50 resultados para Camera Network, Image Processing, Compression


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LHE (logarithmical hopping encoding) is a computationally efficient image compression algorithm that exploits the Weber–Fechner law to encode the error between colour component predictions and the actual value of such components. More concretely, for each pixel, luminance and chrominance predictions are calculated as a function of the surrounding pixels and then the error between the predictions and the actual values are logarithmically quantised. The main advantage of LHE is that although it is capable of achieving a low-bit rate encoding with high quality results in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and image quality metrics with full-reference (FSIM) and non-reference (blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator), its time complexity is O( n) and its memory complexity is O(1). Furthermore, an enhanced version of the algorithm is proposed, where the output codes provided by the logarithmical quantiser are used in a pre-processing stage to estimate the perceptual relevance of the image blocks. This allows the algorithm to downsample the blocks with low perceptual relevance, thus improving the compression rate. The performance of LHE is especially remarkable when the bit per pixel rate is low, showing much better quality, in terms of PSNR and FSIM, than JPEG and slightly lower quality than JPEG-2000 but being more computationally efficient.


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The image by Computed Tomography is a non-invasive alternative for observing soil structures, mainly pore space. The pore space correspond in soil data to empty or free space in the sense that no material is present there but only fluids, the fluid transport depend of pore spaces in soil, for this reason is important identify the regions that correspond to pore zones. In this paper we present a methodology in order to detect pore space and solid soil based on the synergy of the image processing, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. The mathematical morphology is an image processing technique used for the purpose of image enhancement. In order to find pixels groups with a similar gray level intensity, or more or less homogeneous groups, a novel image sub-segmentation based on a Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means (PFCM) clustering algorithm was used. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are very efficient for demanding large scale and generic pattern recognition applications for this reason finally a classifier based on artificial neural network is applied in order to classify soil images in two classes, pore space and solid soil respectively.


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We propose to directly process 3D + t image sequences with mathematical morphology operators, using a new classi?cation of the 3D+t structuring elements. Several methods (?ltering, tracking, segmentation) dedicated to the analysis of 3D + t datasets of zebra?sh embryogenesis are introduced and validated through a synthetic dataset. Then, we illustrate the application of these methods to the analysis of datasets of zebra?sh early development acquired with various microscopy techniques. This processing paradigm produces spatio-temporal coherent results as it bene?ts from the intrinsic redundancy of the temporal dimension, and minimizes the needs for human intervention in semi-automatic algorithms.


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One of the main concerns of evolvable and adaptive systems is the need of a training mechanism, which is normally done by using a training reference and a test input. The fitness function to be optimized during the evolution (training) phase is obtained by comparing the output of the candidate systems against the reference. The adaptivity that this type of systems may provide by re-evolving during operation is especially important for applications with runtime variable conditions. However, fully automated self-adaptivity poses additional problems. For instance, in some cases, it is not possible to have such reference, because the changes in the environment conditions are unknown, so it becomes difficult to autonomously identify which problem requires to be solved, and hence, what conditions should be representative for an adequate re-evolution. In this paper, a solution to solve this dependency is presented and analyzed. The system consists of an image filter application mapped on an evolvable hardware platform, able to evolve using two consecutive frames from a camera as both test and reference images. The system is entirely mapped in an FPGA, and native dynamic and partial reconfiguration is used for evolution. It is also shown that using such images, both of them being noisy, as input and reference images in the evolution phase of the system is equivalent or even better than evolving the filter with offline images. The combination of both techniques results in the completely autonomous, noise type/level agnostic filtering system without reference image requirement described along the paper.


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The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a ba re Mazic Pellic Vertisols ix of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19 /2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak? camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents box counting dimension D BC) and interface fractal dimension (D) In addition, three pre-fractal scaling coefficients were determinate at maximum resolution: total number of boxes intercepting the foreground pattern (A), fractal lacunarity (?1) and Shannon entropy S1). For all the images processed the spatial filter 9x9 was the optimum based on entropy, cluster and histogram criteria. Thresholds for each color were selected based on bimodal histograms.


