188 resultados para well-ordered bulk heterojunctions solar cells


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An equivalent circuit model is applied in order to describe the operation characteristics of quantum dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs), which accounts for the recombination paths of the intermediate band (IB) through conduction band (CB), the valence band (VB) through IB, and the VB-CB transition. In this work, fitting of the measured dark J-V curves for QD-IBSCs (QD region being non-doped or direct Si-doped to n-type) and a reference GaAs p-i-n solar cell (no QDs) were carried out using this model in order to extract the diode parameters. The simulation was then performed using the extracted diode parameters to evaluate solar cell characteristics under concentration. In the case of QDSC with Si-doped (hence partially-filled) QDs, a fast recovery of the open-circuit voltage (Voc) was observed in a range of low concentration due to the IB effect. Further, at around 100X concentration, Si-doped QDSC could outperform the reference GaAs p-i-n solar cell if the current source of IB current source were sixteen times to about 10mA/cm2 compared to our present cell.


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After the successful implementation of a record performing dual-junction solar cell at ultra high concentration, in this paper we present the transition to a triple-junction device. The semiconductor structure of the solar cells is presented and the main changes in respect to a dual-junction design are briefly discussed. Cross-sectional TEM analysis of samples confirms that the quality of the triple-junction structures grown by MOVPE is good, revealing no trace of antiphase disorder, and showing flat, sharp and clear interfaces between the layers. Triple-junction solar cells manufactured on these structures have shown a peak efficiency of 36.2% at 700X, maintaining the efficiency over 35% from 300 to 1200 suns. With some changes in the structure and a fine tuning of its processing, efficiencies close to 40% at 1000 suns are envisaged.


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We investigated the atomic surface properties of differently prepared silicon and germanium (100) surfaces during metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy/chemical vapour deposition (MOVPE/MOCVD), in particular the impact of the MOVPE ambient, and applied reflectance anisotropy/difference spectroscopy (RAS/RDS) in our MOVPE reactor to in-situ watch and control the preparation on the atomic length scale for subsequent III-V-nucleation. The technological interest in the predominant opto-electronic properties of III-V-compounds drives the research for their heteroepitaxial integration on more abundant and cheaper standard substrates such as Si(100) or Ge(100). In these cases, a general task must be accomplished successfully, i.e. the growth of polar materials on non-polar substrates and, beyond that, very specific variations such as the individual interface formation and the atomic step structure, have to be controlled. Above all, the method of choice to grow industrial relevant high-performance device structures is MOVPE, not normally compatible with surface and interface sensitive characterization tools, which are commonly based on ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ambients. A dedicated sample transfer system from MOVPE environment to UHV enabled us to benchmark the optical in-situ spectra with results from various surfaces science instruments without considering disruptive contaminants. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided direct observation of different terminations such as arsenic and phosphorous and verified oxide removal under various specific process parameters. Absorption lines in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were used to identify specific stretch modes of coupled hydrides and the polarization dependence of the anti-symmetric stretch modes distinguished different dimer orientations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studied the atomic arrangement of dimers and steps and tip-induced H-desorption proved the saturation of dangling bonds after preparati- n. In-situ RAS was employed to display details transiently such as the presence of H on the surface at lower temperatures (T <; 800°C) and the absence of Si-H bonds at elevated annealing temperature and also surface terminations. Ge buffer growth by the use of GeH4 enables the preparation of smooth surfaces and leads to a more pronounced amplitude of the features in the spectra which indicates improvements of the surface quality.


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Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III-V materials on silicon for photovoltaic applications. Such integration would offer a cost breakthrough for photovoltaic technology, unifying the low cost of silicon and the efficiency potential of III-V multijunction solar cells. In this study, we analyze several factors influencing the performance of the bottom subcell of this dual-junction, namely, 1) the formation of the emitter as a result of the phosphorus diffusion that takes place during the prenucleation temperature ramp and during the growth of the III-V layers; 2) the degradation in surface morphology during diffusion; and 3) the quality needed for the passivation provided by the GaP layer on the emitter.


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Nowadays, efficiency improvement of solar cells is one of the most important issues in photovoltaic systems and CdTe is one of the most promising thin film photovoltaic materials we can found. CdTe reported efficiencies in solar energy conversion have been as good as that found in polycrystalline Si thin film cell [1], besides CdTe can be easily produced at industrial scale.


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This contribution aims to illustrate the potential of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique as a tool to analyze different parts of a solar cell (surface state, heterointerfaces, profile composition of ohmic contacts, etc). Here, the analysis is specifically applied to III-V multijunction solar cells used in concentrator systems. The information provided from such XPS analysis has helped to understand the physico-chemical nature of these surfaces and interfaces, and thus has guided the technological process in order to improve the solar cell performance.


