31 resultados para Acoustic ground discrimination system (ADGS) ECHOplus

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper addresses initial efforts to develop a navigation system for ground vehicles supported by visual feedback from a mini aerial vehicle. A visual-based algorithm computes the ground vehicle pose in the world frame, as well as possible obstacles within the ground vehicle pathway. Relying on that information, a navigation and obstacle avoidance system is used to re-plan the ground vehicle trajectory, ensuring an optimal detour. Finally, some experiments are presented employing a unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) and a low cost mini unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).


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This paper presents new techniques with relevant improvements added to the primary system presented by our group to the Albayzin 2012 LRE competition, where the use of any additional corpora for training or optimizing the models was forbidden. In this work, we present the incorporation of an additional phonotactic subsystem based on the use of phone log-likelihood ratio features (PLLR) extracted from different phonotactic recognizers that contributes to improve the accuracy of the system in a 21.4% in terms of Cavg (we also present results for the official metric during the evaluation, Fact). We will present how using these features at the phone state level provides significant improvements, when used together with dimensionality reduction techniques, especially PCA. We have also experimented with applying alternative SDC-like configurations on these PLLR features with additional improvements. Also, we will describe some modifications to the MFCC-based acoustic i-vector system which have also contributed to additional improvements. The final fused system outperformed the baseline in 27.4% in Cavg.


