18 resultados para Garner, Mark: Language : An ecological view
The presented work proposes a new approach for anomaly detection. This approach is based on changes in a population of evolving agents under stress. If conditions are appropriate, changes in the population (modeled by the bioindicators) are representative of the alterations to the environment. This approach, based on an ecological view, improves functionally traditional approaches to the detection of anomalies. To verify this assertion, experiments based on Network Intrussion Detection Systems are presented. The results are compared with the behaviour of other bioinspired approaches and machine learning techniques.
The Spanish tourism stakchoiders (State Tourism Administration, public tourism agencies, hospitality sector, recreational sector, travel operators, other touristic business, etc.) have developed a very powerful and practical quality certification system for all the actors in the tourism sector, including all those actors and activities in the rural tourism sector, which traditionally do not have a proper tourism system. In this framework the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) administers, manages and monitors the "Spanish Tourism Quality" "Q" Mark, as an exclusive brand that announces the quality of the activity and service provided by the certified tourist business.
Natural regeneration is an ecological key-process that makes plant persistence possible and, consequently, it constitutes an essential element of sustainable forest management. In this respect, natural regeneration in even-aged stands of Pinus pinea L. located in the Spanish Northern Plateau has not always been successfully achieved despite over a century of pine nut-based management. As a result, natural regeneration has recently become a major concern for forest managers when we are living a moment of rationalization of investment in silviculture. The present dissertation is addressed to provide answers to forest managers on this topic through the development of an integral regeneration multistage model for P. pinea stands in the region. From this model, recommendations for natural regeneration-based silviculture can be derived under present and future climate scenarios. Also, the model structure makes it possible to detect the likely bottlenecks affecting the process. The integral model consists of five submodels corresponding to each of the subprocesses linking the stages involved in natural regeneration (seed production, seed dispersal, seed germination, seed predation and seedling survival). The outputs of the submodels represent the transitional probabilities between these stages as a function of climatic and stand variables, which in turn are representative of the ecological factors driving regeneration. At subprocess level, the findings of this dissertation should be interpreted as follows. The scheduling of the shelterwood system currently conducted over low density stands leads to situations of dispersal limitation since the initial stages of the regeneration period. Concerning predation, predator activity appears to be only limited by the occurrence of severe summer droughts and masting events, the summer resulting in a favourable period for seed survival. Out of this time interval, predators were found to almost totally deplete seed crops. Given that P. pinea dissemination occurs in summer (i.e. the safe period against predation), the likelihood of a seed to not be destroyed is conditional to germination occurrence prior to the intensification of predator activity. However, the optimal conditions for germination seldom take place, restraining emergence to few days during the fall. Thus, the window to reach the seedling stage is narrow. In addition, the seedling survival submodel predicts extremely high seedling mortality rates and therefore only some individuals from large cohorts will be able to persist. These facts, along with the strong climate-mediated masting habit exhibited by P. pinea, reveal that viii the overall probability of establishment is low. Given this background, current management –low final stand densities resulting from intense thinning and strict felling schedules– conditions the occurrence of enough favourable events to achieve natural regeneration during the current rotation time. Stochastic simulation and optimisation computed through the integral model confirm this circumstance, suggesting that more flexible and progressive regeneration fellings should be conducted. From an ecological standpoint, these results inform a reproductive strategy leading to uneven-aged stand structures, in full accordance with the medium shade-tolerant behaviour of the species. As a final remark, stochastic simulations performed under a climate-change scenario show that regeneration in the species will not be strongly hampered in the future. This resilient behaviour highlights the fundamental ecological role played by P. pinea in demanding areas where other tree species fail to persist.
