154 resultados para Batallas navales


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Many efforts have been made in order to adequate the production of a solar thermal collector field to the consumption of domestic hot water of the inhabitants of a building. In that sense, much has been achieved in different domains: research agencies, government policies and manufacturers. However, most of the design rules of the solar plants are based on steady state models, whereas solar irradiance, consumption and thermal accumulation are inherently transient processes. As a result of this lack of physical accuracy, thermal storage tanks are sometimes left to be as large as the designer decides without any aforementioned precise recommendation. This can be a problem if solar thermal systems are meant to be implemented in nowadays buildings, where there is a shortage of space. In addition to that, an excessive storage volume could not result more efficient in many residential applications, but costly, extreme in space consumption and in some cases too heavy. A proprietary transient simulation program has been developed and validated with a detailed measurement campaign in an experimental facility. In situ environmental data have been obtained through a whole year of operation. They have been gathered at intervals of 10 min for a solar plant of 50 m2 with a storage tank of 3 m3, including the equipment for domestic hot water production of a typical apartment building. This program has been used to obtain the design and dimensioning criteria of DHW solar plants under daily transient conditions throughout a year and more specifically the size of the storage tank for a multi storey apartment building. Comparison of the simulation results with the current Spanish regulation applicable, “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE 2006), offers fruitful details and establishes solar facilities dimensioning criteria.


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Acourse focused on the acquisition of integration competencies in ship production engineering, organized in collaboration with selected industry partners, is presented in this paper. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using MS-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity with the final one being the construction planning of a vessel. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, MS-ACCESS, in managing production related information.Aseries of increasing complexity examples is treated, the final one being the management of the piping database of a real vessel. This database consists of several thousand pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined connecting this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to working withFORAN,an Engineering Production application developed bySENERand widely used in the shipbuilding industry. With this application, the structural elements where all the outfittings will be located are defined through cooperative work by the students, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In this paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feedback from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process, compared to more traditional ones. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper.


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The main focus of this paper is on hydrodynamic modelling of a semisubmersible platform (which can support a 1.5MW wind turbine and is composed by three buoyant columns connected by bracings) with especial emphasis on the estimation of the wave drift components and their effects on the design of the mooring system. Indeed, with natural periods of drift around 60 seconds, accurate computation of the low-frequency second-order components is not a straightforward task. As methods usually adopted when dealing with the slow-drifts of deep-water moored systems, such as Newman?s approximation, have their errors increased by the relatively low resonant periods, and as the effects of depth cannot be ignored, the wave diffraction analysis must be based on full Quadratic Transfer Functions (QTF) computations. A discussion on the numerical aspects of performing such computations is presented, making use of the second-order module available with the seakeeping software WAMIT®. Finally, the paper also provides a preliminary verification of the accuracy of the numerical predictions based on the results obtained in a series of model tests with the structure fixed in bichromatic waves.


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The objectives of this work are to revisit the experimental measurements on dam break flow over a dry horizontal bed and to provide a detailed insight into the dynamics of the dam break wave impacting a vertical wall downstream the dam, with emphasis on the pressure loads. The measured data are statistically analyzed and critically discussed. As a result, an extensive set of data for validation of computational tools is provided.


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Nadie se escandalizaría si afirmase que España no va a ser nunca la primera potencia mundial en microelectrónica. Ni que nuestros desarrollos en comunicaciones ópticas no van a superar a los de Japón o Estados Unidos. Hay batallas que se deben dar por perdidas desde un primer momento porque autoengañarse sólo conduce a malgastar tiempo y dinero. Para ser número uno en algo son precisas una serie de circunstancias previas que hay que tener presentes y, si no se tienen, hay que resignarse al puesto que se pueda conseguir.


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Over the last few years, the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) under the sponsorship of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has prepared, organized, conducted, and summarized two international benchmarks based on the NUPEC data—the OECD/NRC Full-Size Fine-Mesh Bundle Test (BFBT) Benchmark and the OECD/NRC PWR Sub-Channel and Bundle Test (PSBT) Benchmark. The benchmarks’ activities have been conducted in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA/OECD) and the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety (JNES) Organization. This paper presents an application of the joint Penn State University/Technical University of Madrid (UPM) version of the well-known sub-channel code COBRA-TF (Coolant Boiling in Rod Array-Two Fluid), namely, CTF, to the steady state critical power and departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) exercises of the OECD/NRC BFBT and PSBT benchmarks. The goal is two-fold: firstly, to assess these models and to examine their strengths and weaknesses; and secondly, to identify the areas for improvement.


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The paper shows the results of the new steps that have been done in the development of the tidal energy converter GESMEY. These are the design, construction and trials into the sea of a 1/10 scale prototype and also the construction with the same scale of the buoy BOSCEM, that anchors the device and lets it in the correct work position and depth, along the two directions of the flow that the daily tidal cycle have. Inside the paper is described the objectives and the methodology of the experimental trials that were ca rry out the last summer with the scale prototype. GESMEY is a new type of tidal energy converter (TEC) that has the capability to exploit currents in waters over forty meters by itself and it gets only using its internal ballast system the necessary equilibrium between hy drostatics and hydrodynamics forces to make the emersion and the immersion procedures without any other help. Finally the paper shows the description of the results obtained over the performance of the devices along the immersion, emersion and floating transport manoeuvres and afterwards the results, that were obtained along the generation power tests that were carried out, are shown.


