78 resultados para diluizione,olio,CFD,MCI
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of demenMa. Neuronal and synapMc losses occur iniMally and predominantly in the medial temporal lobe structures including hippocampus, amygdala and thalamus, structures that belong to the Papez circuit. The integrity of the connecMons amongst them is essenMal for episodic memory, which is specifically impaired in AD. For this reason we have invesMgated the degeneraMon paRern of subcorMcal structures and its relaMon to early stages of AD, i.e. Mild CogniMve Impairment (MCI), both in the amnesic and mulMdomain types using structural magneMc resonance imaging (using a 3T GE scanner) and VBM‐DARTEL.
Es importante disponer de una herramienta con la cual diseñar dispositivos de uso industrial y comercial que trabajen con metales líquidos (fuentes de neutrones de alta intensidad, núcleos de sistemas de transmutación nuclear, reactores de fisión de nueva generación, instalaciones de irradiación de materiales o reactores de fusión nuclear). Los códigos CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) son una de esas herramientas, y la manera de llevar a cabo su validación es la simulación de experimentos existentes. La turbulencia y la presencia de dos o más fases, son los dos principales problemas a los que tiene que hacer frente un código CFD. La mayoría de los modelos de turbulencia presentes en los códigos CFD se basan en considerar la proporcionalidad directa entre el transporte de cantidad de movimiento turbulento y el transporte turbulento de calor. Precisamente, el coeficiente de difusión del calor turbulento, se asume que sea proporcional a la viscosidad turbulenta a través de una constante empírica, llamada número de Prandtl turbulento. El valor de este número, en los códigos comerciales está entre 0,9 y 0,85 dependiendo del modelo de turbulencia, lo cual significa que en los códigos se asume que el transporte turbulento tanto de cantidad de movimiento como de calor, son prácticamente equivalentes. Esta asunción no es cierta en los flujos de metales líquidos, donde se demuestra que la transmisión de calor por turbulencia es pequeña frente a la transmisión de calor molecular. La solución pasa por aumentar el número de Prandtl turbulento, o abandonar la analogía de Reynolds, en el tratamiento de la turbulencia. Por otro lado, en los metales líquidos la capa límite térmica es más ancha que la de velocidad, y las funciones de pared incluidas en los códigos no satisfacen adecuadamente los flujos turbulentos de los fluidos con bajo número de Prantdl (los metales líquidos). Sí serían adecuados, si el mallado es tal, que la celda más cercana a la pared, está dentro de la subcapa laminar, en la cual la propiedad dominante es la conductividad molecular. En la simulación de flujo multifase los códigos se encuentran con una serie de dificultades, que en el caso de que las densidades de los fluidos que intervienen sean muy diferentes entre sí (como ocurre con los metales líquidos y los gases), serán aún mayores. La modelización de la interfase gas metal líquido, así como el encontrar una correlación válida para los coeficientes de resistencia y sustentación para el movimiento de las burbujas en el seno del metal líquido, son dos de los principales retos en la simulación de este tipo de flujos. Las dificultades no se limitan sólo a la simulación mediante CFD, las medidas experimentales de velocidad de las burbujas y del metal líquido también son complicadas. Hay parámetros que no se pueden definir bien: la trayectoria y la forma de las burbujas entre ellos. En el campo de aplicación industrial de los metales líquidos, los altos valores de los coeficientes de expansión volumétrica y de conductividad térmica hacen que estos fluidos sean muy atractivos en la refrigeración por convección libre en dispositivos de alta densidad de potencia. Tomando como base uno de los diseños de ADS (Accelerator Driven System), y teniendo en cuenta la dificultad que conlleva el uso de múltiples modelos físicos, los cálculos realizados muestran cómo, en caso de fallo eléctrico, la operación de la instalación puede continuar de forma segura. Para la validación de los códigos CFD en su uso como herramienta de diseño, uno de los fenómenos donde cuantitativamente más dificultades encuentran los códigos es en los que aparecen en la modelización de las superficies libres. Un buen ajuste de los modelos multifase y de turbulencia es imprescindible en este tipo de simulaciones. Efectivamente, en la instalación de irradiación de materiales IFMIF, la formación de ondas en la superficie libre del flujo de Litio, es un fenómeno que hay que tratar de evitar, y además se requiere predecir las temperaturas, para ver si hay peligro de ebullición del metal líquido. La simulación llevada a cabo se enfoca al análisis termohidráulico. Variando la velocidad de inyección de Litio desde 10 hasta 20 m/s, se comprueba que las temperaturas máximas quedan alejadas del punto de ebullición del Litio, debido al aumento de presión producido por la fuerza centrífuga. Una de las cuestiones más críticas que se presentan en las fuentes de neutrones sería la refrigeración de la ventana metálica sobre la que incide el haz de protones. La simulación de experimentos como MEGAPIE y TS-1, permite la “visualización” de recirculación en el flujo, de los puntos de estancamiento, de los puntos calientes, etc, y da una fotografía de las zonas críticas del diseño.
