17 resultados para AVIATION

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The use of biofuels in the aviation sector has economic and environmental benefits. Among the options for the production of renewable jet fuels, hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) have received predominant attention in comparison with fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), which are not approved as additives for jet fuels. However, the presence of oxygen in methyl esters tends to reduce soot emissions and therefore particulate matter emissions. This sooting tendency is quantified in this work with an oxygen-extended sooting index, based on smoke point measurements. Results have shown considerable reduction in the sooting tendency for all biokerosenes (produced by transesterification and eventually distillation) with respect to fossil kerosenes. Among the tested biokerosenes, that made from palm kernel oil was the most effective one, and nondistilled methyl esters (from camelina and linseed oils) showed lower effectiveness than distilled biokerosenes to reduce the sooting tendency. These results may constitute an additional argument for the use of FAME’s as blend components of jet fuels. Other arguments were pointed out in previous publications, but some controversy has aroused over the use of these components. Some of the criticism was based on the fact that the methods used in our previous work are not approved for jet fuels in the standard methods and concluded that the use of FAME in any amount is, thus, inappropriate. However, some of the standard methods are not updated for considering oxygenated components (like the method for obtaining the lower heating value), and others are not precise enough (like the methods for measuring the freezing point), whereas some alternative methods may provide better reproducibility for oxygenated fuels.


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Personal aviation represented 9% of the aircraft movement in Europe in 2006, and it is expected to grow over the coming years. According to the European Personal Air Transportation System (EPATS) study, Spain, along with France and Italy, are the European countries with greater growth prospects. The objective of this paper is to present research results focused on the potential growth of the personal aviation market in Spain and its regions. The research is mainly based on the secondary data of a survey (Movilia) from the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.


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Sustainable growth of aviation whilst respecting the environment. • ANSPs and Aircraft Operators (AO) have to improve the way they operate


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The aeronautical charts are a convenient means to provide aeronautical information in a manageable, condensed, and coordinated way. Despite having an extensive regulatory legislation backed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), this kind of specialized mapping is defined by a marked symbolical disparity between the different editions published by countries and publishers. This implies not to follow the uniformity and consistency principles that ICAO have identified as essential to help ensure the safety of international civil aviation. Plans for the implementation of a global interoperability of aeronautical information require urgently rethink the way in which, so far, this information has been published and disseminated. A single, transverse, and independent symbolical specification would contribute to the generation of a well defined final-product that provides general purpose aeronautical information for an unequivocal interpretation. The contribution of this article is the verification of the real possibilities for the definition of a general specification that provides the mechanisms for a reliable, indisputable, and legible reading of aeronautical charts under any operational circumstances and conditions. Such conditions must be aligned with the specificities of any country, publishers or crew.


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Actualmente existe un gran interés por ampliar las fuentes de energías alternativas para aviación y conseguir con ello una reducción de la huella de carbono y de la fuerte dependencia energética de los combustibles fósiles en diferentes países. Por ello, se están llevando a cabo muchos estudios de investigación que tienen por objetivo la conversión de la materia prima vegetal o biomasa en una nueva fuente de energía. Sin embargo, la sustitución exitosa de los combustibles derivados del petróleo por biocombustibles, requiere el cumplimiento de unos requisitos estrictos, y unas propiedades adecuadas. Este proyecto estudia la compatibilidad de materiales con las mezclas de bioqueroseno de coco (CBK20), babasú (BBK20) y palmiste (PBK20), con queroseno comercial Jet A-1 (K-2). Los materiales estudiados son poliméricos, metálicos y composites de aviación que forman parte del sistema combustible del avión. Este estudio pretende demostrar que tanto los materiales utilizados, como los combustibles investigados, son compatibles cuando se encuentran en contacto a cierta temperatura. Para ello, se han comparado sus propiedades siguiendo las normas de referencia establecidas. ABSTRACT Currently there is a strong interest to expand alternative energy sources for aviation and thereby achieve a reduction in carbon footprint and the strong energy dependence on fossil fuels in different countries. It is therefore being carried out many researches based on the conversion of vegetable feedstock in a new energy source. However, a successful replacement of petroleum fuels with biofuels, requires compliance with strict requirements and suitable properties. This project studies the materials compatibility with blends of coconut (CBK20), babassu (BBK20) and palm kernel (PBK20) biokerosene with commercial aviation jet fuel Jet A-1 (K-2). Polymeric and elastomeric materials, metals and aviation composites has been studied as part of the aircraft fuel system. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that both, the tested materials and the fuels investigated, are compatible when they are in contact at a certain temperature. For this reason, materials and kerosene properties have been compared using the standard test methods