Las evidencias del impacto sobre el medio ambiente asociado al funcionamiento de las ciudades hacen que sea urgente proponer medidas que reduzcan este consumo y mejoren la eficiencia del metabolismo urbano. La existencia de límites en la disponibilidad de recursos materiales y energéticos, plantea actualmente un reto importante al ser humano: ¿son posibles otras formas de organización más adecuadas a esta condición de limitación? Para dar respuesta, resulta fundamental conocer cómo interactuarán nuestros sistemas urbanos en un modelo económico de continuo desarrollo, con la población que alojan, y si podrán adaptarse a la capacidad de carga limitada del Planeta, evitando futuras situaciones de colapso anunciadas desde distintos ámbitos científicos. En ese contexto, la tesis formula un método de análisis del alojamiento que, mediante la evaluación a largo plazo, permita proponer medidas de intervención para reducir el consumo de recursos asociado a su funcionamiento. Se parte de un enfoque ecológico para definir el alojamiento como una parte fundamental del sistema urbano, que está compuesto por tres elementos: habitantes, viviendas y recursos naturales; por tanto, para reducir los impactos asociados al alojamiento es necesario tener en cuenta la diferente naturaleza de estos elementos y el carácter dinámico de las relaciones que se producen entre ellos. La Ecología, a través del estudio de los ecosistemas, ha identificado estrategias de supervivencia y adaptación ante los cambios y perturbaciones. La similitud entre los elementos de un ecosistema (población y soporte) y los del alojamiento (habitantes, viviendas y recursos naturales) permite verificar que la aplicación de estas estrategias al alojamiento puede conducir a situaciones más deseables en la relación de los sistemas urbanos con su entorno A partir de esta hipótesis, se propone un método de análisis diacrónico1 o a largo plazo, para conocer la evolución en el tiempo del alojamiento a través de la cuantificación de una serie de indicadores descriptivos de los habitantes, las viviendas y los recursos naturales. La aplicación de este método a un sistema urbano permitiría conocer las características de los elementos del sistema y, para un ámbito temporal de futuro, prever su evolución, identificar escenarios no deseables y proponer medidas de intervención que corrijan anticipadamente estas situaciones y eviten impactos ambientales innecesarios. La validación del método de análisis se realiza mediante la aplicación al caso de Madrid en periodo retrospectivo (de 1940 a 2010) A partir del estudio de la evolución en Madrid de los indicadores seleccionados, se proponen medidas de intervención en el alojamiento basadas en estrategias ecológicas que habrían conducido a una evolución alternativa con un impacto menor sobre el medio ambiente que la situación actual. El método de análisis se aplica con carácter prospectivo definiendo tres escenarios de futuro para Madrid hasta 2100. Para cada uno de ellos se analiza la evolución previsible de los indicadores y se proponen diferentes medidas de intervención que, desde el punto de vista ecológico, conducirían a una situación más adecuada. La tesis concluye en el interés de este método de análisis diacrónico que permite estimar posibilidades en la evolución futura del alojamiento, identificar las necesidades de recursos para responder a las demandas de los habitantes y, desde un enfoque ecológico, definir, cuantificar y evaluar posibles medidas de intervención que reduzcan los impactos ambientales. El método, por tanto, es una herramienta de interés para la toma de decisiones en la intervención en el alojamiento y en la planificación urbana a largo plazo. ABSTRACT Evidence of the impact on the environment associated with the operation of cities make it urgent to propose measures to reduce energy consumption and improve the efficiency of urban metabolism. The limited availability of materials and energy resources currently poses a significant challenge to human beings: are more appropriate forms of organization for this limitation possible? In response, it is essential to know how our urban systems with the population they host will interact in an economic model of continuous development and whether they can adapt to the limited endurance capacity of the planet, thus avoiding future collapse situations which are being announced from different scientific fields. In this context, the thesis puts forward a method of housing analysis that by a long term assessment will enable to propose intervention measures to reduce resource consumption associated with its operation. The thesis is based on an ecological approach to identify housing as a fundamental part of the urban system, which is composed of three elements: inhabitants, homes and natural resources. Therefore, in order to reduce the impacts associated with housing it is necessary to consider the characteristics of these elements and the dynamic nature of the relationships among them. Ecology, through the analysis of ecosystems, has identified strategies for survival and adaptation to changes and disturbances. The similarity between the elements of an ecosystem (population and support) and housing (inhabitants, homes and natural resources) enables to verify that the implementation of these strategies to housing can lead to better situations in the relationship existing between urban systems with their environment. From this hypothesis, a diachronic or long term analysis method is proposed to know the evolution of housing over time through the quantification of a descriptive indicators series of inhabitants, homes and natural resources. The implementation of this method to a urban system would allow better knowledge of the characteristics of these elements and forecast their development, identify undesirable scenarios and propose early intervention measures to correct these situations and avoid unnecessary environmental impacts. The validation of the method of analysis has been proved in the city of Madrid for the years 1940-2010. From the analysis of the evolution of the indicators selected, accommodation intervention measures are proposed based on ecological strategies that would have led to an alternative development having less impact on the environment than that of the current situation. The analysis method is implemented prospectively defining three future scenarios for the city of Madrid until 2100. The likely evolution of the indicators are analyzed for each scenario and various intervention measures that would lead to a better situation from an ecological point of view are proposed. The thesis conclusion states the interest of this diachronic analysis method to estimate potential future developments in the housing field, identify resource requirements to meet the demands of the citizens and, from an ecological approach, define, quantify and assess possible intervention measures to reduce environmental impacts. The method, therefore, is an interesting tool for decision-making process as for the intervention in housing and urban planning in the long term.