One of the current issues of debate in the study of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is deviations of oscillatory brain responses from normal brain states and its dynamics. This work aims to characterize the differences of power in brain oscillations during the execution of a recognition memory task in MCI subjects in comparison with elderly controls. Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals were recorded during a continuous recognition memory task performance. Oscillatory brain activity during the recognition phase of the task was analyzed by wavelet transform in the source space by means of minimum norm algorithm. Both groups obtained a 77% hit ratio. In comparison with healthy controls, MCI subjects showed increased theta (p < 0.001), lower beta reduction (p < 0.001) and decreased alpha and gamma power (p < 0.002 and p < 0.001 respectively) in frontal, temporal and parietal areas during early and late latencies. Our results point towards a dual pattern of activity (increase and decrease) which is indicative of MCI and specific to certain time windows, frequency bands and brain regions. These results could represent two neurophysiological sides of MCI. Characterizing these opposing processes may contribute to the understanding of the disorder.
The design of a modern aircraft is based on three pillars: theoretical results, experimental test and computational simulations. As a results of this, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) solvers are widely used in the aeronautical field. These solvers require the correct selection of many parameters in order to obtain successful results. Besides, the computational time spent in the simulation depends on the proper choice of these parameters. In this paper we create an expert system capable of making an accurate prediction of the number of iterations and time required for the convergence of a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) solver. Artificial neural network (ANN) has been used to design the expert system. It is shown that the developed expert system is capable of making an accurate prediction the number of iterations and time required for the convergence of a CFD solver.
It is still an open question whether subjective memory complaints (SMC) can actually be considered to be clinically relevant predictors for the development of an objective memory impairment and even dementia. There is growing evidence that suggests that SMC are associated with an increased risk of dementia and with the presence of biological correlates of early Alzheimer's disease. In this paper, in order to shed some light on this issue, we try to discern whether subjects with SMC showed a different profile of functional connectivity compared with subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy elderly subjects. In the present study, we compare the degree of synchronization of brain signals recorded with magnetoencephalography between three groups of subjects (56 in total): 19 with MCI, 12 with SMC and 25 healthy controls during a memory task. Synchronization likelihood, an index based on the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, was used to measure functional connectivity. Briefly, results show that subjects with SMC have a very similar pattern of connectivity to control group, but on average, they present a lower synchronization value. These results could indicate that SMC are representing an initial stage with a hypo-synchronization (in comparison with the control group) where the brain system is still not compensating for the failing memory networks, but behaving as controls when compared with the MCI subjects.
Brain oscillations are closely correlated with human information processing and fundamental aspects of cognition. Previous literature shows that due to the relation between brain oscillations and memory processes, spectral dynamics during such tasks are good candidates to study and characterize memory related pathologies. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), defined as a clinical condition characterized by memory impairment and/ or deterioration of additional cognitive domains, is considered a preliminary stage in the dementia process. In consequence, the study of its brain patterns could help to achieve an early diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease.
Análisis de sensibilidad de modelos de turbulencia para un modelo CFD de viento aplicados a un emplazamiento en terreno complejo. Validación con datos de viento y turbulencia registrados a 3 alturas en 3 torres de medida.
Assessing wind conditions on complex terrain has become a hard task as terrain complexity increases. That is why there is a need to extrapolate in a reliable manner some wind parameters that determine wind farms viability such as annual average wind speed at all hub heights as well as turbulence intensities. The development of these tasks began in the early 90´s with the widely used linear model WAsP and WAsP Engineering especially designed for simple terrain with remarkable results on them but not so good on complex orographies. Simultaneously non-linearized Navier Stokes solvers have been rapidly developed in the last decade through CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes allowing simulating atmospheric boundary layer flows over steep complex terrain more accurately reducing uncertainties. This paper describes the features of these models by validating them through meteorological masts installed in a highly complex terrain. The study compares the results of the mentioned models in terms of wind speed and turbulence intensity.