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This paper presents some of the results of a method to determine the main reliability functions of concentrator solar cells. High concentrator GaAs single junction solar cells have been tested in an Accelerated Life Test. The method can be directly applied to multi-junction solar cells. The main conclusions of this test carried out show that these solar cells are robust devices with a very low probability of failure caused by degradation during their operation life (more than 30 years). The evaluation of the probability operation function (i.e. the reliability function R(t)) is obtained for two nominal operation conditions of these cells, namely simulated concentration ratios of 700 and 1050 suns. Preliminary determination of the Mean Time to Failure indicates a value much higher than the intended operation life time of the concentrator cells.


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EWT back contact solar cells are manufactured from very thin silicon wafers. These wafers are drilled by means of a laser process creating a matrix of tiny holes with a density of approximately 125 holes per square centimeter. Their influence in the stiffness and mechanical strength has been studied. To this end, both wafers with and without holes have been tested with the ring on ring test. Numerical simulations of the tests have been carried out through the Finite Element Method taking into account the non-linearities present in the tests. It's shown that one may use coarse meshes without holes to simulate the test and after that sub models are used for the estimation of the stress concentration around the holes.


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Mechanical stability of EWT solar cells deteriorates when holes are created in the wafer. Nevertheless, the chemical etching after the hole generation process improves the mechanical strength by removing part of the damage produced in the drilling process. Several sets of wafers with alkaline baths of different duration have been prepared. The mechanical strength has been measured by the ring on ring bending test and the failure stresses have been obtained through a FE simulation of the test. This paper shows the comparison of these groups of wafers in order to obtain an optimum value of the decreased thickness produced by the chemical etching


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EWT solar cells start from drilled wafers with approximately 100 holes/cm2. These holes act as stress concentrators leading to a reduction in the mechanical strength of this type of wafers. The viability of cells with higher density of holes has been studied. To this end, sets of wafers with different density of holes have been characterized. The ring on ring test has been employed and FE models have been developed to simulate the test. The statistical evaluation permits to draw conclusions about the reduction of the strength depending on the density of holes. Moreover, the stress concentration around the holes has been studied by means of the FE method employing the sub-modeling technique. The maximum principal stress of EWT wafers with twice the density of holes of commercial ones is almost the same. However, the mutual interaction between the stress concentration effects around neighboring holes is only observed for wafers with a density of 200 holes/cm2


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The limiting efficiencies of GaAs solar cells when used under concentrated sunlight are calculated. The benefits to be expected from applying techniques which restrict the angle of acceptance of the cell are determined. It is concluded that when the acceptance angle is restricted the emission of the luminescent photons and therefore the associated current loss are reduced. A limiting efficiency close to 39% results for concentration ratios of about 1000 suns AM1.5 direct. For lower concentration ratios, the limiting efficiency decreases if Auger recombination is also taken into account


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A new device structure to improve the performance of concentrator GaAs solar cells is described and the first experimental results are reported. The reason for such an improvement relies on a drastic reduction of the shadowing and series resistance losses based on the possibility of back contacting the emitter region of the solar cell. The experimental results obtained with devices of these types, with a simplified structure, fabricated by liquid phase epitaxy, demonstrate the feasibility and correct operation of the proposed back contact of the emitter of the cells.