Desde hace ya varias décadas la praxis de la ecología ha venido reconociendo la necesidad de estudiar los múltiples sistemas de interacción del ser humano, como especie viva, y su entorno. Entidades espaciales como el paisaje geográfico son empleadas para delimitar sistemas territoriales operados por la sociedad, precisando campos concretos de su acción física, biológica y cultural. La ecología aborda así el conocimiento científico del territorio como asentamiento humano, rastrea sus patrones espaciales y analiza su compleja estructura funcional. En ese contexto, la transferencia de herramientas e instrumentos desde la ecología al ámbito proyectivo posee ya un bagaje de más de cinco décadas. Cada vez con más frecuencia el proyecto emplea parámetros, inventarios, fórmulas, indicadores y tecnologías que tratan de dar una respuesta ambientalmente adecuada a los condicionantes de contorno, por ejemplo aprovechando las condiciones climáticas en la optimización energética o proponiendo programas de usos del suelo que eviten perturbaciones en ecosistemas de interés. Con todo, en el momento presente surgen voces que, ante el dominio indiscutible de los enfoques netamente deterministas, tratan de recordar que los principios del pensamiento ecológico van más allá del mero control cuantitativo de los procesos biofísicos. Recuerdan que la etología demostró a principios del XX que el ser humano, como ser consciente, inviste una relación de intimidad con su entorno que supera tales perspectivas: a través de la correspondencia entre percepción y significación, entre lo físico y lo psíquico, entre interioridad y exterioridad, las personas abrazan la plenitud de aquello que les rodea en un acto de profunda conciliación afectiva. De tal ligadura de intimidad depende, sí o sí, y en toda su profundidad, la aceptación humana del entorno construido. A través de la noción de ambiente [Umwelt] se demuestra que la relación del hombre con su entorno es inseparable, bidireccional y coordinada y, por lo tanto, desde una posición coherente, la experiencia del espacio puede ser examinada a partir de la reciprocidad que constituyen, en continuidad, la persona y el lugar. De esta forma, la tesis dirige su objetivo principal a explorar y considerar, desde el proyecto, el significado y la influencia de la experiencia ambiental del espacio construido en la vida humana. Es más que probable que buena parte de los problemas de desafección del hombre con los paisajes transformados de su contemporaneidad tenga que ver con que tanto las intensidades de la experiencia y percepción humana, como la potestad interpretativa de sus productos culturales, incluyendo la arquitectura, han sido fuertemente reducidas. Ante este problema, la investigación toma como hipótesis la oportunidad que ofrece el pensamiento ecológico de reformular la experiencia estética como un acto de conocimiento, como un evento donde se da el encuentro físico y se construyen significados, donde se sancionan valores sociales y se mira hacia el futuro. Se ha de señalar que la presente tesis doctoral arranca en el Laboratorio de Paisaje del Grupo de Investigación Paisaje Cultural de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid dirigido por Concha Lapayese y Darío Gazapo, y por tanto hace suyos para el estado del arte los principales conceptos e ideas bajo los que el trabajo teórico y práctico del grupo se viene orientando desde hace años: la consideración del paisaje como acontecimiento; la oscilación de la interpretación entre un paisaje específico y un paisaje genérico en un mundo globalizado; el reconocimiento de la experiencia estética del paisaje como una toma de conciencia social; y en definitiva, la reivindicación de la interioridad en el proyecto contemporáneo. La investigación profundiza en una línea de oportunidad que se abre al promover lo que se ha llamado un conocimiento por lo sentido como estrategia ambiental que permite contrarrestar mitos profundamente arraigados en las estructuras sociales. El primer paso en ese recorrido sería explorar ecológicamente el aporte de la experiencia estética; esto es, su consideración como forma de conocimiento específico. Resultaría pertinente impulsar la idea de la inmersión en el paisaje como fenómeno experiencial, sensual y corporal, y enfrentar, desde ahí, el problema de la aceptación social de lo nuevo y lo trasformado de acuerdo con el momento actual. La exploración sobre la afectividad en el ambiente no es, en cualquier caso, un asunto nuevo. Sin pretensiones de historiografía, dos momentos del siglo XX concentran el interés de la investigación. La primera se corresponde fundamentalmente con la segunda década del siglo, en relación a una serie de influencias que desde los avances científicos determinaron singulares aventuras del arte más experimental. La segunda se posiciona en el entorno de 1970, época en la que es conocido el interés que despertaron las cuestiones ambientales. En ambos casos se han estudiado aportaciones que desvelan conceptos determinantes en la definición de la experiencia estética como un evento de adquisición de conocimiento por lo sentido. Es conveniente adelantar el rol de centralidad que para la investigación tiene el concepto de energía, tal como el propio título subraya. La energía como realidad material y sensible es el sustrato que permite