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The reconstruction of the cell lineage tree of early zebrafish embryogenesis requires the use of in-vivo microscopy imaging and image processing strategies. Second (SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG) microscopy observations in unstained zebrafish embryos allows to detect cell divisions and cell membranes from 1-cell to 1K-cell stage. In this article, we present an ad-hoc image processing pipeline for cell tracking and cell membranes segmentation enabling the reconstruction of the early zebrafish cell lineage tree until the 1K-cell stage. This methodology has been used to obtain digital zebrafish embryos allowing to generate a quantitative description of early zebrafish embryogenesis with minute temporal accuracy and μm spatial resolution


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This work presents a method to detect Microcalcifications in Regions of Interest from digitized mammograms. The method is based mainly on the combination of Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. The Top-Hat transform is a technique based on mathematical morphology operations that, in this work is used to perform contrast enhancement of microcalcifications in the region of interest. In order to find more or less homogeneous regions in the image, we apply a novel image sub-segmentation technique based on Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means clustering algorithm. From the original region of interest we extract two window-based features, Mean and Deviation Standard, which will be used in a classifier based on a Artificial Neural Network in order to identify microcalcifications. Our results show that the proposed method is a good alternative in the stage of microcalcifications detection, because this stage is an important part of the early Breast Cancer detection


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We present an innovative system to encode and transmit textured multi-resolution 3D meshes in a progressive way, with no need to send several texture images, one for each mesh LOD (Level Of Detail). All texture LODs are created from the finest one (associated to the finest mesh), but can be re- constructed progressively from the coarsest thanks to refinement images calculated in the encoding process, and transmitted only if needed. This allows us to adjust the LOD/quality of both 3D mesh and texture according to the rendering power of the device that will display them, and to the network capacity. Additionally, we achieve big savings in data transmission by avoiding altogether texture coordinates, which are generated automatically thanks to an unwrapping system agreed upon by both encoder and decoder.


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La termografía es un método de inspección y diagnóstico basado en la radiación infrarroja que emiten los cuerpos. Permite medir dicha radiación a distancia y sin contacto, obteniendo un termograma o imagen termográfica, objeto de estudio de este proyecto. Todos los cuerpos que se encuentren a una cierta temperatura emiten radiación infrarroja. Sin embargo, para hacer una inspección termográfica hay que tener en cuenta la emisividad de los cuerpos, capacidad que tienen de emitir radiación, ya que ésta no sólo depende de la temperatura del cuerpo, sino también de sus características superficiales. Las herramientas necesarias para conseguir un termograma son principalmente una cámara termográfica y un software que permita su análisis. La cámara percibe la emisión infrarroja de un objeto y lo convierte en una imagen visible, originalmente monocromática. Sin embargo, después es coloreada por la propia cámara o por un software para una interpretación más fácil del termograma. Para obtener estas imágenes termográficas existen varias técnicas, que se diferencian en cómo la energía calorífica se transfiere al cuerpo. Estas técnicas se clasifican en termografía pasiva, activa y vibrotermografía. El método que se utiliza en cada caso depende de las características térmicas del cuerpo, del tipo de defecto a localizar o la resolución espacial de las imágenes, entre otros factores. Para analizar las imágenes y así obtener diagnósticos y detectar defectos, es importante la precisión. Por ello existe un procesado de las imágenes, para minimizar los efectos provocados por causas externas, mejorar la calidad de la imagen y extraer información de las inspecciones realizadas. La termografía es un método de ensayo no destructivo muy flexible y que ofrece muchas ventajas. Por esta razón el campo de aplicación es muy amplio, abarcando desde aplicaciones industriales hasta investigación y desarrollo. Vigilancia y seguridad, ahorro energético, medicina o medio ambiente, son algunos de los campos donde la termografía aportaimportantes beneficios. Este proyecto es un estudio teórico de la termografía, donde se describen detalladamente cada uno de los aspectos mencionados. Concluye con una aplicación práctica, creando una cámara infrarroja a partir de una webcam, y realizando un análisis de las imágenes obtenidas con ella. Con esto se demuestran algunas de las teorías explicadas, así como la posibilidad de reconocer objetos mediante la termografía. Thermography is a method of testing and diagnosis based on the infrared radiation emitted by bodies. It allows to measure this radiation from a distance and with no contact, getting a thermogram or thermal image, object of study of this project. All bodies that are at a certain temperature emit infrared radiation. However, making a thermographic inspection must take into account the emissivity of the body, capability of emitting radiation. This not only depends on the temperature of the body, but also on its surface characteristics. The tools needed to get a thermogram are mainly a thermal imaging camera and software that allows analysis. The camera sees the infrared emission of an object and converts it into a visible image, originally monochrome. However, after it is colored by the camera or software for easier interpretation of thermogram. To obtain these thermal images it exists various techniques, which differ in how heat energy is transferred to the body. These techniques are classified into passive thermography, active and vibrotermografy. The method used in each case depends on the thermal characteristics of the body, the type of defect to locate or spatial resolution of images, among other factors. To analyze the images and obtain diagnoses and defects, accuracy is important. Thus there is a image processing to minimize the effects caused by external causes, improving image quality and extract information from inspections. Thermography is a non-­‐destructive test method very flexible and offers many advantages. So the scope is very wide, ranging from industrial applications to research and development.Surveillance and security, energy saving, environmental or medicine are some of the areas where thermography provides significant benefits. This project is a theoretical study of thermography, which describes in detail each of these aspects. It concludes with a practical application, creating an infrared camera from a webcam, and making an analysis of the images obtained with it. This will demonstrate some of the theories explained as well as the ability to recognize objects by thermography.