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In the last years, there has been a continued growth in the number of offshore operations for handling large equipment and objects, with emphasis on installation and maintenance of devices for exploiting marine renewable energy like generators for harnessing wind, waves and currents energy. Considering the behaviour of these devices during manoeuvrings, and due to their size and by the interaction with the surrounding fluid, the effect of inertial forces and torques is very important, which requires a specific modelling. This paper especially discusses the masses and moments of inertia modelling problem, with the aim to use it in the simulation of the complex manoeuvres of these devices and in the automatic control systems designed for their offshore operations. Given the importance and complexity of the added mass modelling, a method for its early design identification, developed by the R&D Group on Marine Renewable Energy Technologies of the UPM (GITERM) and its use on special cases like emersion manoeuvres of devices from underwater to the surface will be presented.


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Related with the detection of weak magnetic fields, the anisotropic magnetoresistive(AMR) effect is widely utilized in sensor applications. Exchange coupling between an antiferromagnet (AF) and the ferromagnet (FM) has been known as a significant parameter in the field sensitivity of magnetoresistance because of pinning effects on magnetic domain in FM layer by the bias field in AF. In this work we have studied the thermal evolution of the magnetization reversal processes in nanocrystalline exchange biased Ni80Fe20/Ni-O bilayers with large training effects and we report the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio arising from field orientation in the bilayer.


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Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) built by layer-by-layer technique have been extensively studied over the last years, resulting in a wide variety of current and potential applications. This technique can be used to construct thin films with different functionalities, or to functionalize surfaces with substantial different properties of those of the underlying substrates. The multilayering process is achieved by the alternate adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. In this work we get advantage of the protein resistant property of the Poly (l-lysine)-graft-(polyethyleneglycol) to create protein patterns. Proteins can be immobilized on a surface by unspecific physical adsorption, covalent binding or through specific interactions. The first protein used in this work was laccase, a copper-containing redox enzyme that catalyse the oxidation of a broad range of polyphenols and aromatic substrates, coupled to the reduction of O2 to H2O without need of cofactors. Applications of laccases have been reported in food, pulp, paper, and textile industry, and also in biosensor development. Some uses require the immobilization of the enzyme on solid supports by adsorption, covalent attachment, entrapment, etc, on several substrates. Especially for biosensor development, highly active, stable and reproducible immobilization of laccase is required.


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One of the most important design constraints of a climbing robot is its own weight. When links or legs are used as a locomotion system they tend to be composed of special lightweight materials, or four-bars-linkage mechanisms are designed to reduce the weight with small rigidity looses. In these cases, flexibility appears and undesirable effects, such as dynamics vibrations, must be avoided at least when the robot moves at low speeds. The knowledge of the real tip position requires the computation of its compliance or stiffness matrix and the external forces applied to the structure. Gravitational forces can be estimated, but external tip forces need to be measured. This paper proposes a strain gauge system which achieves the following tasks: (i) measurement of the external tip forces, and (ii) estimation of the real tip position (including flexibility effects). The main advantages of the proposed system are: (a) the use of external force sensors is avoided, and (b) a substantial reduction of the robot weight is achieved in comparison with other external force measurement systems. The proposed method is applied to a real symmetric climbing robot and experimental results are presented.


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Electric-powered wheelchairs improve the mobility of people with physical disabilities, but the problem to deal with certain architectural barriers has not been resolved satisfactorily. In order to solve this problem, a stair-climbing mobility system (SCMS) was developed. This paper presents a practical dynamic control system that allows the SCMS to exhibit a successful climbing process when faced with typical architectural barriers such as curbs, ramps, or staircases. The implemented control system depicts high simplicity, computational efficiency, and the possibility of an easy implementation in a microprocessor-/microcontroller-based system. Finally, experiments are included to support theoretical results.


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Pulse-width modulation is widely used to control electronic converters. One of the most frequently used topologies for high DC voltage/low DC voltage conversion is the Buck converter. These converters are described by a second order system with an LC filter between the switching subsystem and the load. The use of a coil with an amorphous magnetic material core rather than an air core permits the design of smaller converters. If high switching frequencies are used to obtain high quality voltage output, then the value of the auto inductance L is reduced over time. Robust controllers are thus needed if the accuracy of the converter response must be preserved under auto inductance and payload variations. This paper presents a robust controller for a Buck converter based on a state space feedback control system combined with an additional virtual space variable which minimizes the effects of the inductance and load variations when a switching frequency that is not too high is applied. The system exhibits a null steady-state average error response for the entire range of parameter variations. Simulation results and a comparison with a standard PID controller are also presented.


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The dynamic behaviour of a fishing vessel in waves is studied in order to reveal its parametric rolling characteristics. This paper presents experimental and numerical results in longitudinal regular waves. The experimental results are compared against the results of a time-domain non-linear strip theory model of ship motions in six degrees-of-freedom. These results contribute to the validation of the parametric rolling prediction method, so that it can be used as an assessment tool to evaluate both the susceptibility and severity of occurrence of parametric rolling at the early design stage of these types of vessels.


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This work describes an acoustic system that allows the automatic detection and location of mechanical impacts on metallic based structures, which is suitable in robotics and industrial applications. The system is based on the time delays of propagation of the acoustic waves along the metallic based structure and it determines the instant and the position when and were the impact has been produced by piezoelectric sensors and an electronic-computerized system. We have obtained that for distance impact of 40 cm and 50 cm the time delay is 2 s and 72 s respectively.