74 resultados para Power series models
This paper presents an envelope amplifier solution for envelope elimination and restoration (EER), that consists of a series combination of a switch-mode power supply (SMPS), based on three-level voltage cells and a linear regulator. This cell topology offers several advantages over a previously presented envelope amplifier based on a different multilevel topology (two-level voltage cells). The topology of the multilevel converter affects to the whole design of the envelope amplifier and a comparison between both design alternatives regarding the size, complexity and the efficiency of the solution is done. Both envelope amplifier solutions have a bandwidth of 2 MHz with an instantaneous maximum power of 50 W. It is also analyzed the linearity of the three-level cell solution, with critical importance in the EER technique implementation. Additionally, considerations to optimize the design of the envelope amplifier and experimental comparison between both cell topologies are included.
Many cities in Europe have difficulties to meet the air quality standards set by the European legislation, most particularly the annual mean Limit Value for NO2. Road transport is often the main source of air pollution in urban areas and therefore, there is an increasing need to estimate current and future traffic emissions as accurately as possible. As a consequence, a number of specific emission models and emission factors databases have been developed recently. They present important methodological differences and may result in largely diverging emission figures and thus may lead to alternative policy recommendations. This study compares two approaches to estimate road traffic emissions in Madrid (Spain): the COmputer Programme to calculate Emissions from Road Transport (COPERT4 v.8.1) and the Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA v.3.1), representative of the ‘average-speed’ and ‘traffic situation’ model types respectively. The input information (e.g. fleet composition, vehicle kilometres travelled, traffic intensity, road type, etc.) was provided by the traffic model developed by the Madrid City Council along with observations from field campaigns. Hourly emissions were computed for nearly 15 000 road segments distributed in 9 management areas covering the Madrid city and surroundings. Total annual NOX emissions predicted by HBEFA were a 21% higher than those of COPERT. The discrepancies for NO2 were lower (13%) since resulting average NO2/NOX ratios are lower for HBEFA. The larger differences are related to diesel vehicle emissions under “stop & go” traffic conditions, very common in distributor/secondary roads of the Madrid metropolitan area. In order to understand the representativeness of these results, the resulting emissions were integrated in an urban scale inventory used to drive mesoscale air quality simulations with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system (1 km2 resolution). Modelled NO2 concentrations were compared with observations through a series of statistics. Although there are no remarkable differences between both model runs, the results suggest that HBEFA may overestimate traffic emissions. However, the results are strongly influenced by methodological issues and limitations of the traffic model. This study was useful to provide a first alternative estimate to the official emission inventory in Madrid and to identify the main features of the traffic model that should be improved to support the application of an emission system based on “real world” emission factors.
During the first decade of the new millennium, fueled by the economic development in Spain, urban bus services were extended. Since the years 2008 and 2009, the root of the economic crisis, the improvement of these services is at risk due to economic problems. In this paper, the technical efficiency of the main urban bus companies in Spain during the 2004–2009 period are studied using SBM (slack-based measures) models and by establishing the slacks in the services' production inputs. The influence of a series of exogenous variables on the operation of the different services is also analyzed. It is concluded that only the 24% of the case studies are efficient, and some urban form variables can explain part of the inefficiency. The methodology used allows studying the inefficiency in a disaggregated way that other DEA (data envelopment analysis) models do not.