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Digital atlases of animal development provide a quantitative description of morphogenesis, opening the path toward processes modeling. Prototypic atlases offer a data integration framework where to gather information from cohorts of individuals with phenotypic variability. Relevant information for further theoretical reconstruction includes measurements in time and space for cell behaviors and gene expression. The latter as well as data integration in a prototypic model, rely on image processing strategies. Developing the tools to integrate and analyze biological multidimensional data are highly relevant for assessing chemical toxicity or performing drugs preclinical testing. This article surveys some of the most prominent efforts to assemble these prototypes, categorizes them according to salient criteria and discusses the key questions in the field and the future challenges toward the reconstruction of multiscale dynamics in model organisms.


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We study a cognitive radio scenario in which the network of sec- ondary users wishes to identify which primary user, if any, is trans- mitting. To achieve this, the nodes will rely on some form of location information. In our previous work we proposed two fully distributed algorithms for this task, with and without a pre-detection step, using propagation parameters as the only source of location information. In a real distributed deployment, each node must estimate its own po- sition and/or propagation parameters. Hence, in this work we study the effect of uncertainty, or error in these estimates on the proposed distributed identification algorithms. We show that the pre-detection step significantly increases robustness against uncertainty in nodes' locations.


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En este Proyecto de fin de carrera titulado: LA VÍDEOVIGILANCIA: TECNOLOGÍAS ACTUALES Y ASPECTOS SOCIOPOLÍTICOS, tiene como objetivo hacer un estudio en los sistemas de Vídeovigilancia basado en cámaras-IP, con fines de seguridad, control o supervisión. Nos basaremos en exponer los sistemas Vídeovigilancia basados en cámara-IP actuales de ultima generación, cuya principal virtud de estos sistemas, es la comunicación con otros lugares, o espacios públicos como privados y poder visualizar tanto en vivo como en diferido lo que este pasando en ese lugar y en ese momento o haya pasado a través del protocolo de comunicación-IP. Se explicara desde el más básico al más complejo sistema de videovigilancia-IP, también explicaremos su puesta en practica mediante los múltiples interconexiones que estos conlleven. Llegando a este punto, se nos plantea las siguientes cuestiones que da origen a este PFC. Estos sistemas de Vídeovigilancia-IP, captan las imágenes por medio de las cámaras-IP, proporcionando su facilidad tanto de visionado/grabacion, como de control, ya que no es necesario estar presente e interactuando con otros sistemas digitales de diverso índole actuales, gracias al protocolo-IP. Estos sistemas-IP, tienen su puesta en práctica mediante las instalaciones requeridas ,estas podrán ser sencillas o muy complejas de todos los sistemas-IP. Debido al gran aumento masivo, las tecnologías actuales de diverso índole de cámaras-IP en materia de la vídeovigilancia en lugares públicos, y privados en nuestra sociedad actual, lo hace un medio particularmente invasivo y por ello resulta necesario tanto la concurrencia de condiciones que legitimen los tratamientos de datos de personas identificables, como la definición de los principios y garantías que deban aplicarse ya que estas, repercutirán sobre los derechos de las personas, lo que obligara a fijar ciertas garantías. Se nos plantea los casos en los que la captación y/o tratamiento de imágenes con fines de Vídeovigilancia que pertenezcan a personas identificadas o identificables, ha obligado a España, y según dispuesto por la Directiva 95/46/CE del Parlamento Europeo, a regularizar esta situación mediante la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos (LOPD) 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, bajo los procedimientos del Estado español en