performance surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators on AlN/diamond heterostructures working at frequencies beyond 10 GHz. In the design of SAW devices on AlN/diamond systems, the thickness of the piezoelectric layer is a key parameter. The influence of the film thickness on the SAW device response has been studied. Optimized thin films combined with advanced e-beam lithographic techniques have allowed the fabrication of one-port SAW resonators with finger width and pitch of 200 nm operating in the 10–14 GHz range with up to 36 dB out-of-band rejection.