27 resultados para Laplace Equation


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Entre la impresionante floración de procedimientos de cálculo, provocada por la aplicación intensiva del ordenador, el llamado Método de los Elementos de Contorno (Boundary Element Method o Boundary Integral Equation Method) parece afianzarse como una alternativa útil al omnipresente Método de los Elementos Finitos que ya ha sido incorporado, como una herramienta de trabajo más, al cotidiano quehacer de la ingeniería. En España, tras unos intentos precursores que se señalan en el texto, la actividad más acusada en su desarrollo y mejora se ha centrado alrededor del Departamento que dirige uno de los autores. Después de la tesis doctoral de J. Domínguez en 1977 que introdujo en España la técnica del llamado "método directo", se han producido numerosas aportaciones en forma de artículos o tesis de investigación que han permitido alcanzar un nivel de conocimientos notable. En esta obrita se pretende transmitir parte de la experiencia adquirida, siquiera sea a nivel elemental y en un campo limitado de aplicación. La filosofía es semejante a la del pequeño libro de Hinton y Owen "A simple guide to finite elements" (Pineridge Press, 1980) que tanta aceptación ha tenido entre los principiantes. El libro se articula alrededor de un sólo tema, la solución del problema de Laplace, y se limitan los desarrollos matemáticos al mínimo imprescindible para el fácil seguimiento de áquel. Tras unos capítulos iniciales de motivación y centrado se desarrolla la técnica para problemas planos, tridimensionales y axisimétricos, limitando los razonamientos a los elementos más sencillos de variación constante o lineal. Finalmente, se incluye un capítulo descriptivo donde se avizoran temas que pueden provocar un futuro interés del estudioso. Para completar la información se ha añadido un apéndice en el que se recoge un pequeño programa para microordenador, con el objetivo de que se contemple la sencillez de programación para el caso plano. El programa es mejorable en muchos aspectos pero creemos que, con ello, mantiene un nivel de legibilidad adecuado para que el lector ensaye sobre él las modificaciones que se indican en los ejercicios al final del capítulo y justamente la provocación de ese aprendizaje es nuestro objetivo final.


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The author presents a very interesting application of the ideas developed by Scott to determine the initial pore pressure in excess of the hydrostatic pore pressure in linear, elastic, homogeneous and isotropic soil-skeleton. Scott demonstrates that under vertical surface loads the problem is governed by Laplace's equation. Nevertheless the writers' think that it could be interesting to state clearly the conditions under which this analogy can be applied.


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This paper deals with the boundary element method (BEM) p-convergence approach applied to three-dimensional problems governed by Laplace's equation. The advantages derived from the boundary discretization and hierarchical interpolation functions are collated in order to minimize human effort in preparation of input data and improve numerical results.


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En el presente artículo se muestran las ventajas de la programación en paralelo resolviendo numéricamente la ecuación del calor en dos dimensiones a través del método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS. De las conclusiones de este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la importancia de la programación en paralelo para tratar problemas grandes, en los que se requiere un elevado número de cálculos, para los cuales la programación secuencial resulta impracticable por el elevado tiempo de ejecución. En la primera sección se describe brevemente los conceptos básicos de programación en paralelo. Seguidamente se resume el método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS aplicado a la ecuación parabólica del calor. Seguidamente se describe el problema de condiciones de contorno y valores iniciales específico al que se va a aplicar el método de diferencias finitas FTCS, proporcionando pseudocódigos de una implementación secuencial y dos implementaciones en paralelo. Finalmente tras la discusión de los resultados se presentan algunas conclusiones. In this paper the advantages of parallel computing are shown by solving the heat conduction equation in two dimensions with the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method. Two different levels of parallelization are consider and compared with traditional serial procedures. We show in this work the importance of parallel computing when dealing with large problems that are impractical or impossible to solve them with a serial computing procedure. In the first section a summary of parallel computing approach is presented. Subsequently, the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method for the heat conduction equation is outline, describing how the heat flow equation is derived in two dimensions and the particularities of the finite difference numerical technique considered. Then, a specific initial boundary value problem is solved by the FTCS finite difference method and serial and parallel pseudo codes are provided. Finally after results are discussed some conclusions are presented.


