36 resultados para waveguide tapers
Gran cantidad de servicios de telecomunicación tales como la distribución de televisión o los sistemas de navegación están basados en comunicaciones por satélite. Del mismo modo que ocurre en otras aplicaciones espaciales, existe una serie de recursos clave severamente limitados, tales como la masa o el volumen. En este sentido, uno de los dispositivos pasivos más importantes es el diplexor del sistema de alimentación de la antena. Este dispositivo permite el uso de una única antena tanto para transmitir como para recibir, con la consiguiente optimización de recursos que eso supone. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es diseñar un diplexor que cumpla especificaciones reales de comunicaciones por satélite. El dispositivo consiste en dos estructuras filtrantes unidas por una bifurcación de tres puertas. Además, es imprescindible utilizar tecnología de guía de onda para su implementación debido a los altos niveles de potencia manejados. El diseño del diplexor se lleva a cabo dividiendo la estructura en diversas partes, con el objetivo de que todo el proceso sea factible y eficiente. En primer lugar, se han desarrollado filtros con diferentes respuestas – paso alto, paso bajo y paso banda – aunque únicamente dos de ellos formarán el diplexor. Al afrontar su diseño inicial, se lleva a cabo un proceso de síntesis teórica utilizando modelos circuitales. A continuación, los filtros se optimizan con técnicas de diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) full-wave, en concreto mode matching. En este punto es esencial analizar las estructuras y su simetría para determinar qué modos electromagnéticos se están propagando realmente por los dispositivos, para así reducir el esfuerzo computacional asociado. Por último, se utiliza el Método de los Elementos Finitos (FEM) para verificar los resultados previamente obtenidos. Una vez que el diseño de los filtros está terminado, se calculan las dimensiones correspondientes a la bifurcación. Finalmente, el diplexor al completo se somete a un proceso de optimización para cumplir las especificaciones eléctricas requeridas. Además, este trabajo presenta un novedoso valor añadido: la implementación física y la caracterización experimental tanto del diplexor como de los filtros por separado. Esta posibilidad, impracticable hasta ahora debido a su elevado coste, se deriva del desarrollo de las técnicas de manufacturación aditiva. Los prototipos se imprimen en plástico (PLA) utilizando una impresora 3D de bajo coste y posteriormente se metalizan. El uso de esta tecnología conlleva dos limitaciones: la precisión de las dimensiones geométricas (±0.2 mm) y la conductividad de la pintura metálica que recubre las paredes internas de las guías de onda. En este trabajo se incluye una comparación entre los valores medidos y simulados, así como un análisis de los resultados experimentales. En resumen, este trabajo presenta un proceso real de ingeniería: el problema de diseñar un dispositivo que satisfaga especificaciones reales, las limitaciones causadas por el proceso de fabricación, la posterior caracterización experimental y la obtención de conclusiones.
An accurate characterization of the near-region propagation of radio waves inside tunnels is of practical importance for the design and planning of advanced communication systems. However, there has been no consensus yet on the propagation mechanism in this region. Some authors claim that the propagation mechanism follows the free space model, others intend to interpret it by the multi-mode waveguide model. This paper clarifies the situation in the near-region of arched tunnels by analytical modeling of the division point between the two propagation mechanisms. The procedure is based on the combination of the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry. Three groups of measurements are employed to verify the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Furthermore, simplified models for the division point in five specific application situations are derived to facilitate the use of the model. The results in this paper could help to deepen the insight into the propagation mechanism within tunnel environments.
A set of measurements of electromagnetic properties of building materials is presented in this work. The method is based on the measurement of the polarization state of the reflected signal from the material under study at a fixed angle of incidence. From the measured data, by using the Fresnel equations, it has been obtained the dielectric constant. Measurements were done by using two horn antennas at the frequency of 9 GHz. The obtained results are compared with the free space reflexion and transmission Fresnel method and other reflection methods based on a conductor waveguide. The method explained in this work can be used for other type of materials and its main advantage is the non-destructive character and the ease implementation.