navegar por el principio de unidad epistemológica que subyace al pensamiento ecológico. Sus continuas referencias simbólicas, físicas y metafóricas entre los artistas estudiados no son un mero recurso iconográfico: mantienen inherente el principio de continuidad ambiental en el cual el ser humano y la inmensidad del cosmos navegan indisociables. Un discurso unificado y consistente sobre los aportes de la experiencia estética enfocada como forma de conocimiento por lo sentido hila la lectura histórica, conceptual y práctica de toda la investigación. Con ello se alcanza a hilvanar un diagrama conceptual, modelo de análisis proyectivo, que recoge ideas científicas, filosóficas y proyectivas. De alguna manera, el diagrama trata de dibujar, desde los principios del pensamiento ecológico, la correlación de continuidad que, vacilante, tensa, sutil y frágil se desplaza incesante e irresuelta entre interioridad y exterioridad. ABSTRACT Over the last few decades ecological practice has come to acknowledge a need for studying the multiple systems of interaction between the human being - inasmuch as it is a living species - and its environment. Spatial entities such as the geographic notion of landscape have been used to delimitate the territorial systems operated by society and to describe in detail specific fields of its physical, biological and cultural action. Ecology has thus managed to address the scientific knowledge of the territory as a human settlement, tracking its spatial patterns and analysing its complex functional structure. In this context, the transfer of tools and instruments from the field of ecology to that of design has a tradition already going back more than fifty years. Increasingly more often, design makes use of parameters, inventories, formulas, indicators and technologies to give an environmentally sound response to contour conditions: for instance, taking advantage of the local climate for the optimisation of energy consumption or proposing land uses that avoid disturbing valuable ecosystems. Yet in the present day some voices have arisen that, against the uncontested domination of purely positivistic approaches, are trying to draw attention to the fact that the principles of ecological thought go beyond mere quantitative control of biophysical processes. They point out that, in the early 20th century, ethology proved that the human being, as a conscious entity, invests itself into a relationship of intimacy with its environment that surpasses such perspectives: through the correspondences between perception and signification, between physical and psychological or between inside and outside, people embrace the entirety of their surroundings in an action of deep affective conciliation. It is on this link of intimacy that - fully and unquestionably - human acceptance of the built environment depends. Through the notion of environment [Umwelt] it can be proven that the relationship between the human being and its environment is inseparable, bidirectional and coordinated; and that, therefore, from a coherent position the experience of space can be examined through the reciprocity constituted continuously by person and place. Thus, the main goal in this thesis is to explore and acknowledge, from the standpoint of design, the meaning and influence of the environmental experience in human life. It is extremely likely that many of the issues with mankind’s alienation from the transformed landscapes of the present day arise from the fact that both the intensity of human perception and experience and the interpretive capacity of its cultural products –including architecture - have been greatly reduced. Facing this issue, research has taken as hypothesis the opportunity offered by ecological thought of reformulating aesthetic experience as an act of knowledge – as an event where physical encounter takes place and meanings are constructed; where social values are sanctioned and the path towards the future is drawn. This notwithstanding, the present thesis began in the Landscape Laboratory of the Technical University of Madrid Cultural Landscape Research Group (GIPC-UPM), led by Concha Lapayese and Darío Gazapo; and has therefore appropriated for its state of the art the main concepts and ideas that have been orienting the practical and theoretical work of the latter: the understanding of landscape as an event, the oscillation of interpretation between a specific and a generic landscape within a globalised world; the acknowledgement of the aesthetic experience of landscape as a way of acquiring social awareness; and, all in all, a vindication of interiority in contemporary design. An exploration has been made of the line of opportunity that is opened when promoting what has been termed knowledge through the senses as an environmental strategy allowing to counter myths deeply rooted in social structures. The first step in this path would be an ecological exploration of the contribution of the aesthetic experience; that is, its consideration as a type of specific knowledge. It would be pertinent to further the idea of immersion into the landscape as an experiential, sensual and corporeal phenomenon and, from that point, to face the issue of social acceptance of what is new and transformed according to the values of the present day. The exploration of