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La gestión del tráfico aéreo (Air Traffic Management, ATM) está experimentando un cambio de paradigma hacia las denominadas operaciones basadas trayectoria. Bajo dicho paradigma se modifica el papel de los controladores de tráfico aéreo desde una operativa basada su intervención táctica continuada hacia una labor de supervisión a más largo plazo. Esto se apoya en la creciente confianza en las soluciones aportadas por las herramientas automatizadas de soporte a la decisión más modernas. Para dar soporte a este concepto, se precisa una importante inversión para el desarrollo, junto con la adquisición de nuevos equipos en tierra y embarcados, que permitan la sincronización precisa de la visión de la trayectoria, basada en el intercambio de información entre ambos actores. Durante los últimos 30 a 40 años las aerolíneas han generado uno de los menores retornos de la inversión de entre todas las industrias. Sin beneficios tangibles, la industria aérea tiene dificultades para atraer el capital requerido para su modernización, lo que retrasa la implantación de dichas mejoras. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo responder a la pregunta de si las capacidades actualmente instaladas en las aeronaves comerciales se pueden aplicar para lograr la sincronización de la trayectoria con el nivel de calidad requerido. Además, se analiza en ella si, conjuntamente con mejoras en las herramientas de predicción trayectorias instaladas en tierra en para facilitar la gestión de las arribadas, dichas capacidades permiten obtener los beneficios esperados en el marco de las operaciones basadas en trayectoria. Esto podría proporcionar un incentivo para futuras actualizaciones de la aviónica que podrían llevar a mejoras adicionales. El concepto operacional propuesto en esta tesis tiene como objetivo permitir que los aviones sean pilotados de una manera consistente con las técnicas actuales de vuelo optimizado. Se permite a las aeronaves que desciendan en el denominado “modo de ángulo de descenso gestionado” (path-managed mode), que es el preferido por la mayoría de las compañías aéreas, debido a que conlleva un reducido consumo de combustible. El problema de este modo es que en él no se controla de forma activa el tiempo de llegada al punto de interés. En nuestro concepto operacional, la incertidumbre temporal se gestiona en mediante de la medición del tiempo en puntos estratégicamente escogidos a lo largo de la trayectoria de la aeronave, y permitiendo la modificación por el control de tierra de la velocidad de la aeronave. Aunque la base del concepto es la gestión de las ordenes de velocidad que se proporcionan al piloto, para ser capaces de operar con los niveles de equipamiento típicos actualmente, dicho concepto también constituye un marco en el que la aviónica más avanzada (por ejemplo, que permita el control por el FMS del tiempo de llegada) puede integrarse de forma natural, una vez que esta tecnología este instalada. Además de gestionar la incertidumbre temporal a través de la medición en múltiples puntos, se intenta reducir dicha incertidumbre al mínimo mediante la mejora de las herramienta de predicción de la trayectoria en tierra. En esta tesis se presenta una novedosa descomposición del proceso de predicción de trayectorias en dos etapas. Dicha descomposición permite integrar adecuadamente los datos de la trayectoria de referencia calculada por el Flight Management System (FMS), disponibles usando Futuro Sistema de Navegación Aérea (FANS), en el sistema de predicción de trayectorias en tierra. FANS es un equipo presente en los aviones comerciales de fuselaje ancho actualmente en la producción, e incluso algunos aviones de fuselaje estrecho pueden tener instalada avionica FANS. Además de informar automáticamente de la posición de la aeronave, FANS permite proporcionar (parte de) la trayectoria de referencia en poder de los FMS, pero la explotación de esta capacidad para la mejora de la predicción de trayectorias no se ha estudiado en profundidad en el pasado. La predicción en dos etapas proporciona una solución adecuada al problema de sincronización de trayectorias aire-tierra dado que permite la sincronización de las dimensiones controladas por el sistema de guiado utilizando la información de la trayectoria de referencia proporcionada mediante FANS, y también facilita la mejora en la predicción de las dimensiones abiertas restantes usado un modelo del guiado que explota los modelos meteorológicos mejorados disponibles en tierra. Este proceso de predicción de la trayectoria de dos etapas se aplicó a una muestra de 438 vuelos reales que realizaron un descenso continuo (sin intervención del controlador) con destino Melbourne. Dichos vuelos son de aeronaves del modelo Boeing 737-800, si bien la metodología descrita es extrapolable a otros tipos de aeronave. El método propuesto de predicción de trayectorias permite una mejora en la desviación estándar del error de la estimación del tiempo de llegada al punto de interés, que es un 30% menor que la que obtiene el FMS. Dicha trayectoria prevista mejorada se puede utilizar para establecer la secuencia de arribadas y para la asignación de las franjas horarias para cada aterrizaje (slots). Sobre la base del slot asignado, se determina un perfil de velocidades que permita cumplir con dicho slot con un impacto mínimo en la eficiencia del vuelo. En la tesis se propone un nuevo algoritmo que determina las velocidades requeridas sin necesidad de un proceso iterativo de búsqueda sobre el sistema de predicción de trayectorias. El algoritmo se basa en una parametrización inteligente del