89 resultados para Talmy, Leonard: Toward a cognitive semantics. Volume I: Concept structuring systems
We present El Viajero, an application for exploiting, managing and organizing Linked Data in the domain of news and blogs about travelling. El Viajero makes use of several heterogeneous datasets to help users to plan future trips, and relies on the Open Provenance Model for modeling the provenance information of the resources
Hoy en día los nuevos desarrollos en teledetección permiten la mejora de la caracterización y gestión del entorno fluvial. Especial relevancia muestra el escaneo laser aerotransportado. Este sistema es conocido como LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) y desde sus orígenes ha mejorado de manera excepcional sus resultados tanto en la precisión espacial de los puntos obtenidos, su post-procesado como su clasificación. Todo ello con una reducción de los costes, ahora asumible para ser incorporado en los proyectos de restauración fluvial. Sin embargo, no ha sido hasta fechas recientes cuando han comenzado a aparecer referencias en este sentido. Dando continuidad a esta línea de investigación, en este trabajo se presenta el resumen de los avances en relación al papel que puede presentar la tecnología LiDAR en un proyecto de restauración fluvial.
This article presents a case study about the TSPi benefits in a software project under a Small Settings environment. An adapted process based on the TSPi was defined. The pilot project had a schedule and budget restricted. The process began collecting historical projects data in order to get a measure repository. The project was launched defining the following goals: increase the productivity, reduce the test time and improve the product quality. Finally, the results were analysed and the goals were verified.
Se trata de una aproximación al estudio de la arquitectura vernácula de la provincia de Ciudad Real, con un recorrido a través de las distintas comarcas, destacando las características de las diferentes respuestas constructivas al medio físico. Desde un conocimiento del territorio, y apoyándose en las imágenes, se analiza de forma transversal el objeto arquitectónico que conforma la edilicia urbana de los núcleos poblacionales del espacio provincial. Se realiza una visión general de los escasos ejemplos populares de los caseríos de la provincia. Se estudia la casa urbana, la impronta visual en calles y plazas, como tipo edificatorio más común, su composición, materiales, programa, distribución, volumen, sistemas constructivos y elementos arquitectónicos (lenguaje formal). Análisis aproximativo a la arquitectura vernácula urbana, en un trabajo de campo casi arqueológico. Al no profundizar sólo se resumen los aspectos principales y diferenciales de la arquitectura tradicional en la provincia de Ciudad Real, como transición entre la casa castellana y los cortijos andaluces, entre la casa extremeña y la levantina, con sus influencias y peculiaridades.
El aislamiento acústico de elementos constructivos obtenido en obra difiere del aislamiento acústico obtenido en laboratorio, tanto para ruido aéreo como para ruido de impactos. Esto se produce porque el aislamiento acústico de cualquier elemento constructivo, como por ejemplo una pared, está influido por los elementos constructivos conectados a ella, como son tabiques, forjados o fachadas, ya que los elementos constructivos, en presencia del campo acústico vibran y transmiten sus vibraciones al elemento de separación produciendo la transmisión indirecta estructural o también denominada transmisión por flancos. El objeto de esta comunicación es cuantificar la pérdida de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo, que se produce en la edificación y que es atribuible a las transmisiones indirectas. En el caso de los edificios estudiados, la pérdida de aislamiento acústico puede variar de 4 a 10 dB.
La participación y el poder de los diferentes grupos de interés en las organizaciones están creciendo. Uno de los principales pilares para que los proyectos de responsabilidad social tengan éxito es el diálogo y compromiso con los grupos de interés. Para alcanzar el éxito en la implementación de la responsabilidad social, la correcta gestión de las relaciones con las partes interesadas y el uso de herramientas eficientes para la identificación de sus necesidades y expectativas son factores fundamentales. Este artículo pretende clarificar algunos de los pasos básicos a dar para implementar una gestión eficiente de los grupos de interés y mostrar los resultados de la aplicación del análisis de redes sociales como herramienta para la implementación de la teoría de stakeholders en un centro universitario.
A method for estimating the dimensions of non-delimited free parking areas by using a static surveillance camera is proposed. The proposed method is specially designed to tackle the main challenges of urban scenarios (multiple moving objects, outdoor illumination conditions and occlusions between vehicles) with no training. The core of this work is the temporal analysis of the video frames to detect the occupancy variation of the parking areas. Two techniques are combined: background subtraction using a mixture of Gaussians to detect and track vehicles and the creation of a transience map to detect the parking and leaving of vehicles. The authors demonstrate that the proposed method yields satisfactory estimates on three real scenarios while being a low computational cost solution that can be applied in any kind of parking area covered by a single camera.
Infrastructure as a Service clouds are a flexible and fast way to obtain (virtual) resources as demand varies. Grids, on the other hand, are middleware platforms able to combine resources from different administrative domains for task execution. Clouds can be used by grids as providers of devices such as virtual machines, so they only use the resources they need. But this requires grids to be able to decide when to allocate and release those resources. Here we introduce and analyze by simulations an economic mechanism (a) to set resource prices and (b) resolve when to scale resources depending on the users’ demand. This system has a strong emphasis on fairness, so no user hinders the execution of other users’ tasks by getting too many resources. Our simulator is based on the well-known GridSim software for grid simulation, which we expand to simulate infrastructure clouds. The results show how the proposed system can successfully adapt the amount of allocated resources to the demand, while at the same time ensuring that resources are fairly shared among users.
