31 resultados para Notion of code


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This paper presents a conditional parallelization process for and-parallelism based on the notion of non-strict independence, a more relaxed notion than the traditional of strict independence. By using this notion, a parallelism annotator can extract more parallelism from programs. On the other hand, the intrinsic complexity of non-strict independence poses new challenges to this task. We report here on the implementation we have accomplished of an annotator for non-strict independence, capable of producing both static and dynamic execution graphs. This implementation, along with the also implemented independence checker and their integration in our system, have resulted what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first parallelizing compiler based on nonstrict independence which produces dynamic execution graphs. The paper also presents a preliminary assessment of the implemented tools, comparing them with the existing ones for strict independence, which shows encouraging results.


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The concept of independence has been recently generalized to the constraint logic programming (CLP) paradigm. Also, several abstract domains specifically designed for CLP languages, and whose information can be used to detect the generalized independence conditions, have been recently defined. As a result we are now in a position where automatic parallelization of CLP programs is feasible. In this paper we study the task of automatically parallelizing CLP programs based on such analyses, by transforming them to explicitly concurrent programs in our parallel CC platform (CIAO) as well as to AKL. We describe the analysis and transformation process, and study its efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness in program parallelization. The information gathered by the analyzers is evaluated not only in terms of its accuracy, i.e. its ability to determine the actual dependencies among the program variables, but also of its effectiveness, measured in terms of code reduction in the resulting parallelized programs. Given that only a few abstract domains have been already defined for CLP, and that none of them were specifically designed for dependency detection, the aim of the evaluation is not only to asses the effectiveness of the available domains, but also to study what additional information it would be desirable to infer, and what domains would be appropriate for further improving the parallelization process.


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To model strength degradation due to low cycle fatigue, at least three different approaches can be considered. One possibility is based on the formulation of a new free energy function and damage energy release rate, as was proposed by Ju(1989). The second approach uses the notion of bounding surface introduced in cyclic plasticity by Dafalias and Popov (1975). From this concept, some models have been proposed to quantify damage in concrete or RC (Suaris et al. 1990). The model proposed by the author to include fatigue effects is based essentially in Marigo (1985) and can be included in this approach.


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Advances in electronics nowadays facilitate the design of smart spaces based on physical mash-ups of sensor and actuator devices. At the same time, software paradigms such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT) are motivating the creation of technology to support the development and deployment of web-enabled embedded sensor and actuator devices with two major objectives: (i) to integrate sensing and actuating functionalities into everyday objects, and (ii) to easily allow a diversity of devices to plug into the Internet. Currently, developers who are applying this Internet-oriented approach need to have solid understanding about specific platforms and web technologies. In order to alleviate this development process, this research proposes a Resource-Oriented and Ontology-Driven Development (ROOD) methodology based on the Model Driven Architecture (MDA). This methodology aims at enabling the development of smart spaces through a set of modeling tools and semantic technologies that support the definition of the smart space and the automatic generation of code at hardware level. ROOD feasibility is demonstrated by building an adaptive health monitoring service for a Smart Gym.


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We study the notion of approximate entropy within the framework of network theory. Approximate entropy is an uncertainty measure originally proposed in the context of dynamical systems and time series. We first define a purely structural entropy obtained by computing the approximate entropy of the so-called slide sequence. This is a surrogate of the degree sequence and it is suggested by the frequency partition of a graph. We examine this quantity for standard scale-free and Erdös-Rényi networks. By using classical results of Pincus, we show that our entropy measure often converges with network size to a certain binary Shannon entropy. As a second step, with specific attention to networks generated by dynamical processes, we investigate approximate entropy of horizontal visibility graphs. Visibility graphs allow us to naturally associate with a network the notion of temporal correlations, therefore providing the measure a dynamical garment. We show that approximate entropy distinguishes visibility graphs generated by processes with different complexity. The result probes to a greater extent these networks for the study of dynamical systems. Applications to certain biological data arising in cancer genomics are finally considered in the light of both approaches.


