53 resultados para semiconductor III-V material


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In the last few decades there has been great interest in III-V multijunction solar cells (MJSC) for concentrator applications due to their promise to significantly reduce the cost of electricity. Being formed by series connection of several solar cells with different bandgaps, a key role in a MJSC structure is played by the tunnel junctions (TJ) aimed to implement such series connection. Essentially, tunnel junctions (tunnel diodes or Esaki diodes) are thin, heavily doped p-n junctions where quantum tunneling plays a key role as a conduction mechanism. Such devices were discovered by Nobel laureate Leo Esaki at the end of 1950. The key feature of tunnel junctions for their application in MJSC is that, as long as quantum tunneling is the dominant conduction mechanism, they exhibit a linear I-V dependence until the peak tunneling current (Jp) is reached. This initial ohmic region in the I-V curve is ideal for implementing low-loss interconnections between the subcells with different energy bandgaps that constitute a MJSC.


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Since its invention in the 1950s, semiconductor solar cell technology has evolved in great leaps and bounds. Solar power is now being considered as a serious leading contender for replacing fossil fuel based power generation. This article reviews the evolution and current state, and potential areas of near future research focus, of leading inorganic materials based solar cells, including bulk crystalline, amorphous thin-films, and nanomaterials based solar cells. Bulk crystalline silicon solar cells continue to dominate the solar power market, and continued efforts at device fabrication improvements, and device topology advancements are discussed. III-V compound semiconductor materials on c-Si for solar power generation are also reviewed. Developments in thin-film based solar cells are reviewed, with a focus on amorphous silicon, copper zinc tin sulfide, cadmium telluride, as well as nanostructured Cadmium telluride. Recent developments in the use of nano-materials for solar power generation, including silicon and gallium arsenide nanowires, are also reviewed.


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The influence of the substrate temperature, III/V flux ratio, and mask geometry on the selective area growth of GaN nanocolumns is investigated. For a given set of growth conditions, the mask design (diameter and pitch of the nanoholes) is found to be crucial to achieve selective growth within the nanoholes. The local III/V flux ratio within these nanoholes is a key factor that can be tuned, either by modifying the growth conditions or the mask geometry. On the other hand, some specific growth conditions may lead to selective growth but not be suitable for subsequent vertical growth. With optimized conditions, ordered GaN nanocolumns can be grown with a wide variety of diameters. In this work, ordered GaN nanocolumns with diameter as small as 50 nm are shown.


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Concentrator photovoltaic is an emergent technology that may be a good economical and efficient alternative for the generation of electricity at a competitive cost. However, the reliability of these new solar cells and systems is still an open issue due to the high-irradiation level they are subjected to as well as the electrical and thermal stresses that they are expected to endure. To evaluate the reliability in a short period of time, accelerated aging tests are essential. Thermal aging tests for concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and systems under illumination are not available because no technical solution to the problem of reaching the working concentration inside a climatic chamber has been available. This work presents an automatic instrumentation system that overcomes the aforementioned limitation. Working conditions have been simulated by forward biasing the solar cells to the current they would handle at the working concentration (in this case, 700 and 1050 times the irradiance at one standard sun). The instrumentation system has been deployed for more than 10 000 h in a thermal aging test for III-V concentrator solar cells, in which the generated power evolution at different temperatures has been monitored. As a result of this test, the acceleration factor has been calculated, thus allowing for the degradation evolution at any temperature in addition to normal working conditions to be obtained.