The estimation of power losses due to wind turbine wakes is crucial to understanding overall wind farm economics. This is especially true for large offshore wind farms, as it represents the primary source of losses in available power, given the regular arrangement of rotors, their generally largerdiameter and the lower ambient turbulence level, all of which conspire to dramatically affect wake expansion and, consequently, the power deficit. Simulation of wake effects in offshore wind farms (in reasonable computational time) is currently feasible using CFD tools. An elliptic CFD model basedon the actuator disk method and various RANS turbulence closure schemes is tested and validated using power ratios extracted from Horns Rev and Nysted wind farms, collected as part of the EU-funded UPWIND project. The primary focus of the present work is on turbulence modeling, as turbulent mixing is the main mechanism for flow recovery inside wind farms. A higher-order approach, based on the anisotropic RSM model, is tested to better take into account the imbalance in the length scales inside and outside of the wake, not well reproduced by current two-equation closure schemes.
Abnormalities of the aortic arch, as the most proximal site of the cardiovascular system, are of great interest due to its major role in blood distribution to all downstream members. Wall dissection is one of the disorders that an aorta may suffer due to hypertension or degradation of aortic wall properties. A geometrical change of the aortic arch caused by the dissected wall, and consequently the blood flow path, makes the time-varying flow curves to be different in comparison to the healthy aortic arch. This phenomenon modifies wall shear stress (WSS) history during the cardiac cycle. In the current work, the pulsatile blood flow in a typical Stanford A (DeBakey II) dissected aorta is simulated by CFD technique, STAR-CCM+. The boundary conditions are calculated based on a combination of the impedance boundary condition and the auto-regulation concept in the cardiovascular system.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. Over the last few years, a considerable effort has been devoted to exploring new biomarkers. Nevertheless, a better understanding of brain dynamics is still required to optimize therapeutic strategies. In this regard, the characterization of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is crucial, due to the high conversion rate from MCI to AD. However, only a few studies have focused on the analysis of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) rhythms to characterize AD and MCI. In this study, we assess the ability of several parameters derived from information theory to describe spontaneous MEG activity from 36 AD patients, 18 MCI subjects and 26 controls. Three entropies (Shannon, Tsallis and Rényi entropies), one disequilibrium measure (based on Euclidean distance ED) and three statistical complexities (based on Lopez Ruiz–Mancini–Calbet complexity LMC) were used to estimate the irregularity and statistical complexity of MEG activity. Statistically significant differences between AD patients and controls were obtained with all parameters (p < 0.01). In addition, statistically significant differences between MCI subjects and controls were achieved by ED and LMC (p < 0.05). In order to assess the diagnostic ability of the parameters, a linear discriminant analysis with a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure was applied. The accuracies reached 83.9% and 65.9% to discriminate AD and MCI subjects from controls, respectively. Our findings suggest that MCI subjects exhibit an intermediate pattern of abnormalities between normal aging and AD. Furthermore, the proposed parameters provide a new description of brain dynamics in AD and MCI.
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods are used in this paper to predict the power production from entire wind farms in complex terrain and to shed some light into the wake flow patterns. Two full three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible fluid flow, employing k − ϵ and k − ω turbulence closures, are used. The wind turbines are modeled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient through the actuator disk approach. Alternative methods for estimating the reference wind speed in the calculation of the thrust are tested. The work presented in this paper is part of the work being undertaken within the UpWind Integrated Project that aims to develop the design tools for next generation of large wind turbines. In this part of UpWind, the performance of wind farm and wake models is being examined in complex terrain environment where there are few pre-existing relevant measurements. The focus of the work being carried out is to evaluate the performance of CFD models in large wind farm applications in complex terrain and to examine the development of the wakes in a complex terrain environment.