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This paper seeks to analyze the political dimension of the body, and consequently the inherently political dimension of space, through the instrumental notion of situation, understood as an spatio-temporal mesh configured by bodies, practices and discourses. The political understood as the potential for action (or non-action) underlying the individual body, implies a renewed definition of a landscape that results from the body’s doing. Landscape becomes a multiple corporeality, a field of relations in which we discover ourselves enmeshed, not just placed; a field in which the limit is not frontier but bond and common dimension. A disquieting ambiguous zone appears there where the individual spatiality is born out of the body through the actualization of its political potential and entangles with others to constitute a common spatiality, political action of the multitude. The article is organized through the description of a back-and-forth movement between the revolts of Tehran in 2009 and the Iranian revolution of 1979. Also, a detour into the works of Robert Morris and Trisha Brown is required in order to understand the link between the body and the constitution of a common spatiality.


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This paper describes a case study in WCET analysis of an on-board spacecraft software system. The attitude control system of UPMSat-2, an experimental micro-satellite which is scheduled to be launched in 2013, is used for an experiment on analysing the worst-case execution time of code automatically generated from a Simulink model. In order to properly test the code, a hardware-in-the-loop configuration with a simulation model of the spacecraft environment has been used as a test bench. The code has been analysed with RapiTime, with some modifications to the original instrumentation routines, in order to take into account the particularities of the test configuration. Results from the experiment are described and commented in the paper.


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This article describes a knowledge-based application in the domain of road traffic management that we have developed following a knowledge modeling approach and the notion of problem-solving method. The article presents first a domain-independent model for real-time decision support as a structured collection of problem solving methods. Then, it is described how this general model is used to develop an operational version for the domain of traffic management. For this purpose, a particular knowledge modeling tool, called KSM (Knowledge Structure Manager), was applied. Finally, the article shows an application developed for a traffic network of the city of Madrid and it is compared with a second application developed for a different traffic area of the city of Barcelona.


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La presente tesis doctoral aborda el estudio del proyecto de vivienda colectiva social desde la noción de norma, entendida desde la sistematización o normalización de los instrumentos del proyecto arquitectónico de vivienda protegida. Esto es, desde una idea de tipificación taxonómica en cuanto ajuste a un conjunto de reglas comunes productoras de sistemas normativos. La hipótesis de partida se basa en la consideración de la vivienda pública como un laboratorio de estudio histórico de los ideales de confort y calidad de vida. Este campo de pruebas ha constituido una sólida base que ha servido como punto de encuentro muy particular entre proyecto y normativa desde las primeras vanguardias europeas hasta la actualidad. El principal objetivo de la investigación es la revalorización de una normativa de vivienda que ha producido ejemplos de innegable calidad en el contexto nacional e internacional, así como un intento de actualización de su codificación. La investigación se sirve de los instrumentos específicos de la disciplina arquitectónica para explicar una disociación detectada desde la segunda mitad del siglo pasado entre la utopía del proyecto social de vivienda y el pragmatismo de la norma que lo regula, más allá de los aspectos sociales y culturales asociados a las nuevas composiciones familiares, las tecnologías cambiantes, los ritos domésticos contemporáneos o el valor creciente del tiempo libre. La propuesta de una nueva terminología que aborde nuevas relaciones en el acercamiento al proyecto de vivienda desde la normativa española deriva en un conjunto de estrategias de proyecto desde las que proponer sistemas normativos. Dichas estrategias se basan principalmente en mecanismos de cualificación espacial que permitan un nuevo acercamiento entre dichas normas y las formas de habitar actuales. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis deals with the study of the project of social collective housing from the notion of rule, understanding it from the systematization or standardization of the instruments of architectural project for social housing. Thus, it deals with an idea of taxonomic typification as an adjustment to a set of common rules which produce regulation systems. The initial hypothesis is based on the consideration of public housing as a laboratory for studying the historical ideals of comfort and quality of life. This testing ground has been a solid base that has served as a very specific meeting point between project and regulations from the first European avant‐garde to nowadays. The main objective of this research is the revaluation of housing regulations, which have produced examples of undeniable quality in the national and international stage, as well as an attempt to update their codification. The research assumes the specific tools of the discipline of architecture for explaining a dissociation detected between the utopia of the project for social housing and the pragmatism of the regulations from the second half of last century, beyond social and cultural aspects associated to the new family arrangements, the changing technologies, the contemporary domestic rituals or the rising value of leisure time. The proposal of a new terminology that tackles new relations in the approach to housing project from the Spanish legislation results in a set of strategies to propose regulation systems. Those strategies are mainly based on mechanisms for spatial qualification which allow a new approach between these rules and the current ways of living.


