56 resultados para choreography for the camera


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Augmented reality (AR) commonly uses markers for detection and tracking. Such multimedia applications associate each marker with a virtual 3D model stored in the memory of the camera-equipped device running the application. Application users are limited in their interactions, which require knowing how to design and program 3D objects. This generally prevents them from developing their own entertainment AR applications. The Magic Cards application solves this problem by offering an easy way to create and manage an unlimited number of virtual objects that are encoded on special markers.


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In this paper, we present a real-time tracking strategy based on direct methods for tracking tasks on-board UAVs, that is able to overcome problems posed by the challenging conditions of the task: e.g. constant vibrations, fast 3D changes, and limited capacity on-board. The vast majority of approaches make use of feature-based methods to track objects. Nonetheless, in this paper we show that although some of these feature-based solutions are faster, direct methods can be more robust under fast 3D motions (fast changes in position), some changes in appearance, constant vibrations (without requiring any specific hardware or software for video stabilization), and situations where part of the object to track is out the field of view of the camera. The performance of the proposed strategy is evaluated with images from real-flight tests using different evaluation mechanisms (e.g. accurate position estimation using a Vicon sytem). Results show that our tracking strategy performs better than well known feature-based algorithms and well known configurations of direct methods, and that the recovered data is robust enough for vision-in-the-loop tasks.