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Abstract This work is a contribution to the research and development of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), a high efficiency photovoltaic concept that features the advantages of both low and high bandgap solar cells. The resemblance with a low bandgap solar cell comes from the fact that the IBSC hosts an electronic energy band -the intermediate band (IB)- within the semiconductor bandgap. This IB allows the collection of sub-bandgap energy photons by means of two-step photon absorption processes, from the valence band (VB) to the IB and from there to the conduction band (CB). The exploitation of these low energy photons implies a more efficient use of the solar spectrum. The resemblance of the IBSC with a high bandgap solar cell is related to the preservation of the voltage: the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of an IBSC is not limited by any of the sub-bandgaps (involving the IB), but only by the fundamental bandgap (defined from the VB to the CB). Nevertheless, the presence of the IB allows new paths for electronic recombination and the performance of the IBSC is degraded at 1 sun operation conditions. A theoretical argument is presented regarding the need for the use of concentrated illumination in order to circumvent the degradation of the voltage derived from the increase in the recombi¬nation. This theory is supported by the experimental verification carried out with our novel characterization technique consisting of the acquisition of photogenerated current (IL)-VOC pairs under low temperature and concentrated light. Besides, at this stage of the IBSC research, several new IB materials are being engineered and our novel character¬ization tool can be very useful to provide feedback on their capability to perform as real IBSCs, verifying or disregarding the fulfillment of the “voltage preservation” principle. An analytical model has also been developed to assess the potential of quantum-dot (QD)-IBSCs. It is based on the calculation of band alignment of III-V alloyed heterojunc-tions, the estimation of the confined energy levels in a QD and the calculation of the de¬tailed balance efficiency. Several potentially useful QD materials have been identified, such as InAs/AlxGa1-xAs, InAs/GaxIn1-xP, InAs1-yNy/AlAsxSb1-x or InAs1-zNz/Alx[GayIn1-y]1-xP. Finally, a model for the analysis of the series resistance of a concentrator solar cell has also been developed to design and fabricate IBSCs adapted to 1,000 suns. Resumen Este trabajo contribuye a la investigación y al desarrollo de la célula solar de banda intermedia (IBSC), un concepto fotovoltaico de alta eficiencia que auna las ventajas de una célula solar de bajo y de alto gap. La IBSC se parece a una célula solar de bajo gap (o banda prohibida) en que la IBSC alberga una banda de energía -la banda intermedia (IB)-en el seno de la banda prohibida. Esta IB permite colectar fotones de energía inferior a la banda prohibida por medio de procesos de absorción de fotones en dos pasos, de la banda de valencia (VB) a la IB y de allí a la banda de conducción (CB). El aprovechamiento de estos fotones de baja energía conlleva un empleo más eficiente del espectro solar. La semejanza antre la IBSC y una célula solar de alto gap está relacionada con la preservación del voltaje: la tensión de circuito abierto (Vbc) de una IBSC no está limitada por ninguna de las fracciones en las que la IB divide a la banda prohibida, sino que está únicamente limitada por el ancho de banda fundamental del semiconductor (definido entre VB y CB). No obstante, la presencia de la IB posibilita nuevos caminos de recombinación electrónica, lo cual degrada el rendimiento de la IBSC a 1 sol. Este trabajo argumenta de forma teórica la necesidad de emplear luz concentrada para evitar compensar el aumento de la recom¬binación de la IBSC y evitar la degradación del voltage. Lo anterior se ha verificado experimentalmente por medio de nuestra novedosa técnica de caracterización consistente en la adquisicin de pares de corriente fotogenerada (IL)-VOG en concentración y a baja temperatura. En esta etapa de la investigación, se están desarrollando nuevos materiales de IB y nuestra herramienta de caracterizacin está siendo empleada para realimentar el proceso de fabricación, comprobando si los materiales tienen capacidad para operar como verdaderas IBSCs por medio de la verificación del principio de preservación del voltaje. También se ha desarrollado un modelo analítico para evaluar el potencial de IBSCs de puntos cuánticos. Dicho modelo está basado en el cálculo del alineamiento de bandas de energía en heterouniones de aleaciones de materiales III-V, en la estimación de la energía de los niveles confinados en un QD y en el cálculo de la eficiencia de balance detallado. Este modelo ha permitido identificar varios materiales de QDs potencialmente útiles como InAs/AlxGai_xAs, InAs/GaxIni_xP, InAsi_yNy/AlAsxSbi_x ó InAsi_zNz/Alx[GayIni_y]i_xP. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un modelado teórico para el análisis de la resistencia serie de una célula solar de concentración. Gracias a dicho modelo se han diseñado y fabricado IBSCs adaptadas a 1.000 soles.


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Monolithical series connection of silicon thin-film solar cells modules performed by laser scribing plays a very important role in the entire production of these devices. In the current laser process interconnection the two last steps are developed for a configuration of modules where the glass is essential as transparent substrate. In addition, the change of wavelength in the employed laser sources is sometimes enforced due to the nature of the different materials of the multilayer structure which make up the device. The aim of this work is to characterize the laser patterning involved in the monolithic interconnection process in a different configurations of processing than the usually performed with visible laser sources. To carry out this study, we use nanosecond and picosecond laser sources working at 355nm of wavelength in order to achieve the selective ablation of the material from the film side. To assess this selective removal of material has been used EDX (energy dispersive using X-ray) analysis


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The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) is based on a novel photovoltaic concept and has a limiting efficiency of 63.2%, which compares favorably with the 40.7% efficiency of a conventional, single junction solar cell. It is characterized by a material hosting a collection of energy levels within its bandgap, allowing the cell to exploit photons with sub-bandgap energies in a two-step absorption process, thus improving the utilization of the solar spectrum. However, these intermediate levels are often regarded as an inherent source of supplementary recombination, although this harmful effect can in theory be counteracted by the use of concentrated light. We present here a novel, low-temperature characterization technique using concentrated light that reveals how the initially enhanced recombination in the IBSC is reduced so that its open-circuit voltage is completely recovered and reaches that of a conventional solar cell.