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Este Trabajo Fin de Máster surge de la necesidad de evaluar la fiabilidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos de concentración, los cuales han sufrido una evolución importante, pasando de usarse células solares de silicio con un 26% de rendimiento, a células multiunión III-V superando el 43% de rendimiento. Las células solares multinunión, mucho más caras y complejas que las células de silicio, no podrán ser comercializadas hasta que no se demuestre que tienen una fiabilidad comparable a las células de silicio. Con el objetivo de disponer de resultados de fiabilidad en un periodo de tiempo adecuado, se utilizan ensayos acelerados. Los ensayos acelerados en células solares presentan una dificultad añadida, debido a la necesidad de que la célula solar esté funcionando y además sea caracterizada dentro de una cámara climática. Mientras que para realizar ensayos acelerados en otros dispositivos es muy sencillo hacerlos funcionar dentro de la cámara climática, en el caso de las células solares tanto el funcionamiento como la caracterización requieren de iluminación dentro de la cámara climática. Conseguir dicha iluminación es complejo como se comentará en el desarrollo de esta memoria de Trabajo Fin de Máster, así como la solución encontrada. A lo largo de esta memoria se desarrollará una primera parte teórica, comenzando con una breve descripción teórica sobre células solares, aunque el estudio de las mismas no es el objetivo de este proyecto, por lo que se continuará con teoría de fiabilidad. El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es desarrollar un software capaz de realizar ensayos acelerados sobre células solares. El diseño del software desarrollado podría usarse para cualquier tipo de célula solar, u otro dispositivo similar como un LED o un diodo láser. El último capítulo teórico desarrollado en este proyecto es una introducción al lenguaje de programación gráfico, denominado lenguaje G, implementado con Labview, software elegido para el desarrollo del programa. Dado que estará destinado a su uso en otros proyectos, el desarrollo del sistema estará totalmente descrito y el código comentado, para que en un futuro se pueda modificar de forma sencilla. El núcleo de la memoria es el desarrollo del software aunque también se mostrará el desarrollo hardware, que ha sido desarrollado en paralelo en otro Trabajo Fin de Máster y la instalación necesaria para poder llevar a cabo los ensayos. Para finalizar la memoria, se documenta la instalación realizada, mostrando las pruebas realizadas al software y al hardware y la puesta en funcionamiento de los ensayos con sus primeros resultados.


