86 resultados para Reyman, Mena
The addition of hydrogen to natural gas could be a short-term alternative to today’s fossil fuels, as greenhouse gas emissions may be reduced. The aim of this study is to evaluate the emissions and performance of a spark ignition engine fuelled by pure natural gas, pure hydrogen, and different blends of hydrogen and natural gas (HCNG). Increasing the hydrogen fraction leads to variations in cylinder pressure and CO2 emissions. In this study, a combustion model based on thermodynamic equations is used, considering separate zones for burned and unburned gases. The results show that the maximum cylinder pressure rises as the fraction of hydrogen in the blend increases. The presence of hydrogen in the blend leads to a decrease in CO2 emissions. Due to the properties of hydrogen, leaner fuel–air mixtures can be used along with the appropriate spark timing, leading to an improvement in engine emissions with no loss of performance.
Se ha desarrollado un laboratorio virtual para la medida de ciclos indicados en un motor alternativo policombustible de encendido provocado. El laboratorio virtual desarrollado permite por una parte simular y obtener el ciclo indicado de un motor alternativo de cuatro tiempos, pudiendo modificar los parámetros más importantes de operación (régimen de giro, presiones de admisión y escape, temperaturas, etc.) y de diseño (parámetros geométricos del motor). Por otra parte, el laboratorio virtual permite simular el ensayo del motor en banco de pruebas y la medida del ciclo indicado. Los modelos matemáticos necesarios se han escrito en lenguaje Fortran, y estos interaccionan con un interfaz gráfico de usuario (GUI) programado en VEE®. El laboratorio virtual puede implementarse en una plataforma virtual de enseñanza de manera que los alumnos puedan tener acceso al sistema desde cualquier ordenador, en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar.
El yacimiento de Pasto Bueno se localiza en el extremo nordeste del Batolito de la Cordillera Blanca, comprende diversas vetas, generalmente subverticales, asociadas al stock cuarzomonzonitico de Consuzo, datado como Terciario Superior, que intruye a las pizarras de la fm. Chicama y cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Las principales vetas discurren con direccion N-S cortando al stock, aunque tambien existen sistemas NE-SW asi como NW-SE encajados sobre las rocas metamorficas. La mineralogia de mena reconocida comprende wolframita (hubnerita), tetraedrita/tenantita, esfalerita y galena, en una ganga de cuarzo, fluorita, sericita, pirita y carbonatos, ademas de molibdenita, calcopirita, bornita, arsenopirita, enargita (luzonita), stolzita, scheelita, zinnwaldita, topacio, tungstita y arsenico nativo. Estudios previos han caracterizado Pasto Bueno como un yacimiento con una gran componente de greisen, con una evolucion de las vetas desde un episodio temprano esteril de 400 oC, depositando la mineralizacion economica en torno a los 220-250 oC y con un evento postumo de 175-220 oC rico en CO2. La precipitacion de la wolframita se produjo a partir de un fluido netamente hidrotermal, sin embargo, dicha precipitacion estuvo controlada por el aporte al sistema de aguas externas meteoricas y/o metamorficas. El trabajo llevado a cabo ha consistido en la realizacion de un estudio microtermometrico de las 3 principales estructuras del distrito: Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix y Chabuca, para caracterizar la evolucion del fluido mineralizador desde el stock (veta Consuelo) hacia las rocas metasedimentarias de las fm. Chicama y Chimu (manto Alonso-Fenix y veta Chabuca). Para ello se realizo un muestreo sobre el evento principal de mineralizacion. Dichas muestras se sometieron a un estudio petrografico de lamina gruesa para seleccionar las muestras optimas para el posterior estudio microtermometrico. Previamente