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On December 20th 2006 the European Commission approved a law proposal to include the civil aviation sector in the European market of carbon dioxide emission rights [European Union Emissions Trading System, EUETS). On July 8th 2009, the European Parliament and Conseil agreed that all flights leaving or landing in the EU airports starting from January 1st 2012 should be included in the EUETS. On November 19th 2008, the EU Directive 2008/101/CE [1] included the civil aviation activities in the EUETS, and this directive was transposed by the Spanish law 13/2010 of July 5th 2010 [2]. Thus, in 2012 the aviation sector should reduce their emissions to 97 % of the mean values registered in the period 2004-2006, and for 2013 these emission reductions should reach 95 % of the mean values for that same period. Trying to face this situation, the aviation companies are planning seriously the use of alternative jet fuels to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to lower their costs. However, some US airlines have issued a lawsuit before the European Court of Justice based in that this EU action violates a long standing worldwide aviation treaty, the Chicago convention of 1944, and also the Chinese aviation companies have rejected to pay any EU carbon dioxide tax [3]. Moreover, the USA Departments of Agriculture and Energy and the Navy will invest a total of up to $150 million over three years to spur production of aviation and marine biofuels for commercial and military applications [4]. However, the jet fuels should fulfill a set of extraordinarily sensitive properties to guarantee the safety of planes and passengers during all the flights.