affectivity in the environment is not, at any rate, a new topic. Without aspiring to make a history of it, we can mark two points in the 20th century that have concentrated the interest of this research. The first coincides with the second decade of the century and relates to a number of influences that, arising from scientific progress, determined the singular adventures of the more experimental tendencies in art. The second is centred around 1970: a period in which the interest drawn by environmental matters is well known. In both cases, contributions have been studied that reveal crucial concepts in defining the aesthetic experience as an event for the acquisition of knowledge through the senses. It is necessary to highlight the role of centrality that the concept of energy has throughout this research, as is evident even in its title. Energy as a material, sensitive reality is the substrate making it possible to navigate through the principle of epistemological unity underlying ecological thought. The continuous symbolic, physical and metaphorical references to it among the artists studied here are not a mere iconographic source: they remind of the inherency of the principle of environmental continuity within which the human being and the immensity of cosmos travel indissociably. A unified, consistent discourse on the contributions of the aesthetic experience addressed as knowledge through the senses weaves together the historic, conceptual and practical reading of the whole research. With it, a conceptual diagram is constructed – a model of design analysis – gathering together scientific, philosophical and design ideas. Somehow, the diagram tries to draw from the principles of ecological thought the correlation of continuity that, vacillating, tense, subtle and fragile, shifts incessantly and unresolved between interiority and exteriority.
Background Energy Policy is one of the main drivers of Transport Policy. A number of strategies to reduce current energy consumption trends in the transport sector have been designed over the last decades. They include fuel taxes, more efficient technologies and changing travel behavior through demand regulation. But energy market has a high degree of uncertainty and the effectiveness of those policy options should be assessed. Methods A scenario based assessment methodology has been developed in the frame of the EU project STEPS. It provides an integrated view of Energy efficiency, environment, social and competitiveness impacts of the different strategies. It has been applied at European level and to five specific Regions. Concluding remarks The results are quite site specific dependent. However they show that regulation measures appear to be more effective than new technology investments. Higher energy prices could produce on their turn a deterioration of competitiveness and a threat for social goals.
In recent years, challenged by the climate scenarios put forward by the IPCC and its potential impact on plant distribution, numerous predictive techniques -including the so called habitat suitability models (HSM)- have been developed. Yet, as the output of the different methods produces different distribution areas, developing validation tools are strong needs to reduce uncertainties. Focused in the Iberian Peninsula, we propose a palaeo-based method to increase the robustness of the HSM, by developing an ecological approach to understand the mismatches between the palaeoecological information and the projections of the HSMs. Here, we present the result of (1) investigating causal relationships between environmental variables and presence of Pinus sylvestris L. and P. nigra Arn. available from the 3rd Spanish Forest Inventory, (2) developing present and past presence-predictions through the MaxEnt model for 6 and 21 kyr BP, and (3) assessing these models through comparisons with biomized palaeoecological data available from the European Pollen Database for the Iberian Peninsula.
Fish communities are a key element in fluvial ecosystems Their position in the top of the food chain and their sensitivity to a whole range of impacts make them a clear objective for ecosystem conservation and a sound indicator of biological integrity. The UE Water Framework Directive includes fish community composition, abundance and structure as relevant elements for the evaluation os biological condition. Several approaches have been proposed for the evaluation of the condition of fish communities, from the bio-indicator concept to the IBI (Index of biotic integrity) proposals. However, the complexity of fish communities and their ecological responses make this evaluation difficult, and we must avoid both oversimplified and extreme analytical procedures. In this work we present a new proposal to define reference conditions in fish communities, discussing them from an ecological viewpoint. This method is a synthetic approach called SYNTHETIC OPEN METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK (SOMF) that has been applied to the rivers of Navarra. As a result, it is recommended the integration of all the available information from spatial, modelling, historical and expert sources, providing the better approach to fish reference conditions, keeping the highest level of information and meeting the legal requirements of the WFD.