In this paper we generalize the Continuous Adversarial Queuing Theory (CAQT) model (Blesa et al. in MFCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3618, pp. 144–155, 2005) by considering the possibility that the router clocks in the network are not synchronized. We name the new model Non Synchronized CAQT (NSCAQT). Clearly, this new extension to the model only affects those scheduling policies that use some form of timing. In a first approach we consider the case in which although not synchronized, all clocks run at the same speed, maintaining constant differences. In this case we show that all universally stable policies in CAQT that use the injection time and the remaining path to schedule packets remain universally stable. These policies include, for instance, Shortest in System (SIS) and Longest in System (LIS). Then, we study the case in which clock differences can vary over time, but the maximum difference is bounded. In this model we show the universal stability of two families of policies related to SIS and LIS respectively (the priority of a packet in these policies depends on the arrival time and a function of the path traversed). The bounds we obtain in this case depend on the maximum difference between clocks. This is a necessary requirement, since we also show that LIS is not universally stable in systems without bounded clock difference. We then present a new policy that we call Longest in Queues (LIQ), which gives priority to the packet that has been waiting the longest in edge queues. This policy is universally stable and, if clocks maintain constant differences, the bounds we prove do not depend on them. To finish, we provide with simulation results that compare the behavior of some of these policies in a network with stochastic injection of packets.
All-terrain robot locomotion is an active topic of research. Search and rescue maneuvers and exploratory missions could benefit from robots with the abilities of real animals. However, technological barriers exist to ultimately achieving the actuation system, which is able to meet the exigent requirements of these robots. This paper describes the locomotioncontrol of a leg prototype, designed and developed to make a quadruped walk dynamically while exhibiting compliant interaction with the environment. The actuation system of the leg is based on the hybrid use of series elasticity and magneto-rheological dampers, which provide variable compliance for natural-looking motion and improved interaction with the ground. The locomotioncontrol architecture has been proposed to exploit natural leg dynamics in order to improve energy efficiency. Results show that the controller achieves a significant reduction in energy consumption during the leg swing phase thanks to the exploitation of inherent leg dynamics. Added to this, experiments with the real leg prototype show that the combined use of series elasticity and magneto-rheologicaldamping at the knee provide a 20 % reduction in the energy wasted in braking the knee during its extension in the leg stance phase.
Abstract interpretation-based data-flow analysis of logic programs is, at this point, relatively well understood from the point of view of general frameworks and abstract domains. On the other hand, comparatively little attention has been given to the problems which arise when analysis of a full, practical dialect of the Prolog language is attempted, and only few solutions to these problems have been proposed to date. Existing proposals generally restrict in one way or another the classes of programs which can be analyzed. This paper attempts to fill this gap by considering a full dialect of Prolog, essentially the recent ISO standard, pointing out the problems that may arise in the analysis of such a dialect, and proposing a combination of known and novel solutions that together allow the correct analysis of arbitrary programs which use the full power of the language.
We argüe that in order to exploit both Independent And- and Or-parallelism in Prolog programs there is advantage in recomputing some of the independent goals, as opposed to all their solutions being reused. We present an abstract model, called the Composition- Tree, for representing and-or parallelism in Prolog Programs. The Composition-tree closely mirrors sequential Prolog execution by recomputing some independent goals rather than fully re-using them. We also outline two environment representation techniques for And-Or parallel execution of full Prolog based on the Composition-tree model abstraction. We argüe that these techniques have advantages over earlier proposals for exploiting and-or parallelism in Prolog.
The concepts of holon and holarchy were first applied in the manufacturing world to develop Holonic Manufacturing Systems. Since then, they have been used in many fields and have proved to be applicable concepts for developing applications in any business area. Resulting applications are based on conceptual holonic constructions. Like any model, a holarchy needs to be validated under real circumstances. Such validation assures the quality of the holarchy before it is implemented. In general, validation research tends to target: 1) the specific types of holons handled in each proposal and/or the selected development paradigms; and 2) algorithm performance rather than architecture quality. This paper proposes and evaluates a methodology that focuses on the quality of the architecture. This methodology is able to validate any holonic architecture built to meet trade requirements. Moreover, this is a general-purpose methodology. Therefore, the methodology would be valid for any domain and would not be invalidated by holon types and/or implementation paradigms emerging, changing or falling into disuse. For this purpose, we consider holonic architectures as conceptual models, using the pure holon and holarchy concepts and passing up not only any specific implementation paradigm but also any set of specific holon types.
The future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable web services accessible from all over the web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user?service interaction is still an open issue. This paper states one vision with regard to next-generation front-end Web 2.0 technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the future Internet. In this paper, we illustrate how front-ends that wrap traditional services and resources can be tailored to the needs of end users, converting end users into prosumers (creators and consumers of service-based applications). To do this, we propose an architecture that end users without programming skills can use to create front-ends, consult catalogues of resources tailored to their needs, easily integrate and coordinate front-ends and create composite applications to orchestrate services in their back-end. The paper includes a case study illustrating that current user-centred web development tools are at a very early stage of evolution. We provide statistical data on how the proposed architecture improves these tools. This paper is based on research conducted by the Service Front End (SFE) Open Alliance initiative.
The previous publications (Miñano et al, 2011) have shown that using a Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW), it can be achieved the super-resolution up to ? /500 close to a set of discrete frequencies. These frequencies are directly connected with the well-known Schumann resonance frequencies of spherical symmetric systems. However, the Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW) has been presented as an ideal system, in which the technological obstacles or manufacturing feasibility and their influence on final results were not taken into account. In order to prove the concept of superresolution experimentally, the Spherical Geodesic Waveguide is modified according to the manufacturing requirements and technological limitations. Each manufacturing process imposes some imperfections which can affect the experimental results. Here, we analyze the influence of the manufacturing limitations on the super-resolution properties of the SGW. Beside the theoretical work, herein, there has been presented the experimental results, as well.