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La Aeroelasticidad fue definida por Arthur Collar en 1947 como "el estudio de la interacción mutua entre fuerzas inerciales, elásticas y aerodinámicas actuando sobre elementos estructurales expuestos a una corriente de aire". Actualmente, esta definición se ha extendido hasta abarcar la influencia del control („Aeroservoelasticidad‟) e, incluso, de la temperatura („Aerotermoelasticidad‟). En el ámbito de la Ingeniería Aeronáutica, los fenómenos aeroelásticos, tanto estáticos (divergencia, inversión de mando) como dinámicos (flameo, bataneo) son bien conocidos desde los inicios de la Aviación. Las lecciones aprendidas a lo largo de la Historia Aeronáutica han permitido establecer criterios de diseño destinados a mitigar la probabilidad de sufrir fenómenos aeroelásticos adversos durante la vida operativa de una aeronave. Adicionalmente, el gran avance experimentado durante esta última década en el campo de la Aerodinámica Computacional y en la modelización aeroelástica ha permitido mejorar la fiabilidad en el cálculo de las condiciones de flameo de una aeronave en su fase de diseño. Sin embargo, aún hoy, los ensayos en vuelo siguen siendo necesarios para validar modelos aeroelásticos, verificar que la aeronave está libre de inestabilidades aeroelásticas y certificar sus distintas envolventes. En particular, durante el proceso de expansión de la envolvente de una aeronave en altitud/velocidad, se requiere predecir en tiempo real las condiciones de flameo y, en consecuencia, evitarlas. A tal efecto, en el ámbito de los ensayos en vuelo, se han desarrollado diversas metodologías que predicen, en tiempo real, las condiciones de flameo en función de condiciones de vuelo ya verificadas como libres de inestabilidades aeroelásticas. De entre todas ellas, aquella que relaciona el amortiguamiento y la velocidad con un parámetro específico definido como „Margen de Flameo‟ (Flutter Margin), permanece como la técnica más común para proceder con la expansión de Envolventes en altitud/velocidad. No obstante, a pesar de su popularidad y facilidad de aplicación, dicha técnica no es adecuada cuando en la aeronave a ensayar se hallan presentes no-linealidades mecánicas como, por ejemplo, holguras. En particular, en vuelos de ensayo dedicados específicamente a expandir la envolvente en altitud/velocidad, las condiciones de „Oscilaciones de Ciclo Límite‟ (Limit Cycle Oscillations, LCOs) no pueden ser diferenciadas de manera precisa de las condiciones de flameo, llevando a una determinación excesivamente conservativa de la misma. La presente Tesis desarrolla una metodología novedosa, basada en el concepto de „Margen de Flameo‟, que permite predecir en tiempo real las condiciones de „Ciclo Límite‟, siempre que existan, distinguiéndolas de las de flameo. En una primera parte, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura acerca de los diversos métodos de ensayo existentes para efectuar la expansión de la envolvente de una aeronave en altitud/velocidad, el efecto de las no-linealidades mecánicas en el comportamiento aeroelástico de dicha aeronave, así como una revisión de las Normas de Certificación civiles y militares respecto a este tema. En una segunda parte, se propone una metodología de expansión de envolvente en tiempo real, basada en el concepto de „Margen de Flameo‟, que tiene en cuenta la presencia de no-linealidades del tipo holgura en el sistema aeroelástico objeto de estudio. Adicionalmente, la metodología propuesta se valida contra un modelo aeroelástico bidimensional paramétrico e interactivo programado en Matlab. Para ello, se plantean las ecuaciones aeroelásticas no-estacionarias de un perfil bidimensional en la formulación espacio-estado y se incorpora la metodología anterior a través de un módulo de análisis de señal y otro módulo de predicción. En una tercera parte, se comparan las conclusiones obtenidas con las expuestas en la literatura actual y se aplica la metodología propuesta a resultados experimentales de ensayos en vuelo reales. En resumen, los principales resultados de esta Tesis son: 1. Resumen del estado del arte en los métodos de ensayo aplicados a la expansión de envolvente en altitud/velocidad y la influencia de no-linealidades mecánicas en la determinación de la misma. 2. Revisión de la normas de Certificación Civiles y las normas Militares en relación a la verificación aeroelástica de aeronaves y los límites permitidos en presencia de no-linealidades. 3. Desarrollo de una metodología de expansión de envolvente basada en el Margen de Flameo. 4. Validación de la metodología anterior contra un modelo aeroelástico bidimensional paramétrico e interactivo programado en Matlab/Simulink. 5. Análisis de los resultados obtenidos y comparación con resultados experimentales. ABSTRACT Aeroelasticity was defined by Arthur Collar in 1947 as “the study of the mutual interaction among inertia, elastic and aerodynamic forces when acting on structural elements surrounded by airflow”. Today, this definition has been updated to take into account the Controls („Aeroservoelasticity‟) and even the temperature („Aerothermoelasticity‟). Within the Aeronautical Engineering, aeroelastic phenomena, either static (divergence, aileron reversal) or dynamic (flutter, buzz), are well known since the early beginning of the Aviation. Lessons learned along the History of the Aeronautics have provided several design criteria in order to mitigate the probability of encountering adverse aeroelastic phenomena along the operational life of an aircraft. Additionally, last decade improvements experienced by the Computational Aerodynamics and aeroelastic modelization have refined the flutter onset speed calculations during the design phase of an aircraft. However, still today, flight test remains as a key tool to validate aeroelastic models, to verify flutter-free conditions and to certify the different envelopes of an aircraft. Specifically, during the envelope expansion in altitude/speed, real time prediction of flutter conditions is required in order to avoid them in flight. In that sense, within the flight test community, several methodologies have been developed to predict in real time flutter conditions based on free-flutter flight conditions. Among them, the damping versus velocity technique combined with a Flutter Margin implementation remains as the most common technique used to proceed with the envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed. However, although its popularity and „easy to implement‟ characteristics, several shortcomings can adversely affect to the identification of unstable conditions when mechanical non-linearties, as freeplay, are present. Specially, during test flights devoted to envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed, Limits Cycle Oscillations (LCOs) conditions can not be accurately distinguished from those of flutter and, in consequence, it leads to an excessively conservative envelope determination. The present Thesis develops a new methodology, based on the Flutter Margin concept, that enables in real time the prediction of the „Limit Cycle‟ conditions, whenever they exist, without degrading the capability of predicting the flutter onset speed. The first part of this Thesis presents a review of the state of the art regarding the test methods available to proceed with the envelope expansion of an aircraft in altitude/airspeed and the effect of mechanical non-linearities on the aeroelastic behavior. Also, both civil and military regulations are reviewed with respect aeroelastic investigation of air vehicles. The second part of this Thesis proposes a new methodology to perform envelope expansion in real time based on the Flutter Margin concept when non-linearities, as freeplay, are present. Additionally, this methodology is validated against a Matlab/Slimulink bidimensional aeroelastic model. This model, parametric and interactive, is formulated within the state-space field and it implements the proposed methodology through two main real time modules: A signal processing module and a prediction module. The third part of this Thesis compares the final conclusions derived from the proposed methodology with those stated by the flight test community and experimental results. In summary, the main results provided by this Thesis are: 1. State of the Art review of the test methods applied to envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed and the influence of mechanical non-linearities in its identification. 2. Review of the main civil and military regulations regarding the aeroelastic verification of air vehicles and the limits set when non-linearities are present. 3. Development of a methodology for envelope expansion based on the Flutter Margin concept. 4. A Matlab/Simulink 2D-[aeroelastic model], parametric and interactive, used as a tool to validate the proposed methodology. 5. Conclusions driven from the present Thesis and comparison with experimental results.