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Esta tesis estudia la reducción plena (‘full reduction’ en inglés) en distintos cálculos lambda. 1 En esencia, la reducción plena consiste en evaluar los cuerpos de las funciones en los lenguajes de programación funcional con ligaduras. Se toma el cálculo lambda clásico (i.e., puro y sin tipos) como el sistema formal que modela el paradigma de programación funcional. La reducción plena es una técnica fundamental cuando se considera a los programas como datos, por ejemplo para la optimización de programas mediante evaluación parcial, o cuando algún atributo del programa se representa a su vez por un programa, como el tipo en los demostradores automáticos de teoremas actuales. Muchas semánticas operacionales que realizan reducción plena tienen naturaleza híbrida. Se introduce formalmente la noción de naturaleza híbrida, que constituye el hilo conductor de todo el trabajo. En el cálculo lambda la naturaleza híbrida se manifiesta como una ‘distinción de fase’ en el tratamiento de las abstracciones, ya sean consideradas desde fuera o desde dentro de si mismas. Esta distinción de fase conlleva una estructura en capas en la que una semántica híbrida depende de una o más semánticas subsidiarias. Desde el punto de vista de los lenguajes de programación, la tesis muestra como derivar, mediante técnicas de transformación de programas, implementaciones de semánticas operacionales que reducen plenamente a partir de sus especificaciones. Las técnicas de transformación de programas consisten en transformaciones sintácticas que preservan la equivalencia semántica de los programas. Se ajustan las técnicas de transformación de programas existentes para trabajar con implementaciones de semánticas híbridas. Además, se muestra el impacto que tiene la reducción plena en las implementaciones que utilizan entornos. Los entornos son un ingrediente fundamental en las implementaciones realistas de una máquina abstracta. Desde el punto de vista de los sistemas formales, la tesis desvela una teoría novedosa para el cálculo lambda con paso por valor (‘call-by-value lambda calculus’ en inglés) que es consistente con la reducción plena. Dicha teoría induce una noción de equivalencia observacional que distingue más puntos que las teorías existentes para dicho cálculo. Esta contribución ayuda a establecer una ‘teoría estándar’ en el cálculo lambda con paso por valor que es análoga a la ‘teoría estándar’ del cálculo lambda clásico propugnada por Barendregt. Se presentan resultados de teoría de la demostración, y se sugiere como abordar el estudio de teoría de modelos. ABSTRACT This thesis studies full reduction in lambda calculi. In a nutshell, full reduction consists in evaluating the body of the functions in a functional programming language with binders. The classical (i.e., pure untyped) lambda calculus is set as the formal system that models the functional paradigm. Full reduction is a prominent technique when programs are treated as data objects, for instance when performing optimisations by partial evaluation, or when some attribute of the program is represented by a program itself, like the type in modern proof assistants. A notable feature of many full-reducing operational semantics is its hybrid nature, which is introduced and which constitutes the guiding theme of the thesis. In the lambda calculus, the hybrid nature amounts to a ‘phase distinction’ in the treatment of abstractions when considered either from outside or from inside themselves. This distinction entails a layered structure in which a hybrid semantics depends on one or more subsidiary semantics. From a programming languages standpoint, the thesis shows how to derive implementations of full-reducing operational semantics from their specifications, by using program transformations techniques. The program transformation techniques are syntactical transformations which preserve the semantic equivalence of programs. The existing program transformation techniques are adjusted to work with implementations of hybrid semantics. The thesis also shows how full reduction impacts the implementations that use the environment technique. The environment technique is a key ingredient of real-world implementations of abstract machines which helps to circumvent the issue with binders. From a formal systems standpoint, the thesis discloses a novel consistent theory for the call-by-value variant of the lambda calculus which accounts for full reduction. This novel theory entails a notion of observational equivalence which distinguishes more points than other existing theories for the call-by-value lambda calculus. This contribution helps to establish a ‘standard theory’ in that calculus which constitutes the analogous of the ‘standard theory’ advocated by Barendregt in the classical lambda calculus. Some prooftheoretical results are presented, and insights on the model-theoretical study are given.


