49 resultados para Solar concentrator
The outdoor measurements of a single-cell concentrator PV module reaching a regressed 35.6% efficiency and a maximum peak efficiency of 36.0% (both corrected @Tcell=25ºC) are presented. This is the result of the joint effort by LPI and Solar Junction to demonstrate the potential of combining their respective state-of-the-art concentrator optics and solar cells. The LPI concentrator used is an FK, which is an advanced nonimaging concentrator using 4-channel Köhler homogenization, with a primary Fresnel lens and a refractive secondary made of glass. Solar Junction’s cell is a triplejunction solar cell with the A-SLAMTM architecture using dilute-nitrides.
Non-uniform irradiance patterns created by Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) concentrators over Multi-Junction Cells (MJC) can originate significant power losses, especially when there are different spectral irradiance distributions over the different MJC junctions. This fact has an increased importance considering the recent advances in 4 and 5 junction cells. The spectral irradiance distributions are especially affected with thermal effects on Silicone-on-Glass (SoG) CPV systems. This work presents a new CPV optical design, the 9-fold Fresnel Köhler concentrator, prepared to overcome these effects at high concentrations while maintaining a large acceptance angle, paving the way for a future generation of high efficiency CPV systems of 4 and 5 junction cells.
Non-uniform irradiance patterns created by Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) concentrators over Multi-Junction Cells (MJC) can originate significant power losses, especially when there are different spectral irradiance distributions over the different MJC junctions. This fact has an increased importance considering the recent advances in 4 and 5 junction cells. This work presents a new CPV optical design, the 9-fold Fresnel Köhler concentrator, prepared to overcome these effects at high concentrations while maintaining a large acceptance angle, paving the way for a future generation of high efficiency CPV systems of 4 and 5 junction cells.
The FK concentrator has demonstrated during the last years that compares very well with other Fresnel-based concentrator optics for CPV. There are several features that provide the FK high performance: (1) high optical efficiency; (2) large tolerance to tracking misalignment and manufacturing errors, thanks to a high CAP (Concentration-Acceptance Product); (3) good irradiance uniformity and low chromatic dispersion on the cell surface. Non-uniformities in terms of absolute irradiance and spectral content produced by conventional CPV systems can originate electrical losses in multi-junction (MJ) solar cells. The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of these non-uniformities in the FK concentrator performance and how FK concentrator provides high electrical efficiencies thanks to its insensitivity to chromatic aberrations, especially when components move away from the module nominal position due to manufacturing misalignments. This analysis has been done here by means of both, experimental on-sun measurements and simulations based on 3D fully distributed circuit model for MJ cells.
Starting on June 2011, NGCPV is the first project funded jointly between the European Commission (EC) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan to research on new generation concentration photovoltaics (CPV). The Project, through a collaborative research between seven European and nine Japanese leading research centers in the field of CPV, aims at lowering the cost of the CPVproduced photovoltaic kWh down to 5 ?cents. The main objective of the project is to improve the present concentrator cell, module and system efficiency, as well as developing advanced characterization tools for CPV components and systems. As particular targets, the project aims at achieving a cell efficiency of at least 45% and a CPV module with an efficiency greater than 35%. This paper describes the R&D activities that are being carried out within the NGCPV project and summarizes some of the most relevant results that have already been attained, for instance: the manufacturing of a 44.4% world record efficiency triple junction solar cell (by Sharp Corp.) and the installation of a 50 kWp experimental CPV plant in Spain, which will be used to obtain accurate forecasts of the energy produced at system level.
In high quality solar cells, the internal luminescence can be harnessed to enhance the overall performance. Internal confinement of the photons can lead to an increased open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current. Alternatively, in multijunction solar cells the photons can be coupled from a higher bandgap junction to a lower bandgap junction for enhanced performance. We model the solar cell as an optical cavity and compare calculated performance characteristics with measurements. We also describe how very high luminescent coupling alleviates the need for top-cell thinning to achieve current-matching.