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The aviation companies are facing some problems that argue in favor of biofuels: Rising cost of traditional fuel: from 0.71 USD/gallon in May 2003 to 3.09 USD/gallon in January 2012. Environmental concerns: direct emissions from aviation account for about 3 % of the EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) forecasts that by 2050 they could grow by a further 300-700 %. On December 20th 2006 the European Commission approved a law proposal to include the civil aviation sector in the European market of carbon dioxide emission rights (European Union Emissions Trading System, EUETS)


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Safety is one of the most important feature in the aviation industry, and this involves too many factors. One of these is the aircraft maintenance. Over time, the procedures have been changing, and improving themselves. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) appeared in the late 19th century as a great option, because it enabled to inspect any structure without damaging it. Nowadays, there are several kinds of NDT, but ultrasound is one of the most widely used. This Master Thesis is devoted to an innovative ultrasound technique for crack detection. A technique, whose main aim lies in getting a good location of defects from a few measures, breaking with the currently widespread methods, as phased array. It is not necessary to use trains of waves, only discrete excitations, which means a great saving of time and energy. This work is divided into two steps: the first is to develop a multiphysics simulator, which is able to solve linear elasticity 3D problems (via Finite Element Method, FEM). This simulator allows to obtain in a computationally efficient way the displacement field for different frequencies and excitations. The solution of this elastic problem is needed to be used in the second step, which consists of generating a code that implements a mathematical tool named topological derivative, allowing to locate defects in the studied domain. In this work, the domain is a plate, and the defect is a hidden spherical void. The simulator has been developed using open source software (Elmer, Gmsh, ...), achieving a highly versatile simulator, which allows to change the configuration easily: domain size and shape, number and position of transducers, etc. Just one comercial software is used, Matlab. It is used to implement the topological derivative. In this work, the performance of the method is tested in several examples comparing the results when one or more frequencies are considered for different configurations of emisors/receptors.