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With the ever growing trend of smart phones and tablets, Android is becoming more and more popular everyday. With more than one billion active users i to date, Android is the leading technology in smart phone arena. In addition to that, Android also runs on Android TV, Android smart watches and cars. Therefore, in recent years, Android applications have become one of the major development sectors in software industry. As of mid 2013, the number of published applications on Google Play had exceeded one million and the cumulative number of downloads was more than 50 billionii. A 2013 survey also revealed that 71% of the mobile application developers work on developing Android applicationsiii. Considering this size of Android applications, it is quite evident that people rely on these applications on a daily basis for the completion of simple tasks like keeping track of weather to rather complex tasks like managing one’s bank accounts. Hence, like every other kind of code, Android code also needs to be verified in order to work properly and achieve a certain confidence level. Because of the gigantic size of the number of applications, it becomes really hard to manually test Android applications specially when it has to be verified for various versions of the OS and also, various device configurations such as different screen sizes and different hardware availability. Hence, recently there has been a lot of work on developing different testing methods for Android applications in Computer Science fraternity. The model of Android attracts researchers because of its open source nature. It makes the whole research model more streamlined when the code for both, application and the platform are readily available to analyze. And hence, there has been a great deal of research in testing and static analysis of Android applications. A great deal of this research has been focused on the input test generation for Android applications. Hence, there are a several testing tools available now, which focus on automatic generation of test cases for Android applications. These tools differ with one another on the basis of their strategies and heuristics used for this generation of test cases. But there is still very little work done on the comparison of these testing tools and the strategies they use. Recently, some research work has been carried outiv in this regard that compared the performance of various available tools with respect to their respective code coverage, fault detection, ability to work on multiple platforms and their ease of use. It was done, by running these tools on a total of 60 real world Android applications. The results of this research showed that although effective, these strategies being used by the tools, also face limitations and hence, have room for improvement. The purpose of this thesis is to extend this research into a more specific and attribute-­‐ oriented way. Attributes refer to the tasks that can be completed using the Android platform. It can be anything ranging from a basic system call for receiving an SMS to more complex tasks like sending the user to another application from the current one. The idea is to develop a benchmark for Android testing tools, which is based on the performance related to these attributes. This will allow the comparison of these tools with respect to these attributes. For example, if there is an application that plays some audio file, will the testing tool be able to generate a test input that will warrant the execution of this audio file? Using multiple applications using different attributes, it can be visualized that which testing tool is more useful for which kinds of attributes. In this thesis, it was decided that 9 attributes covering the basic nature of tasks, will be targeted for the assessment of three testing tools. Later this can be done for much more attributes to compare even more testing tools. The aim of this work is to show that this approach is effective and can be used on a much larger scale. One of the flagship features of this work, which also differentiates it with the previous work, is that the applications used, are all specially made for this research. The reason for doing that is to analyze just that specific attribute in isolation, which the application is focused on, and not allow the tool to get bottlenecked by something trivial, which is not the main attribute under testing. This means 9 applications, each focused on one specific attribute. The main contributions of this thesis are: A summary of the three existing testing tools and their respective techniques for automatic test input generation of Android Applications. • A detailed study of the usage of these testing tools using the 9 applications specially designed and developed for this study. • The analysis of the obtained results of the study carried out. And a comparison of the performance of the selected tools.