This paper presents a new methodology to build parametric models to estimate global solar irradiation adjusted to specific on-site characteristics based on the evaluation of variable im- portance. Thus, those variables higly correlated to solar irradiation on a site are implemented in the model and therefore, different models might be proposed under different climates. This methodology is applied in a study case in La Rioja region (northern Spain). A new model is proposed and evaluated on stability and accuracy against a review of twenty-two already exist- ing parametric models based on temperatures and rainfall in seventeen meteorological stations in La Rioja. The methodology of model evaluation is based on bootstrapping, which leads to achieve a high level of confidence in model calibration and validation from short time series (in this case five years, from 2007 to 2011). The model proposed improves the estimates of the other twenty-two models with average mean absolute error (MAE) of 2.195 MJ/m2 day and average confidence interval width (95% C.I., n=100) of 0.261 MJ/m2 day. 41.65% of the daily residuals in the case of SIAR and 20.12% in that of SOS Rioja fall within the uncertainty tolerance of the pyranometers of the two networks (10% and 5%, respectively). Relative differences between measured and estimated irradiation on an annual cumulative basis are below 4.82%. Thus, the proposed model might be useful to estimate annual sums of global solar irradiation, reaching insignificant differences between measurements from pyranometers.
High frequency dc-dc switching converters are used as envelope amplifiers in RF transmitters. The dc-dc converter should operate at very high frequency to track an envelope in the MHz range to supply the power amplifier. One of the circuits suitable for this application is a hybrid topology composed of a switched converter and a linear regulator in series that work together to adjust the output voltage to track the envelope with accuracy. This topology can take advantage of the reduced slew-rate technique where switching dc-dc converter provides the RF envelope with limited slew rate in order to avoid high switching frequency and high power losses, while the linear regulator performs fine adjustment in order to obtain the exact replica of the RF envelope. The combination of this control technique with this topology is proposed in this paper. Envelopes with different bandwidth will be considered to optimize the efficiency of the dc-dc converter. The calculations and experiments have been done to track a 2MHz envelope in the range 0-12V for an EER RF transmitter.
Wind farms have been extensively simulated through engineering models for the estimation of wind speed and power deficits inside wind farms. These models were designed initially for a few wind turbines located in flat terrain. Other models based on the parabolic approximation of Navier Stokes equations were developed, making more realistic and feasible the operational resolution of big wind farms in flat terrain and offshore sites. These models have demonstrated to be accurate enough when solving wake effects for this type of environments. Nevertheless, few analyses exist on how complex terrain can affect the behaviour of wind farm wake flow. Recent numerical studies have demonstrated that topographical wakes induce a significant effect on wind turbines wakes, compared to that on flat terrain. This circumstance has recommended the development of elliptic CFD models which allow global simulation of wind turbine wakes in complex terrain. An accurate simplification for the analysis of wind turbine wakes is the actuator disk technique. Coupling this technique with CFD wind models enables the estimation of wind farm wakes preserving the extraction of axial momentum present inside wind farms. This paper describes the analysis and validation of the elliptical wake model CFDWake 1.0 against experimental data from an operating wind farm located in complex terrain. The analysis also reports whether it is possible or not to superimpose linearly the effect of terrain and wind turbine wakes. It also represents one of the first attempts to observe the performance of engineering models compares in large complex terrain wind farms.
A total power radiometer operating at 99 GHz was implemented for a propagation experiment aimed to estimate attenuation along a slant path, in Madrid. Valuable data was collected during a measurement campaign in mid-april of 2012. The retrieved time series of radiometric attenuation allow the use of this technique at this frequency to be validated, under clear sky and cloudy conditions, using a low cost instrument calibrated with simple procedures. In spite of some hardware limitations, this experiment shows an interesting application of radiometric technique in order to study atmospheric propagation at 99 GHz.