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This study suggests a theoretical framework for improving the teaching/ learning process of English employed in the Aeronautical discourse that brings together cognitive learning strategies, Genre Analysis and the Contemporary theory of Metaphor (Lakoff and Johnson 1980; Lakoff 1993). It maintains that cognitive strategies such as imagery, deduction, inference and grouping can be enhanced by means of metaphor and genre awareness in the context of content based approach to language learning. A list of image metaphors and conceptual metaphors which comes from the terminological database METACITEC is provided. The metaphorical terms from the area of Aeronautics have been taken from specialised dictionaries and have been categorised according to the conceptual metaphors they respond to, by establishing the source domains and the target domains, as well as the semantic networks found. This information makes reference to the internal mappings underlying the discourse of aeronautics reflected in five aviation accident case studies which are related to accident reports from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and provides an important source for designing language teaching tasks. La Lingüística Cognitiva y el Análisis del Género han contribuido a la mejora de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas y, en particular, al desarrollo de la competencia lingüística de los alumnos de inglés para fines específicos. Este trabajo pretende perfeccionar los procesos de enseñanza y el aprendizaje del lenguaje empleado en el discurso aeronáutico por medio de la práctica de estrategias cognitivas y prestando atención a la Teoría del análisis del género y a la Teoría contemporánea de la metáfora (Lakoff y Johnson 1980; Lakoff 1993). Con el propósito de crear recursos didácticos en los que se apliquen estrategias metafóricas, se ha elaborado un listado de metáforas de imagen y de metáforas conceptuales proveniente de la base de datos terminológica META-CITEC. Estos términos se han clasificado de acuerdo con las metáforas conceptuales y de imagen existentes en esta área de conocimiento. Para la enseñanza de este lenguaje de especialidad, se proponen las correspondencias y las proyecciones entre el dominio origen y el dominio meta que se han hallado en los informes de accidentes aéreos tomados de la Junta federal de la Seguridad en el Transporte (NTSB)


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Over the past few years, the common practice within air traffic management has been that commercial aircraft fly by following a set of predefined routes to reach their destination. Currently, aircraft operators are requesting more flexibility to fly according to their prefer- ences, in order to achieve their business objectives. Due to this reason, much research effort is being invested in developing different techniques which evaluate aircraft optimal trajectory and traffic synchronisation. Also, the inefficient use of the airspace using barometric altitude overall in the landing and takeoff phases or in Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) trajectories where currently it is necessary introduce the necessary reference setting (QNH or QFE). To solve this problem and to permit a better airspace management born the interest of this research. Where the main goals will be to evaluate the impact, weakness and strength of the use of geometrical altitude instead of the use of barometric altitude. Moreover, this dissertation propose the design a simplified trajectory simulator which is able to predict aircraft trajectories. The model is based on a three degrees of freedom aircraft point mass model that can adapt aircraft performance data from Base of Aircraft Data, and meteorological information. A feature of this trajectory simulator is to support the improvement of the strategic and pre-tactical trajectory planning in the future Air Traffic Management. To this end, the error of the tool (aircraft Trajectory Simulator) is measured by comparing its performance variables with actual flown trajectories obtained from Flight Data Recorder information. The trajectory simulator is validated by analysing the performance of different type of aircraft and considering different routes. A fuel consumption estimation error was identified and a correction is proposed for each type of aircraft model. In the future Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, the trajectory becomes the fundamental element of a new set of operating procedures collectively referred to as Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO). Thus, governmental institutions, academia, and industry have shown a renewed interest for the application of trajectory optimisation techniques in com- mercial aviation. The trajectory optimisation problem can be solved using optimal control methods. In this research we present and discuss the existing methods for solving optimal control problems focusing on direct collocation, which has received recent attention by the scientific community. In particular, two families of collocation methods are analysed, i.e., Hermite-Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto collocation and the pseudospectral collocation. They are first compared based on a benchmark case study: the minimum fuel trajectory problem with fixed arrival time. For the sake of scalability to more realistic problems, the different meth- ods are also tested based on a real Airbus 319 El Cairo-Madrid flight. Results show that pseudospectral collocation, which has shown to be numerically more accurate and computa- tionally much faster, is suitable for the type of problems arising in trajectory optimisation with application to ATM. Fast and accurate optimal trajectory can contribute properly to achieve the new challenges of the future ATM. As atmosphere uncertainties are one of the most important issues in the trajectory plan- ning, the final objective of this dissertation is to have a magnitude order of how different is the fuel consumption under different atmosphere condition. Is important to note that in the strategic phase planning the optimal trajectories are determined by meteorological predictions which differ from the moment of the flight. The optimal trajectories have shown savings of at least 500 [kg] in the majority of the atmosphere condition (different pressure, and temperature at Mean Sea Level, and different lapse rate temperature) with respect to the conventional procedure simulated at the same atmosphere condition.This results show that the implementation of optimal profiles are beneficial under the current Air traffic Management (ATM).


