103 resultados para SIB Semantic Information Broker OSGI Semantic Web
Folksonomies emerge as the result of the free tagging activity of a large number of users over a variety of resources. They can be considered as valuable sources from which it is possible to obtain emerging vocabularies that can be leveraged in knowledge extraction tasks. However, when it comes to understanding the meaning of tags in folksonomies, several problems mainly related to the appearance of synonymous and ambiguous tags arise, specifically in the context of multilinguality. The authors aim to turn folksonomies into knowledge structures where tag meanings are identified, and relations between them are asserted. For such purpose, they use DBpedia as a general knowledge base from which they leverage its multilingual capabilities.
This paper describes the first five SEALS Evaluation Campaigns over the semantic technologies covered by the SEALS project (ontology engineering tools, ontology reasoning tools, ontology matching tools, semantic search tools, and semantic web service tools). It presents the evaluations and test data used in these campaigns and the tools that participated in them along with a comparative analysis of their results. It also presents some lessons learnt after the execution of the evaluation campaigns and draws some final conclusions.
In the context of the Semantic Web, natural language descriptions associated with ontologies have proven to be of major importance not only to support ontology developers and adopters, but also to assist in tasks such as ontology mapping, information extraction, or natural language generation. In the state-of-the-art we find some attempts to provide guidelines for URI local names in English, and also some disagreement on the use of URIs for describing ontology elements. When trying to extrapolate these ideas to a multilingual scenario, some of these approaches fail to provide a valid solution. On the basis of some real experiences in the translation of ontologies from English into Spanish, we provide a preliminary set of guidelines for naming and labeling ontologies in a multilingual scenario.
In the paper we report on the results of our experiments on the construction of the opinion ontology. Our aim is to show the benefits of publishing in the open, on the Web, the results of the opinion mining process in a structured form. On the road to achieving this, we attempt to answer the research question to what extent opinion information can be formalized in a unified way. Furthermore, as part of the evaluation, we experiment with the usage of Semantic Web technologies and show particular use cases that support our claims.
Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced signi�cant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Even so, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile semantic information when it is expressed in di�erent natural languages, so that access to Web information across language barriers can be improved. That requires developing techniques for discovering and representing cross-lingual links on the Web of Data. In this paper we explore the different dimensions of such a problem and reflect on possible avenues of research on that topic.
The Web has witnessed an enormous growth in the amount of semantic information published in recent years. This growth has been stimulated to a large extent by the emergence of Linked Data. Although this brings us a big step closer to the vision of a Semantic Web, it also raises new issues such as the need for dealing with information expressed in different natural languages. Indeed, although the Web of Data can contain any kind of information in any language, it still lacks explicit mechanisms to automatically reconcile such information when it is expressed in different languages. This leads to situations in which data expressed in a certain language is not easily accessible to speakers of other languages. The Web of Data shows the potential for being extended to a truly multilingual web as vocabularies and data can be published in a language-independent fashion, while associated language-dependent (linguistic) information supporting the access across languages can be stored separately. In this sense, the multilingual Web of Data can be realized in our view as a layer of services and resources on top of the existing Linked Data infrastructure adding i) linguistic information for data and vocabularies in different languages, ii) mappings between data with labels in different languages, and iii) services to dynamically access and traverse Linked Data across different languages. In this article we present this vision of a multilingual Web of Data. We discuss challenges that need to be addressed to make this vision come true and discuss the role that techniques such as ontology localization, ontology mapping, and cross-lingual ontology-based information access and presentation will play in achieving this. Further, we propose an initial architecture and describe a roadmap that can provide a basis for the implementation of this vision.
The Semantic Web is growing at a fast pace, recently boosted by the creation of the Linked Data initiative and principles. Methods, standards, techniques and the state of technology are becoming more mature and therefore are easing the task of publication and consumption of semantic information on the Web.
This paper describes the main goals and outcomes of the EU-funded Framework 7 project entitled Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale (SEALS). The growth and success of the Semantic Web is built upon a wide range of Semantic technologies from ontology engineering tools through to semantic web service discovery and semantic search. The evaluation of such technologies ? and, indeed, assessments of their mutual compatibility ? is critical for their sustained improvement and adoption. The SEALS project is creating an open and sustainable platform on which all aspects of an evaluation can be hosted and executed and has been designed to accommodate most technology types. It is envisaged that the platform will become the de facto repository of test datasets and will allow anyone to organise, execute and store the results of technology evaluations free of charge and without corporate bias. The demonstration will show how individual tools can be prepared for evaluation, uploaded to the platform, evaluated according to some criteria and the subsequent results viewed. In addition, the demonstration will show the flexibility and power of the SEALS Platform for evaluation organisers by highlighting some of the key technologies used.