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En este Proyecto de fin de carrera titulado: LA VÍDEOVIGILANCIA: TECNOLOGÍAS ACTUALES Y ASPECTOS SOCIOPOLÍTICOS, tiene como objetivo hacer un estudio en los sistemas de Vídeovigilancia basado en cámaras-IP, con fines de seguridad, control o supervisión. Nos basaremos en exponer los sistemas Vídeovigilancia basados en cámara-IP actuales de ultima generación, cuya principal virtud de estos sistemas, es la comunicación con otros lugares, o espacios públicos como privados y poder visualizar tanto en vivo como en diferido lo que este pasando en ese lugar y en ese momento o haya pasado a través del protocolo de comunicación-IP. Se explicara desde el más básico al más complejo sistema de videovigilancia-IP, también explicaremos su puesta en practica mediante los múltiples interconexiones que estos conlleven. Llegando a este punto, se nos plantea las siguientes cuestiones que da origen a este PFC. Estos sistemas de Vídeovigilancia-IP, captan las imágenes por medio de las cámaras-IP, proporcionando su facilidad tanto de visionado/grabacion, como de control, ya que no es necesario estar presente e interactuando con otros sistemas digitales de diverso índole actuales, gracias al protocolo-IP. Estos sistemas-IP, tienen su puesta en práctica mediante las instalaciones requeridas ,estas podrán ser sencillas o muy complejas de todos los sistemas-IP. Debido al gran aumento masivo, las tecnologías actuales de diverso índole de cámaras-IP en materia de la vídeovigilancia en lugares públicos, y privados en nuestra sociedad actual, lo hace un medio particularmente invasivo y por ello resulta necesario tanto la concurrencia de condiciones que legitimen los tratamientos de datos de personas identificables, como la definición de los principios y garantías que deban aplicarse ya que estas, repercutirán sobre los derechos de las personas, lo que obligara a fijar ciertas garantías. Se nos plantea los casos en los que la captación y/o tratamiento de imágenes con fines de Vídeovigilancia que pertenezcan a personas identificadas o identificables, ha obligado a España, y según dispuesto por la Directiva 95/46/CE del Parlamento Europeo, a regularizar esta situación mediante la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos (LOPD) 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, bajo los procedimientos del Estado español en materia sociopolítica, y dando vigor a esta ley, mediante la aprobación de la Instrucción 1/2006 de 8 de noviembre de 2006, cuyo máximo organismo es la Agencia española de Protección de Datos (AGPD). Una vez planteada la motivación y justificación del proyecto, se derivan unos objetivos a cumplir con la realización del mismo. Los objetivos del proyecto se pueden diferenciar en dos clases principalmente. Los objetivos principales y objetivos secundarios. Los objetivos principales de este PFC, nacen directamente de las necesidades planteadas originalmente en materia de Vídeovigilancia, tanto tecnológicamente basado en las cámaras-IP en la captación y/o tratamiento de imágenes, así como sociopolíticamente donde trataremos de describirlo mediante las indicaciones y criterios con casos prácticos y de cómo deben de aplicarse según la instrucción 1/2006 mediante la LOPD en materia de Vídeovigilancia, en cuanto a la protección de datos que puedan repercutir sobre el derecho de las personas. Por otra parte los objetivos secundarios, son la extensión del objetivo primario y son de orden cuantificador en este PFC, dando una explicación más exhaustiva del objetivo principal. ABSTRACT In this final year project, entitled: THE VIDEOSURVEILLANCE: CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES AND POLITICALSOCIALS ASPECTS, aims to make a study of video surveillance systems based on IP cameras, for security, control or supervision. We will rely on to expose the camera based video surveillance systems IP-current last generation, whose main virtue of these systems, is communication with other places, or public and private spaces and to view both live and time so this happening in that place and at that time or passed through-IP communication protocol. He explained from the most basic to the most complex-IP video surveillance system, also explain its implementation into practice through multiple interconnections that these entail. Arriving at this point, we face the following issues which gave rise to this PFC. These IP-video surveillance systems, captured images through IP-cameras, providing both ease of viewing / recording, as a control, since it is not necessary to be present and interacting with other digital systems such diverse today, thanks IP-protocol. These systems-IP, have their implementation through the facilities required, these can be simple or very complex all-IP video surveillance systems. Due to the large increase in mass, current technologies of different kinds of IP cameras for video surveillance in public places, and private in our society, it makes a particularly invasive and therefore attendance is necessary both conditions that legitimize data processing of identifiable people, as the definition of the principles and safeguards to be applied as these will impact on the rights of the people, which forced to set certain guarantees. We face those cases in which the uptake and / or image processing video surveillance purposes belonging to identified or identifiable, has forced Spain, and as required by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament, to regularize this situation by the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD) 15/1999 of December 13, under the procedures of the Spanish State in sociopolitical, and giving effect to this Act, with the approval of the Instruction 1/2006 of 8 November 2006, the governing body is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AGPD). Once raised the motivation and justification for the project, resulting in meeting targets to achieve the same. Project objectives can be differentiated into two main classes, the main objectives and secondary objectives: The main objectives of this PFC, born directly from requirements originally raised for capturing both technologically imaging me and try to describe where sociopolitically, the details and criteria as case studies and should be applied according to the instruction 1 / 2006 by the LOPD on video surveillance system in terms of data protection that could impact on the right people. Moreover the secondary objectives are the extension of the primary and are of a quantifier in this PFC, giving a fuller explanation of the main objective.