El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación es analizar el conjunto de las diez series temporales, relativas a los precios de diez metales (plata, aluminio, oro, cobre, níquel, paladio, plomo, platino, estaño y zinc), comprendidos en el periodo de enero de 2008 a septiembre de 2013, con el objetivo de reducir la dimensionalidad del conjunto de datos y facilitar la comparación de los mismos y la predicción de valores futuros. Para ello pretendemos aplicar una metodología, que nos permitirá deducir, a partir de una serie resumen y de unos coeficientes multiplicativos, la evolución del comportamiento de cualquier otro metal. Pese a la escasísima documentación existente al respecto, se valorará e intentará aplicarse una reciente metodología denominada “Metodología del haz de rectas” Como herramienta de trabajo para los programas informáticos desarrollados y para representar las gráficas asociadas al proyecto, se utilizó Matlab®, habida cuenta de su enorme potencia y por disponer de un lenguaje de programación sencillo y lo suficientemente versátil para las tareas que necesitamos. Abstract. The objective of this research project is to analyze the set of ten time series on prices of the ten metals (silver, aluminum, gold, copper, nickel, palladium, lead, platinum, tin and zinc), included in the period January 2008 to September 2013, with the aim of reducing the dimensionality of the data set and to facilitate comparison of the data and the prediction of future values To apply this methodology, allowing us to predict, from a series summarizes the evolution of the behavior of any other metal. This methodology is called "straight beam Methodology" As a tool for developing computer software and associated graphs to represent the project, Matlab® was used in view of its enormous power and have a simple programming language and versatile enough for the tasks we need
Las nanopartículas de metales nobles (especialmente las de oro) tienen un gran potencial asociado al desarrollo de sistemas de terapia contra el cáncer debido principalmente a sus propiedades ópticas, ya que cuando son irradiadas con un haz de luz sintonizado en longitud de onda con su máximo de Resonancia de Plasmón Superficial, absorben de manera muy eficiente dicha luz y la disipan rápidamente al medio en forma de calor localizado. Esta característica por tanto, puede ser aprovechada para conseguir elevar la temperatura de células tumorales hasta sobrepasar umbrales a partir de los cuales se produciría la muerte celular. Partiendo de estos principios, esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo y la caracterización de una serie de prototipos de hipertermia óptica basados en la irradiación de nanopartículas de oro con un haz de luz adecuado, así como en la aplicación in vitro de la terapia sobre células cancerígenas. Además, el trabajo se orienta a identificar y comprender los procesos mecánicos y térmicos asociados a este tipo de hipertermia, y a desarrollar modelos que los describan, estudiando y planteando nuevas formas de irradiación, para, en última instancia, poder optimizar los procesos descritos y hacerlos más efectivos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, el uso de nanopartículas de oro, y más concretamente de nanorods de oro, para llevar a cabo terapias de hipertermia óptica, permite desarrollar terapias muy efectivas para inducir muerte en células cancerígenas, especialmente en tumores superficiales, o como complemento quirúrgico en tumores internos. Sin embargo, los efectos de la toxicidad de las nanopartículas de oro, aún deben ser detalladamente estudiados, ya que este tipo de terapias sólo será viable si se consigue una completa biocompatibilidad. Por otro lado, el estudio exhaustivo de los procesos térmicos que tienen lugar durante la irradiación de las nanopartículas ha dado lugar a una serie de modelos que permiten determinar la efectividad fototérmica de las nanopartículas y además, visualizar la evolución de la temperatura tanto a escala nanométrica como a escala macrométrica, en función de los parámetros ópticos y térmicos del sistema. El planteamiento de nuevas formas de irradiación y el desarrollo de dispositivos orientados a estudiar los fenómenos mecánicos que tienen lugar durante la irradiación pulsada de baja frecuencia y baja potencia de nanopartículas de oro, ha dado lugar a la detección de ondas de presión asociadas a procesos de expansión termoelástica, abriendo la puerta al desarrollo de terapias de hipertermia que combinen la muerte celular producida por calentamiento con la muerte derivada de los fenómenos mecánicos descritos.VII Noble metal nanoparticles (especially gold ones), have a huge potential in the development of therapy systems against cancer mainly due to their optical properties, so that, when these particles are irradiated with a light