In this paper we present an analysis that shows the Maxwell Fish Eye (MFE) only has super-resolution property for some particular frequencies (for other frequencies, the MFE behaves as conventional imaging lens). These frequencies are directly connected with the Schumann resonance frequencies of spherical symmetric systems. The analysis have been done using a thin spherical waveguide (two concentric spheres with constant index between them), which is a dual form of the MFE (the electrical fields in the MFE can be mapped into the radial electrical fields in the spherical waveguide). In the spherical waveguide the fields are guided inside the space between the concentric spheres. A microwave circuit comprising three elements: the spherical waveguide, the source and the receiver (two coaxial cables) is designed in COMSOL. The super-resolution is demonstrated by calculation of Scaterring (S) parameters for different position of the coaxial cables and different frequencies of the input signal.
There is no unanimous consensus yet on the propagation mechanism before the break point inside tunnels. Some deem that the propagation mechanism follows the free space model, others argue that it should be described by the multimode waveguide model. Firstly, this paper analyzes the propagation loss in two mechanisms. Then, by conjunctively using the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, a generic analytical model for the boundary between the free space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism inside tunnels has been presented. Three measurement campaigns validate the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Furthermore, the condition of the validity of the free space model used in tunnel environment has been discussed in some specific situations. Finally, through mathematical derivation, the seemingly conflicting viewpoints on the free space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism have been unified in some specific situations by the presented generic model. The results in this paper can be helpful to gain deeper insight and better understanding of the propagation mechanism inside tunnels
The propagation losses (PL) of lithium niobate optical planar waveguides fabricated by swift heavy-ion irradiation (SHI), an alternative to conventional ion implantation, have been investigated and optimized. For waveguide fabrication, congruently melting LiNbO3 substrates were irradiated with F ions at 20 MeV or 30 MeV and fluences in the range 1013–1014 cm−2. The influence of the temperature and time of post-irradiation annealing treatments has been systematically studied. Optimum propagation losses lower than 0.5 dB/cm have been obtained for both TE and TM modes, after a two-stage annealing treatment at 350 and 375∘C. Possible loss mechanisms are discussed.
Artículo sobre comunicaciones ferroviarias. Abstract: Along with the increase in operating frequencies in advanced radio communication systems utilised inside tunnels, the location of the break point is further and further away from the transmitter. This means that the near region lengthens considerably and even occupies the whole propagation cell or the entire length of some short tunnels. To begin with, this study analyses the propagation loss resulting from the free-space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism in the near region of circular tunnels, respectively. Then, by conjunctive employing the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, a general analytical model of the dividing point between two propagation mechanisms is presented for the first time. Moreover, the model is validated by a wide range of measurement campaigns in different tunnels at different frequencies. Finally, discussions on the simplified formulae of the dividing point in some application situations are made. The results in this study can be helpful to grasp the essence of the propagation mechanism inside tunnels.
Along with the increase of the use of working frequencies in advanced radio communication systems, the near-region inside tunnels lengthens considerably and even occupies the whole propagation cell or the entire length of some short tunnels. This paper analytically models the propagation mechanisms and their dividing point in the near-region of arbitrary cross-sectional tunnels for the first time. To begin with, the propagation losses owing to the free space mechanism and the multimode waveguide mechanism are modeled, respectively. Then, by conjunctively employing the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, the paper presents a general model for the dividing point between two propagation mechanisms. It is worthy to mention that this model can be applied in arbitrary cross-sectional tunnels. Furthermore, the general dividing point model is specified in rectangular, circular, and arched tunnels, respectively. Five groups of measurements are used to justify the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Finally, in order to facilitate the use of the model, simplified analytical solutions for the dividing point in five specific application situations are derived. The results in this paper could help deepen the insight into the propagation mechanisms in tunnels.