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El presente proyecto final de carrera titulado “Modelado de alto nivel con SystemC” tiene como objetivo principal el modelado de algunos módulos de un codificador de vídeo MPEG-2 utilizando el lenguaje de descripción de sistemas igitales SystemC con un nivel de abstracción TLM o Transaction Level Modeling. SystemC es un lenguaje de descripción de sistemas digitales basado en C++. En él hay un conjunto de rutinas y librerías que implementan tipos de datos, estructuras y procesos especiales para el modelado de sistemas digitales. Su descripción se puede consultar en [GLMS02] El nivel de abstracción TLM se caracteriza por separar la comunicación entre los módulos de su funcionalidad. Este nivel de abstracción hace un mayor énfasis en la funcionalidad de la comunicación entre los módulos (de donde a donde van datos) que la implementación exacta de la misma. En los documentos [RSPF] y [HG] se describen el TLM y un ejemplo de implementación. La arquitectura del modelo se basa en el codificador MVIP-2 descrito en [Gar04], de dicho modelo, los módulos implementados son: · IVIDEOH: módulo que realiza un filtrado del vídeo de entrada en la dimensión horizontal y guarda en memoria el video filtrado. · IVIDEOV: módulo que lee de la memoria el vídeo filtrado por IVIDEOH, realiza el filtrado en la dimensión horizontal y escribe el video filtrado en memoria. · DCT: módulo que lee el video filtrado por IVIDEOV, hace la transformada discreta del coseno y guarda el vídeo transformado en la memoria. · QUANT: módulo que lee el video transformado por DCT, lo cuantifica y guarda el resultado en la memoria. · IQUANT: módulo que lee el video cuantificado por QUANT, realiza la cuantificación inversa y guarda el resultado en memoria. · IDCT: módulo que lee el video procesado por IQUANT, realiza la transformada inversa del coseno y guarda el resultado en memoria. · IMEM: módulo que hace de interfaz entre los módulos anteriores y la memoria. Gestiona las peticiones simultáneas de acceso a la memoria y asegura el acceso exclusivo a la memoria en cada instante de tiempo. Todos estos módulos aparecen en gris en la siguiente figura en la que se muestra la arquitectura del modelo: Figura 1. Arquitectura del modelo (VER PDF DEL PFC) En figura también aparecen unos módulos en blanco, dichos módulos son de pruebas y se han añadido para realizar simulaciones y probar los módulos del modelo: · CAMARA: módulo que simula una cámara en blanco y negro, lee la luminancia de un fichero de vídeo y lo envía al modelo a través de una FIFO. · FIFO: hace de interfaz entre la cámara y el modelo, guarda los datos que envía la cámara hasta que IVIDEOH los lee. · CONTROL: módulo que se encarga de controlar los módulos que procesan el vídeo, estos le indican cuando terminan de procesar un frame de vídeo y este módulo se encarga de iniciar los módulos que sean necesarios para seguir con la codificación. Este módulo se encarga del correcto secuenciamiento de los módulos procesadores de vídeo. · RAM: módulo que simula una memoria RAM, incluye un retardo programable en el acceso. Para las pruebas también se han generado ficheros de vídeo con el resultado de cada módulo procesador de vídeo, ficheros con mensajes y un fichero de trazas en el que se muestra el secuenciamiento de los procesadores. Como resultado del trabajo en el presente PFC se puede concluir que SystemC permite el modelado de sistemas digitales con bastante sencillez (hace falta conocimientos previos de C++ y programación orientada objetos) y permite la realización de modelos con un nivel de abstracción mayor a RTL, el habitual en Verilog y VHDL, en el caso del presente PFC, el TLM. ABSTRACT This final career project titled “High level modeling with SystemC” have as main objective the modeling of some of the modules of an MPEG-2 video coder using the SystemC digital systems description language at the TLM or Transaction Level Modeling abstraction level. SystemC is a digital systems description language based in C++. It contains routines and libraries that define special data types, structures and process to model digital systems. There is a complete description of the SystemC language in the document [GLMS02]. The main characteristic of TLM abstraction level is that it separates the communication among modules of their functionality. This abstraction level puts a higher emphasis in the functionality of the communication (from where to where the data go) than the exact implementation of it. The TLM and an example are described in the documents [RSPF] and [HG]. The architecture of the model is based in the MVIP-2 video coder (described in the document [Gar04]) The modeled modules are: · IVIDEOH: module that filter the video input in the horizontal dimension. It saves the filtered video in the memory. · IVIDEOV: module that read the IVIDEOH filtered video, filter it in the vertical dimension and save the filtered video in the memory. · DCT: module that read the IVIDEOV filtered video, do the discrete cosine transform and save the transformed video in the memory. · QUANT: module that read the DCT transformed video, quantify it and save the quantified video in the memory. · IQUANT: module that read the QUANT processed video, do the inverse quantification and save the result in the memory. · IDCT: module that read the IQUANT processed video, do the inverse cosine transform and save the result in the memory. · IMEM: this module is the interface between the modules described previously and the memory. It manage the simultaneous accesses to the memory and ensure an unique access at each instant of time All this modules are included in grey in the following figure (SEE PDF OF PFC). This figure shows the architecture of the model: Figure 1. Architecture of the model This figure also includes other modules in white, these modules have been added to the model in order to simulate and prove the modules of the model: · CAMARA: simulates a black and white video camera, it reads the luminance of a video file and sends it to the model through a FIFO. · FIFO: is the interface between the camera and the model, it saves the video data sent by the camera until the IVIDEOH module reads it. · CONTROL: controls the modules that process the video. These modules indicate the CONTROL module when they have finished the processing of a video frame. The CONTROL module, then, init the necessary modules to continue with the video coding. This module is responsible of the right sequence of the video processing modules. · RAM: it simulates a RAM memory; it also simulates a programmable delay in the access to the memory. It has been generated video files, text files and a trace file to check the correct function of the model. The trace file shows the sequence of the video processing modules. As a result of the present final career project, it can be deduced that it is quite easy to model digital systems with SystemC (it is only needed previous knowledge of C++ and object oriented programming) and it also allow the modeling with a level of abstraction higher than the RTL used in Verilog and VHDL, in the case of the present final career project, the TLM.