In recent decays university class small satellites are creating many opportunities for space research and professional trainings while at the same time responding to constrained budgets. In this work the main focus is on developing a simple and rapid structural sizing tool considering the main objectives of a low cost university class microsatellite project. In satellite projects, structure subsystem is one of the influential subsystems as a driver of the cost and acceptance of the final design. At the first steps of such projects there is no confirmed data regarding the launch vehicle or even in some cases there is no data for the satellite payload. Due to these facts, developing simple sizing tools at conceptual design phase for obtaining an over view of the effect of different variables is useful before entering complex calculations in detailed design phases. In this study, after developing a simple analytical model of satellite structure subsystem, a design space is evaluated with practical boundaries considering mass and dimensions constraints of such projects. The results are useful to give initial insight to establish the system level structural sizing
Within the last years there has been increasing interest in direct liquid fuel cells as power sources for portable devices and, in the future, power plants for electric vehicles and other transport media as ships will join those applications. Methanol is considerably more convenient and easy to use than gaseous hydrogen and a considerable work is devoted to the development of direct methanol fuel cells. But ethanol has much lower toxicity and from an ecological viewpoint ethanol is exceptional among all other types of fuel as is the only chemical fuel in renewable supply. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of using direct alcohol fuel cells fed with alcohol mixtures. For this purpose, a comparative exergy analysis of a direct alcohol fuel cell fed with alcohol mixtures against the same fuel cell fed with single alcohols is performed. The exergetic efficiency and the exergy loss and destruction are calculated and compared in each case. When alcohol mixtures are fed to the fuel cell, the contribution of each fuel to the fuel cell performance is weighted attending to their relative proportion in the aqueous solution. The optimum alcohol composition for methanol/ethanol mixtures has been determined.
El siglo XX ha sido el siglo de los desplazamientos. Una ingente cantidad de personas fueron forzadas por motivos políticos, o se vieron obligadas por motivos económicos, a abandonar sus territorios de origen, generando un distanciamiento que en la mayoría de los casos resultaría irrecuperable. Las penurias vividas en Europa, las oportunidades que se abrían en países americanos, o la presión ejercida por los regímenes totalitarios, llevaron a un buen número de profesionales, artistas e intelectuales europeos a territorio americano. El presente trabajo se propone indagar sobre una de esas migraciones que se establecieron en Latinoamérica en la primera mitad del siglo XX: la de los arquitectos españoles que se vieron forzados al exilio. Para ello se busca poner en evidencia no sólo sus aportaciones sino también la influencia que ejerció en su obra la cultura de los países de adopción. Venezuela recibió gran parte del contingente de arquitectos españoles desplazados como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil. Tras México fue el país que mayor número acogió. La llegada de dichos exiliados coincidió con el momento en que la sociedad venezolana, de base agrícola y comercial, pasaría a evidenciar el impacto de la revolución petrolera. Así pues, dicha llegada supuso no sólo la dramática pérdida del mundo previo, implícita en todo exilio, sino el arribo a una sociedad en profundo proceso de cambio. En ambos casos se trataba de “mundos que se desvanecen”. Se propone la asunción de la obra de dichos profesionales como una arquitectura desplazada. Un desplazamiento que se produce en dos sentidos: por un lado, se trata de un desplazamiento físico, por otro, la palabra desplazada habla también de la condición secundaria que adquiere la arquitectura ante el drama vital y de supervivencia que afectó a los exiliados. Así pues, a un desplazamiento físico, verificable, se une un desplazamiento en cuanto al nivel de importancia y de atención asignado a la arquitectura. El trabajo comprende una introducción, cuatro capítulos, y un epílogo, a modo de conclusión. A lo largo de dichos capítulos se conjugan el enfoque individual en la obra de uno de estos arquitectos desterrados, Rafael Bergamín, y la visión “coral” de diversas trayectorias vitales que enfrentaron un destino común. Se elige la figura de Bergamín como eje de desarrollo debido a la presencia significativa que tuvo su obra tanto en España como en Venezuela, y por la caracterización de la misma como obra construida en colaboración. La introducción, “Exilios arquitectónicos”, muestra el sustrato estructural, la fundamentación y la metodología empleada, incluyendo “problematizaciones” sobre el exilio arquitectónico. El primer capítulo, “Memoria de partida”, da cuenta de la formación y actuación, durante la preguerra, de los arquitectos españoles que saldrían al exilio. Se introduce un esquema de base generacional y se revela un panorama para nada unívoco. El segundo capítulo, “Guerra y salida al exilio”, aborda la actuación de dichos arquitectos durante la contienda bélica así como la posterior dispersión general del exilio. El tercer capítulo, “Construir desde lo que se desvanece. