167 resultados para González García, Francisco Javier
El trabajo de investigación desarrollado que ha dado lugar a la realización de esta Tesis, aborda la protección de los edificios frente a la entrada de gas radón y su acumulación en los espacios habitados. Dicho gas (isótopo del radón Rn-222) es un elemento radiactivo que se genera, principalmente, en terrenos con altos contenidos de radio (terrenos graníticos por ejemplo). Su alto grado de movilidad permite que penetre en los edificios a través de los materiales de cerramiento del mismo (porosidad de los materiales, fisuras, grietas y juntas) y se acumule en su interior, donde puede ser inhalado en altas concentraciones. La Organización Mundial de la Salud, califica al radón como agente cancerígeno de grado 1. Según este Organismo, el radón es la segunda causa de contracción de cáncer pulmonar detrás del tabaco. Como respuesta a esta alarma, distintos estados ya han elaborado normativas en las que se proponen soluciones para que los niveles de concentración de radón no superen los valores recomendados por los organismos internacionales responsables de la protección radiológica. En España aún no existe normativa de protección frente a este agente cancerígeno causante de numerosas muertes, y es por tal motivo evidente la necesidad de aportar documentación técnica que ayude a las administraciones nacionales y locales a desarrollar dicha normativa para ajustarse a las recomendaciones europeas e internacionales sobre los niveles que no se deben superar y que, por otro lado, ya han contemplado una gran cantidad de países. Como principal aportación de este trabajo se muestran los resultados de reducción de concentración de gas radón de distintas soluciones constructivas enfocadas a frenar la entrada de gas radón al interior de los edificios haciendo uso de técnicas y materiales habituales en el ámbito de la construcción en España. Para ello, se han estudiado las efectividades de dichas soluciones, en lo referente a su capacidad para frenar la inmisión de radón, en un prototipo de vivienda construido al efecto en un terreno con altas concentraciones de radón. Las soluciones propuestas y ensayadas han sido el resultado de una labor de optimización de los sistemas estudiados en la bibliografía con el fin de adaptar las técnicas a los sistemas constructivos habituales en España y en concreto a la situación real del prototipo de vivienda construido en un lugar con contenidos de radón en terreno muy elevados. El trabajo incluye un capítulo inicial con los conceptos básicos necesarios para entender la problemática que supone habitar en espacios con altos contenidos de radón. ABSTRACT The research developed, which has led to the completion of this thesis, deal with the protection of buildings against entry of radon gas and its accumulation in the ocupated spaces. This gas (radon isotope Rn-222) is a radioactive element generated, mainly, in areas with high levels of radio (granitic terrain for example). Its high mobility allows entering in buildings through the enclosure materials of it (porosity of materials, cracks, crevices and joints) and accumulates inside, where it can be inhaled in high concentrations. The World Health Organization describes radon gas as a carcinogen agent in level 1. According to this Agency, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind tobacco. In response to this alarm, some states have developed regulations that propose solutions to reduce radon concentration levels for not exceeding the values recommended by international agencies responsible in radiation protection. In Spain there is still no legislation to protect against this carcinogen element that cause numerous deaths, and for that reason it is evident the need to provide technical documentation to help the national and local governments to develop legislation for reaching the European and international levels recommendations. As the main contribution of this work are the results of reducing radon concentration using different constructive solutions aimed to stop radon entry in buildings, with techniques and materials common in Spain. To do this, effectiveness of such solutions, have been studied in terms of its ability to stop radon entry in a housing prototype built for this purpose in an area with high radon levels. The solutions proposed and tested have been the result of a process of optimization of systems studied in the literature in order to adapt the techniques to Spanish building material and, specifically, to the actual situation of housing prototype built in a place with high contents of radon in soil. The work includes an initial chapter with the basic concepts needed to understand the problem of living in areas with high levels of radon.
El diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de suspensión para vehículos se basa cada día más en el diseño por ordenador y en herramientas de análisis por ordenador, las cuales permiten anticipar problemas y resolverlos por adelantado. El comportamiento y las características dinámicas se calculan con precisión, bajo coste, y recursos y tiempos de cálculo reducidos. Sin embargo, existe una componente iterativa en el proceso, que requiere la definición manual de diseños a través de técnicas “prueba y error”. Esta Tesis da un paso hacia el desarrollo de un entorno de simulación eficiente capaz de simular, analizar y evaluar diseños de suspensiones vehiculares, y de mejorarlos hacia la solución optima mediante la modificación de los parámetros de diseño. La modelización mediante sistemas multicuerpo se utiliza aquí para desarrollar un modelo de autocar con 18 grados de libertad, de manera detallada y eficiente. La geometría y demás características de la suspensión se ajustan a las del vehículo real, así como los demás parámetros del modelo. Para simular la dinámica vehicular, se utiliza una formulación multicuerpo moderna y eficiente basada en las ecuaciones de Maggi, a la que se ha incorporado un visor 3D. Así, se consigue simular maniobras vehiculares en tiempos inferiores al tiempo real. Una vez que la dinámica está disponible, los análisis de sensibilidad son cruciales para una optimización robusta y eficiente. Para ello, se presenta una técnica matemática que permite derivar las variables dinámicas dentro de la formulación, de forma algorítmica, general, con la precisión de la maquina, y razonablemente eficiente: la diferenciación automática. Este método propaga las derivadas con respecto a las variables de diseño a través del código informático y con poca intervención del usuario. En contraste con otros enfoques en la bibliografía, generalmente particulares y limitados, se realiza una comparación de librerías, se desarrolla una formulación híbrida directa-automática para el cálculo de sensibilidades, y se presentan varios ejemplos reales. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo la optimización de la respuesta dinámica del vehículo citado. Se analizan cuatro tipos distintos de optimización: identificación de parámetros, optimización de la maniobrabilidad, optimización del confort y optimización multi-objetivo, todos ellos aplicados al diseño del autocar. Además de resultados analíticos y gráficos, se incluyen algunas consideraciones acerca de la eficiencia. En resumen, se mejora el comportamiento dinámico de vehículos por medio de modelos multicuerpo y de técnicas de diferenciación automática y optimización avanzadas, posibilitando un ajuste automático, preciso y eficiente de los parámetros de diseño. ABSTRACT Each day, the design and development of vehicle suspension systems relies more on computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering tools, which allow anticipating the problems and solving them ahead of time. Dynamic behavior and characteristics are thus simulated accurately and inexpensively with moderate computational times and resources. There is, however, an iterative component in the process, which involves the manual definition of designs in a trialand-error manner. This Thesis takes a step towards the development of an efficient simulation framework capable of simulating, analyzing and evaluating vehicle suspension designs, and automatically improving them by varying the design parameters towards the optimal solution. The multibody systems approach is hereby used to model a three-dimensional 18-degrees-of-freedom coach in a comprehensive yet efficient way. The suspension geometry and characteristics resemble the ones from the real vehicle, as do the rest of vehicle parameters. In order to simulate vehicle dynamics, an efficient, state-of-the-art multibody formulation based on Maggi’s equations is employed, and a three-dimensional graphics viewer is developed. As a result, vehicle maneuvers can be simulated faster than real-time. Once the dynamics are ready, a sensitivity analysis is crucial for a robust optimization. To that end, a mathematical technique is introduced, which allows differentiating the dynamic variables within the multibody formulation in a general, algorithmic, accurate to machine precision, and reasonably efficient way: automatic differentiation. This method propagates the derivatives with respect to the design parameters throughout the computer code, with little user interaction. In contrast with other attempts in the literature, mostly not generalpurpose, a benchmarking of libraries is carried out, a hybrid direct-automatic differentiation approach for the computation of sensitivities is developed, and several real-life examples are analyzed. Finally, a design optimization process of the aforementioned vehicle is carried out. Four different types of dynamic response optimization are presented: parameter identification, handling optimization, ride comfort optimization and multi-objective optimization; all of which are applied to the design of the coach example. Together with analytical and visual proof of the results, efficiency considerations are made. In summary, the dynamic behavior of vehicles is improved by using the multibody systems approach, along with advanced differentiation and optimization techniques, enabling an automatic, accurate and efficient tuning of design parameters.