Language resources, such as multilingual lexica and multilingual electronic dictionaries, contain collections of lexical entries in several languages. Having access to the corresponding explicit or implicit translation relations between such entries might be of great interest for many NLP-based applications. By using Semantic Web-based techniques, translations can be available on the Web to be consumed by other (semantic enabled) resources in a direct manner, not relying on application-specific formats. To that end, in this paper we propose a model for representing translations as linked data, as an extension of the lemon model. Our translation module represents some core information associated to term translations and does not commit to specific views or translation theories. As a proof of concept, we have extracted the translations of the terms contained in Terminesp, a multilingual terminological database, and represented them as linked data. We have made them accessible on the Web both for humans (via a Web interface) and software agents (with a SPARQL endpoint).
En esta tesis se estudia la representación, modelado y comparación de colecciones mediante el uso de ontologías en el ámbito de la Web Semántica. Las colecciones, entendidas como agrupaciones de objetos o elementos con entidad propia, son construcciones que aparecen frecuentemente en prácticamente todos los dominios del mundo real, y por tanto, es imprescindible disponer de conceptualizaciones de estas estructuras abstractas y de representaciones de estas conceptualizaciones en los sistemas informáticos, que definan adecuadamente su semántica. Mientras que en muchos ámbitos de la Informática y la Inteligencia Artificial, como por ejemplo la programación, las bases de datos o la recuperación de información, las colecciones han sido ampliamente estudiadas y se han desarrollado representaciones que responden a multitud de conceptualizaciones, en el ámbito de la Web Semántica, sin embargo, su estudio ha sido bastante limitado. De hecho hasta la fecha existen pocas propuestas de representación de colecciones mediante ontologías, y las que hay sólo cubren algunos tipos de colecciones y presentan importantes limitaciones. Esto impide la representación adecuada de colecciones y dificulta otras tareas comunes como la comparación de colecciones, algo crítico en operaciones habituales como las búsquedas semánticas o el enlazado de datos en la Web Semántica. Para solventar este problema esta tesis hace una propuesta de modelización de colecciones basada en una nueva clasificación de colecciones de acuerdo a sus características estructurales (homogeneidad, unicidad, orden y cardinalidad). Esta clasificación permite definir una taxonomía con hasta 16 tipos de colecciones distintas. Entre otras ventajas, esta nueva clasificación permite aprovechar la semántica de las propiedades estructurales de cada tipo de colección para realizar comparaciones utilizando las funciones de similitud y disimilitud más apropiadas. De este modo, la tesis desarrolla además un nuevo catálogo de funciones de similitud para las distintas colecciones, donde se han recogido las funciones de (di)similitud más conocidas y también algunas nuevas. Esta propuesta se ha implementado mediante dos ontologías paralelas, la ontología E-Collections, que representa los distintos tipos de colecciones de la taxonomía y su axiomática, y la ontología SIMEON (Similarity Measures Ontology) que representa los tipos de funciones de (di)similitud para cada tipo de colección. Gracias a estas ontologías, para comparar dos colecciones, una vez representadas como instancias de la clase más apropiada de la ontología E-Collections, automáticamente se sabe qué funciones de (di)similitud de la ontología SIMEON pueden utilizarse para su comparación. Abstract This thesis studies the representation, modeling and comparison of collections in the Semantic Web using ontologies. Collections, understood as groups of objects or elements with their own identities, are constructions that appear frequently in almost all areas of the real world. Therefore, it is essential to have conceptualizations of these abstract structures and representations of these conceptualizations in computer systems, that define their semantic properly. While in many areas of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, such as Programming, Databases or Information Retrieval, the collections have been extensively studied and there are representations that match many conceptualizations, in the field Semantic Web, however, their study has been quite limited. In fact, there are few representations of collections using ontologies so far, and they only cover some types of collections and have important limitations. This hinders a proper representation of collections and other common tasks like comparing collections, something critical in usual operations such as semantic search or linking data on the Semantic Web. To solve this problem this thesis makes a proposal for modelling collections based on a new classification of collections according to their structural characteristics (homogeneity, uniqueness, order and cardinality). This classification allows to define a taxonomy with up to 16 different types of collections. Among other advantages, this new classification can leverage the semantics of the structural properties of each type of collection to make comparisons using the most appropriate (dis)similarity functions. Thus, the thesis also develops a new catalog of similarity functions for the different types of collections. This catalog contains the most common (dis)similarity functions as well as new ones. This proposal is implemented through two parallel ontologies, the E-Collections ontology that represents the different types of collections in the taxonomy and their axiomatic, and the SIMEON ontology (Similarity Measures Ontology) that represents the types of (dis)similarity functions for each type of collection. Thanks to these ontologies, to compare two collections, once represented as instances of the appropriate class of E-Collections ontology, we can know automatically which (dis)similarity functions of the SIMEON ontology are suitable for the comparison. Finally, the feasibility and usefulness of this modeling and comparison of collections proposal is proved in the field of oenology, applying both E-Collections and SIMEON ontologies to the representation and comparison of wines with the E-Baco ontology.