that is syntonized in wavelength with their maximum of Surface Plasmon Resonance, they effectively absorb and dissipate the light to the surrounding medium as localized heat. We can take advantage of this characteristic for rising the temperature of cancer cells above the threshold at which cellular death would occur. From these principles, this thesis is oriented to the development and characterization of a series of optical hyperthermia prototypes based on the irradiation of gold nanoparticles using the suitable light, and on the in vitro application of this therapy over cancer cells, to understand the mechanical and thermal processes associated with this kind of hyperthermia, developing descriptive models, and to study and to approach new ways of irradiation in order to, ultimately, optimize the described processes and make them more effective. The obtained results show that, the use of gold nanoparticles, and more specifically, of gold nanorods, to carry out optical hyperthermia therapies, allows the development of very effective therapies in order to induce death in VIII cancer cells, especially in superficial tumors, or like surgical complement in more internal tumors. However, the toxicity effects of the gold nanoparticles still need to be studied more detail, because this kind of therapies will be feasible only if a complete biocompatibility is achieved. On the other hand, the exhaustive study of the thermal processes that take place during the irradiation of the nanoparticles resulted in a series of models that allow the determination of the photothermal efficiency of the nanoparticles and also the visualization of the temperature evolution, both at nanoscale and at macroscale, as a function of the optical and thermal parameters of the system. The proposal of new ways of irradiation and the development of devices oriented to study the mechanical effects that take place during the low frequency and low power pulsing irradiation of gold nanoparticles has led to the detection of pressure waves associated to thermoelastic expansion processes, opening the door to the development of hyperthermia therapies that combine the cellular death due to the heating with the death derived from the described mechanical phenomena.
Las fuentes de alimentación de modo conmutado (SMPS en sus siglas en inglés) se utilizan ampliamente en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. La tarea más difícil para los diseñadores de SMPS consiste en lograr simultáneamente la operación del convertidor con alto rendimiento y alta densidad de energía. El tamaño y el peso de un convertidor de potencia está dominado por los componentes pasivos, ya que estos elementos son normalmente más grandes y más pesados que otros elementos en el circuito. Para una potencia de salida dada, la cantidad de energía almacenada en el convertidor que ha de ser entregada a la carga en cada ciclo de conmutación, es inversamente proporcional a la frecuencia de conmutación del convertidor. Por lo tanto, el aumento de la frecuencia de conmutación se considera un medio para lograr soluciones más compactas con los niveles de densidad de potencia más altos. La importancia de investigar en el rango de alta frecuencia de conmutación radica en todos los beneficios que se pueden lograr: además de la reducción en el tamaño de los componentes pasivos, el aumento de la frecuencia de conmutación puede mejorar significativamente prestaciones dinámicas de convertidores de potencia. Almacenamiento de energía pequeña y el período de conmutación corto conducen a una respuesta transitoria del convertidor más rápida en presencia de las variaciones de la tensión de entrada o de la carga. Las limitaciones más importantes del incremento de la frecuencia de conmutación se relacionan con mayores pérdidas del núcleo magnético convencional, así como las pérdidas de los devanados debido a los efectos pelicular y proximidad. También, un problema potencial es el aumento de los efectos de los elementos parásitos de los componentes magnéticos - inductancia de dispersión y la capacidad entre los devanados - que causan pérdidas adicionales debido a las corrientes no deseadas. Otro factor limitante supone el incremento de las pérdidas de conmutación y el aumento de la influencia de los elementos parásitos (pistas de circuitos impresos, interconexiones y empaquetado) en el comportamiento del circuito. El uso de topologías resonantes puede abordar estos problemas mediante el uso de las técnicas de conmutaciones suaves para reducir las pérdidas de conmutación incorporando los parásitos en los elementos del circuito. Sin embargo, las mejoras de rendimiento se reducen significativamente debido a las corrientes circulantes cuando el convertidor opera fuera de las condiciones de funcionamiento nominales. A medida que la tensión de entrada o la carga cambian las