69 resultados para High-speed video


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The optimization of the nose shape of a high-speed train entering a tunnel has been performed using genetic algorithms(GA).This optimization method requires the parameterization of each optimal candidate as a design vector.The geometrical parameterization of the nose has been defined using three design variables that include the most characteristic geometrical factors affecting the compression wave generated at the entry of the train and the aerodynamic drag of the train.


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The objective of this paper is to analyse the factors influencing tourists? choice of a destination and the role of High Speed Rail (HSR) systems in this choice. The methodology proposed consists in analysing two capitals in Europe, i.e. Paris and Madrid where HSR services are important, to investigate the factors influencing holidaymakers in choosing these cities, and the role of HSR in this choice. The main outcome of this paper is to show that several factors influence the choice of a tourist, like the presence of architectural sites, the quality of promotion of the destination itself, the presence of events, and also HSR services. However we found that the HSR system has affected the choice of Paris and Madrid in a different way. Concerning the French case study, HSR is considered a real transport mode alternative among tourists, therefore HSR is chosen to reach Paris as well as for revisiting it. On the other hand, Madrid is chosen by tourists irrespective on the presence of HSR, while HSR is chosen for reaching cities close to Madrid. Data collected from the two surveys have been used for a further quantitative analysis. Models have been specified and calibrated to identify the factors influencing holidaymakers to revisit Paris and Madrid and the role of HSR in this choice has been highlighted.


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The analysis of how tourists select their holiday destinations along with the factors determining their choices is very important for promoting tourism. In particular, transportation is supposed to have a great influence on the tourists’ decisions. The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of High Speed Rail (HSR) systems with respect to a destination choice. Two key tourist destinations in Europe namely Paris, and Madrid, have been chosen to identify the factors influencing this choice. On the basis of two surveys to obtain information from tourists, it has been found that the presence of architectural sites, the promotion quality of the destination itself, and the cultural and social events have an impact when making a destination choice. However the availability of the HSR systems affects the choice of Paris and Madrid as tourist destinations in a different way. For Paris, TGV is considered a real transport mode alternative among tourists. On the other hand, Madrid is chosen by tourists irrespective of the presence of an efficient HSR network. Data collected from the two surveys have been used for a further quantitative analysis. Regression models have been specified and parameters have been calibrated to identify the factors influencing holidaymakers to revisit Paris and Madrid and visit other tourist places accessible by HSR from these capitals


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This paper aims to set out the influence of the flow field around high speed trains in open field. To achieve this parametric analysis of the sound pressure inside the train was performed. Three vibroacoustic models of a characteristic train section are used to predict the noise inside the train in open field by using finite element method FEM, boundary element method (BEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA) depending on the frequency range of analysis. The turbulent boundary layer excitation is implemented as the only airborne noise source, in order to focus on the study of the attached and detached flow in the surface of the train. The power spectral densities of the pressure fluctuation in the train surface proposed by [Cockburn and Roberson 1974, Rennison et al. 2009] are applied on the exterior surface of the structural subsystems in the vibroacoustic models. An increase in the sound pressure level up to10 dB can be appreciated due to the detachment of the flow around the train. These results highlight the importance to determine the detached regions prediction, making critical the airborne noise due to turbulent boundary layer.


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Passengers comfort in terms of acoustic noise levels is a key train design parameter, especially relevant in high speed trains, where the aerodynamic noise is dominant. The aim of the work, described in this paper, is to make progress in the understanding of the flow field around high speed trains in an open field, which is a subject of interest for many researchers with direct industrial applications, but also the critical configuration of the train inside a tunnel is studied in order to evaluate the external loads arising from noise sources of the train. The airborne noise coming from the wheels (wheelrail interaction), which is the dominant source at a certain range of frequencies, is also investigated from the numerical and experimental points of view. The numerical prediction of the noise in the interior of the train is a very complex problem, involving many different parameters: complex geometries and materials, different noise sources, complex interactions among those sources, broad range of frequencies where the phenomenon is important, etc. During recent years a research plan is being developed at IDR/UPM (Instituto de Microgravedad Ignacio Da Riva, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) involving both numerical simulations, wind tunnel and full-scale tests to address this problem. Comparison of numerical simulations with experimental data is a key factor in this process.