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La consola portátil Nintendo DS es una plataforma de desarrollo muy presente entre la comunidad de desarrolladores independientes, con una extensa y nutrida escena homebrew. Si bien las capacidades 2D de la consola están muy aprovechadas, dado que la mayor parte de los esfuerzos de los creadores amateur están enfocados en este aspecto, el motor 3D de ésta (el que se encarga de representar en pantalla modelos tridimensionales) no lo está de igual manera. Por lo tanto, en este proyecto se tiene en vista determinar las capacidades gráficas de la Nintendo DS. Para ello se ha realizado una biblioteca de funciones en C que permite aprovechar las posibilidades que ofrece la consola en el terreno 3D y que sirve como herramienta para la comunidad homebrew para crear aplicaciones 3D de forma sencilla, dado que se ha diseñado como un sistema modular y accesible. En cuanto al proceso de renderizado se han sacado varias conclusiones. En primer lugar se ha determinado la posibilidad de asignar varias componentes de color a un mismo vértice (color material reactivo a la iluminación, color por vértice directo y color de textura), tanto de forma independiente como simultáneamente, pudiéndose utilizar para aplicar diversos efectos al modelo, como iluminación pre-calculada o simulación de una textura mediante color por vértice, ahorrando en memoria de video. Por otro lado se ha implementado un sistema de renderizado multi-capa, que permite realizar varias pasadas de render, pudiendo, de esta forma, aplicar al modelo una segunda textura mezclada con la principal o realizar un efecto de reflexión esférica. Uno de los principales avances de esta herramienta con respecto a otras existentes se encuentra en el apartado de animación. El renderizador desarrollado permite por un lado animación por transformación, consistente en la animación de mallas o grupos de vértices del modelo mediante el movimiento de una articulación asociada que determina su posición y rotación en cada frame de animación. Por otro lado se ha implementado un sistema de animación por muestreo de vértices mediante el cual se determina la posición de éstos en cada instante de la animación, generando frame a frame las poses que componen el movimiento (siendo este último método necesario cuando no se puede animar una malla por transformación). Un mismo modelo puede contener diferentes esqueletos, animados independientemente entre sí, y cada uno de ellos tener definidas varias costumbres de animación que correspondan a movimientos contextuales diferentes (andar, correr, saltar, etc). Además, el sistema permite extraer cualquier articulación para asociar su transformación a un objeto estático externo y que éste siga el movimiento de la animación, pudiendo así, por ejemplo, equipar un objeto en la mano de un personaje. Finalmente se han implementado varios efectos útiles en la creación de escenas tridimensionales, como el billboarding (tanto esférico como cilíndrico), que restringe la rotación de un modelo para que éste siempre mire a cámara y así poder emular la apariencia de un objeto tridimensional mediante una imagen plana, ahorrando geometría, o emplearlo para realizar efectos de partículas. Por otra parte se ha implementado un sistema de animación de texturas por subimágenes que permite generar efectos de movimiento mediante imágenes, sin necesidad de transformar geometría. ABSTRACT. The Nintendo DS portable console has received great interest within the independent developers’ community, with a huge homebrew scene. The 2D capabilities of this console are well known and used since most efforts of the amateur creators has been focused on this point. However its 3D engine (which handles with the representation of three-dimensional models) is not equally used. Therefore, in this project the main objective is to assess the Nintendo DS graphic capabilities. For this purpose, a library of functions in C programming language has been coded. This library allows the programmer to take advantage of the possibilities that the 3D area brings. This way the library can be used by the homebrew community as a tool to create 3D applications in an easy way, since it has been designed as a modular and accessible system. Regarding the render process, some conclusions have been drawn. First, it is possible to assign several colour components to the same vertex (material colour, reactive to the illumination, colour per vertex and texture colour), independently and simultaneously. This feature can be useful to apply certain effects on the model, such as pre-calculated illumination or the simulation of a texture using colour per vertex, providing video memory saving. Moreover, a multi-layer render system has been implemented. This system allows the programmer to issue several render passes on the same model. This new feature brings the possibility to apply to the model a second texture blended with the main one or simulate a spherical reflection effect. One of the main advances of this tool over existing ones consists of its animation system. The developed renderer includes, on the one hand, transform animation, which consists on animating a mesh or groups of vertices of the model by the movement of an associated joint. This joint determines position and rotation of the mesh at each frame of the animation. On the other hand, this tool also implements an animation system by vertex sampling, where the position of vertices is determined at every instant of the animation, generating the poses that build up the movement (the latter method is mandatory when a mesh cannot be animated by transform). A model can contain multiple skeletons, animated independently, each of them being defined with several animation customs, corresponding to different contextual movements (walk, run, jump, etc). Besides, the system allows extraction of information from any joint in order to associate its transform to a static external object, which will follow the movement of the animation. This way, any object could be equipped, for example, on the hand of a character. Finally, some useful effects for the creation of three-dimensional scenes have been implemented. These effects include billboarding (both spherical and cylindrical), which constraints the rotation of a model so it always looks on the camera's direction. This feature can provide the ability to emulate the appearance of a three-dimensional model through a flat image (saving geometry). It can also be helpful in the implementation of particle effects. Moreover, a texture animation system using sub-images has also been implemented. This system allows the generation of movement by using images as textures, without having to transform geometry.