corrientes circulantes incrementan en comparación con aquellos en condiciones de funcionamiento nominales. Se pueden obtener muchos beneficios potenciales de la operación de convertidores resonantes a más alta frecuencia si se emplean en aplicaciones con condiciones de tensión de entrada favorables como las que se encuentran en las arquitecturas de potencia distribuidas. La regulación de la carga y en particular la regulación de la tensión de entrada reducen tanto la densidad de potencia del convertidor como el rendimiento. Debido a la relativamente constante tensión de bus que se encuentra en arquitecturas de potencia distribuidas los convertidores resonantes son adecuados para el uso en convertidores de tipo bus (transformadores cc/cc de estado sólido). En el mercado ya están disponibles productos comerciales de transformadores cc/cc de dos puertos que tienen muy alta densidad de potencia y alto rendimiento se basan en convertidor resonante serie que opera justo en la frecuencia de resonancia y en el orden de los megahercios. Sin embargo, las mejoras futuras en el rendimiento de las arquitecturas de potencia se esperan que vengan del uso de dos o más buses de distribución de baja tensión en vez de una sola. Teniendo eso en cuenta, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es aplicar el concepto del convertidor resonante serie que funciona en su punto óptimo en un nuevo transformador cc/cc bidireccional de puertos múltiples para atender las necesidades futuras de las arquitecturas de potencia. El nuevo transformador cc/cc bidireccional de puertos múltiples se basa en la topología de convertidor resonante serie y reduce a sólo uno el número de componentes magnéticos. Conmutaciones suaves de los interruptores hacen que sea posible la operación en las altas frecuencias de conmutación para alcanzar altas densidades de potencia. Los problemas posibles con respecto a inductancias parásitas se eliminan, ya que se absorben en los Resumen elementos del circuito. El convertidor se caracteriza con una muy buena regulación de la carga propia y cruzada debido a sus pequeñas impedancias de salida intrínsecas. El transformador cc/cc de puertos múltiples opera a una frecuencia de conmutación fija y sin regulación de la tensión de entrada. En esta tesis se analiza de forma teórica y en profundidad el funcionamiento y el diseño de la topología y del transformador, modelándolos en detalle para poder optimizar su diseño. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos se corresponden con gran exactitud a aquellos proporcionados por los modelos. El efecto de los elementos parásitos son críticos y afectan a diferentes aspectos del convertidor, regulación de la tensión de salida, pérdidas de conducción, regulación cruzada, etc. También se obtienen los criterios de diseño para seleccionar los valores de los condensadores de resonancia para lograr diferentes objetivos de diseño, tales como pérdidas de conducción mínimas, la eliminación de la regulación cruzada o conmutación en apagado con corriente cero en plena carga de todos los puentes secundarios. Las conmutaciones en encendido con tensión cero en todos los interruptores se consiguen ajustando el entrehierro para obtener una inductancia magnetizante finita en el transformador. Se propone, además, un cambio en los señales de disparo para conseguir que la operación con conmutaciones en apagado con corriente cero de todos los puentes secundarios sea independiente de la variación de la carga y de las tolerancias de los condensadores resonantes. La viabilidad de la topología propuesta se verifica a través una extensa tarea de simulación y el trabajo experimental. La optimización del diseño del transformador de alta frecuencia también se aborda en este trabajo, ya que es el componente más voluminoso en el convertidor. El impacto de de la duración del tiempo muerto y el tamaño del entrehierro en el rendimiento del convertidor se analizan en un ejemplo de diseño de transformador cc/cc de tres puertos y cientos de vatios de potencia. En la parte final de esta investigación se considera la implementación y el análisis de las prestaciones de un transformador cc/cc de cuatro puertos para una aplicación de muy baja tensión y de decenas de vatios de potencia, y sin requisitos de aislamiento. Abstract Recently, switch mode power supplies (SMPS) have been used in a great variety of applications. The most challenging issue for designers of SMPS is to achieve simultaneously high efficiency operation at high power density. The size and weight of a power converter is dominated by the passive components since these elements are normally larger and heavier than other elements in the circuit. If the output power is constant, the stored amount of energy in the converter which is to be delivered to the load in each switching cycle is inversely proportional to the