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The analysis of the running safety of railway vehicles on viaducts subject to strong lateral actions such as cross winds requires coupled nonlinear vehicle-bridge interaction models, capable to study extreme events. In this paper original models developed by the authors are described, based on finite elements for the structure, multibody and finite element models for the vehicle, and specially developed interaction elements for the interface between wheel and rail. The models have been implemented within ABAQUS and have full nonlinear capabilities for the structure, the vehicle and the contact interface. An application is developed for the Ulla Viaduct, a 105 m tall arch in the Spanish high-speed railway network. The dynamic analyses allow obtaining critical wind curves, which define the running safety conditions for a given train in terms of speed of circulation and wind speed


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When dealing with the design of a high-speed train, a multiobjective shape optimization problem is formulated, as these vehicles are object of many aerodynamic problems which are known to be in conflict. More mobility involves an increase in both the cruise speed and lightness, and these requirements directly influence the stability and the ride comfort of the passengers when the train is subjected to a side wind. Thus, crosswind stability plays a more relevant role among the aerodynamic objectives to be optimized. An extensive research activity is observed on aerodynamic response in crosswind conditions.


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Genetic algorithms (GA) have been used for the minimization of the aerodynamic drag of a train subject to front wind. The significant importance of the external aerodynamic drag on the total resistance a train experiments as the cruise speed is increased highlights the interest of this study. A complete description of the methodology required for this optimization method is introduced here, where the parameterization of the geometry to be optimized and the metamodel used to speed up the optimization process are detailed. A reduction of about a 25% of the initial aerodynamic drag is obtained in this study, what confirms GA as a proper method for this optimization problem. The evolution of the nose shape is consistent with the literature. The advantage of using metamodels is stressed thanks to the information of the whole design space extracted from it. The influence of each design variable on the objective function is analyzed by means of an ANOVA test.


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The analysis of how tourists select their holiday destinations along with the factors that determine their choices is very important for promoting tourism. In particular, transportation is supposed to have influence on tourists? decissions. The objective of this paper is to investigate more especifically the role of High Speed Rail (HSR) in this choice. Two key tourist destinations in Europe, Paris and Madrid, have been chosen to understand the factors influencing this choice. On the basis of a survey conducted to tourists, we found out that some aspects such as the presence of architectural sites, the quality of promotion of the destination itself, and cultural and social events, have an impact on their choice. However the presence of the HSR system affects the choice of Paris and Madrid as a touristic destination in a different way. For Paris, TGV is considered a real transport mode alternative among tourists who use it quite often. On the other hand, Madrid is chosen by tourists irrespective of the presence of an efficient HSR network. Data collected from the two surveys have been used for a further quantitative analysis. Regression models have been specified and parameters have been calibrated to identify the factors influencing holidaymakers to revisit Paris and Madrid and visit other touristic spots accesible from HSR from these cities.


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This paper describes the experimental setup, procedure, and results obtained, concerning the dynamics of a body lying on a floor, attached to a hinge, and exposed to an unsteady flow, which is a model of the initiation of rotational motion of ballast stones due to the wind generated by the passing of a high-speed train. The idea is to obtain experimental data to support the theoretical model developed in Sanz-Andres and Navarro-Medina (J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn 98, 772–783, (2010), aimed at analyzing the initial phase of the ballast train-induced-wind erosion (BATIWE) phenomenon. The experimental setup is based on an open circuit, closed test section, low-speed wind tunnel, with a new sinusoidal gust generator mechanism concept, designed and built at the IDR/UPM. The tunnel’s main characteristic is the ability to generate a flow with a uniform velocity profile and sinusoidal time fluctuation of the speed. Experimental results and theoretical model predictions are in good agreement.


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Synchronous machines with brushless excitation have the disadvantage that the field winding is not accessible for the de-excitation of the machine. This means that, despite the proper operation of the protection system, the slow de-excitation time constant may produce severe damage in the event of an internal short circuit. A high-speed de-excitation system for these machines was developed, and this study presents the continuation of a previously published study. This study presents the design by computer simulation and the results of the first commissioning of this de-excitation system in a commercial 20 MVA hydro-generator. The de-excitation is achieved by inserting resistance in the field circuit, obtaining a dynamic response similar to that achieved in machines with static excitation. In this case, a non-linear discharge resistor was used, making the dynamic response even better.


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The railway planning problem is usually studied from two different points of view: macroscopic and microscopic. We propose a macroscopic approach for the high-speed rail scheduling problem where competitive effects are introduced. We study train frequency planning, timetable planning and rolling stock assignment problems and model the problem as a multi-commodity network flow problem considering competitive transport markets. The aim of the presented model is to maximize the total operator profit. We solve the optimization model using realistic probleminstances obtained from the network of the Spanish railwa operator RENFE, including other transport modes in Spain


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The Train Timetabling Problem (TTP) has been widely studied for freight and passenger rail systems. A lesser effort has been devoted to the study of high-speed rail systems. A modeling issue that has to be addressed is to model departure time choice of passengers on railway services. Passengers who use these systems attempt to travel at predetermined hours due to their daily life necessities (e.g., commuter trips). We incorporate all these features into TTP focusing on high-speed railway systems. We propose a Rail Scheduling and Rolling Stock (RSch-RS) model for timetable planning of high-speed railway systems. This model is composed of two essential elements: i) an infrastructure model for representing the railway network: it includes capacity constraints of the rail network and the Rolling-Stock constraints; and ii) a demand model that defines how the passengers choose the departure time. The resulting model is a mixed-integer programming model which objective function attempts to maximize the profit for the rail operator


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En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio teórico y experimental de la determinación de la resistencia a tracción de materiales frágiles a partir de la técnica experimental de spalling. Se utilizan diferentes metodologías propuestas por varios autores para determinar la resistencia a tracción por spalling y se lleva a cabo un estudio mediante simulaciones numéricas de las diversas variables que influyen en este tipo de ensayos. Además, se realiza una campaña experimental de ensayos a una alúmina del 99,5% de pureza cuyos resultados son utilizados para la determinación de la resistencia a tracción de este material a partir de tres métodos diferentes propuestos por varios autores. Se expone el estudio y comparación de los resultados experimentales obtenidos de resistencia a tracción de la alúmina empleando técnicas de fotografía a alta velocidad y un sistema de correlación digital de imágenes. Los resultados muestran que la resistencia a tracción obtenida difiere en función de las diferentes metodologías propuestas.A theoretical and experimental study of the tensile strength of brittle materials using the experimental procedure of spalling of long bars is presented in this article. Different methodologies proposed by several authors are used to obtain the tensile strength of Al2O3 monolithic ceramic. The hypotheses needed for the experimental set-up are also checked, and the requirements of the set-up and the variables are also studied by means of numerical simulations. An experimental campaign has been carried out including high speed video and a digital image correlation system to obtain the tensile strength of alumina. Finally, a comparison of the test results provided by three different methods proposed by different authors are presented. The tensile strength obtained from three different methods on the same specimens provides different results.


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ATM, SDH or satellite have been used in the last century as the contribution network of Broadcasters. However the attractive price of IP networks is changing the infrastructure of these networks in the last decade. Nowadays, IP networks are widely used, but their characteristics do not offer the level of performance required to carry high quality video under certain circumstances. Data transmission is always subject to errors on line. In the case of streaming, correction is attempted at destination, while on transfer of files, retransmissions of information are conducted and a reliable copy of the file is obtained. In the latter case, reception time is penalized because of the low priority this type of traffic on the networks usually has. While in streaming, image quality is adapted to line speed, and line errors result in a decrease of quality at destination, in the file copy the difference between coding speed vs line speed and errors in transmission are reflected in an increase of transmission time. The way news or audiovisual programs are transferred from a remote office to the production centre depends on the time window and the type of line available; in many cases, it must be done in real time (streaming), with the resulting image degradation. The main purpose of this work is the workflow optimization and the image quality maximization, for that reason a transmission model for multimedia files adapted to JPEG2000, is described based on the combination of advantages of file transmission and those of streaming transmission, putting aside the disadvantages that these models have. The method is based on two patents and consists of the safe transfer of the headers and data considered to be vital for reproduction. Aside, the rest of the data is sent by streaming, being able to carry out recuperation operations and error concealment. Using this model, image quality is maximized according to the time window. In this paper, we will first give a briefest overview of the broadcasters requirements and the solutions with IP networks. We will then focus on a different solution for video file transfer. We will take the example of a broadcast center with mobile units (unidirectional video link) and regional headends (bidirectional link), and we will also present a video file transfer file method that satisfies the broadcaster requirements.