Comunicaciones presentadas en el marco del proyecto FRUTURA de CYTED. Reunión Científico Técnica FRUTURA San José-EARTH (Costa Rica) - Mayo de 2011
Este documento se generó a partir de la VI Reunión de la Red Temática FRUTURA de CYTED realizada en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina del 26 al 30 de Setiembre de 2011. Organizado por el Laboratorio de Calidad y Postcosecha de Frutas y Hortalizas de la E.E.A. Balcarce del INTA, el programa de esta reunión se enmarcó dentro del principal objetivo de la Red, que es el desarrollo de un sistema integral de mejora de la calidad y seguridad de las frutas durante la manipulación, el transporte y la comercialización, mediante nuevas tecnologías de inspección y monitorización.
Traumatic Brain Injury -TBI- -1- is defined as an acute event that causes certain damage to areas of the brain. TBI may result in a significant impairment of an individuals physical, cognitive and psychosocial functioning. The main consequence of TBI is a dramatic change in the individuals daily life involving a profound disruption of the family, a loss of future income capacity and an increase of lifetime cost. One of the main challenges of TBI Neuroimaging is to develop robust automated image analysis methods to detect signatures of TBI, such as: hyper-intensity areas, changes in image contrast and in brain shape. The final goal of this research is to develop a method to identify the altered brain structures by automatically detecting landmarks on the image where signal changes and to provide comprehensive information to the clinician about them. These landmarks identify injured structures by co-registering the patient?s image with an atlas where landmarks have been previously detected. The research work has been initiated by identifying brain structures on healthy subjects to validate the proposed method. Later, this method will be used to identify modified structures on TBI imaging studies.
Perfil de la frecuencia cardiaca en triatletas altamente entrenados
Energy performance building directive? en los estados miembros de la UE. Consecuencias e implicaciones?
The present study investigates the potential use of non-catalyzed water-soluble blocked polyurethane prepolymer (PUP) as a bifunctional cross-linker for collagenous scaffolds. The effect of concentration (5, 10, 15 and 20%), time (4, 6, 12 and 24 h), medium volume (50, 100, 200 and 300%) and pH (7.4, 8.2, 9 and 10) over stability, microstructure and tensile mechanical behavior of acellular pericardial matrix was studied. The cross-linking index increased up to 81% while the denaturation temperature increased up to 12 °C after PUP crosslinking. PUP-treated scaffold resisted the collagenase degradation (0.167 ± 0.14 mmol/g of liberated amine groups vs. 598 ± 60 mmol/g for non-cross-linked matrix). The collagen fiber network was coated with PUP while viscoelastic properties were altered after cross-linking. The treatment of the pericardial scaffold with PUP allows (i) different densities of cross-linking depending of the process parameters and (ii) tensile properties similar to glutaraldehyde method.
A strategy is presented to optimize out-of-autoclave processing of quasi-isotropic carbon fiber-reinforced laminates. Square panels of 4.6 mm nominal thickness with very low porosity ð6 0:2%Þ were manufactured by compression molding at low pressure (0.2 MPa) by careful design of the temperature cycle to maximize the processing window. The mechanisms of void migration during processing were ascertained by means of X-ray microtomography and the effect of ply clustering on porosity and on void shape was explained. Finally, the effect of porosity and ply clustering on the compressive strength before and after impact was studied.
Recent developments in the area of multiscale modeling of fiber-reinforced polymers are presented. The overall strategy takes advantage of the separa-tion of length scales between different entities (ply, laminate, and component) found in composite structures. This allows us to carry out multiscale modeling by computing the properties of one entity (e.g., individual plies) at the relevant length scale, homogenizing the results into a constitutive model, and passing this information to the next length scale to determine the mechanical behavior of the larger entity (e.g., laminate). As a result, high-fidelity numerical sim-ulations of the mechanical behavior of composite coupons and small compo-nents are nowadays feasible starting from the matrix, fiber, and interface properties and spatial distribution. Finally, the roadmap is outlined for extending the current strategy to include functional properties and processing into the simulation scheme.