converter’s switching frequency. Therefore, increasing the switching frequency is considered a mean to achieve more compact solutions at higher power density levels. The importance of investigation in high switching frequency range comes from all the benefits that can be achieved. Besides the reduction in size of passive components, increasing switching frequency can significantly improve dynamic performances of power converters. Small energy storage and short switching period lead to faster transient response of the converter against the input voltage and load variations. The most important limitations for pushing up the switching frequency are related to increased conventional magnetic core loss as well as the winding loss due to the skin and proximity effect. A potential problem is also increased magnetic parasitics – leakage inductance and capacitance between the windings – that cause additional loss due to unwanted currents. Higher switching loss and the increased influence of printed circuit boards, interconnections and packaging on circuit behavior is another limiting factor. Resonant power conversion can address these problems by using soft switching techniques to reduce switching loss incorporating the parasitics into the circuit elements. However the performance gains are significantly reduced due to the circulating currents when the converter operates out of the nominal operating conditions. As the input voltage or the load change the circulating currents become higher comparing to those ones at nominal operating conditions. Multiple Input-Output Many potential gains from operating resonant converters at higher switching frequency can be obtained if they are employed in applications with favorable input voltage conditions such as those found in distributed power architectures. Load and particularly input voltage regulation reduce a converter’s power density and efficiency. Due to a relatively constant bus voltage in distributed power architectures the resonant converters are suitable for bus voltage conversion (dc/dc or solid state transformation). Unregulated two port dc/dc transformer products achieving very high power density and efficiency figures are based on series resonant converter operating just at the resonant frequency and operating in the megahertz range are already available in the market. However, further efficiency improvements of power architectures are expected to come from using two or more separate low voltage distribution buses instead of a single one. The principal objective of this dissertation is to implement the concept of the series resonant converter operating at its optimum point into a novel bidirectional multiple port dc/dc transformer to address the future needs of power architectures. The new multiple port dc/dc transformer is based on a series resonant converter topology and reduces to only one the number of magnetic components. Soft switching commutations make possible high switching frequencies to be adopted and high power densities to be achieved. Possible problems regarding stray inductances are eliminated since they are absorbed into the circuit elements. The converter features very good inherent load and cross regulation due to the small output impedances. The proposed multiple port dc/dc transformer operates at fixed switching frequency without line regulation. Extensive theoretical analysis of the topology and modeling in details are provided in order to compare with the experimental results. The relationships that show how the output voltage regulation and conduction losses are affected by the circuit parasitics are derived. The methods to select the resonant capacitor values to achieve different design goals such as minimum conduction losses, elimination of cross regulation or ZCS operation at full load of all the secondary side bridges are discussed. ZVS turn-on of all the switches is achieved by relying on the finite magnetizing inductance of the Abstract transformer. A change of the driving pattern is proposed to achieve ZCS operation of all the secondary side bridges independent on load variations or resonant capacitor tolerances. The feasibility of the proposed topology is verified through extensive simulation and experimental work. The optimization of the high frequency transformer design is also addressed in this work since it is the most bulky component in the converter. The impact of dead time interval and the gap size on the overall converter efficiency is analyzed on the design example of the three port dc/dc transformer of several hundreds of watts of the output power for high voltage applications. The final part of this research considers the implementation and performance analysis of the four port dc/dc transformer in a low voltage application of tens of watts of the output power and without isolation requirements.