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SUMMARY Concentration Photovoltaic Systems (CPV) have been proposed as an alternative to conventional systems. During the last years, there has been a boom of the CPV industry caused by the technological progress in all the elements of the system. and mainly caused by the use of multijunction solar cells based on III-V semiconductors, with efficiencies exceeding to 43%. III-V solar cells have been used with high reliability results in a great number of space missions without concentration. However, there are no previous results regarding their reliability in concentration terrestrial applications, where the working conditions are completely different. This lack of experience, together with the important industrial interest, has generated the need to evaluate the reliability of the cells. For this reason, nowadays there are several research centers around the undertaking this task. The evaluation of the reliability of this type of devices by means of accelerated tests is especially problematic when they work at medium or high concentration, because it is practically impossible to emulate real working conditions of the cell inside climatic chambers. In fact, as far as we know, the results that appear in this Thesis are the first estimating the Activation Energy of the failure mechanism involved, as well as the warranty of the III-V concentrator solar cells tested here. To evaluate the reliability of III-V very high concentrator solar cells by means of accelerated tests, a variety of activities, described in this Thesis have been carried out. The First Part of the memory presents the theoretical part of the Doctoral Thesis. After the Introduction, chapter 2 presents the state of the art in degradation and reliability of CPV systems and solar cells. Chapter 3 introduces some reliability definitions and the application of specific statistical functions to the evaluation of the reliability and parameters. From these functions, important parameters will be calculated to be used later in the experimental results of Thesis. The Second Part of the memory contains the experimental. Chapter 4 shows the types of accelerated tests and the main goals pursuit with them when carried out over CPV systems and solar cells. In order to evaluate quantitatively the reliability of the III-V concentrator solar cells used in these tests, some modifications have been introduced which discussion will be tackled here. Based on this analysis the working plan of the tests carried out in this Doctoral Thesis is presented. Chapter 5 presents a new methodology as well as the necessary instrumentation to carry out the tests described here. This new methodology takes into account the adaptation, improvement and novel techniques needed to test concentrator solar cells. The core of this memory is chapter 6, which presents the results of the characterization of the cells during the accelerated life tests and the analysis of the aforementioned results with the purpose of getting quantitative values of reliability in real working conditions. The acceleration factor of the accelerated life tests, under nominal working conditions has been calculated. Accordingly, the validity of the methodology as well as the calculations based on the reliability assessment, have also been demonstrated. Finally, quantitative values of degradation, reliability and warranty of the solar cells under field nominal working conditions have been calculated. With the development of this Doctoral Thesis the reliability of very high concentrator GaAs solar cells of small area has been evaluated. It is very interesting to generalize the procedures described up to this point to III-V multijunction solar cells of greater area. Therefore, chapter 7 develops this generalization and introduces also a useful thermal modeling by means of finite elements of the test cells’ circuits. In the last chapter, the summary of the results and the main contributions of this Thesis are outlined and future research activities are identified. RESUMEN Los Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración (SFC) han sido propuestos como una alternativa a los sistemas convencionales de generación de energía. Durante los últimos años ha habido un auge de los SFC debido a las mejoras tecnológicas en todos los elementos del sistema, y principalmente por el uso de células multiunión III-V que superan el 43% de rendimiento. Las células solares III-V han sido utilizadas con elevada fiabilidad en aplicaciones espaciales sin concentración, pero no existe experiencia de su fiabilidad en ambiente terrestre a altos niveles de concentración solar. Esta falta de experiencia junto al gran interés industrial ha generado la necesidad de evaluar la fiabilidad de las células, y actualmente hay un significativo número de centros de investigación trabajando en esta área. La evaluación de la fiabilidad de este tipo de dispositivos mediante ensayos acelerados es especialmente problemática cuando trabajan a media o alta concentración por la casi imposibilidad de emular las condiciones de trabajo reales de la célula dentro de cámaras climáticas. De hecho, que sepamos, en los resultados de esta Tesis se evalúa por primera vez la Energía de Activación del mecanismo de fallo de las células, así como la garantía en campo de las células de concentración III-V analizadas. Para evaluar la fiabilidad de células solares III-V de muy alta concentración mediante ensayos de vida acelerada se han realizado diversas actividades que han sido descritas en la memoria de la Tesis. En la Primera Parte de la memoria se presenta la parte teórica de la Tesis Doctoral. Tras la Introducción, en el capítulo 2 se muestra el estado del arte en degradación y fiabilidad de células y Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración. En el capítulo 3 se exponen de forma resumida las definiciones de fiabilidad y funciones estadísticas que se utilizan para la evaluación de la fiabilidad y sus parámetros, las cuales se emplearán posteriormente en los ensayos descritos en este Tesis. La Segunda Parte de la memoria es experimental. En el capítulo 4 se describen los tipos y objetivos de los ensayos acelerados actualmente aplicados a SFC y a las células, así como las modificaciones necesarias que permitan evaluar cuantitativamente la fiabilidad de las células solares de concentración III-V. En base a este análisis se presenta la planificación de los trabajos realizados en esta Tesis Doctoral. A partir de esta planificación y debido a la necesidad de adaptar, mejorar e innovar las técnicas de ensayos de vida acelerada para una adecuada aplicación a este tipo de dispositivos, en el capítulo 5 se muestra la metodología empleada y la instrumentación necesaria para realizar los ensayos de esta Tesis Doctoral. El núcleo de la memoria es el capítulo 6, en él se presentan los resultados de caracterización de las células durante los ensayos de vida acelerada y el análisis de dichos resultados con el objetivo de obtener valores cuantitativos de fiabilidad en condiciones reales de trabajo. Se calcula el Factor de Aceleración de los ensayos acelerados con respecto a las condiciones nominales de funcionamiento a partir de la Energía de Activación obtenida, y se demuestra la validez de la metodología y cálculos empleados, que son la base de la evaluación de la fiabilidad. Finalmente se calculan valores cuantitativos de degradación, fiabilidad y garantía de las células en condiciones nominales en campo durante toda la vida de la célula. Con el desarrollo de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha evaluado la fiabilidad de células III-V de área pequeña, pero es muy interesante generalizar los procedimientos aquí desarrollados para las células III-V comerciales de área grande. Por este motivo, en el capítulo 7 se analiza dicha generalización, incluyendo el modelado térmico mediante elementos finitos de los circuitos de ensayo de las células. En el último capítulo se realiza un resume del trabajo y las aportaciones realizadas, y se identifican las líneas de trabajo a emprender en el futuro.