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In this paper we define the notion of an axiom dependency hypergraph, which explicitly represents how axioms are included into a module by the algorithm for computing locality-based modules. A locality-based module of an ontology corresponds to a set of connected nodes in the hypergraph, and atoms of an ontology to strongly connected components. Collapsing the strongly connected components into single nodes yields a condensed hypergraph that comprises a representation of the atomic decomposition of the ontology. To speed up the condensation of the hypergraph, we first reduce its size by collapsing the strongly connected components of its graph fragment employing a linear time graph algorithm. This approach helps to significantly reduce the time needed for computing the atomic decomposition of an ontology. We provide an experimental evaluation for computing the atomic decomposition of large biomedical ontologies. We also demonstrate a significant improvement in the time needed to extract locality-based modules from an axiom dependency hypergraph and its condensed version.


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Los hipergrafos dirigidos se han empleado en problemas relacionados con lógica proposicional, bases de datos relacionales, linguística computacional y aprendizaje automático. Los hipergrafos dirigidos han sido también utilizados como alternativa a los grafos (bipartitos) dirigidos para facilitar el estudio de las interacciones entre componentes de sistemas complejos que no pueden ser fácilmente modelados usando exclusivamente relaciones binarias. En este contexto, este tipo de representación es conocida como hiper-redes. Un hipergrafo dirigido es una generalización de un grafo dirigido especialmente adecuado para la representación de relaciones de muchos a muchos. Mientras que una arista en un grafo dirigido define una relación entre dos de sus nodos, una hiperarista en un hipergrafo dirigido define una relación entre dos conjuntos de sus nodos. La conexión fuerte es una relación de equivalencia que divide el conjunto de nodos de un hipergrafo dirigido en particiones y cada partición define una clase de equivalencia conocida como componente fuertemente conexo. El estudio de los componentes fuertemente conexos de un hipergrafo dirigido puede ayudar a conseguir una mejor comprensión de la estructura de este tipo de hipergrafos cuando su tamaño es considerable. En el caso de grafo dirigidos, existen algoritmos muy eficientes para el cálculo de los componentes fuertemente conexos en grafos de gran tamaño. Gracias a estos algoritmos, se ha podido averiguar que la estructura de la WWW tiene forma de “pajarita”, donde más del 70% del los nodos están distribuidos en tres grandes conjuntos y uno de ellos es un componente fuertemente conexo. Este tipo de estructura ha sido también observada en redes complejas en otras áreas como la biología. Estudios de naturaleza similar no han podido ser realizados en hipergrafos dirigidos porque no existe algoritmos capaces de calcular los componentes fuertemente conexos de este tipo de hipergrafos. En esta tesis doctoral, hemos investigado como calcular los componentes fuertemente conexos de un hipergrafo dirigido. En concreto, hemos desarrollado dos algoritmos para este problema y hemos determinado que son correctos y cuál es su complejidad computacional. Ambos algoritmos han sido evaluados empíricamente para comparar sus tiempos de ejecución. Para la evaluación, hemos producido una selección de hipergrafos dirigidos generados de forma aleatoria inspirados en modelos muy conocidos de grafos aleatorios como Erdos-Renyi, Newman-Watts-Strogatz and Barabasi-Albert. Varias optimizaciones para ambos algoritmos han sido implementadas y analizadas en la tesis. En concreto, colapsar los componentes fuertemente conexos del grafo dirigido que se puede construir eliminando ciertas hiperaristas complejas del hipergrafo dirigido original, mejora notablemente los tiempos de ejecucion de los algoritmos para varios de los hipergrafos utilizados en la evaluación. Aparte de los ejemplos de aplicación mencionados anteriormente, los hipergrafos dirigidos han sido también empleados en el área de representación de conocimiento. En concreto, este tipo de hipergrafos se han usado para el cálculo de módulos de ontologías. Una ontología puede ser definida como un conjunto de axiomas que especifican formalmente un conjunto de símbolos y sus relaciones, mientras que un modulo puede ser entendido como un subconjunto de axiomas de la ontología que recoge todo el conocimiento que almacena la ontología sobre un conjunto especifico de símbolos y sus relaciones. En la tesis nos hemos centrado solamente en módulos que han sido calculados usando la técnica de localidad sintáctica. Debido a que las ontologías pueden ser muy grandes, el cálculo de módulos puede facilitar las tareas de re-utilización y mantenimiento de dichas ontologías. Sin embargo, analizar todos los posibles módulos de una ontología es, en general, muy costoso porque el numero de módulos crece de forma exponencial con respecto al número de símbolos y de axiomas de la ontología. Afortunadamente, los axiomas de una ontología pueden ser divididos en particiones conocidas como átomos. Cada átomo representa un conjunto máximo de axiomas que siempre aparecen juntos en un modulo. La decomposición atómica de una ontología es definida como un grafo dirigido de tal forma que cada nodo del grafo corresponde con un átomo y cada arista define una dependencia entre una pareja de átomos. En esta tesis introducimos el concepto de“axiom dependency hypergraph” que generaliza el concepto de descomposición atómica de una ontología. Un modulo en una