a la obtencion de las medidas de temperatura de fusion del hielo (criotermometria) y de homogenizacion del fluido; se realizo un estudio de petrografia de inclusiones fluidas para caracterizarlas y seleccionar las representativas. La interpretacion de los resultados ha permitido confirmar la existencia de un episodio previo de alta temperatura, superior a 282 oC y un evento mineralizador con temperaturas en torno a los 200-240 oC. Sin embargo, las salinidades obtenidas son mucho menores que las previamente publicadas, en torno al 5 % peso eq. NaCl, frente a 11-17 % peso eq. NaCl. Tambien se ha observado un fluido postumo rico en CO2, pero de temperatura superior, en torno a los 270 oC. Los gradientes isotermicos muestran dos focos para dichos fluidos hidrotermales: el primero asociado al stock en la veta Consuelo, y el segundo en la veta Chabuca, asociado a la zona de cabalgamiento de las pizarras de la fm. Chicama sobre las cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Este segundo foco puede corresponder con los aportes externos de aguas metamorficas. Para finalizar, se dan una serie de pautas para guiar las futuras exploraciones en el yacimiento. ABSTRACT The Pasto Bueno deposit is located at the northeastern end of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith. It comprises several veins, generally subvertical, associated with the quartz-monzonite stock of Consuzo, dated as Tertiary, which intrudes the Chicama fm. slates and the Chimu fm. quartzites. The main veins trend N-S cutting the stock, although there are also NE-SW and NWSE systems, hosted by the metamorphic rocks. The ore mineralogy comprises wolframite (hubnerite), tetrahedrite/tennantite, sphalerite and galena in a gangue of quartz, fluorite, sericite, pyrite and carbonates, and minor molybdenite, chalcopyrite, bornite, arsenopyrite, enargite (luzonite), stolzite, scheelite, zinnwaldite, topaz, tungstite and native arsenic. Previous studies have characterized Pasto Bueno as a deposit with a large component of greisen, with an evolution of the veins from an early barren 400 oC event , followed by economic mineralization of about 220-250 °C and a late event of 175 -220 oC rich in CO2. Wolframite precipitation occurred from a purely hydrothermal fluid; however, this precipitation was controlled by an external flux of meteoric and/or metamorphic waters. Microthermometric studies of the 3 main structures of the district (Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins) have been carried out to depict the evolution of the mineralizing fluid coming from the stock (Consuelo vein) into the metasedimentary rocks of the Chimu and Chicama fm. (Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins). The sampling was performed over the main event of mineralization. These samples were subject to a quick plate petrography study in order to select the optimal samples for further microthermometry studies. Before the freezing/heating measures, a fluid inclusion petrography study was done to characterize and select the representative F.I. Interpretation of results has confirmed the existence of a previous episode of higher temperature, over 282 °C, and a mineralizing event with temperatures of about 200-240 °C. However, obtained salinities, about 5 wt% NaCl equivalents, are much lower than those previously reported, about 11-17 wt% NaCl equivalents. A last fluid, rich in CO2, but of higher temperature, about 270 oC, has been characterized. Isothermal gradients show two foci for the hydrothermal fluids: the first one associated to the Consuzo stock as shown in the Consuelo vein, and the second one related to the thrust fault which places the Chicama fm. slates over the Chimu fm. quartzites in the Chabuca vein area. This second focus may correspond to an external input of metamorphic waters. Finally, some guidelines have been given to guide future explorations.