In the beginning of the 90s, ontology development was similar to an art: ontology developers did not have clear guidelines on how to build ontologies but only some design criteria to be followed. Work on principles, methods and methodologies, together with supporting technologies and languages, made ontology development become an engineering discipline, the so-called Ontology Engineering. Ontology Engineering refers to the set of activities that concern the ontology development process and the ontology life cycle, the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them. Thanks to the work done in the Ontology Engineering field, the development of ontologies within and between teams has increased and improved, as well as the possibility of reusing ontologies in other developments and in final applications. Currently, ontologies are widely used in (a) Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, (b) applications related to knowledge management, natural language processing, e-commerce, intelligent information integration, information retrieval, database design and integration, bio-informatics, education, and (c) the Semantic Web, the Semantic Grid, and the Linked Data initiative. In this paper, we provide an overview of Ontology Engineering, mentioning the most outstanding and used methodologies, languages, and tools for building ontologies. In addition, we include some words on how all these elements can be used in the Linked Data initiative.
This thesis proposes how to apply the Semantic Web tech- nologies for the Idea Management Systems to deliver a solution to knowl- edge management and information over ow problems. Firstly, the aim is to present a model that introduces rich metadata annotations and their usage in the domain of Idea Management Systems. Furthermore, the the- sis shall investigate how to link innovation data with information from other systems and use it to categorize and lter out the most valuable elements. In addition, the thesis presents a Generic Idea and Innovation Management Ontology (Gi2MO) and aims to back its creation with a set of case studies followed by evaluations that prove how Semantic Web can work as tool to create new opportunities and leverage the contemporary Idea Management legacy systems into the next level.
The uptake of Linked Data (LD) has promoted the proliferation of datasets and their associated ontologies bringing their semantic to the data being published. These ontologies should be evaluated at different stages, both during their development and their publication. As important as correctly modelling the intended part of the world to be captured in an ontology, is publishing, sharing and facilitating the (re)use of the obtained model. In this paper, 11 evaluation characteristics, with respect to publish, share and facilitate the reuse, are proposed. In particular, 6 good practices and 5 pitfalls are presented, together with their associated detection methods. In addition, a grid-based rating system is generated. Both contributions, the set of evaluation characteristics and the grid system, could be useful for ontologists in order to reuse existing LD vocabularies or to check the one being built.
There are several different standardised and widespread formats to represent emotions. However, there is no standard semantic model yet. This paper presents a new ontology, called Onyx, that aims to become such a standard while adding concepts from the latest Semantic Web models. In particular, the ontology focuses on the representation of Emotion Analysis results. But the model is abstract and inherits from previous standards and formats. It can thus be used as a reference representation of emotions in any future application or ontology. To prove this, we have translated resources from EmotionML representation to Onyx. We also present several ways in which developers could benefit from using this ontology instead of an ad-hoc presentation. Our ultimate goal is to foster the use of semantic technologies for emotion Analysis while following the Linked Data ideals.
La web ha sufrido una drástica transformación en los últimos años, debido principalmente a su popularización y a la enorme cantidad de información que alberga. Debido a estos factores se ha dado el salto de la denominada Web de Documentos, a la Web Semántica, donde toda la información está relacionada con otra. Las principales ventajas de la información enlazada estriban en la facilidad de reutilización, accesibilidad y disponibilidad para ser encontrada por el usuario. En este trabajo se pretende poner de manifiesto la utilidad de los datos enlazados aplicados al ámbito geográfico y mostrar como pueden ser empleados hoy en día. Para ello se han explotado datos enlazados de carácter espacial provenientes de diferentes fuentes, a través de servidores externos o endpoints SPARQL. Además de eso se ha trabajado con un servidor privado capaz de proporcionar información enlazada almacenada en un equipo personal. La explotación de información enlazada se ha implementado en una aplicación web en lenguaje JavaScript, tratando de abstraer totalmente al usuario del tratamiento de los datos a nivel interno de la aplicación. Esta aplicación cuenta además con algunos módulos y opciones capaces de interactuar con las consultas realizadas a los servidores, consiguiendo un entorno más intuitivo y agradable para el usuario. ABSTRACT: In recent years the web has suffered a drastic transformation because of the popularization and the huge amount of stored information. Due to these factors it has gone from Documents web to Semantic web, where the data are linked. The main advantages of Linked Data lie in the ease of his reuse, accessibility and availability to be located by users. The aim of this research is to highlight the usefulness of the geographic linked data and show how can be used at present time. To get this, the spatial linked data coming from several sources have been managed through external servers or also called endpoints. Besides, it has been worked with a private server able to provide linked data stored in a personal computer. The use of linked data has been implemented in a JavaScript web application, trying completely to abstract the internally data treatment of the application to make the user ignore it. This application has some modules and options that are able to interact with the queries made to the servers, getting a more intuitive and kind environment for users.