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Con este proyecto se ha desarrollado una guía introductoria a uno de los aspectos más complejos y especializados de Blender, que es el control de su motor de videojuegos mediante programas escritos en Python. Está orientado a lectores que tienen un conocimiento amplio sobre el manejo de Blender, su interfaz y el funcionamiento de sus diferentes elementos, así como una mínima experiencia en cuanto a programación. Se ha organizado en una parte descriptiva, centrada en el lenguaje Python y en las bases de su uso para programar el motor de videojuegos (Game Engine) de Blender, y otra de práctica guiada, que constituye la mayoría del proyecto, donde se estudian de manera progresiva ejemplos concretos de uso del mismo. En la parte descriptiva se ha tratado tanto el funcionamiento más básico del lenguaje Python, especialmente las características que difieren de otros lenguajes de programación tradicionales, como su relación con Blender en particular, explicando las diferentes partes de la API de Blender para Python, y las posibles estrategias de uso. La parte práctica guiada, dado que esta interacción entre Blender y Python ofrece un rango de posibilidades muy amplio, se ha centrado en tres áreas concretas que han sido investigadas en profundidad: el control del objeto protagonista, de la cámara y la implementación de un mapa de orientación. Todas ellas se han centrado en torno a un ejemplo común, que consiste en un videojuego muy básico, y que, gracias a los ficheros de Blender que acompañan a esta memoria, sirve para apoyar las explicaciones y poder probar su efecto directamente. Por una parte, estos tres aspectos prácticos se han explicado exhaustivamente, y se han llevado hasta un nivel relativamente alto. Asimismo se han intentado minimizar las dependencias, tanto entre ellos como con la escena que se ha usado como ejemplo, de manera que sea sencillo usar los programas generados en otras aplicaciones. Por otra, la mayoría de los problemas que ha sido necesario resolver durante el desarrollo no son específicos de ninguna de las tres áreas, sino que son de carácter general, por lo que sus explicaciones podrán usarse al afrontar otras situaciones. ABSTRACT. This Thesis consists of an introductory guide to one of the most complex and specific parts of Blender, which is the control of its game engine by means of programs coded in Python. The dissertation is orientated towards readers who have a good knowledge of Blender, its interface and how its different systems work, as well as basic programming skills. The document is composed of two main sections, the first one containing a description of Python’s basics and its usage within Blender, and the second consisting of three practical examples of interaction between them, guided and explained step by step. On the first section, the fundamentals of Python have been covered in the first place, focusing on the characteristics that distinguish it from other programming languages. Then, Blender’s API for Python has also been introduced, explaining its different parts and the ways it can be used in. Since the interaction between Blender and Python offers a wide range of possibilities, the practical section has been centered on three particular areas. Each one of the following sections has been deeply covered: how to control the main character object, how to control the camera, and how to implement and control a mini-map. Furthermore, a demonstrative videogame has been generated for the reader to be able to directly test the effect of what is explained in each section. On the one hand, these three practical topics have been thoroughly explained, starting from the basis and gradually taking them to a relatively advanced level. The dependences among them, or between them and the demonstrative videogame, have been minimised so that the scripts or ideas can be easily used within other applications. On the other hand, most of the problems that have been addressed are not exclusively related to these areas, but will most likely appear in different situations, thus enlarging the field in which this Thesis can be used.