proceso de predicción de la trayectoria, que permite relacionar el tiempo estimado de llegada con una función polinómica. Resolviendo dicho polinomio para el tiempo de llegada deseado, se obtiene de forma natural el perfil de velocidades optimo para cumplir con dicho tiempo de llegada sin comprometer la eficiencia. El diseño de los sistemas de gestión de arribadas propuesto en esta tesis aprovecha la aviónica y los sistemas de comunicación instalados de un modo mucho más eficiente, proporcionando valor añadido para la industria. Por tanto, la solución es compatible con la transición hacia los sistemas de aviónica avanzados que están desarrollándose actualmente. Los beneficios que se obtengan a lo largo de dicha transición son un incentivo para inversiones subsiguientes en la aviónica y en los sistemas de control de tráfico en tierra. ABSTRACT Air traffic management (ATM) is undergoing a paradigm shift towards trajectory based operations where the role of an air traffic controller evolves from that of continuous intervention towards supervision, as decision making is improved based on increased confidence in the solutions provided by advanced automation. To support this concept, significant investment for the development and acquisition of new equipment is required on the ground as well as in the air, to facilitate the high degree of trajectory synchronisation and information exchange required. Over the past 30-40 years the airline industry has generated one of the lowest returns on invested capital among all industries. Without tangible benefits realised, the airline industry may find it difficult to attract the required investment capital and delay acquiring equipment needed to realise the concept of trajectory based operations. In response to these challenges facing the modernisation of ATM, this thesis aims to answer the question whether existing aircraft capabilities can be applied to achieve sufficient trajectory synchronisation and improvements to ground-based trajectory prediction in support of the arrival management process, to realise some of the benefits envisioned under trajectory based operations, and to provide an incentive for further avionics upgrades. The proposed operational concept aims to permit aircraft to operate in a manner consistent with current optimal aircraft operating techniques. It allows aircraft to descend in the fuel efficient path managed mode as preferred by a majority of airlines, with arrival time not actively controlled by the airborne automation. The temporal uncertainty is managed through metering at strategically chosen points along the aircraft’s trajectory with primary use of speed advisories. While the focus is on speed advisories to support all aircraft and different levels of equipage, the concept also constitutes a framework in which advanced avionics as airborne time-of-arrival control can be integrated once this technology is widely available. In addition to managing temporal uncertainty through metering at multiple points, this temporal uncertainty is minimised by improving the supporting trajectory prediction capability. A novel two-stage trajectory prediction process is presented to adequately integrate aircraft trajectory data available through Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) into the ground-based trajectory predictor. FANS is standard equipment on any wide-body aircraft in production today, and some single-aisle aircraft are easily capable of being fitted with FANS. In addition to automatic position reporting, FANS provides the ability to provide (part of) the reference trajectory held by the aircraft’s Flight Management System (FMS), but this capability has yet been widely overlooked. The two-stage process provides a ‘best of both world’s’ solution to the air-ground synchronisation problem by synchronising with the FMS reference trajectory those dimensions controlled by the guidance mode, and improving on the prediction of the remaining open dimensions by exploiting the high resolution meteorological forecast available to a ground-based system. The two-stage trajectory prediction process was applied to a sample of 438 FANS-equipped Boeing 737-800 flights into Melbourne conducting a continuous descent free from ATC intervention, and can be extrapolated to other types of aircraft. Trajectories predicted through the two-stage approach provided estimated time of arrivals with a 30% reduction in standard deviation of the error compared to estimated time of arrival calculated by the FMS. This improved predicted trajectory can subsequently be used to set the sequence and allocate landing slots. Based on the allocated landing slot, the proposed system calculates a speed schedule for the aircraft to meet this landing slot at minimal flight efficiency impact. A novel algorithm is presented that determines this speed schedule without requiring an iterative process in which multiple calls to a trajectory predictor need to be made. The algorithm is based on parameterisation of the trajectory prediction process, allowing the estimate time of arrival to be represented by a polynomial function of the speed schedule, providing an analytical solution to the speed schedule required to meet a set arrival time. The arrival management solution proposed in this thesis leverages the use of existing avionics and communications systems resulting in new value for industry for current investment. The solution therefore supports a transition concept from mixed equipage towards advanced avionics currently under development. Benefits realised under this transition may provide an incentive for ongoing investment in avionics.