Nowadays, the projects LIFE (Laser Inertial Fusion Energy) in USA and HiPER (High Power Laser Energy Research) in Europe are the most advanced ones to demonstrate laser fusion energy viability. One of the main points of concern to properly achieve ignition is the performance of the final optics (lenses) under the severe irradiation conditions that take place in fusion facilities. In this paper, we calculate the radiation fluxes and doses as well as the radiation-induced temperature enhancement and colour centre formation in final lenses assuming realistic geometrical configurations for HiPER and LIFE. On these bases, the mechanical stresses generated by the established temperature gradients are evaluated showing that from a mechanical point of view lenses only fulfil specifications if ions resulting from the imploding target are mitigated. The absorption coefficient of the lenses is calculated during reactor startup and steady-state operation. The obtained results reveal the necessity of new solutions to tackle ignition problems during the startup process for HiPER. Finally, we evaluate the effect of temperature gradients on focal length changes and lens surface deformations. In summary, we discuss the capabilities and weak points of silica lenses and propose alternatives to overcome predictable problems
Helium retention in irradiated tungsten leads to swelling, pore formation, sample exfoliation and embrittlement with deleterious consequences in many applications. In particular, the use of tungsten in future nuclear fusion plants is proposed due to its good refractory properties. However, serious concerns about tungsten survivability stems from the fact that it must withstand severe irradiation conditions. In magnetic fusion as well as in inertial fusion (particularly with direct drive targets), tungsten components will be exposed to low and high energy ion irradiation (helium), respectively. A common feature is that the most detrimental situations will take place in pulsed mode, i.e., high flux irradiation. There is increasing evidence of a correlation between a high helium flux and an enhancement of detrimental effects on tungsten. Nevertheless, the nature of these effects is not well understood due to the subtleties imposed by the exact temperature profile evolution, ion energy, pulse duration, existence of impurities and simultaneous irradiation with other species. Object Kinetic Monte Carlo is the technique of choice to simulate the evolution of radiation-induced damage inside solids in large temporal and space scales. We have used the recently developed code MMonCa (Modular Monte Carlo simulator), presented at COSIRES 2012 for the first time, to study He retention (and in general defect evolution) in tungsten samples irradiated with high intensity helium pulses. The code simulates the interactions among a large variety of defects and during the irradiation stage and the subsequent annealing steps. The results show that the pulsed mode leads to significantly higher He retention at temperatures higher than 700 K. In this paper we discuss the process of He retention in terms of trap evolution. In addition, we discuss the implications of these findings for inertial fusion.
On the basis of optical characterization experiments and an eight band kp model, we have studied the effect of Sb incorporation on the electronic structure of InAs quantum dots (QDs). We have found that Sb incorporation in InAs QDs shifts the hole wave function to the center of the QD from the edges of the QD where it is otherwise pinned down by the effects of shear stress. The observed changes in the ground-state energy cannot merely be explained by a composition change upon Sb exposure but can be accounted for when the change in lateral size is taken into consideration. The Sb distribution inside the QDs produces distinctive changes in the density of states, particularly, in the separation between excitation shells. We find a 50% increase in the thermal escape activation energy compared with reference InAs quantum dots as well as an increment of the fundamental transition decay time with Sb incorporation. Furthermore, we find that Sb incorporation into quantum dots is strongly nonlinear with coverage, saturating at low doses. This suggests the existence of a solubility limit of the Sb incorporation into the quantum dots during growth.
We have studied the evolution of dipole–dipole all-plasmonic Fano resonances (FRs) in symmetric multilayered nanoshells as a function of their geometrical parameters. We demonstrate that symmetry breaking is not mandatory for controlling the Fano resonance in such multilayer structures. By carefully selecting the geometrical parameters, the position of the FR can be tuned between 600 and 950 nm and its intensity can be increased up to four fold with respect to the non-optimized structures. Generation of FRs in such symmetric nanostructures presents clear advantages over their asymmetric counterparts, as they are easier to fabricate and can be used in a wider range of technological applications.
In this work, we introduce the Object Kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC) simulator MMonCa and simulate the defect evolution in three different materials. We start by explaining the theory of OKMC and showing some details of how such theory is implemented by creating generic structures and algorithms in the objects that we want to simulate. Then we successfully reproduce simulated results for defect evolution in iron, silicon and tungsten using our simulator and compare with available experimental data and similar simulations. The comparisons validate MMonCa showing that it is powerful and flexible enough to be customized and used to study the damage evolution of defects in a wide range of solid materials.
We present a novel analysis for relating the sizes of terms and subterms occurring at diferent argument positions in logic predicates. We extend and enrich the concept of sized type as a representation that incorporates structural (shape) information and allows expressing both lower and upper bounds on the size of a set of terms and their subterms at any position and depth. For example, expressing bounds on the length of lists of numbers, together with bounds on the values of all of their elements. The analysis is developed using abstract interpretation and the novel abstract operations are based on setting up and solving recurrence relations between sized types. It has been integrated, together with novel resource usage and cardinality analyses, in the abstract interpretation framework in the Ciao preprocessor, CiaoPP, in order to assess both the accuracy of the new size analysis and its usefulness in the resource usage estimation application. We show that the proposed sized types are a substantial improvement over the previous size analyses present in CiaoPP, and also benefit the resource analysis considerably, allowing the inference of equal or better bounds than comparable state of the art systems.