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Con este proyecto se pretende crear un procedimiento general para la implantación de aplicaciones de procesado de imágenes en cámaras de video IP y la distribución de dicha información mediante Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios (SOA). El objetivo principal es crear una aplicación que se ejecute en una cámara de video IP y realice un procesado básico sobre las imágenes capturadas (detección de colores, formas y patrones) permitiendo distribuir el resultado del procesado mediante las arquitecturas SOA descritas en la especificación DPWS (Device Profile for Web Services). El estudio se va a centrar principalmente en la transformación automática de código de procesado de imágenes escrito en Matlab (archivos .m) a un código C ANSI (archivos .c) que posteriormente se compilará para la arquitectura del procesador de la cámara (arquitectura CRIS, similar a la RISC pero con un conjunto reducido de instrucciones). ABSTRACT. This project aims to create a general procedure for the implementation of image processing applications in IP video cameras and the distribution of such information through Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). The main goal is to create an application that runs on IP video camera and carry out a basic processing on the captured images ( color detection, shapes and patterns) allowing to distribute the result of process by SOA architectures described in the DPWS specification (Device Profile for Web Services). The study will focus primarily on the automated transform of image processing code written in Matlab files (. M) to ANSI C code files (. C) which is then compiled to the processor architecture of the camera (CRIS architecture , similar to the RISC but with a reduced instruction set).


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In the context of aerial imagery, one of the first steps toward a coherent processing of the information contained in multiple images is geo-registration, which consists in assigning geographic 3D coordinates to the pixels of the image. This enables accurate alignment and geo-positioning of multiple images, detection of moving objects and fusion of data acquired from multiple sensors. To solve this problem there are different approaches that require, in addition to a precise characterization of the camera sensor, high resolution referenced images or terrain elevation models, which are usually not publicly available or out of date. Building upon the idea of developing technology that does not need a reference terrain elevation model, we propose a geo-registration technique that applies variational methods to obtain a dense and coherent surface elevation model that is used to replace the reference model. The surface elevation model is built by interpolation of scattered 3D points, which are obtained in a two-step process following a classical stereo pipeline: first, coherent disparity maps between image pairs of a video sequence are estimated and then image point correspondences are back-projected. The proposed variational method enforces continuity of the disparity map not only along epipolar lines (as done by previous geo-registration techniques) but also across them, in the full 2D image domain. In the experiments, aerial images from synthetic video sequences have been used to validate the proposed technique.