ontología correspondería con un componente conexo en este tipo de hipergrafos y un átomo de una ontología con un componente fuertemente conexo. Hemos adaptado la implementación de nuestros algoritmos para que funcionen también con axiom dependency hypergraphs y poder de esa forma calcular los átomos de una ontología. Para demostrar la viabilidad de esta idea, hemos incorporado nuestros algoritmos en una aplicación que hemos desarrollado para la extracción de módulos y la descomposición atómica de ontologías. A la aplicación la hemos llamado HyS y hemos estudiado sus tiempos de ejecución usando una selección de ontologías muy conocidas del área biomédica, la mayoría disponibles en el portal de Internet NCBO. Los resultados de la evaluación muestran que los tiempos de ejecución de HyS son mucho mejores que las aplicaciones más rápidas conocidas. ABSTRACT Directed hypergraphs are an intuitive modelling formalism that have been used in problems related to propositional logic, relational databases, computational linguistic and machine learning. Directed hypergraphs are also presented as an alternative to directed (bipartite) graphs to facilitate the study of the interactions between components of complex systems that cannot naturally be modelled as binary relations. In this context, they are known as hyper-networks. A directed hypergraph is a generalization of a directed graph suitable for representing many-to-many relationships. While an edge in a directed graph defines a relation between two nodes of the graph, a hyperedge in a directed hypergraph defines a relation between two sets of nodes. Strong-connectivity is an equivalence relation that induces a partition of the set of nodes of a directed hypergraph into strongly-connected components. These components can be collapsed into single nodes. As result, the size of the original hypergraph can significantly be reduced if the strongly-connected components have many nodes. This approach might contribute to better understand how the nodes of a hypergraph are connected, in particular when the hypergraphs are large. In the case of directed graphs, there are efficient algorithms that can be used to compute the strongly-connected components of large graphs. For instance, it has been shown that the macroscopic structure of the World Wide Web can be represented as a “bow-tie” diagram where more than 70% of the nodes are distributed into three large sets and one of these sets is a large strongly-connected component. This particular structure has been also observed in complex networks in other fields such as, e.g., biology. Similar studies cannot be conducted in a directed hypergraph because there does not exist any algorithm for computing the strongly-connected components of the hypergraph. In this thesis, we investigate ways to compute the strongly-connected components of directed hypergraphs. We present two new algorithms and we show their correctness and computational complexity. One of these algorithms is inspired by Tarjan’s algorithm for directed graphs. The second algorithm follows a simple approach to compute the stronglyconnected components. This approach is based on the fact that two nodes of a graph that are strongly-connected can also reach the same nodes. In other words, the connected component of each node is the same. Both algorithms are empirically evaluated to compare their performances. To this end, we have produced a selection of random directed hypergraphs inspired by existent and well-known random graphs models like Erd˝os-Renyi and Newman-Watts-Strogatz. Besides the application examples that we mentioned earlier, directed hypergraphs have also been employed in the field of knowledge representation. In particular, they have been used to compute the modules of an ontology. An ontology is defined as a collection of axioms that provides a formal specification of a set of terms and their relationships; and a module is a subset of an ontology that completely captures the meaning of certain terms as defined in the ontology. In particular, we focus on the modules computed using the notion of syntactic locality. As ontologies can be very large, the computation of modules facilitates the reuse and maintenance of these ontologies. Analysing all modules of an ontology, however, is in general not feasible as the number of modules grows exponentially in the number of terms and axioms of the ontology. Nevertheless, the modules can succinctly be represented using the Atomic Decomposition of an ontology. Using this representation, an ontology can be partitioned into atoms, which are maximal sets of axioms that co-occur in every module. The Atomic Decomposition is then defined as a directed graph such that each node correspond to an atom and each edge represents a dependency relation between two atoms. In this thesis, we introduce the notion of an axiom dependency hypergraph which is a generalization of the atomic decomposition of an ontology. A module in the ontology corresponds to a connected component in the hypergraph, and the atoms of the ontology to the strongly-connected components. We apply our algorithms for directed hypergraphs to axiom dependency hypergraphs and in this manner, we compute the atoms of an ontology. To demonstrate the viability of this approach, we have implemented the algorithms in the application HyS which computes the modules of ontologies and calculate their atomic decomposition. In the thesis, we provide an experimental evaluation of HyS with a selection of large and prominent biomedical ontologies, most of which are available in the NCBO Bioportal. HyS outperforms state-of-the-art implementations in the tasks of extracting modules and computing the atomic decomposition of these ontologies.