La inmensa mayoría de los flujos de relevancia ingenieril permanecen sin estudiar en el marco de la teoría de estabilidad global. Esto es debido a dos razones fundamentalmente, las dificultades asociadas con el análisis de los flujos turbulentos y los inmensos recursos computacionales requeridos para obtener la solución del problema de autovalores asociado al análisis de inestabilidad de flujos tridimensionales, también conocido como problema TriGlobal. En esta tesis se aborda el problema asociado con la tridimensionalidad. Se ha desarrollado una metodología general para obtener soluciones de problemas de análisis modal de las inestabilidades lineales globales mediante el acoplamiento de métodos de evolución temporal, desarrollados en este trabajo, con códigos de mecánica de fluidos computacional de segundo orden, utilizados de forma general en la industria. Esta metodología consiste en la resolución del problema de autovalores asociado al análisis de inestabilidad mediante métodos de proyección en subespacios de Krylov, con la particularidad de que dichos subespacios son generados por medio de la integración temporal de un vector inicial usando cualquier código de mecánica de fluidos computacional. Se han elegido tres problemas desafiantes en función de la exigencia de recursos computacionales necesarios y de la complejidad física para la demostración de la presente metodología: (i) el flujo en el interior de una cavidad tridimensional impulsada por una de sus tapas, (ii) el flujo alrededor de un cilindro equipado con aletas helicoidales a lo largo su envergadura y (iii) el flujo a través de una cavidad abierta tridimensinal en ausencia de homogeneidades espaciales. Para la validación de la tecnología se ha obtenido la solución del problema TriGlobal asociado al flujo en la cavidad tridimensional, utilizando el método de evolución temporal desarrollado acoplado con los operadores numéricos de flujo incompresible del código CFD OpenFOAM (código libre). Los resultados obtenidos coinciden plentamente con la literatura. La aplicación de esta metodología al estudio de inestabilidades globales de flujos abiertos tridimensionales ha proporcionado por primera vez, información sobre la transición tridimensional de estos flujos. Además, la metodología ha sido adaptada para resolver problemas adjuntos TriGlobales, permitiendo el control de flujo basado en modificaciones de las inestabilidades globales. Finalmente, se ha demostrado que la cantidad moderada de los recursos computacionales requeridos para la solución del problema de valor propio TriGlobal usando este método numérico, junto a su versatilidad al poder acoplarse a cualquier código aerodinámico, permite la realización de análisis de inestabilidad global y control de flujos complejos de relevancia industrial. Abstract Most flows of engineering relevance still remain unexplored in a global instability theory context for two reasons. First, because of the difficulties associated with the analysis of turbulent flows and, second, for the formidable computational resources required for the solution of the eigenvalue problem associated with the instability analysis of three-dimensional base flows, also known as TriGlobal problem. In this thesis, the problem associated with the three-dimensionality is addressed by means of the development of a general approach to the solution of large-scale global linear instability analysis by coupling a time-stepping approach with second order aerodynamic codes employed in industry. Three challenging flows in the terms of required computational resources and physical complexity have been chosen for demonstration of the present methodology; (i) the flow inside a wall-bounded three-dimensional lid-driven cavity, (ii) the flow past a cylinder fitted with helical strakes and (iii) the flow over a inhomogeneous three-dimensional open cavity. Results in excellent agreement with the literature have been obtained for the three-dimensional lid-driven cavity by using this methodology coupled with the incompressible solver of the open-source toolbox OpenFOAM®, which has served as validation. Moreover, significant physical insight of the instability of three-dimensional open flows has been gained through the application of the present time-stepping methodology to the other two cases. In addition, modifications to the present approach have been proposed in order to perform adjoint instability analysis of three-dimensional base flows and flow control; validation and TriGlobal examples are presented. Finally, it has been demonstrated that the moderate amount of computational resources required for the solution of the TriGlobal eigenvalue problem using this method enables the performance of instability analysis and control of flows of industrial relevance.
El objetivo del presente estudio es obtener los campos de presión, velocidad y patrones de líneas de corriente, caída de presión a través de un codo, mediante simulación computacional utilizando un programa comercial de CFD. Para ello se emplea como fluido de trabajo agua como líquido saturado a 25ºC y Número de Reynolds (Re) igual a 2x10 5, la cual fluye a través de un codo liso de 90º con relación radio de curvatura/radio de la tubería (R/r) igual a 1. Se utiliza una malla no estructurada de elementos tetraédricos y hexaédricos en las zonas cercanas a las paredes internas y el modelo de turbulencia k-E con leyes de pared escalables.
Previous studies of the dementia continuum have characterized the early disruption of the brain oscillatory activity at the stage of Mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Reduction in power in posterior regions in the alpha band has been one of the landmarks of the Alzheimer Disease accompanied by the anteriorization of the theta band power. However, little is known about the neurophysiological differences between single and multidomain MCI patients.Our goal is to study the differences in oscillatory magnetic activity between amnestic single and multidomain MCI. This will allow us to test whether the effect of the impairment in a single cognitive domain or in a more widespread functional impairment can be reflected in specific neurophysiological profiles.