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In this paper, a novel excitation-system ground-fault location method is described and tested in a 106 MVA synchronous machine. In this unit, numerous rotor ground-fault trips took place always about an hour after the synchronization to the network. However, when the field winding insulation was checked after the trips, there was no failure. The data indicated that the faults in the rotor were caused by centrifugal forces and temperature. Unexpectedly, by applying this new method, the failure was located in a cable between the excitation transformer and the automatic voltage regulator. In addition, several intentional ground faults were performed along the field winding with different fault resistance values, in order to test the accuracy of this method to locate defects in rotor windings of large generators. Therefore, this new on-line rotor ground-fault detection algorithm is tested in high-power synchronous generators with satisfactory results.


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Uno de los defectos más frecuentes en los generadores síncronos son los defectos a tierra tanto en el devanado estatórico, como de excitación. Se produce un defecto cuando el aislamiento eléctrico entre las partes activas de cualquiera de estos devanados y tierra se reduce considerablemente o desaparece. La detección de los defectos a tierra en ambos devanados es un tema ampliamente estudiado a nivel industrial. Tras la detección y confirmación de la existencia del defecto, dicha falta debe ser localizada a lo largo del devanado para su reparación, para lo que habitualmente el rotor debe ser extraído del estator. Esta operación resulta especialmente compleja y cara. Además, el hecho de limitar la corriente de defecto en ambos devanados provoca que el defecto no sea localizable visualmente, pues apenas existe daño en el generador. Por ello, se deben aplicar técnicas muy laboriosas para localizar exactamente el defecto y poder así reparar el devanado. De cara a reducir el tiempo de reparación, y con ello el tiempo en que el generador esta fuera de servicio, cualquier información por parte del relé de protección acerca de la localización del defecto resultaría de gran utilidad. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos que permitan la estimación de la localización de los defectos a tierra tanto en el devanado rotórico como estatórico de máquinas síncronas. Respecto al devanado de excitación, se ha presentado un nuevo método de localización de defectos a tierra para generadores con excitación estática. Este método permite incluso distinguir si el defecto se ha producido en el devanado de excitación, o en cualquiera de los componentes del sistema de excitación, esto es, transformador de excitación, conductores de alimentación del rectificador controlado, etc. En caso de defecto a tierra en del devanado rotórico, este método proporciona una estimación de su localización. Sin embargo, para poder obtener la localización del defecto, se precisa conocer el valor de resistencia de defecto. Por ello, en este trabajo se presenta además un nuevo método para la estimación de este parámetro de forma precisa. Finalmente, se presenta un nuevo método de detección de defectos a tierra, basado en el criterio direccional, que complementa el método de localización, permitiendo tener en cuenta la influencia de las capacidades a tierra del sistema. Estas capacidades resultan determinantes a la hora de localizar el defecto de forma adecuada. En relación con el devanado estatórico, en esta tesis doctoral se presenta un nuevo algoritmo de localización de defectos a tierra para generadores que dispongan de la protección de faltas a tierra basada en la inyección de baja frecuencia. Se ha propuesto un método general, que tiene en cuenta todos los parámetros del sistema, así como una versión simplificada del método para generadores con capacidades a tierra muy reducida, que podría resultar de fácil implementación en relés de protección comercial. Los algoritmos y métodos presentados se han validado mediante ensayos experimentales en un generador de laboratorio de 5 kVA, así como en un generador comercial de 106 MVA con resultados satisfactorios y prometedores. ABSTRACT One of the most common faults in synchronous generators is the ground fault in both the stator winding and the excitation winding. In case of fault, the insulation level between the active part of any of these windings and ground lowers considerably, or even disappears. The detection of ground faults in both windings is a very researched topic. The fault current is typically limited intentionally to a reduced level. This allows to detect easily the ground faults, and therefore to avoid damage in the generator. After the detection and confirmation of the existence of a ground fault, it should be located along the winding in order to repair of the machine. Then, the rotor has to be extracted, which is a very complex and expensive operation. Moreover, the fact of limiting the fault current makes that the insulation failure is not visually detectable, because there is no visible damage in the generator. Therefore, some laborious techniques have to apply to locate accurately the fault. In order to reduce the repair time, and therefore the time that the generator is out of service, any information about the approximate location of the fault would be very useful. The main objective of this doctoral thesis has been the development of new algorithms and methods to estimate the location of ground faults in the stator and in the rotor winding of synchronous generators. Regarding the excitation winding, a new location method of ground faults in excitation winding of synchronous machines with static excitation has been presented. This method allows even to detect if the fault is at the excitation winding, or in any other component of the excitation system: controlled rectifier, excitation transformer, etc. In case of ground fault in the rotor winding, this method provides an estimation of the fault location. However, in order to calculate the location, the value of fault resistance is necessary. Therefore, a new fault-resistance estimation algorithm is presented in this text. Finally, a new fault detection algorithm based on directional criterion is described to complement the fault location method. This algorithm takes into account the influence of the capacitance-to-ground of the system, which has a remarkable impact in the accuracy of the fault location. Regarding the stator winding, a new fault-location algorithm has been presented for stator winding of synchronous generators. This algorithm is applicable to generators with ground-fault protection based in low-frequency injection. A general algorithm, which takes every parameter of the system into account, has been presented. Moreover, a simplified version of the algorithm has been proposed for generators with especially low value of capacitance to ground. This simplified algorithm might be easily implementable in protective relays. The proposed methods and algorithms have been tested in a 5 kVA laboratory generator, as well as in a 106 MVA synchronous generator with satisfactory and promising results.


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We describe a compact lightweight impulse radar for radio-echo sounding of subsurface structures designed specifically for glaciological applications. The radar operates at frequencies between 10 and 75 MHz. Its main advantages are that it has a high signal-to-noise ratio and a corresponding wide dynamic range of 132 dB due mainly to its ability to perform real-time stacking (up to 4096 traces) as well as to the high transmitted power (peak voltage 2800 V). The maximum recording time window, 40 ?s at 100 MHz sampling frequency, results in possible radar returns from as deep as 3300 m. It is a versatile radar, suitable for different geophysical measurements (common-offset profiling, common midpoint, transillumination, etc.) and for different profiling set-ups, such as a snowmobile and sledge convoy or carried in a backpack and operated by a single person. Its low power consumption (6.6 W for the transmitter and 7.5 W for the receiver) allows the system to operate under battery power for mayor que7 hours with a total weight of menor que9 kg for all equipment, antennas and batteries.