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The surface state of Ge epi-ready wafers (such as those used on III-V multijunction solar cells) supplied by two different vendors has been studied using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. Our experimental results show that the oxide layer on the wafer surface is formed by GeO and GeO2. This oxide layer thickness differs among wafers coming from different suppliers. Besides, several contaminants appear on the wafer surfaces, carbon and probably chlorine being common to every wafer, irrespective of its origin. Wafers from one of the vendors show the presence of carbonates at their surfaces. On such wafers, traces of potassium seem to be present too.


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This work introduces the lines of research that the NGCPV project is pursuing and some of the first results obtained. Sponsored by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program and NEDO (Japan) within the first collaborative call launched by both Bodies in the field of energy, NGCPV project aims at approaching the cost of the photovoltaic kWh to competitive prices in the framework of high concentration photovoltaics (CPV) by exploring the development and assessment of concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and modules, novel materials and new solar cell structures as well as methods and procedures to standardize measurement technology for concentrator photovoltaic cells and modules. More specific objectives we are facing are: (1) to manufacture a cell prototype with an efficiency of at least 45% and to undertake an experimental activity, (2) to manufacture a 35% module prototype and elaborate the roadmap towards the achievement of 40%, (3) to develop reliable characterization techniques for III-V materials and quantum structures, (4) to achieve and agreement within 5% in the characterization of CPV cells and modules in a round robin scheme, and (5) to evaluate the potential of new materials, devices technologies and quantum nanostructures to improve the efficiency of solar cells for CPV.


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The Europe-Japan Collaborative Research Project on Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV) has been initiated under support by the EC (European Commission) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) since June 2011. This is project (NGCPV Project; a New Generation of Concentrator PhotoVoltaic cells, modules and systems) is aiming to accelerate the move to very high efficiency and lower cost CPV technologies and to enhance widespread deployment of CPV systems. 7 organizations such as UPM, FhG-ISE Imperial College, BSQ, CEA-INES, ENEA, and PSE in Europe and 9 organizations such as TTI, Univ. Tokyo, AIST, Sharp Co. Daido Steel Co., Kobe Univ., Miyazaki Univ., Asahi Kasei Co., and Takano Co. participate in this project. The targets of this project are 1) to develop world-record efficiency CPV cells of more than 45%, 2) to develop world-record efficiency CPV modules of 35%, 3) to establish standard measurements of CPV cells and modules, 4) to install 50kW CPV system in Spain, to carry out field test of CPV system and to manage power generation of CPV systems, and 5) to develop high-efficiency and low-cost new materials and structure cells such as III-V-N, III-V-on-Si tandem, quantum dots and wells. This paper presents outline of this project and most recent results such as world record efficiency (37.9% under 1-sun) cell and high-efficiency (43.5% under 240-306 suns) concentrator cell with inverted epitaxial grown InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs 3-junction solar cells.


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The bankability of CPV projects is an important issue to pave the way toward a swift and sustained growth in this technology. The bankability of a PV plant is generally addressed through the modeling of its energy yield under a b aseline loss scenario, followed by an on-site measurement campaign aimed at verifying its energetic behavior. The main difference between PV and CPV resides in the proper CPV modules, in particular in the inclusion of optical lements and III-V multijunction cells that are much more sensitive to spectral variations than xSi cells, while the rest of the system behaves in a way that possesses many common points with xSi technology. The modeling of the DC power output of a CPV system thus requires several impo rtant second order parameters to be considered, mainly related to optics, spectral direct solar radiation, wind speed, tracker accuracy and heat dissipation of cells.