It is known that cross-curricular competences are required for main companies all over the world to be part of our university graduates as technical knowledge does. That is the reason which has led the university structure to include these competences in the every degree curriculo validated since the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)was introduced in the Spanish university context. But the way used for incorporating them has been developed without the necessary guidelines to generate a qualified model.
Automatic Control Teaching in the new degree syllabus has reduced both, its contents and its implementation course, with regard to traditional engineering careers. On the other hand, where the qualification is not considered as automatic control specialist, it is required an adapted methodology to provide the minimum contents that the student needs to assimilate, even in the case that students do not perceive these contents as the most important in their future career. In this paper we present the contents of a small automatic course taught Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Degrees at the School of Naval Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. We have included the contents covered using the proposed methodology which is based on practical work after lectures. Firstly, the students performed exercises by hand. Secondly, they solve the exercises using informatics support tools, and finally, they validate their previous results and their knowledge in the laboratory platforms.
En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia sobre la aplicación de diversas metodologías de apoyo cuyo objetivo principal es ofrecer a los alumnos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales (ETSIN) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) pertenecientes a un Plan de Estudios en extinción (Plan 2002) y del que ya han dejado e recibir clases presenciales en los primeros cursos, las herramientas adecuadas por medio de la plataforma virtual Moodle, para que puedan prepararse con garantías de éxito los exámenes finales de estas asignaturas, evitando cambiar obligatoriamente de plan de estudios. Se pretende dar a conocer a los profesores de las asignaturas sin docencia, la posibilidad de diseñar una metodología con tres niveles distintos de aprendizaje, solicitar el alta en el espacio virtual de enseñanza de aquellas asignaturas que no figuren en la plataforma virtual y poner a disposición del alumno el material necesario para lograr superar la asignatura. Los objetivos principales para el alumno son posibilitar el aprendizaje autónomo mediante recursos docentes y actividades alojados en la plataforma virtual, de forma que pueda estudiar la asignatura según el nivel de seguimiento que exija la misma.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la obtención del modelo tridimensional de la escultura del patrón San Isidoro de la E.T.S.I. Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía fabricada en yeso con unas dimensiones de 225 mm de largo, 182 mm de ancho y 318 mm de alto. Se realizará mediante dos métodos diferentes: por medios fotogramétricos utilizando correlación,y por métodos de topografía industrial. En la toma de imágenes para la restitución fotogramétrica se utilizó una cámara no métrica, cuya calibración tuvo que ser realizada comparando dos sistemas de coordenadas, el sistema imagen determinado por técnicas fotogramétricas, y el sistema objeto o terreno determinado por técnicas de topografía clásica. De esta forma se obtienen los datos internos de la cámara. La tolerancia establecida a priori para fotogrametría terrestre es de 1 mm, verificando y contrastando los resultados obtenidos con equipos de trazabilidad superior con los que se procede a la extracción del modelo digital por métodos de topografía industrial, mediante escaneado de precisión. El modelo tridimensional obtenido podría ser útil para múltiples tareas, como disponer de documentación geométrica digital de la figura, su estudio para una posible restauración,etc.
The possibility of implementing fuel cell technology in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) propulsion systems is considered. Potential advantages of the Proton Exchange Membrane or Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEMFC) and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC), their fuels (hydrogen and methanol), and their storage systems are revised from technical and environmental standpoints. Some operating commercial applications are described. Main constraints for these kinds of fuel cells are analyzed in order to elucidate the viability of future developments. Since the low power density is the main problem of fuel cells, hybridization with electric batteries, necessary in most cases, is also explored.
This paper focuses on the implementation of fuel cells in marine systems as a propulsion system and energy source. The objective is to provide an overview of the pertinent legislation for marine applications of fuel cells. This work includes a characterization of some guidelines for the safe application of fuel cell systems on ships. It also describes two ships that have implemented fuel cells to obtain energy, the Viking Lady, the first marine ship to include this technology, and Greentug, a reference for new tugs