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Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are a key element in image-guided interventions, which requires high accuracy to be used in a real surgical scenario. In addition, these systems are a suitable option for objective assessment of laparoscopic technical skills based on instrument motion analysis. This study presents a new approach that improves the accuracy of a previously presented system, which applies an optical pose tracking system to laparoscopic practice. A design enhancement of the artificial markers placed on the laparoscopic instrument as well as an improvement of the calibration process are presented as a means to achieve more accurate results. A technical evaluation has been performed in order to compare the accuracy between the previous design and the new approach. Results show a remarkable improvement in the fluctuation error throughout the measurement platform. Moreover, the accumulated distance error and the inclination error have been improved. The tilt range covered by the system is the same for both approaches, from 90º to 7.5º. The relative position error is better for the new approach mainly at close distances to the camera system


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In this paper, we apply a hierarchical tracking strategy of planar objects (or that can be assumed to be planar) that is based on direct methods for vision-based applications on-board UAVs. The use of this tracking strategy allows to achieve the tasks at real-time frame rates and to overcome problems posed by the challenging conditions of the tasks: e.g. constant vibrations, fast 3D changes, or limited capacity on-board. The vast majority of approaches make use of feature-based methods to track objects. Nonetheless, in this paper we show that although some of these feature-based solutions are faster, direct methods can be more robust under fast 3D motions (fast changes in position), some changes in appearance, constant vibrations (without requiring any specific hardware or software for video stabilization), and situations in which part of the object to track is outside of the field of view of the camera. The performance of the proposed tracking strategy on-board UAVs is evaluated with images from realflight tests using manually-generated ground truth information, accurate position estimation using a Vicon system, and also with simulated data from a simulation environment. Results show that the hierarchical tracking strategy performs better than wellknown feature-based algorithms and well-known configurations of direct methods, and that its performance is robust enough for vision-in-the-loop tasks, e.g. for vision-based landing tasks.


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Remote sensing imaging systems for the measurement of oceanic sea states have recently attracted renovated attention. Imaging technology is economical, non-invasive and enables a better understanding of the space-time dynamics of ocean waves over an area rather than at selected point locations of previous monitoring methods (buoys, wave gauges, etc.). We present recent progress in space-time measurement of ocean waves using stereo vision systems on offshore platforms. Both traditional disparity-based systems and modern elevation-based ones are presented in a variational optimization framework: the main idea is to pose the stereoscopic reconstruction problem of the surface of the ocean in a variational setting and design an energy functional whose minimizer is the desired temporal sequence of wave heights. The functional combines photometric observations as well as spatial and temporal smoothness priors. Disparity methods estimate the disparity between images as an intermediate step toward retrieving the depth of the waves with respect to the cameras, whereas elevation methods estimate the ocean surface displacements directly in 3-D space. Both techniques are used to measure ocean waves from real data collected at offshore platforms in the Black Sea (Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine) and the Northern Adriatic Sea (Venice coast, Italy). Then, the statistical and spectral properties of the resulting observed waves are analyzed. We show the advantages and disadvantages of the presented stereo vision systems and discuss the improvement of their performance in critical issues such as the robustness of the camera calibration in spite of undesired variations of the camera parameters.


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We propose a new method to automatically refine a facial disparity map obtained with standard cameras and under conventional illumination conditions by using a smart combination of traditional computer vision and 3D graphics techniques. Our system inputs two stereo images acquired with standard (calibrated) cameras and uses dense disparity estimation strategies to obtain a coarse initial disparity map, and SIFT to detect and match several feature points in the subjects face. We then use these points as anchors to modify the disparity in the facial area by building a Delaunay triangulation of their convex hull and interpolating their disparity values inside each triangle. We thus obtain a refined disparity map providing a much more accurate representation of the the subjects facial features. This refined facial disparity map may be easily transformed, through the camera calibration parameters, into a depth map to be used, also automatically, to improve the facial mesh of a 3D avatar to match the subjects real human features.