materia sociopolítica, y dando vigor a esta ley, mediante la aprobación de la Instrucción 1/2006 de 8 de noviembre de 2006, cuyo máximo organismo es la Agencia española de Protección de Datos (AGPD). Una vez planteada la motivación y justificación del proyecto, se derivan unos objetivos a cumplir con la realización del mismo. Los objetivos del proyecto se pueden diferenciar en dos clases principalmente. Los objetivos principales y objetivos secundarios. Los objetivos principales de este PFC, nacen directamente de las necesidades planteadas originalmente en materia de Vídeovigilancia, tanto tecnológicamente basado en las cámaras-IP en la captación y/o tratamiento de imágenes, así como sociopolíticamente donde trataremos de describirlo mediante las indicaciones y criterios con casos prácticos y de cómo deben de aplicarse según la instrucción 1/2006 mediante la LOPD en materia de Vídeovigilancia, en cuanto a la protección de datos que puedan repercutir sobre el derecho de las personas. Por otra parte los objetivos secundarios, son la extensión del objetivo primario y son de orden cuantificador en este PFC, dando una explicación más exhaustiva del objetivo principal. ABSTRACT In this final year project, entitled: THE VIDEOSURVEILLANCE: CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES AND POLITICALSOCIALS ASPECTS, aims to make a study of video surveillance systems based on IP cameras, for security, control or supervision. We will rely on to expose the camera based video surveillance systems IP-current last generation, whose main virtue of these systems, is communication with other places, or public and private spaces and to view both live and time so this happening in that place and at that time or passed through-IP communication protocol. He explained from the most basic to the most complex-IP video surveillance system, also explain its implementation into practice through multiple interconnections that these entail. Arriving at this point, we face the following issues which gave rise to this PFC. These IP-video surveillance systems, captured images through IP-cameras, providing both ease of viewing / recording, as a control, since it is not necessary to be present and interacting with other digital systems such diverse today, thanks IP-protocol. These systems-IP, have their implementation through the facilities required, these can be simple or very complex all-IP video surveillance systems. Due to the large increase in mass, current technologies of different kinds of IP cameras for video surveillance in public places, and private in our society, it makes a particularly invasive and therefore attendance is necessary both conditions that legitimize data processing of identifiable people, as the definition of the principles and safeguards to be applied as these will impact on the rights of the people, which forced to set certain guarantees. We face those cases in which the uptake and / or image processing video surveillance purposes belonging to identified or identifiable, has forced Spain, and as required by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament, to regularize this situation by the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD) 15/1999 of December 13, under the procedures of the Spanish State in sociopolitical, and giving effect to this Act, with the approval of the Instruction 1/2006 of 8 November 2006, the governing body is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AGPD). Once raised the motivation and justification for the project, resulting in meeting targets to achieve the same. Project objectives can be differentiated into two main classes, the main objectives and secondary objectives: The main objectives of this PFC, born directly from requirements originally raised for capturing both technologically imaging me and try to describe where sociopolitically, the details and criteria as case studies and should be applied according to the instruction 1 / 2006 by the LOPD on video surveillance system in terms of data protection that could impact on the right people. Moreover the secondary objectives are the extension of the primary and are of a quantifier in this PFC, giving a fuller explanation of the main objective.


