40 resultados para Apple fruit-borer


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Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture, characterised by the lack of juiciness decrease in the total amount of of water content of tissues. Peach mealy textures are known as \ and leatheriness. Besides the lack of juiciness and flavour, that characterises mealy fruits, in associated with internal browning near the stone and an incapacity of ripening although there i ripe appearance. It is considered as a physiological disorder that appears in stone fruits probably < unbalanced pectolitic enzyme activity during storage. Since January 1996, a wide EC Project entitled: "Mealiness in fruits. Consumer perception and i detection" is being carried out. Within it, the Physical Properties Laboratory (ETSIA-UPM) working to develop instrumental procedures to detect mealiness in different types of fruits (s contributions by Barreiro to AgEng). The results obtained have shown to correlate well with \ measurements in apples (Barreiro et al), also we have succeeded in identifying individual mealy j the basis of instrumental measurement in peaches. The definition of these texture categories will be used in further studies as a base for new individual classification.


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Damages -reduced in fruit packing lines is a major cause of grace reduction and quality loos in fresh marks: fruit. Fruit must be treated gently during in sir handling to improve their qualityin order to get a good price in a competitive market. The correct post-hardvest handling in fruit packing lines is a prerequisite to cut down the heavy post-harvest losses. Fruit packing lines must be evaluated, studying their design, the impacts applied to the fruits, the characteristics of the materials, etc. This study establishes the possibility of carrying out modifications and tests in a packing line during a long period of time. For this purpose, an experimental fruit packing line has been designed and located in the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Polythecnic University of Madrid with the aim of improving mechanical devices and fruit handling conditions to minimize damage to fruit. The experimental line consists of several transporting belts, one rollers transporter, one sizer, one elevator, one singularizer, and three trays to receive the calibrated fruit. The line has a length of 6.15 m and a width cf 1.9 m. Movement of the different components is regulated by electric motors with variable velocity electronically controlled. The height of the transfer points is variable and can be easily modified. The experimental line has been calibrated using two instrumented spheres IS 100 (8.8 cm Ø and6.2cm Ø). Average acceleration values obtained in all the transfers of the experimental line lay under 80 g's, although there is big variation for some of them being some values above 100 g's.


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Characteristics of the impacts suffered by the fruit on a transfer point of an experimental fruit packing line were analysed. The transfer is made up by two transporting belts at different heights forming an angle of 90°. These transfer points are very common in fruit packing lines, in which fruits receive two impacts: the first onto the belt base and the second into the lateral plate. Different tests were earned out to study the effect of transfer height, velocity, belt structure and padding on tire acceleration values recorded by an instrumental sphere (IS 100). Results showed that transfer height and belt structure affect mainly impact values on the belt base, and padding affects mainly impact values registered in lateral impact. The effect of belt velocity in both impacts is less important when compared to the rest of the variables. Additionally, two powered transfer decelerators were tested at the same point with the aim of decreasing impacts suffered by the fruit. Comparing impacts registered using these decelerators to those analysed in the first part of the study without decelerators a high reduction of the impact values was observed.


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Padding materials are commonly used in fruit packing lines with the objective of diminishing impact damage in postharvest handling. Two sensors, instrumented sphere IS 100 and impact tester, have been compared to analyze the performance of six different padding materials used in Spanish fruit packing lines. Padding materials tested have been classified according to their capability to decrease impact intensities inflicted to fruit in packing lines. A procedure to test padding materials has been developed for "Golden" apples. Its basis is a logistic regression to predict bruise probability in fruit. The model combines two kinds of parameters: padding material parameters measured with IS, and fruit properties.


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Non-destructive measurement of fruit quality has been an important objective through recent years (Abbott, 1999). Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is applicable to the cuantification of chemicals in foods and NIK "laser spectroscopy" can be used to estimate the firmness of fruits. However, die main limitation of current optical techniques that measure light transmission is that they do not account for the coupling between absorption and scattering inside the tissue, when quantifying the intensity o f reemitted light. The solution o f this l i m i t a t i o n was the goal o f the present work.


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Different parameters are used to quantify the maturity of fruits at or near harvest (shape, color, flesh texture and internal composition). Flesh firmness is a critical handling parameter for fruits such as peach, pear and apple. Results of previous studies conducted by different researchers have shown that impact techniques can be used to evaluate firmness of fruits. A prototype impact system for firmness sorting of fruits was developed by Chen and Ruiz-Altisent (Chen et al, 1996). This sensor was mounted and tested successfully on a 3 m section of a commercial conveyor belt (Chen et al, 1998). This is a further development of the on-line impact system for firmness sorting of fruits. The design of the sensor has been improved and it has been mounted on a experimental fruit packing line (Ortiz-Cañavate et al 1999).


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The increasing of quality fruit demanded by the consumers is originating an advance in the development and application of sensors capable of measuring parameters of quality (sugar, acids, firmness, etc) on a non destructive way. Some of these sensors are already operative for their use in laboratory and even in lines. The Physical Properties laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, is developing different sensors for their implementation in lines. One of them is a non destructive impact sensor to measure fruit firmness.


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A mapping F2 population from the cross ‘Piel de Sapo’ × PI124112 was selectively genotyped to study the genetic control of morphological fruit traits by QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) analysis. Ten QTL were identified, five for FL (Fruit Length), two for FD (Fruit Diameter) and three for FS (Fruit Shape). At least one robust QTL per character was found, flqs8.1 (LOD = 16.85, R2 = 34%), fdqs12.1 (LOD = 3.47, R2 = 11%) and fsqs8.1 (LOD = 14.85, R2 = 41%). flqs2.1 and fsqs2.1 cosegregate with gene a (andromonoecious), responsible for flower sex determination and with pleiotropic effects on FS. They display a positive additive effect (a) value, so the PI124112 allele causes an increase in FL and FS, producing more elongated fruits. Conversely, the negative a value for flqs8.1 and fsqs8.1 indicates a decrease in FL and FS, what results in rounder fruits, even if PI124112 produces very elongated melons. This is explained by a significant epistatic interaction between fsqs2.1 and fsqs8.1, where the effects of the alleles at locus a are attenuated by the additive PI124112 allele at fsqs8.1. Roundest fruits are produced by homozygous for PI124112 at fsqs8.1 that do not carry any dominant A allele at locus a (PiPiaa). A significant interaction between fsqs8.1 and fsqs12.1 was also detected, with the alleles at fsqs12.1 producing more elongated fruits. fsqs8.1 seems to be allelic to QTL discovered in other populations where the exotic alleles produce elongated fruits. This model has been validated in assays with backcross lines along 3 years and ultimately obtaining a fsqs8.1-NIL (Near Isogenic Line) in ‘Piel de Sapo’ background which yields round melons.


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La manzana y la hoja. Milán, septiembre 2015


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Análisis del color de bebidas formuladas con leche y frutas mediante análisis de imagen y estudio de la aceptación del color por los consumidores