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El principal objetivo del proyecto es intentar reducir los costes de algunas de las operaciones de vigilancia llevadas a cabo por agencias o instituciones de seguridad. El proyecto consiste en diseñar y desarrollar un sistema informático que permita el manejo a distancia de un cuadricóptero a través de un ordenador, utilizando el teclado y visualizando las imágenes recibidas del módulo de la videocámara. Cada cuadricóptero estará compuesto de diferentes módulos y cada módulo tiene una funcionalidad característica. Se desarrollará un sistema de gestión de aeronaves para poder añadir nuevas unidades de cuadricópteros, así como un sistema de gestión de usuarios para administrar los usuarios en el sistema. Adicionalmente, se construirá un prototipo de cuadricóptero y se implementará su unidad controladora para poder realizar las pruebas del sistema desarrollado con ello. ---ABSTRACT---The aim of this project is to attempt to reduce the costs of some surveillance services offered by security agencies or institutions. The project consists in designing and developing a computer system to remotely control a drone or quad-copter through a computer, manipulating the drone through the keyboard and watching the images captured from the camera module. Each drone is built with one or more modules, and each module has its own functionality. Both new drones and new users can be added to the computer system through the drone management system and the user management system, respectively. Both of management systems are going to be developed. The project also includes the making of a quad-copter prototype and a controller unit implementation.


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En este Trabajo fin de Grado se ha creado la parte funcional de una aplicación móvil dejando la parte de la interfaz libre para su futura implementación. La aplicación es un magnificador y está destinada a aquellas personas con baja visión, permitiéndoles hacer aumento de imágenes y textos capturados por la cámara del dispositivo, con la posibilidad de que puedan cambiar algunos parámetros de la magnificación para poderlo ver mejor. La parte funcional de la aplicación fue nombrada como librería magnificador, ya que se compone de métodos implementados en Java que permiten hacer diferentes modificaciones de la imagen o del video visualizado. Se cubrieron todas las fases de desarrollo más significativas de un sistema software: análisis, diseño, implementación y pruebas. La aplicación se desarrolló para Android. Se trabajó en Eclipse con Android SDK. Para el procesamiento de las imágenes se aprovechó una librería externa, OpenCV, para evitar “inventar la rueda”, es decir, no escribir algoritmos de transformación de las imágenes que seguramente no podrían ser tan eficientes como los implementados en dicha librería creada por Intel. ---ABSTRACT---In this Final Project, the functional part of mobile phone application was created, leaving the interface parte for future implementation. The application is a magnifier and is oriented to people with very low vision allowing them to enlarge images of printed documents captured by the camera of the mobile phone device, with the possibility that they can change some parameters of magnification so that it can see better. The functional part of this application was named magnifier library because it composes of methods, implemented in Java, that allows changing between different modes of the preview of the image or video. All of the most significant phases of software development were satisfied: analysis, design, implementation and tests. The application was created for Android. The work was done in Eclipse with Android SDK plugin. For the image processing, an external library, OpenCv, was used, to avoid the unreachable intent of creation of effective algorithms that would never be so potent like the implemented in this library created by Intel.


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Abstract The development of cognitive robots needs a strong “sensorial” support which should allow it to perceive the real world for interacting with it properly. Therefore the development of efficient visual-processing software to be equipped in effective artificial agents is a must. In this project we study and develop a visual-processing software that will work as the “eyes” of a cognitive robot. This software performs a three-dimensional mapping of the robot’s environment, providing it with the essential information required to make proper decisions during its navigation. Due to the complexity of this objective we have adopted the Scrum methodology in order to achieve an agile development process, which has allowed us to correct and improve in a fast way the successive versions of the product. The present project is structured in Sprints, which cover the different stages of the software development based on the requirements imposed by the robot and its real necessities. We have initially explored different commercial devices oriented to the acquisition of the required visual information, adopting the Kinect Sensor camera (Microsoft) as the most suitable option. Later on, we have studied the available software to manage the obtained visual information as well as its integration with the robot’s software, choosing the high-level platform Matlab as the common nexus to join the management of the camera, the management of the robot and the implementation of the behavioral algorithms. During the last stages the software has been developed to include the fundamental functionalities required to process the real environment, such as depth representation, segmentation, and clustering. Finally the software has been optimized to exhibit real-time processing and a suitable performance to fulfill the robot’s requirements during its operation in real situations.