This paper presents the design and preliminary experimental results of a concentrator-type photovoltaic module based on a free-form off-axis 800×XR-Köhler concentrator. The off-axis XR-Köhler concentrator is one of the advanced concentrators that perform high concentration with a large acceptance angle and excellent irradiance uniformity on a solar cell. As a result of on-sun characterization of the unglazed single-cell unit test rig, the temperature-corrected DC module efficiency was 32.2% at 25 °C without an anti-reflective (AR) coating on the secondary optics, and the acceptance angle was more than ±1.0°. In addition, the non-corrected DC efficiency of an individual cell in a glazed 8-cell unit module mounted on a carousel tracking system was measured. The individual efficiency deviated in the range of 24.3-27.4%, owing to the mirror shape and alignment errors. The resultant series-connected efficiency was approximately 25% at direct normal irradiation (DNI) of 770 W/m2.
The Europe-Japan Collaborative Research Project on Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV) has been initiated under support by the EC (European Commission) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) since June 2011. This is project (NGCPV Project; a New Generation of Concentrator PhotoVoltaic cells, modules and systems) is aiming to accelerate the move to very high efficiency and lower cost CPV technologies and to enhance widespread deployment of CPV systems. 7 organizations such as UPM, FhG-ISE Imperial College, BSQ, CEA-INES, ENEA, and PSE in Europe and 9 organizations such as TTI, Univ. Tokyo, AIST, Sharp Co. Daido Steel Co., Kobe Univ., Miyazaki Univ., Asahi Kasei Co., and Takano Co. participate in this project. The targets of this project are 1) to develop world-record efficiency CPV cells of more than 45%, 2) to develop world-record efficiency CPV modules of 35%, 3) to establish standard measurements of CPV cells and modules, 4) to install 50kW CPV system in Spain, to carry out field test of CPV system and to manage power generation of CPV systems, and 5) to develop high-efficiency and low-cost new materials and structure cells such as III-V-N, III-V-on-Si tandem, quantum dots and wells. This paper presents outline of this project and most recent results such as world record efficiency (37.9% under 1-sun) cell and high-efficiency (43.5% under 240-306 suns) concentrator cell with inverted epitaxial grown InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs 3-junction solar cells.
We present a practical implementation of a solar thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system. The system presented in this paper comprises a sunlight concentrator system, a cylindrical cup-shaped absorber/emitter (made of tungsten coated with HfO2), and an hexagonal-shaped water-cooled TPV generator comprising 24 germanium TPV cells, which is surrounding the cylindrical absorber/emitter. This paper focuses on the development of shingled TPV cell arrays, the characterization of the sunlight concentrator system, the estimation of the temperature achieved by the cylindrical emitters operated under concentrated sunlight, and the evaluation of the full system performance under real outdoor irradiance conditions. From the system characterization, we have measured short-circuit current densities up to 0.95 A/cm2, electric power densities of 67 mW/cm2, and a global conversion efficiency of about 0.8%. To our knowledge, this is the first overall solar-to-electricity efficiency reported for a complete solar thermophotovoltaic system. The very low efficiency is mainly due to the overheating of the cells (up to 120 °C) and to the high optical concentrator losses, which prevent the achievement of the optimum emitter temperature. The loss analysis shows that by improving both aspects, efficiencies above 5% could be achievable in the very short term and efficiencies above 10% could be achieved with further improvements.