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El uso intensivo de compuestos de cobre como herbicidas y fungicidas provoca la contaminación de suelos de uso agrícola debido a la acumulación de este metal en las capas más superficiales del suelo. Se sabe que la presencia de cobre y otros metales pesados afecta negativamente a las interacciones simbióticas que se establecen entre bacterias diazotróficas de los géneros Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium y Bradyrhizobium y leguminosas de interés agrícola (Laguerre et al., 2006). El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la diversidad de cepas endosimbióticas de leguminosas en suelos agrícolas chilenos que presentan un elevado contenido en cobre como resultado de la contaminación con residuos de extracciones mineras. Además, se pretende caracterizar el nivel de resistencia a cobre en las cepas aisladas con objeto de identificar aquellas altamente eficientes que puedan ser utilizadas como inoculantes microbianos. Para ello, se han prospectado 9 suelos agrícolas de las regiones III, V y VI de Chile con contenidos muy variables de metales. Utilizando estos suelos como inóculos de plantas trampa de leguminosas se ha obtenido una colección de 362 cepas aisladas de nódulos de guisante (Pisum sativum), judía (Phaseolus vulgaris) y alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Los análisis filogenéticos y los ensayos de resistencia a cobre realizados han permitido caracterizar y seleccionar aquellas cepas con mayores niveles de resistencia a este metal. Los resultados demuestran que los suelos altamente contaminados por cobre poseen una menor diversidad de bacterias endosimbióticas; las cepas más resistentes han sido aisladas de los suelos con niveles de contaminación intermedia. Los análisis fenotípicos y moleculares realizados sobre las cepas más resistentes han demostrado la existencia de sistemas de resistencia a cobre inducibles por este metal y potencialmente implicados en su homeostasis.