Outline: • Motivation, aim • Complement waveguide data on silica • Optical data in quartz • Detailed analysis, i.e. both fluence kinetics and resolution • Efficiency of irradiation and analysis, samples, time... • Experimental set-up description • Reflectance procedure • Options: light source (lasers, white light..), detectors, configurations • Results and discussion • Comparative of amorphous and crystalline phases
Leonhardt demonstrated (2009) that the 2D Maxwell Fish Eye lens (MFE) can focus perfectly 2D Helmholtz waves of arbitrary frequency, i.e., it can transport perfectly an outward (monopole) 2D Helmholtz wave field, generated by a point source, towards a receptor called "perfect drain" (PD) located at the corresponding MFE image point. The PD has the property of absorbing the complete radiation without radiation or scattering and it has been claimed as necessary to obtain super-resolution (SR) in the MFE. However, a prototype using a "drain" different from the PD has shown λ/5 resolution for microwave frequencies (Ma et al, 2010). Recently, the SR properties of a device equivalent to the MFE, called the Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW) (Miñano et al, 2012) have been analyzed. The reported results show resolution up to λ /3000, for the SGW loaded with the perfect drain, and up to λ /500 f for the SGW without perfect drain. The perfect drain was realized as a coaxial probe loaded with properly calculated impedance. The SGW provides SR only in a narrow band of frequencies close to the resonance Schumann frequencies. Here we analyze the SGW loaded with a small "perfect drain region" (González et al, 2011). This drain is designed as a region made of a material with complex permittivity. The comparative results show that there is no significant difference in the SR properties for both perfect drain designs.
Perfect drain for the Maxwell Fish Eye (MFE) is a nonmagnetic dissipative region placed in the focal point to absorb all the incident radiation without reflection or scattering. The perfect drain was recently designed as a material with complex permittivity ? that depends on frequency. However, this material is only a theoretical material, so it can not be used in practical devices. Recently, the perfect drain has been claimed as necessary to achieve super-resolution [Leonhard 2009, New J. Phys. 11 093040], which has increased the interest for practical perfect drains suitable for manufacturing. Here, we analyze the superresolution properties of a device equivalent to the MFE, known as Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW), loaded with the perfect drain. In the SGW the source and drain are implemented with coaxial probes. The perfect drain is realized using a circuit (made of a resistance and a capacitor) connected to the drain coaxial probes. Superresolution analysis for this device is done in Comsol Multiphysics. The results of simulations predict the superresolution up to ? /3000 and optimum power transmission from the source to the drain.
The capability of a device called the Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW) to produce images with details below the classic Abbe diffraction limit (super-resolution) is analyzed here. The SGW is an optical system equivalent (by means of Transformation Optics) to the Maxwell Fish Eye (MFE) refractive index distribution. Recently, it has been claimed that the necessary condition to get super-resolution in the MFE and the SGW is the use of a Perfect Point Drain (PPD). The PPD is a punctual receptor placed in the focal point that absorbs the incident wave, without reflection or scattering. A microwave circuit comprising three elements, the SGW, the source and the drain (two coaxial lines loaded with specific impedances) is designed and simulated in COMSOL. The super-resolution properties have been analyzed for different position of the source and drain and for two different load impedances: the PPD and the characteristic line impedance. The results show that in both cases super-resolution occurs only for discrete number of frequencies. Out of these frequencies, the SGW does not show SR in the analysis carried out.
En los diseños y desarrollos de ingeniería, antes de comenzar la construcción e implementación de los objetivos de un proyecto, es necesario realizar una serie de análisis previos y simulaciones que corroboren las expectativas de la hipótesis inicial, con el fin de obtener una referencia empírica que satisfaga las condiciones de trabajo o funcionamiento de los objetivos de dicho proyecto. A menudo, los resultados que satisfacen las características deseadas se obtienen mediante la iteración de métodos de ensayo y error. Generalmente, éstos métodos utilizan el mismo procedimiento de análisis con la variación de una serie de parámetros que permiten adaptar una tecnología a la finalidad deseada. Hoy en día se dispone de computadoras potentes, así como algoritmos de resolución matemática que permiten resolver de forma veloz y eficiente diferentes tipos de problemas de cálculo. Resulta interesante el desarrollo de aplicaciones que permiten la resolución de éstos problemas de forma rápida y precisa en el análisis y síntesis de soluciones de ingeniería, especialmente cuando se tratan expresiones similares con variaciones de constantes, dado que se pueden desarrollar instrucciones de resolución con la capacidad de inserción de parámetros que definan el problema. Además, mediante la implementación de un código de acuerdo a la base teórica de una tecnología, se puede lograr un código válido para el estudio de cualquier problema relacionado con dicha tecnología. El