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The evapotranspiration (ET c) of a table grape vineyard (Vitis vinifera, cv. Red Globe) trained to a gable trellis under netting and black plastic mulching was determined under semiarid conditions in the central Ebro River Valley during 2007 and 2008. The netting was made of high-density polyethylene (pores of 12 mm2) and was placed just above the ground canopy about 2.2 m above soil surface. Black plastic mulching was used to minimize soil evaporation. The surface renewal method was used to obtain values of sensible heat flux (H) from high-frequency temperature readings. Later, latent heat flux (LE) values were obtained by solving the energy balance equation. For the May–October period, seasonal ET c was about 843 mm in 2007 and 787 mm in 2008. The experimental weekly crop coefficients (K cexp) fluctuated between 0.64 and 1.2. These values represent crop coefficients adjusted to take into account the reduction in ET c caused by the netting and the black plastic mulching. Average K cexp values during mid- and end-season stages were 0.79 and 0.98, respectively. End-season K cexp was higher due to combination of factors related to the precipitation and low ET o conditions that are typical in this region during fall. Estimated crop coefficients using the Allen et al. (1998) approach adjusting for the effects of the netting and black plastic mulching (K cFAO) showed a good agreement with the experimental K cexp values.


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In this paper, two techniques to control UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), based on visual information are presented. The first one is based on the detection and tracking of planar structures from an on-board camera, while the second one is based on the detection and 3D reconstruction of the position of the UAV based on an external camera system. Both strategies are tested with a VTOL (Vertical take-off and landing) UAV, and results show good behavior of the visual systems (precision in the estimation and frame rate) when estimating the helicopter¿s position and using the extracted information to control the UAV.


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This paper presents a computer vision system that successfully discriminates between weed patches and crop rows under uncontrolled lighting in real-time. The system consists of two independent subsystems, a fast image processing delivering results in real-time (Fast Image Processing, FIP), and a slower and more accurate processing (Robust Crop Row Detection, RCRD) that is used to correct the first subsystem's mistakes. This combination produces a system that achieves very good results under a wide variety of conditions. Tested on several maize videos taken of different fields and during different years, the system successfully detects an average of 95% of weeds and 80% of crops under different illumination, soil humidity and weed/crop growth conditions. Moreover, the system has been shown to produce acceptable results even under very difficult conditions, such as in the presence of dramatic sowing errors or abrupt camera movements. The computer vision system has been developed for integration into a treatment system because the ideal setup for any weed sprayer system would include a tool that could provide information on the weeds and crops present at each point in real-time, while the tractor mounting the spraying bar is moving


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El audio multicanal ha avanzado a pasos agigantados en los últimos años, y no solo en las técnicas de reproducción, sino que en las de capitación también. Por eso en este proyecto se encuentran ambas cosas: un array microfónico, EigenMike32 de MH Acoustics, y un sistema de reproducción con tecnología Wave Field Synthesis, instalado Iosono en la Jade Höchscule Oldenburg. Para enlazar estos dos puntos de la cadena de audio se proponen dos tipos distintos de codificación: la reproducción de la toma horizontal del EigenMike32; y el 3er orden de Ambisonics (High Order Ambisonics, HOA), una técnica de codificación basada en Armónicos Esféricos mediante la cual se simula el campo acústico en vez de simular las distintas fuentes. Ambas se desarrollaron en el entorno Matlab y apoyadas por la colección de scripts de Isophonics llamada Spatial Audio Matlab Toolbox. Para probar éstas se llevaron a cabo una serie de test en los que se las comparó con las grabaciones realizadas a la vez con un Dummy Head, a la que se supone el método más aproximado a nuestro modo de escucha. Estas pruebas incluían otras grabaciones hechas con un Doble MS de Schoeps que se explican en el proyecto “Sally”. La forma de realizar éstas fue, una batería de 4 audios repetida 4 veces para cada una de las situaciones garbadas (una conversación, una clase, una calle y un comedor universitario). Los resultados fueron inesperados, ya que la codificación del tercer orden de HOA quedo por debajo de la valoración Buena, posiblemente debido a la introducción de material hecho para un array tridimensional dentro de uno de 2 dimensiones. Por el otro lado, la codificación que consistía en extraer los micrófonos del plano horizontal se mantuvo en el nivel de Buena en todas las situaciones. Se concluye que HOA debe seguir siendo probado con mayores conocimientos sobre Armónicos Esféricos; mientras que el otro codificador, mucho más sencillo, puede ser usado para situaciones sin mucha complejidad en cuanto a espacialidad. In the last years the multichannel audio has increased in leaps and bounds and not only in the playback techniques, but also in the recording ones. That is the reason of both things being in this project: a microphone array, EigenMike32 from MH Acoustics; and a playback system with Wave Field Synthesis technology, installed by Iosono in Jade Höchscule Oldenburg. To link these two points of the audio chain, 2 different kinds of codification are proposed: the reproduction of the EigenMike32´s horizontal take, and the Ambisonics´ third order (High Order Ambisonics, HOA), a codification technique based in Spherical Harmonics through which the acoustic field is simulated instead of the different sound sources. Both have been developed inside Matlab´s environment and supported by the Isophonics´ scripts collection called Spatial Audio Matlab Toolbox. To test these, a serial of tests were made in which they were compared with recordings made at the time by a Dummy Head, which is supposed to be the closest method to our hearing way. These tests included other recording and codifications made by a Double MS (DMS) from Schoeps which are explained in the project named “3D audio rendering through Ambisonics techniques: from multi-microphone recordings (DMS Schoeps) to a WFS system, through Matlab”. The way to perform the tests was, a collection made of 4 audios repeated 4 times for each recorded situation (a chat, a class, a street and college canteen or Mensa). The results were unexpected, because the HOA´s third order stood under the Well valuation, possibly caused by introducing material made for a tridimensional array inside one made only by 2 dimensions. On the other hand, the codification that consisted of extracting the horizontal plane microphones kept the Well valuation in all the situations. It is concluded that HOA should keep being tested with larger knowledge about Spherical Harmonics; while the other coder, quite simpler, can be used for situations without a lot of complexity with regards to spatiality.