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El interés por los sistemas fotovoltaicos de concentración (CPV) ha resurgido en los últimos años amparado por el desarrollo de células multiunión de muy alta eficiencia basadas en semiconductores de los grupos III-V. Estas células han permitido obtener módulos de concentración con eficiencias que prácticamente duplican las del panel plano y que llegan al 35% en los módulos récord. Esta tesis está dedicada al diseño y la implementación experimental de nuevos conceptos que permitan obtener módulos CPV que no sólo alcancen una eficiencia alta en condiciones estándar sino que, además, sean lo suficientemente tolerantes a errores de montaje, seguimiento, temperatura y variaciones espectrales para que la energía que producen a lo largo del año sea máxima. Una de las primeras cuestiones que se abordan es el diseño de elementos ópticos secundarios para sistemas cuyo primario es una lente de Fresnel y que permiten, para una concentración fija, aumentar el ángulo de aceptancia y la tolerancia del sistema. Varios secundarios reflexivos y refractivos han sido diseñados y analizados mediante trazado de rayos. En particular, utilizando óptica anidólica y basándose en el diseño de una sola etapa conocido como ‘concentrador dieléctrico que funciona por reflexión total interna‘, se ha diseñado, fabricado y caracterizado un secundario con salida cuadrada que, usado junto con una lente de Fresnel, permite alcanzar simultáneamente una elevada eficiencia, concentración y aceptancia. Además, se ha propuesto y prototipado un método alternativo de fabricación para otro de los secundarios, denominado domo, consistente en el sobremoldeo de silicona sobre células solares. Una de las características que impregna todo el trabajo realizado en esta tesis es la aproximación holística en el diseño de módulos CPV, es decir, se ha prestado especial atención al diseño conjunto de la célula y la óptica para garantizar que el sistema total alcance la mayor eficiencia posible. En este sentido muchos sistemas ópticos desarrollados en esta tesis han sido diseñados, caracterizados y optimizados teniendo en cuenta que el ajuste de corriente entre las distintas subcélulas que comprenden la célula multiunión bajo el concentrador sea muy próximo a uno. La capa antirreflectante sobre la célula funciona, en cierto modo, como interfaz entre la óptica y la célula, por lo que se ha diseñado un método de optimización de capas antirreflectantes que considera no sólo el amplio rango de longitudes de onda para el que las células multiunión son sensibles sino también la distribución angular de intensidad sobre la célula creada por la óptica de concentración. Además, la cuestión de la falta de uniformidad también se ha abordado mediante la comparación de las distribuciones espectrales y espaciales de irradiancia que crean diferentes ópticas (simuladas mediante trazado de rayos y fotografiadas) y las pérdidas de eficiencia que experimentan las células iluminadas por dichas ópticas de concentración medidas experimentalmente. El efecto de la temperatura en la óptica de concentración también ha sido objeto de estudio de esta tesis. En particular, mediante simulaciones de elementos finitos se han dado los primeros pasos para el análisis de las deformaciones que sufren los dientes de las lentes de Fresnel híbridas (vidrio-silicona), así como el cambio de índice de refracción con la temperatura y la influencia de ambos efectos sobre el funcionamiento de los sistemas. Se ha implementado un modelo que tiene por objeto considerar las variaciones ambientales, principalmente temperatura y contenido espectral de la radiación directa, así como las sensibilidades térmica y espectral de los sistemas CPV, con el fin de maximizar la energía producida por un módulo de concentración a lo largo de un año en un emplazamiento determinado. Los capítulos 5 y 6 de este libro están dedicados al diseño, fabricación y caracterización de un nuevo concepto de módulo fotovoltaico denominado FluidReflex y basado en una única etapa reflexiva con dieléctrico fluido. En este nuevo concepto la presencia del fluido aporta algunas ventajas significativas como son: un aumento del producto concentración por aceptancia (CAP, en sus siglas en inglés) alcanzable al rodear la célula con un medio cuyo índice de refracción es mayor que uno, una mejora de la eficiencia óptica al disminuir las pérdidas por reflexión de Fresnel en varias interfaces, una mejora de la disipación térmica ya que el calor que se concentra junto a la célula se trasmite por convección natural y conducción en el fluido y un aislamiento eléctrico mejorado. Mediante la construcción y medida de varios prototipos de unidad elemental se ha demostrado que no existe ninguna razón fundamental que impida la implementación práctica del concepto teórico alcanzando una elevada eficiencia. Se ha realizado un análisis de fluidos candidatos probando la existencia de al menos dos de ellos que cumplen todos los requisitos (en particular el de estabilidad bajo condiciones de luz concentrada) para formar parte del sistema de concentración FluidReflex. Por ´ultimo, se han diseñado, fabricado y caracterizado varios prototipos preindustriales de módulos FluidReflex para lo cual ha sido necesario optimizar el proceso de fabricación de la óptica multicavidad a fin de mantener el buen comportamiento óptico obtenido en la fabricación de la unidad elemental. Los distintos prototipos han sido medidos, tanto en el laboratorio como bajo el sol real, analizando el ajuste de corriente de la célula iluminada por el concentrador FluidReflex bajo diferentes distribuciones espectrales de la radiación incidente así como el excelente comportamiento térmico del módulo. ABSTRACT A renewed interest in concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems has emerged in recent years encouraged by the development of high-efficiency multijunction solar cells based in IIIV semiconductors that have led to CPV module efficiencies which practically double that of flat panel PV and which reach 35% for record modules. This thesis is devoted to the design and experimental implementation of new concepts for obtaining CPV modules that not only achieve high efficiency under standard conditions but also have such a wide tolerance to assembly errors, tracking, temperature and spectral variations, that the energy generated by them throughout the year is maximized. One of the first addressed issues is the design of secondary optical elements whose primary optics is a Fresnel lens and which, for a fixed concentration, allow an increased acceptance angle and tolerance of the system. Several reflective and refractive secondaries have been designed and analyzed using ray tracing. In particular, using nonimaging optics and based on the single-stage design known as ‘dielectric totally internally reflecting concentrator’, a secondary with square output has been designed, fabricated and characterized. Used together with a Fresnel lens, the secondary can simultaneously achieve high efficiency, concentration and acceptance. Furthermore, an alternative method has been proposed and prototyped for the fabrication of the secondary named dome. The optics is manufactured by direct overmolding of silicone over the solar cells. One characteristic that permeates all the work done in this thesis is the holistic approach in the design of CPV modules, meaning that special attention has been paid to the joint design of the solar cell and the optics to ensure that the total system achieves the highest attainable efficiency. In this regard, many optical systems developed in the thesis have been designed, characterized and optimized considering that the current matching among the subcells within the multijunction solar cell beneath the optics must be close to one. Antireflective coating over the cell acts, somehow, as an interface between the optics and the cell. Consequently, a method has been designed to optimize antireflective coatings that takes into account not only the broad wavelength range that multijunction solar cells are sensitive to but also the angular intensity distribution created by the concentrating optics. In addition, the issue of non-uniformity has also been addressed by comparing the spectral and spatial distributions of irradiance created by different optics (simulated by ray tracing and photographed) and the efficiency losses experienced by cells illuminated by those concentrating optics experimentally determined. The effect of temperature on the concentrating optics has also been studied in this thesis. In particular, finite element simulations have been use to analyze the deformations experienced by the facets of hybrid (silicon-glass) Fresnel lenses, the change of refractive index with temperature and the influence of both effects on the system performance. A model has been implemented which take into consideration atmospheric variations, mainly temperature and spectral content of the direct normal irradiance, as well as thermal and spectral sensitivities of systems, with the aim of maximizing the energy harvested by a CPV module throughout the year in a particular location. Chapters 5 and 6 of this book are devoted to the design, fabrication, and characterization of a new concentrator concept named FluidReflex and based on a single-stage reflective optics with fluid dielectric. In this new concept, the presence of the fluid provides some significant advantages such as: an increased concentration acceptance angle product (CAP) achievable by surrounding the cell with a medium whose refractive index is greater than one, an improvement of the optical efficiency by reducing losses due to Fresnel reflection at several interfaces, an improvement in heat dissipation as the heat concentrated near the cell is transmitted by natural convection and conduction in the fluid, and an improved electrical insulation. By fabricating and characterizing several elementary-unit prototypes it was shown that there is no fundamental reason that prevents the practical implementation of this theoretical concept reaching high efficiency. Several fluid candidates were investigated proving the existence of at least to fluids that meet all the requirements (including the stability under concentrated light) to become part of the FluidReflex concentrator. Finally, several pre-industrial FluidReflex module prototypes have been designed and fabricated. An optimization process for the manufacturing of the multicavity optics was necessary to attain such an optics quality as the one achieved by the single unit. The module prototypes have been measured, both indoors and outdoors, analyzing the current matching of the solar cells beneath the concentrator for different spectral distribution of the incident irradiance. Additionally, the module showed an excellent thermal performance.