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Los procesos relacionados con el almacenamiento y manipulación de productos petrolíferos, conllevan siempre determinados riesgos de incendio que dependen básicamente de las propiedades físicas y químicas de los productos, y hacen indispensable la adopción de importantes medidas de seguridad contra incendios. Esto es debido a que las consecuencias previsibles en caso de la producción y expansión del incendio son tan graves que aconsejan la instalación de medios más potentes de lucha contra incendios, que los simples extintores manuales. En base a ello, el presente proyecto pretende definir y desarrollar una propuesta de diseño del sistema de protección contra incendios en la zona de almacenamiento de una planta de almacenamiento de líquidos petrolíferos. La planta almacena Gasóleo, Gasolina y Queroseno de Aviación en ocho tanques atmosféricos de techo fijo situados en un único cubeto de retención. Se desarrolla un extenso estudio de los requisitos normativos para este tipo de casos, y en consecuencia, se calcula y clasifica el nivel de riesgo intrínseco de incendio en la zona estudiada, a partir de su carga de fuego ponderada y corregida. Además, se muestra la distribución de los tanques en el cubeto, basada en el cálculo de las distancias de seguridad entre cada uno de ellos y con el exterior. A partir de ello, el proyecto se centra en el cálculo de los valores de descarga de agua de refrigeración, requeridos en las boquillas de agua pulverizada e hidrantes exteriores de alrededor de la zona de riesgo; de espuma física para hidrocarburos, en las cámaras de espuma de la parte superior de la envolvente de los tanques, y en los monitores auxiliares de descarga de espuma, de la zona del cubeto de retención. Los objetivos, métodos y bases de cálculo se recogen en la memoria del proyecto. Además se incluye, la planificación temporal con MS Project, de la implementación del proyecto; la elección de los equipos que componen los sistemas, el presupuesto asociado y los planos de distribución de la planta y del flujo de tuberías propuesto. ABSTRACT Fire protection units and equipment are necessary on processes and operations related to storage and handling of petroleum products, because of their flammable and combustible properties. In case a hazard of fire from petroleum products is materialized, huge consequences are to be expected. To reduce losses, facilities should be equipped with appropriate protection. Based on that, this project seeks to define and develop the fire protection system design for a petroleum liquids storage installation. The plant stores Gasoil, Gasoline, and aviation Kerosene in eight fixed roof atmospheric tanks. A complete study of the fire protection regulations is carried out and, as a result, the studied area’s risk level is determined from its fire load density. The calculation of the minimum shell-to-shell spacing of adjacent aboveground storage tanks and external equipment, is also determined for a correct distribution of tanks in the bunded area. Assuming that, the design includes calculations of required discharge of water for spray nozzles and hydrants, and required discharge of foam from foam chambers and foam monitors. Objectives, methodology and calculation basis are presented on the project technical report; which also includes project scheduling with MS. Project software, the selection of system components and equipment, related budget and lay out of installation and piping.


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El desarrollo de bioqueroseno de diferentes orígenes y su uso creciente, hacen necesario el estudio de la compatibilidad estos nuevos combustibles con los materiales y recubrimientos con los que se encuentra en contacto. Por tanto, el presente proyecto estudia la compatibilidad de los bioquerosenos mezclados en diferentes proporciones con queroseno mineral, para evaluar posteriormente su compatibilidad con diferentes polímeros y composites presentes en la estructura de un avión.Currently there is a big interest to increase the sources of alternative fuels for aviation to get a reduction of their carbon footprint and the deep energetic dependence from fossil fuels of different countries. Although there are studies about how to produce this alternative fuel and how to accomplish the standards for a good performance in the aircraft turbines, there are no studies about how these fuels could affect the different materials of airplanes. In this context this work describes the compatibility of biokerosene blends of coconut, babassu and palm kernel with commercial Jet A-1 testing airplane polymeric materials, metals and composites. As a conclusion, all material samples show a good compatibility with the fuel blends tested.