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This paper describes an automatic-dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) implementation for air-to-air and ground-based experimental surveillance within a prototype of a fully automated air traffic management (ATM) system, under a trajectory-based-operations paradigm. The system is built using an air-inclusive implementation of system wide information management (SWIM). This work describes the relations between airborne and ground surveillance (SURGND), the prototype surveillance systems, and their algorithms. System's performance is analyzed with simulated and real data. Results show that the proposed ADS-B implementation can fulfill the most demanding surveillance accuracy requirements.


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Un acúfeno (tinnitus) es la percepción de un sonido en ausencia de estimulación acústica externa, es decir, la experiencia consciente de un sonido que se origina en la propia cabeza del paciente. En colaboración con el departamento de acústica (CAEND) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), se pretende revertir (de forma paliativa) las molestias, con ayuda de terapias sonoras que estimulan el sistema auditivo. Primero, se analizan los tratamientos existentes que se utilizan para atender a los pacientes diagnosticados. Por último, se diseñan dos aplicaciones informáticas referentes a las terapias: Auditory Discrimination Training (ADT) y Enriched Acoustic Environment (EAE). Abstract Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of external acoustic stimulation, in addition, the conscious experience a sound originating from the patient’s own head. In collaboration with the department of acoustic (CAEND) of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), is to reverse (for palliation) discomfort, using sound therapies that stimulate the auditory system. First, we analyze the existing treatments are used to treat patients diagnosed. Finally, two applications are designed regarding therapies: Auditory Discrimination Training (ADT) and Enriched Acoustic Environment (EAE).


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The underground cellars that appear in different parts of Spain are part of an agricultural landscape dispersed, sometimes damaged, others at risk of disappearing. This paper studies the measurement and display of a group of wineries located in Atauta (Soria), in the Duero River corridor. It is a unique architectural complex, facing rising, built on a smooth hillock as shown in Fig. 1. These constructions are excavated in the ground. The access to the cave or underground cellar has a shape of a narrow tube or down gallery. Immediately after, this space gets wider. There, wine is produced and stored [1]. Observation and detection of the underground cellar, both on the outside and underground, it is essential to make an inventory of the rural patrimony [2]. The geodetection is a noninvasive technique, adequate to accurately locate buried structures in the ground. Works undertaken include topographic work with the LIDAR techniques and integration with data obtained by GNSS and GPR.