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A general fractional porous medium equation


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In previous papers, the type-I intermittent phenomenon with continuous reinjection probability density (RPD) has been extensively studied. However, in this paper type-I intermittency considering discontinuous RPD function in one-dimensional maps is analyzed. To carry out the present study the analytic approximation presented by del Río and Elaskar (Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 20:1185-1191, 2010) and Elaskar et al. (Physica A. 390:2759-2768, 2011) is extended to consider discontinuous RPD functions. The results of this analysis show that the characteristic relation only depends on the position of the lower bound of reinjection (LBR), therefore for the LBR below the tangent point the relation {Mathematical expression}, where {Mathematical expression} is the control parameter, remains robust regardless the form of the RPD, although the average of the laminar phases {Mathematical expression} can change. Finally, the study of discontinuous RPD for type-I intermittency which occurs in a three-wave truncation model for the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation is presented. In all tests the theoretical results properly verify the numerical data


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We investigate the dynamics of localized solutions of the relativistic cold-fluid plasma model in the small but finite amplitude limit, for slightly overcritical plasma density. Adopting a multiple scale analysis, we derive a perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of the envelope of circularly polarized electromagnetic field. Retaining terms up to fifth order in the small perturbation parameter, we derive a self-consistent framework for the description of the plasma response in the presence of localized electromagnetic field. The formalism is applied to standing electromagnetic soliton interactions and the results are validated by simulations of the full cold-fluid model. To lowest order, a cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a focusing nonlinearity is recovered. Classical quasiparticle theory is used to obtain analytical estimates for the collision time and minimum distance of approach between solitons. For larger soliton amplitudes the inclusion of the fifth-order terms is essential for a qualitatively correct description of soliton interactions. The defocusing quintic nonlinearity leads to inelastic soliton collisions, while bound states of solitons do not persist under perturbations in the initial phase or amplitude


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The Monge–Ampère (MA) equation arising in illumination design is highly nonlinear so that the convergence of the MA method is strongly determined by the initial design. We address the initial design of the MA method in this paper with the L2 Monge-Kantorovich (LMK) theory, and introduce an efficient approach for finding the optimal mapping of the LMK problem. Three examples, including the beam shaping of collimated beam and point light source, are given to illustrate the potential benefits of the LMK theory in the initial design. The results show the MA method converges more stably and faster with the application of the LMK theory in the initial design.


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The Monge-Ampére equation method could be the most advanced point source algorithm of freeform optics design. This paper introduces this method, and outlines two key issues that should be tackles to improve this method.


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We characterize the chaos in a fractional Duffing’s equation computing the Lyapunov exponents and the dimension of the strange attractor in the effective phase space of the system. We develop a specific analytical method to estimate all Lyapunov exponents and check the results with the fiduciary orbit technique and a time series estimation method.


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We prove global existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to the logarithmic porous medium type equation with fractional diffusion ?tu + (?)1/2 log(1 + u) = 0, posed for x ? R, with nonnegative initial data in some function space of LlogL type. The solutions are shown to become bounded and C? smooth in (x, t) for all positive times. We also reformulate this equation as a transport equation with nonlocal velocity and critical viscosity, a topic of current relevance. Interesting functional inequalities are involved.


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An engineering modification of blade element/momentum theory is applied to describe the vertical autorotation of helicopter rotors. A full non-linear aerodynamic model is considered for the airfoils, taking into account the dependence of lift and drag coefficients on both the angle of attack and the Reynolds number. The proposed model, which has been validated in previous work, has allowed the identification of different autorotation modes, which depend on the descent velocity and the twist of the rotor blades. These modes present different radial distributions of driven and driving blade regions, as well as different radial upwash/downwash patterns. The number of blade sections with zero tangential force, the existence of a downwash region in the rotor disk, the stability of the autorotation state, and the overall rotor autorotation efficiency, are all analyzed in terms of the flight velocity and the characteristics of the rotor. It is shown that, in vertical autorotation, larger blade twist leads to smaller values of descent velocity for a given thrust generated by the rotor in the autorotational state.