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Second-order Lagrangian densities admitting a first-order Hamiltonian formalism are studied; namely, i) necessary and sufficient conditions for the Poincaré–Cartan form of a second-order Lagrangian on an arbitrary fibred manifold p : E → N to be projectable onto J 1 E are explicitly determined; ii) for each of such Lagrangians, a first-order Hamiltonian formalism is developed and a new notion of regularity is introduced; iii) the variational problems of this class defined by regular Lagrangians areprovedtobeinvolutive


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The role of matter has remained central to the making and the thinking of architecture, yet many attempts to capture its essence have been trapped in a dialectic tension between form and materiality, between material consistency and immaterial modes of perception, between static states and dynamic processes, between the real and the virtual, thus advancing an increasing awareness of the perplexing complexity of the material world. Within that complexity, the notion of agency – emerging from and within ecological, politico-economic and socio-cultural processes – calls for a reconceptualization of matter, and consequently processes of materialisation, offering a new understanding of context and space, approached as a field of dynamic relationships. In this context, cutting across boundaries between architectural discourse and practice as well as across the vast trans-disciplinary territory, this dissertation aims to illustrate a variety of design methodologies that have derived from the relational approach. More specifically, the intention is to offer new insights into spatial epistemologies embedded within the notion of atmosphere – commonly associated with the so-called New Phenomenology – and to reflect upon its implications for architectural production. In what follows, the intended argumentation has a twofold dimension. First, through a scrutiny of the notion of atmosphere, the aim is to explore ways of thinking and shaping reality through relations, thus acknowledging the aforementioned complexity of the material universe disclosed through human and non-human as well as material and immaterial forces. Secondly, despite the fact that concerns for atmospherics have flourished over the last few decades, the objective is to reveal that the conceptual foundations and procedures for the production of atmosphere might be found beneath the surface of contemporary debates. Hence, in order to unfold and illustrate previously advocated assumptions, an archaeological approach is adopted, tracing a particular projective genealogy, one that builds upon an atmospheric awareness. Accordingly, in tracing such an atmospheric awareness the study explores the notoriously ambiguous nature and the twofold dimension of atmosphere – meteorological and aesthetic – and the heterogeneity of meanings embedded in them. In this context, the notion of atmosphere is presented as parallactic. It transgresses the formal and material boundaries of bodies. It calls for a reevaluation of perceptual experience, opening a new gap that exposes the orthodox space-bodyenvironment relationships to questioning. It offers to architecture an expanded domain in which to manifest itself, defining architectural space as a contingent construction and field of engagement, and presenting matter as a locus of production/performance/action. Consequently, it is such an expanded or relational dimension that constitutes the foundation of what in the context of this study is to be referred to as affective tectonics. Namely, a tectonics that represents processual and experiential multiplicity of convergent time and space, body and environment, the material and the immaterial; a tectonics in which matter neither appears as an inert and passive substance, nor is limited to the traditionally regarded tectonic significance or expressive values, but is presented as an active element charged with inherent potential and vitality. By defining such a relational materialism, the intention is to expand the spectrum of material attributes revealing the intrinsic relationships between the physical properties of materials and their