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As a consequence of cinema screens being placed in front of screen-speakers, a reduction in sound quality has been noticed. Cinema screens not only let the sound go through them, but also absorb a small amount of it and reflect the sound which impacts on the screen to the back, coming forward again in case it impacts on the loudspeaker. This backwards reflection in addition to the signal coming from the loudspeaker can lead to constructive or destructive interference at certain frequencies which usually results in comb filtering. In this project, this effect has been studied through researching amongst various data sheet provided by different manufacturers, acoustical measurements completed in the large anechoic chamber of the ISVR and some theoretical models developed with MatLab software. If results obtained with MatLab are accurate enough in comparison to the real measurements taken in the anechoic chamber this would lead to a good way to predict which would be the attenuation added to the system at each frequency, given that not all manufacturers provide an attenuation curve, but only an average attenuation. This average attenuation might be useless as sound waves have different wavelengths and its propagation through partitions varies. In fact, sound is composed by high and low frequencies, where high frequencies are characterised by a small wavelength which is usually easier to attenuate than low frequencies that characterised by bigger wavelengths. Furthermore, this information would be of great value to both screen manufacturers, who could offer a much more precise data in their data sheets; and customers, who would have a great amount of information to their disposal before purchasing and installing anything in their cinemas, being able to know by themselves which screen or loudspeaker should be best to meet their expectative. RESUMEN. La aparición de la digitalización de las bandas sonoras para las películas hace posible la mejora en la calidad de sonido de los cines. Sin embargo, un aspecto a tener en cuenta en esta calidad del sonido es la transmisión de éste a través de la pantalla, ya que normalmente tras ella se encuentran situados los altavoces. Las propiedades acústicas varían dependiendo del tipo de pantalla que se utilice, además de haber poca información a la que acceder para poder valorar su comportamiento. A lo largo de este proyecto, se analizan tres muestras de pantallas distintas donadas por distintos fabricantes para poder llegar a la conclusión de dependiendo del tipo de pantalla cuál es la distancia óptima a la que localizar la pantalla respecto al altavoz y con qué inclinación. Dicho análisis se realizó en la cámara anecoica del ISVR (University of Southampton) mediante la construcción de un marco de madera de 2x2 m en el que tensar las pantallas de cine, y un altavoz cuyo comportamiento sea el más similar al de los altavoces de pantalla reales. Los datos se captaron mediante cuatro micrófonos colocados en posiciones distintas y conectados al software Pulse de Brüel & Kjær, a través del cual se obtuvieron las respuestas en frecuencia del altavoz sin pantalla y con ella a diferentes distancias del altavoz. Posteriormente, los datos se analizaron con MatLab donde se calculó la atenuación, el factor de transmisión de la presión (PTF) y el análisis cepstrum. Finalmente, se realizó un modelo teórico del comportamiento de las pantallas perforadas basado en las placas perforadas utilizadas para atenuar el sonido entre distintas habitaciones. Como conclusión se llegó a que las pantallas curvadas son acústicamente más transparentes que las pantallas perforadas que a partir de 6 kHz son más acústicamente opacas. En las pantallas perforadas la atenuación depende del número de perforaciones por unidad de área y el diámetro de éstas. Dicha atenuación se reducirá si se reduce el diámetro de las perforaciones de la pantalla, o si se incrementa la cantidad de perforaciones. Acerca del efecto filtro peine, para obtener la mínima amplitud de éste la pantalla se deberá situar a una distancia entre 15 y 30 cm del altavoz, encontrando a la distancia de 30 cm que la última reflexión analizada a través de Cepstrum llega 5 ms más tarde que la señal directa, por lo cual no debería dañar el sonido ni la claridad del habla.


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The International Standard ISO 140-5 on field measurements of airborne sound insulation of façades establishes that the directivity of the measurement loudspeaker should be such that the variation in the local direct sound pressure level (ΔSPL) on the sample is ΔSPL < 5 dB (or ΔSPL < 10 dB for large façades). This condition is usually not very easy to accomplish nor is it easy to verify whether the loudspeaker produces such a uniform level. Direct sound pressure levels on the ISO standard façade essentially depend on the distance and directivity of the loudspeaker used. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the test geometry for measuring sound insulation and explains how the loudspeaker directivity, combined with distance, affects the acoustic level distribution on the façade. The first sections of the paper are focused on analysing the measurement geometry and its influence on the direct acoustic level variations on the façade. The most favourable and least favourable positions to minimise these direct acoustic level differences are found, and the angles covered by the façade in the reference system of the loudspeaker are also determined. Then, the maximum dimensions of the façade that meet the conditions of the ISO 140-5 standard are obtained for the ideal omnidirectional sound source and the piston radiating in an infinite baffle, which is chosen as the typical radiation pattern for loudspeakers. Finally, a complete study of the behaviour of different loudspeaker radiation models (such as those usually utilised in the ISO 140-5 measurements) is performed, comparing their radiation maps on the façade for searching their maximum dimensions and the most appropriate radiation configurations.