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Con este proyecto se pretende crear un procedimiento general para la implantación de aplicaciones de procesado de imágenes en cámaras de video IP y la distribución de dicha información mediante Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios (SOA). El objetivo principal es crear una aplicación que se ejecute en una cámara de video IP y realice un procesado básico sobre las imágenes capturadas (detección de colores, formas y patrones) permitiendo distribuir el resultado del procesado mediante las arquitecturas SOA descritas en la especificación DPWS (Device Profile for Web Services). El estudio se va a centrar principalmente en la transformación automática de código de procesado de imágenes escrito en Matlab (archivos .m) a un código C ANSI (archivos .c) que posteriormente se compilará para la arquitectura del procesador de la cámara (arquitectura CRIS, similar a la RISC pero con un conjunto reducido de instrucciones). ABSTRACT. This project aims to create a general procedure for the implementation of image processing applications in IP video cameras and the distribution of such information through Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). The main goal is to create an application that runs on IP video camera and carry out a basic processing on the captured images ( color detection, shapes and patterns) allowing to distribute the result of process by SOA architectures described in the DPWS specification (Device Profile for Web Services). The study will focus primarily on the automated transform of image processing code written in Matlab files (. M) to ANSI C code files (. C) which is then compiled to the processor architecture of the camera (CRIS architecture , similar to the RISC but with a reduced instruction set).


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Desde finales del siglo pasado, el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes digitales, se ha convertido en una poderosa herramienta para la investigación de las propiedades del suelo a múltiples resoluciones, sin embargo todavía no existen los mejores resultados en cuanto a estos trabajos. El principal problema para investigar el drenaje vertical a partir de la distribución de humedad en un perfil de vertisol es la búsqueda de métodos factibles que usen este procedimiento. El objetivo general es implementar una metodología para el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes digitales, que permita caracterizar la distribución del contenido de humedad de un perfil de vertisol. Para el estudio, doce calicatas fueron excavadas en un Mazic Pellic Vertisol, seis de ellas en mayo 13/2011 y el resto en mayo 19/2011 después de moderados eventos de lluvia. Las imágenes RGB de los perfiles fueron tomadas con una cámara Kodak™; con tamaños seleccionados de 1600 x 945 píxeles cada una fue procesada para homogeneizar el brillo y se aplicaron filtros suavizadores de diferentes tamaños de ventana, hasta obtener el óptimo. Cada imagen se dividió en sus matrices componentes, seleccionando los umbrales de cada una para ser aplicado y obtener el patrón digital binario. Este último fue analizado a través de la estimación de dos exponentes fractales: dimensión de conteo de cajas (DBC) y dimensión fractal de interfase húmedo seco (Di). Además, fueron determinados tres coeficientes prefractales a la máxima resolución: número total de cajas interceptados en el plano del patrón (A), la lagunaridad fractal (λ1) y la entropía de Shannon (S1). Para todas las imágenes obtenidas, basado en la entropía, los análisis de clúster y de histogramas, el filtro espacial de 9x9 resultó ser el de tamaño de ventana óptimo. Los umbrales fueron seleccionados a partir del carácter bimodal de los histogramas. Los patrones binarios obtenidos mostraron áreas húmedas (blancas) y secas (negras) que permitieron su análisis. Todos los parámetros obtenidos mostraron diferencias significativas entre ambos conjuntos de patrones espaciales. Mientras los exponentes fractales aportan información sobre las características de llenado del patrón de humedad, los coeficientes prefractales representan propiedades del suelo investigado. La lagunaridad fractal fue el mejor discriminador entre los patrones de humedad aparente del suelo. ABSTRACT From last century, digital image processing and analysis was converted in a powerful tool to investigate soil properties at multiple resolutions, however, the best final procedure in these works not yet exist. The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a bare Mazic Pellic Vertisol, six of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19/2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak™ camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents: box counting dimension (DBC


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A proposal for a model of the primary visual cortex is reported. It is structured with the basis of a simple unit cell able to perform fourteen pairs of different boolean functions corresponding to the two possible inputs. As a first step, a model of the retina is presented. Different types of responses, according to the different possibilities of interconnecting the building blocks, have been obtained. These responses constitute the basis for an initial configuration of the mammalian primary visual cortex. Some qualitative functions, as symmetry or size of an optical input, have been obtained. A proposal to extend this model to some higher functions, concludes the paper.