502 resultados para PAG
Non linear transformations are a good alternative for the numerical evaluation of singular and quasisingular integrals appearing in Boundary Element Method specially in the p-adaptive version. Some aspects of its numerical implementation in 2-D Potential codes is discussed and some examples are shown.
A main factor to the success of any organization process improvement effort is the Process Asset Library implementation that provides a central database accessible by anyone at the organization. This repository includes any process support materials to help process deployment. Those materials are composed of organization's standard software process, software process related documentation, descriptions of the software life cycles, guidelines, examples, templates, and any artefacts that the organization considers useful to help the process improvement. This paper describe the structure and contents of the Web-based Process Asset Library for Small businesses and small groups within large organizations. This library is structured using CMMI as reference model in order to implement those Process Areas described by this model.
This paper seeks to analyze the political dimension of the body, and consequently the inherently political dimension of space, through the instrumental notion of situation, understood as an spatio-temporal mesh configured by bodies, practices and discourses. The political understood as the potential for action (or non-action) underlying the individual body, implies a renewed definition of a landscape that results from the body’s doing. Landscape becomes a multiple corporeality, a field of relations in which we discover ourselves enmeshed, not just placed; a field in which the limit is not frontier but bond and common dimension. A disquieting ambiguous zone appears there where the individual spatiality is born out of the body through the actualization of its political potential and entangles with others to constitute a common spatiality, political action of the multitude. The article is organized through the description of a back-and-forth movement between the revolts of Tehran in 2009 and the Iranian revolution of 1979. Also, a detour into the works of Robert Morris and Trisha Brown is required in order to understand the link between the body and the constitution of a common spatiality.
The spreading of new systems of broadcasting and distribution of multimedia content has had as a consequence a larger need for aggregation of data and metadata to traditionally based contents of video and audio supply. Broadcasting chains of this type of channels have become overwhelmed by the quantity of resources, infrastructures and development needed for these channels to provide information. In order to avoid this kind of shortcomings, several recommendations and standards have been created to exchange metadata between production and distribution of taped programs. The problem lies in live programs, producers sometimes offer data to channels but most often, channels are not able to face required developments. The key to this problem is cost reduction. In this work, a study is conducted on added services which producers may provide to the media about content; a system is found by which additional communication expenses are not made and a model of information transfer is offered which allows low cost developments to supply new media platforms.
In this chapter we are going to develop some aspects of the implementation of the boundary element method (BEM)in microcomputers. At the moment the BEM is established as a powerful tool for problem-solving and several codes have been developed and maintained on an industrial basis for large computers. It is also well known that one of the more attractive features of the BEM is the reduction of the discretization to the boundary of the domain under study. As drawbacks, we found the non-bandedness of the final matrix, wich is a full asymmetric one, and the computational difficulties related to obtaining the integrals which appear in the influence coefficients. Te reduction in dimensionality is crucial from the point of view of microcomputers, and we believe that it can be used to obtain competitive results against other domain methods. We shall discuss two applications in this chapter. The first one is related to plane linear elastostatic situations, and the second refers to plane potential problems. In the first case we shall present the classical isoparametric BEM approach, using linear elements to represent both the geometry and the variables. The second case shows how to implement a p-adaptive procedure using the BEM. This latter case has not been studied until recently, and we think that the future of the BEM will be related to its development and to the judicious exploitation of the graphics capabilities of modern micros. Some examples will be included to demonstrate the kind of results that can be expected and sections of printouts will show useful details of implementation. In order to broaden their applicability, these printouts have been prepared in Basic, although no doubt other languages may be more appropiate for effective implementation.
A pesar de la importancia del estudio y análisis de la arquitectura vernácula en la enseñanza de la Arquitectura —no sólo desde el punto de vista tipológico y constructivo, sino también como elemento de aprendizaje en relación a la correcta adaptación a unas condiciones del clima, de las formas de vida, usos y costumbres— ésta raramente se incluye el programa de las asignaturas de las Escuelas de Arquitectura ni en sus Planes de Estudio, excepto en casos puntuales y asignaturas optativas. La presente comunicación expone nuestra experiencia, junto con el profesor Javier de Cárdenas y Chávarri, en la enseñanza de este tipo de arquitecturas y sus valores a distintos grupos de alumnos —no sólo del campo de la Arquitectura— en los Cursos Universitarios de Verano en Lanzarote organizados por el Centro Científico Cultural Blas Cabrera y la Academia de Ciencias e Ingenierías de Lanzarote y patrocinados por la Fundación Diego de Sagredo y la Cátedra ―Gonzalo de Cárdenas‖ de Arquitectura Vernácula, a partir del año 2003.
El proceso de captura de requisitos constituye un proceso con connotaciones sociales relacionadas con diferentes personas (stakeholders), una circunstancia que hace que ciertos problemas se presenten cuando se lleva adelante el proceso de conceptualización de requisitos. Se propone un proceso de conceptualización de requisitos que se estructura en dos fases: (a) Análisis Orientado a al Problema: cuyo objetivo es comprender el problema dado por el usuario en el dominio en el que este se lleva a cabo, y (b) Análisis de Orientado al Producto: cuyo objetivo es obtener las funcionalidades que el usuario espera del producto de software a desarrollar, teniendo en cuenta la relación de estas con la realidad expresada por el usuario en su discurso. Se proponen seis técnicas que articulan cada una de las tareas que componen las fases de proceso propuesto.
En esta comunicación se recoge el debate sobre las influencias orientales —bizantinas, sirias, islámicas…— en la arquitectura fortificada medieval de los reinos cristianos ibéricos, reseñando los aspectos más relevantes de la historia de la construcción oriental e hispanomusulmana que han influido sobre ésta y, en concreto, sobre el ámbito de estudio de la investigación de la que se desprende esta publicación: la franja oriental fronteriza de Castilla con Aragón en la actual provincia de Soria. Se recogen algunas referencias de esa trasmisión cultural que pudieran tener alguna manifestación en las soluciones adoptadas por la construcción castrense que es objeto de estudio en la tesis doctoral del autor.
Underground dwellings are the maximum example of the vernacular architecture adaptation to the climatic conditions in areas with high annual and daily thermal fluctuations. This paper summarizes the systematic research about the energy performance of this popular architecture and their adaptation to the outdoor conditions in the case of the low area of the River Tajuña and its surroundings. Some considerations on their maintenance and renovation arise from the research.
This paper analyzed the building techniques based in the use of rammed earth in the Late Medieval fortifications in the province of Soria, Spain. The manorial castles of Serón de Nágima and Yanguas were built completely with rammed earth. However, these techinques are different. Through the study of the constructive signals, we can reconstruct the constructive process and made an hypothesis of the auxiliary scaffolding necessary for the construction. After, other four cases in which there is presence of rammed earth are described: Ágreda, Arcos de Jalón, Caracena and the tower of Martín González or castle of La Raya (the Border). Rammed earth is used in some secondary architectural elements and also as a filling of the masonry walls, but somtimes there are ancient rammed earth walls overlaid with stone masonry.