El artículo aborda el problema del encaje de diversas imágenes de una misma escena capturadas por escáner 3d para generar un único modelo tridimensional. Para ello se utilizaron algoritmos genéticos. ABSTRACT: This work introduces a solution based on genetic algorithms to find the overlapping area between two point cloud captures obtained from a three-dimensional scanner. Considering three translation coordinates and three rotation angles, the genetic algorithm evaluates the matching points in the overlapping area between the two captures given that transformation. Genetic simulated annealing is used to improve the accuracy of the results obtained by the genetic algorithm.
Sistema nervioso y ejercicio
The applicability of a portable NIR spectrometer for estimating the °Brix content of grapes by non-destructive measurement has been analysed in field. The NIR spectrometer AOTF-NIR Luminar 5030, from Brimrose, was used. The spectrometer worked with a spectral range from 1100 to 2300 nm. A total of 600 samples of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, belonging to two vintages, were measured in a non-destructive way. The specific objective of this research is to analyse the influence of the statistical treatment of the spectra information in the development of °Brix estimation models. Different data pretreatments have been tested before applying multivariate analysis techniques to generate estimation models. The calibration using PLS regression applied to spectra data pretreated with the MSC method (multiplicative scatter correction) has been the procedure with better results. Considering the models developed with data corresponding to the first campaign, errors near to 1.35 °Brix for calibration (SEC = 1.36) and, about 1.50 °Brix for validation (SECV = 1.52) were obtained. The coefficients of determination were R2 = 0.78 for the calibration, and R2 = 0.77 for the validation. In addition, the great variability in the data of the °Brix content for the tested plots was analysed. The variation of °Brix on the plots was up to 4 °Brix, for all varieties. This deviation was always superior to the calculated errors in the generated models. Therefore, the generated models can be considered to be valid for its application in field. Models were validated with data corresponding to the second campaign. In this sense, the validation results were worse than those obtained in the first campaign. It is possible to conclude in the need to realize an adjustment of the spectrometer for each season, and to develop specific predictive models for every vineyard.
3D woven composites reinforced with either S2 glass, carbon or a hybrid combination of both and containing either polyethylene or carbon z-yarns were tested under low-velocity impact. Different impact energies (in the range of 21–316 J) were used and the mechanical response (in terms of the impact strength and energy dissipated) was compared with that measured in high-performance, albeit standard, 2D laminates. It was found that the impact strength in both 2D and 3D materials was mainly dependent on the in-plane fiber fracture. Conversely, the energy absorption capability was primarily influenced by the presence of z-yarns, having the 3D composites dissipated over twice the energy than the 2D laminates, irrespective of their individual characteristics (fiber type, compaction degree, porosity, etc.). X-ray microtomography revealed that this improvement was due to the z-yarns, which delayed delamination and maintained the structural integrity of the laminate, promoting energy dissipation by tow splitting, intensive fiber breakage under the tup and formation of a plug by out-of-plane shear.
En la construcción se puede almacenar calor a través de calor sensible y calor latente. El almacenamiento por calor latente es menos utilizado en aplicaciones arquitectónicas que el calor sensible, pero su capacidad de acumulación es mucho mayor. L a utilización de calor latente a través de materiales de cambio de fase (PCM), puede producir mejoras en el acondicionamiento térmico y reducir el consumo de energía por calefacción en los edificios. Por su posibilidad de uso en morteros de cemento, las pa rafinas microencapsuladas aparecen como una buena alternativa tecnológica dentro de los materiales de construcción. Existe un grupo de problemas relacionados con el cambio de comportamiento que experimenta el mortero dependiendo de las cantidades incorpora das de PCM microencapsulado. En el presente trabajo se expone su aplicación a morteros de cemento en cantidades de 5, 10 y 20 %, y relaciones agua/cemento de 0,50 ; 0,70 y 0,90. Los resultados permiten ver los efectos en las propiedades del mortero, observá ndose disminución de resistencia y densidad, así como también cambios en el comportamiento de mezclas en estado fresco de mortero con PCM. Agregado en la mezcla, permite acumular mayores cantidades de energía sin aumentar el espesor de la capa de mortero.