performative, transformative and affective capacities, including effects of interference and haptic dynamics – i.e. protocols of transmission and interaction. The expression that encapsulates its essence is: ACTIVE MATERIALITY RESUMEN El significado de la materia ha estado desde siempre ligado al pensamiento y el quehacer arquitectónico. Sin embargo, muchos intentos de capturar su esencia se han visto sumergidos en una tensión dialéctica entre la forma y la materialidad, entre la consistencia material y los modos inmateriales de la percepción, entre los estados estáticos y los procesos dinámicos, entre lo real y lo virtual, revelando una creciente conciencia de la desconcertante complejidad del mundo material. En esta complejidad, la noción de la operatividad o capacidad agencial– que emerge desde y dentro de los procesos ecológicos, políticos y socio-culturales– requiere de una reconceptualización de la materia y los procesos inherentes a la materialización, ofreciendo una nueva visión del contexto y el espacio, entendidos como un campo relacional dinámico. Oscilando entre el discurso arquitectónico y la práctica arquitectónica, y atravesando un extenso territorio trans-disciplinar, el objetivo de la presente tesis es ilustrar la variedad de metodologías proyectuales que emergieron desde este enfoque relacional. Concretamente, la intención es indagar en las epistemologías espaciales vinculadas a la noción de la atmósfera– generalmente asociada a la llamada Nueva Fenomenología–, reflexionando sobre su impacto en la producción arquitectónica. A continuación, el estudio ofrece una doble línea argumental. Primero, a través del análisis crítico de la noción de atmósfera, el objetivo es explorar maneras de pensar y dar forma a la realidad a través de las relaciones, reconociendo la mencionada complejidad del universo material revelado a través de fuerzas humanas y no-humanas, materiales e inmateriales. Segundo, a pesar de que el interés por las atmósferas ha florecido en las últimas décadas, la intención es demostrar que las bases conceptuales y los protocolos proyectuales de la creación de atmósferas se pueden encontrar bajo la superficie de los debates contemporáneos. Para corroborar e ilustrar estas hipótesis se propone una metodología de carácter arqueológico, trazando una particular genealogía de proyectos– la que se basa en una conciencia atmosférica. Asimismo, al definir esta conciencia atmosférica, el estudio explora tanto la naturaleza notoriamente ambigua y la dimensión dual de la atmósfera– meteorológica y estética–, como la heterogeneidad de significados derivados de ellas. En este contexto, la atmósfera se entiende como un concepto detonante, ya que sobrepasa los limites formales y materiales de los cuerpos, llevando a la re-evaluación de la experiencia perceptiva y abriendo a preguntas la ortodoxa relación espacio- cuerpo-ambiente. En consecuencia, la noción de la atmósfera ofrece a la arquitectura una dimensión expandida donde manifestarse, definiendo el espacio como una construcción contingente, performativa y afectiva, y presentando la materia como locus de producción/ actuación/ acción. Es precisamente esta dimensión expandida relacional la que constituye una base para lo que en el contexto del presente estudio se define como una tectónica afectiva. Es decir, una tectónica que representa una multiplicidad procesual y experiencial derivada de la convergencia entre el tiempo y el espacio, el cuerpo y el entorno, lo material y lo inmaterial; una tectónica en la que la materia no aparece como una substancia pasiva e inerte, ni es limitada al significado considerado tradicionalmente constructivo o a sus valores expresivos, sino que se presenta como elemento activo cargado de un potencial y vitalidad inherentes. A través de la definición de este tipo de materialismo afectivo, la intención es expandir el espectro de los atributos materiales, revelando las relaciones intrínsecas entre las propiedades físicas de los materiales y sus capacidades performativas, transformativas y afectivas, incluyendo efectos de interferencias y dinámicas hápticas– o dicho de otro modo, protocolos de transmisión e interacción. Una expresión que encapsula su esencia vendría a ser: MATERIALIDAD ACTIVA