El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación es comparar dos técnicas matemáticas de aproximación polinómica, las aproximaciones según el criterio de mínimos cuadrados y las aproximaciones uniformes (“minimax”). Se describen tanto el mercado actual del cobre, con sus fluctuaciones a lo largo del tiempo, como los distintos modelos matemáticos y programas informáticos disponibles. Como herramienta informática se ha seleccionado Matlab®, cuya biblioteca matemática es muy amplia y de uso muy extendido y cuyo lenguaje de programación es suficientemente potente para desarrollar los programas que se necesiten. Se han obtenido diferentes polinomios de aproximación sobre una muestra (serie histórica) que recoge la variación del precio del cobre en los últimos años. Se ha analizado la serie histórica completa y dos tramos significativos de ella. Los resultados obtenidos incluyen valores de interés para otros proyectos. Abstract The aim of this research project is to compare two mathematical models for estimating polynomial approximation, the approximations according to the criterion of least squares approximations uniform (“Minimax”). Describes both the copper current market, fluctuating over time as different computer programs and mathematical models available. As a modeling tool is selected main Matlab® which math library is the largest and most widely used programming language and which is powerful enough to allow you to develop programs that are needed. We have obtained different approximating polynomials, applying mathematical methods chosen, a sample (historical series) which indicates the fluctuation in copper prices in last years. We analyzed the complete historical series and two significant sections of it. The results include values that we consider relevant to other projects
Stochastic model updating must be considered for quantifying uncertainties inherently existing in real-world engineering structures. By this means the statistical properties,instead of deterministic values, of structural parameters can be sought indicating the parameter variability. However, the implementation of stochastic model updating is much more complicated than that of deterministic methods particularly in the aspects of theoretical complexity and low computational efficiency. This study attempts to propose a simple and cost-efficient method by decomposing a stochastic updating process into a series of deterministic ones with the aid of response surface models and Monte Carlo simulation. The response surface models are used as surrogates for original FE models in the interest of programming simplification, fast response computation and easy inverse optimization. Monte Carlo simulation is adopted for generating samples from the assumed or measured probability distributions of responses. Each sample corresponds to an individual deterministic inverse process predicting the deterministic values of parameters. Then the parameter means and variances can be statistically estimated based on all the parameter predictions by running all the samples. Meanwhile, the analysis of variance approach is employed for the evaluation of parameter variability significance. The proposed method has been demonstrated firstly on a numerical beam and then a set of nominally identical steel plates tested in the laboratory. It is found that compared with the existing stochastic model updating methods, the proposed method presents similar accuracy while its primary merits consist in its simple implementation and cost efficiency in response computation and inverse optimization.
Most CPV systems are based on Fresnel lenses. Among these, LPI-patented Fresnel-Köhler (FK) concentrator outstands owing to performance and practical reasons. The VentanaTM power train is the first off-the-shelf commercial product based on the FK and comprises both the primary (POE) lenses (a 36-units 1×1 m2 acrylic panel manufactured by EVONIK and 10×) and glass (or Savosil) secondary optics (SOE). This high concentration optical train (Cg=1,024×, ~250mm optical depth) fits with 5×5 mm2 (at least) solar cells. The optical train is the fruit of a 1-year development that has included design, modeling, prototyping and characterization, and through the process LPI had the opportunity to find out how well the actual performance correlates with models, but also learned practical aspects of a CPV system of this kind, some of which have very positive impact on system performance and reliability.
We present a framework specially designed to deal with structurally complex data, where all individuals have the same structure, as is the case in many medical domains. A structurally complex individual may be composed of any type of singlevalued or multivalued attributes, including time series, for example. These attributes are structured according to domain-dependent hierarchies. Our aim is to generate reference models of population groups. These models represent the population archetype and are very useful for supporting such important tasks as diagnosis, detecting fraud, analyzing patient evolution, identifying control groups, etc.
Tissue P systems generalize the membrane structure tree usual in original models of P systems to an arbitrary graph. Basic opera- tions in these systems are communication rules, enriched in some variants with cell division or cell separation. Several variants of tissue P systems were recently studied, together with the concept of uniform families of these systems. Their computational power was shown to range between P and NP ? co-NP , thus characterizing some interesting borderlines between tractability and intractability. In this paper we show that com- putational power of these uniform families in polynomial time is limited by the class PSPACE . This class characterizes the power of many clas- sical parallel computing models