n this paper, we present a theoretical model based on the detailed balance theory of solar thermophotovoltaic systems comprising multijunction photovoltaic cells, a sunlight concentrator and spectrally selective surfaces. The full system has been defined by means of 2n + 8 variables (being n the number of sub-cells of the multijunction cell). These variables are as follows: the sunlight concentration factor, the absorber cut-off energy, the emitter-to-absorber area ratio, the emitter cut-off energy, the band-gap energy(ies) and voltage(s) of the sub-cells, the reflectivity of the cells' back-side reflector, the emitter-to-cell and cell-to-cell view factors and the emitter-to-cell area ratio. We have used this model for carrying out a multi-variable system optimization by means of a multidimensional direct-search algorithm. This analysis allows to find the set of system variables whose combined effects results in the maximum overall system efficiency. From this analysis, we have seen that multijunction cells are excellent candidates to enhance the system efficiency and the electrical power density. Particularly, multijunction cells report great benefits for systems with a notable presence of optical losses, which are unavoidable in practical systems. Also, we have seen that the use of spectrally selective absorbers, rather than black-body absorbers, allows to achieve higher system efficiencies for both lower concentration and lower emitter-to-absorber area ratio. Finally, we have seen that sun-to-electricity conversion efficiencies above 30% and electrical power densities above 50 W/cm2 are achievable for this kind of systems.
The FK is a two-stage optical concentrator for CPV, composed by a Fresnel lens working as POE and a refractive element working as SOE. Both elements perform Köhler integration, for uniform irradiance purposes. The FK has demonstrated that compares very well with other Fresnel-based concentrator optics. Recent on-sun measurements carried out on an FK mono-module prototype have already shown outstanding results, achieving electrical efficiencies over 34%. Further optimization of optical design together with application of AR coating on SOE will predictably lead to efficiencies over 35%.
Non-uniform irradiance patterns created by Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) concentrators over Multi-Junction Cells (MJC) can originate significant power losses, especially when there are different spectral irradiance distributions over the different MJC junctions. This fact has an increased importance considering the recent advances in 4 and 5 junction cells. This work presents a new CPV optical design, the 9-fold Fresnel Köhler concentrator, prepared to overcome these effects at high concentrations while maintaining a large acceptance angle, paving the way for a future generation of high efficiency CPV systems of 4 and 5 junction cells.
In the work, the results of an investigation of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge MJ SCs intended for converting concentrated solar radiation, when operating at low temperatures (down to -190 degrees C) are presented. A kink of the cell I-V characteristic has been observed in the region close to V-oc starting from -20 degrees C at operation under concentrated sunlight. The causes for its occurrence have been analyzed and the reasons for formation of a built-in potential barrier for majority charge carriers at the n-GaInP/n-Ge isotype hetero-interface are discussed. The effect of charge carrier transport in n-GaInP/n-p Ge heterostructures on MJ SC output characteristics at low temperatures has been studied including EL technique.
The emission of light from each junction in a series-connected multijunction solar cell both complicates and elucidates the understanding of its performance under arbitrary conditions. Bringing together many recent advances in this understanding, we present a general 1-D model to describe luminescent coupling that arises from both voltage-driven electroluminescence and voltage-independent photoluminescence in nonideal junctions that include effects such as Sah-Noyce-Shockley (SNS) recombination with n ≠ 2, Auger recombination, shunt resistance, reverse-bias breakdown, series resistance, and significant dark area losses. The individual junction voltages and currents are experimentally determined from measured optical and electrical inputs and outputs of the device within the context of the model to fit parameters that describe the devices performance under arbitrary input conditions. Techniques to experimentally fit the model are demonstrated for a four-junction inverted metamorphic solar cell, and the predictions of the model are compared with concentrator flash measurements.
Concentrator solar cell front-grid metallizations are designed so that the trade-off between series resistance and shading factor (SF) is optimized for a particular irradiance. High concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) typically requires a metallic electrode pattern that covers up to 10% of the cell surface. The shading effect produced by this front electrode results in a significant reduction in short-circuit current (I SC) and hence, in a significant efficiency loss. In this work we present a cover glass (originally meant to protect the cell surface) that is laser-grooved with a micrometric pattern that redirects the incident solar light towards interfinger regions and away from the metallic electrodes, where they would be wasted in terms of photovoltaic generation. Quantum efficiency (QE) and current (I)-voltage (V) characterization under concentration validate the proof-of-concept, showing great potential for CPV applications