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Several dielectric fluids that might be used for immersing optics are analyzed in this paper. Their transmittances, both before and after an accelerated exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation equivalent to several years under real sun, are presented. In addition, the photocurrent losses caused by the decrease in transmittance experienced by each fluid are estimated for current III?V multijunction (MJ) solar cells. The most stable fluids were found to be paraffin and silicone oils whose transmittances remained practically unaltered after a UV dosage equivalent to 3 years of AM1.5D radiation.


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A number of important but little-investigated problems connected with III-V/Ge heterostructure in the GaInP/GaInAs/Ge multijunction solar cells grown by MOVPE are considered in the paper. The opportunity for successfully applying the combination of reflectance and reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy in situ methods for investigating III-V structure growth on a Ge substrate has been demonstrated. Photovoltaic properties of the III-V/Ge narrow-band subcell of the triple-junction solar cells have been investigated. It has been shown that there are excess currents in the Ge photovoltaic p-n junctions, and they have the tunneling or thermotunneling character. The values of the diode parameters for these current flow mechanisms have been determined. The potential barrier at the III-V/Ge interface was determined and the origin of this barrier formation during MOVPE heterogrowth was suggested.


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Among the different optical modulator technologies available such as polymer, III-V semiconductors, Silicon, the well-known Lithium Niobate (LN) offers the best trade-off in terms of performances, ease of use, and power handling capability [1-9]. The LN technology is still widely deployed within the current high data rate fibre optic communications networks. This technology is also the most mature and guarantees the reliability which is required for space applications [9].In or der to fulfil the target specifications of opto-microwave payloads, an optimization of the design of a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator working at the 1500nm telecom wavelength was performed in the frame of the ESA-ARTES "Multi GigaHertz Optical Modulator" (MGOM) project in order to reach ultra-low optical insertion loss and low effective driving voltage in the Ka band. The selected modulator configuration was the X-cut crystal orientation, associated to high stability Titanium in-diffusion process for the optical waveguide. Starting from an initial modulator configuration exhibiting 9 V drive voltage @ 30 GHz, a complete redesign of the coplanar microwave electrodes was carried out in order to reach a 6 V drive voltage @ 30GHz version. This redesign was associated to an optimization of the interaction between the optical waveguide and the electrodes. Following the optimisation steps, an evaluation program was applied on a lot of 8 identical modulators. A full characterisation was carried out to compare performances, showing small variations between the initial and final functional characteristics. In parallel, two similar modulators were submitted to both gamma (10-100 krad) and proton irradiation (10.109 p/cm²) with minor performance degradation.