desarrollo del presente proyecto pretende implementar la primera fase del simulador de dispositivos ópticos Slabsim, en cual se puede representar la distribución de la energía de una onda electromagnética en frecuencias ópticas guiada a través de una una guía dieléctrica plana, también conocida como slab. Este simulador esta constituido por una interfaz gráfica generada con el entorno de desarrollo de interfaces gráficas de usuario Matlab GUIDE, propiedad de Mathworks©, de forma que su manejo resulte sencillo e intuitivo para la ejecución de simulaciones con un bajo conocimiento de la base teórica de este tipo de estructuras por parte del usuario. De este modo se logra que el ingeniero requiera menor intervalo de tiempo para encontrar una solución que satisfaga los requisitos de un proyecto relacionado con las guías dieléctricas planas, e incluso utilizarlo para una amplia diversidad de objetivos basados en esta tecnología. Uno de los principales objetivos de este proyecto es la resolución de la base teórica de las guías slab a partir de métodos numéricos computacionales, cuyos procedimientos son extrapolables a otros problemas matemáticos y ofrecen al autor una contundente base conceptual de los mismos. Por este motivo, las resoluciones de las ecuaciones diferenciales y características que constituyen los problemas de este tipo de estructuras se realizan por estos medios de cálculo en el núcleo de la aplicación, dado que en algunos casos, no existe la alternativa de uso de expresiones analíticas útiles. ABSTRACT. The first step in engineering design and development is an analysis and simulation process which will successfully corroborate the initial hypothesis that was made and find solutions for a particular. In this way, it is possible to obtain empirical evidence which suitably substantiate the purposes of the project. Commonly, the characteristics to reach a particular target are found through iterative trial and error methods. These kinds of methods are based on the same theoretical analysis but with a variation of some parameters, with the objective to adapt the results for a particular aim. At present, powerful computers and mathematical algorithms are available to solve different kinds of calculation problems in a fast and efficient way. Computing application development is useful as it gives a high level of accurate results for engineering analysis and synthesis in short periods of time. This is more notable in cases where the mathematical expressions on a theoretical base are similar but with small variations of constant values. This is due to the ease of adaptation of the computer programming code into a parameter request system that defines a particular solution on each execution. Additionally, it is possible to code an application suitable to simulate any issue related to the studied technology. The aim of the present project consists of the construction of the first stage of an optoelectronics simulator named Slabsim. Slabism is capable of representing the energetic distribution of a light wave guided in the volume of a slab waveguide. The mentioned simulator is made through the graphic user interface development environment Matlab GUIDE, property of Mathworks©. It is designed for an easy and intuitive management by the user to execute simulations with a low knowledge of the technology theoretical bases. With this software it is possible to achieve several aims related to the slab waveguides by the user in low interval of time. One of the main purposes of this project is the mathematical solving of theoretical bases of slab structures through computing numerical analysis. This is due to the capability of adapting its criterion to other mathematical issues and provides a strong knowledge of its process. Based on these advantages, numerical solving methods are used in the core of the simulator to obtain differential and characteristic equations results that become represented on it.
This paper analyses numerically the electric field distribution of a liquid contained in a Petri dish when exposed to electromagnetic waves excited in a rectangular waveguide. Solutions exhibit high-gradients due to the presence of the dielectric liquid contained in the dish. Furthermore, electromagnetic fields within the dielectric have a dramatically lower value than on the remaining part of the domain, which difficults its simulation. Additionally, various singularities of different intensity appear along the boundary of the Petri dish. To properly reproduce and numerically study those effects, we employ a highly-accurate hp-adaptive finite element method. Results of this study demonstrate that the electric field generated within the circular Petri dish is non-homogeneous, and thus, a better shape, size, or location of the dish is needed to achieve an equally distributed radiation enabling the uniform growth of cell cultives.
The coupling between solar light radiation and laser rod medium in a solar pumped laser affects the efficiency of the laser. To optimize the pumping system, simulation of the two-stage pumping system with a Fresnel lens and conic pumping cavity is carried out with Tracepro software. According to the power density distribution along the axis at focal place of the Fresnel lens, the diameter and position of the pumping cavity window and the distance of the window from the Fresnel lens are optimized. The power density distributions along the laser rod axis of different cavity lengths and different cavity tapers are also analyzed. The optimal structure of taper cavity is obtained. The mirror relecting cavity and ceramic cavity are introduced in detail.