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En los últimos tiempos, los radares han dejado de ser instrumentos utilizados únicamente en aviación, defensa y detección de velocidad. El avance de la tecnología de radiofrecuencia ha permitido la reducción de coste, tamaño y consumo de los componentes radar. Esto ha permitido que cada sea más frecuente el uso del radar en elementos de nuestra vida cotidiana tales como la automoción, la seguridad, la medida de líquidos… Este proyecto se basa en uno de estos nuevos componentes de bajo coste y pequeño tamaño, el transceptor BGT24MTR11. El BGTR24MTR11 integra transmisor, VCO y receptor, los elementos principales para la creación de un radar Doppler en la banda de frecuencia ISM 24-24,25 GHz. A partir de la placa de evaluación de ese transceptor, se aborda el diseño de un prototipo/demostrador de radar Doppler CW en la banda de 24 GHz. Para la generación de frecuencia se utiliza la placa de evaluación del PLL HMC702 y se ha diseñado un PCB a medida cuyas funciones son las de alimentación, programación y amplificación de las señales recibidas por el prototipo. Por último, se comprueba el correcto funcionamiento del prototipo y se verifica su funcionamiento mediante la simulación de dos escenarios de prueba. ABSTRACT. In the recent times, radar systems have changed of being tools used only in aviation, defence and speed detection. Radiofrequency technology improvements have allowed a cost, size and power consumption of the radar components. This is the reason because each time is more frequent the use of radar in elements of our daily life such as automotive, security, liquid measurements… This Project is base don one of this low power and size components, the MMIC transceptor BGT24MTR11. This transceptor integrates the main components needed to make a Doppler radar in the ISM Band (24-24 GHz), the transmitter, the receiver with the low noise amplifier and the VCO. Using the evaluation board of this transceptor, this Project approach the design of a CW Doppler radar prototype/demonstrator in the frequency band of 24 GHz. The frequency generation is based on the use of the HMC702 PLL evaluation board. Moreover, it has been designed a custom PCB whose funcionts are the power supply, programation and amplification of the signals received by the prototype. At the end, the correct operation of the prototype is verified and it is tested simulating two different test scenarios.


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Este proyecto consiste en el análisis de accidentes e incidentes aéreos causados por problemas en el lenguaje. Se realiza un estudio acerca de la elección del inglés para las comunicaciones en la aviación comercial. Se analiza la reglamentación actual sobre las competencias lingüísticas aplicadas a pilotos y controladores aéreos en la aviación comercial. Además se estudian los problemas lingüísticos causantes de malentendidos en las comunicaciones entre pilotos y controladores aéreos. Finalmente, se analizan en detalle los accidentes e incidentes de mayor importancia causados por problemas lingüísticos, y en los que estos eran un factor relevante en el accidente. Se explican las soluciones aplicadas para minimizar los malentendidos en las comunicaciones, y además se encuesta a un total de trece pilotos españoles con la finalidad de averiguar cuáles son los acentos que más problemas causan, en qué países es donde se tiene más dificultad para entender las comunicaciones aéreas y con mayor frecuencia se emplea una fraseología incorrecta. ABSTRACT. This project consists in the analysis of aviation accidents and incidents caused by language problems. I study why English was chosen as the language of communications in commercial aviation. I analyze the current rules applied for regulating the communication between pilots and controllers. I also study the main linguistic problems that cause misunderstandings in the communications. A detailed study of the most important accidents and incidents caused by misunderstandings is also carried out. I explain the main solutions applied to eradicate or minimize the misunderstandings that could cause an accident, and I also survey a total of thirteen Spanish pilots to directly know what accents are the most difficult ones to understand, which countries tend to modify the standard phraseology, and in which countries Spanish pilots have more problems when communicating with the controllers.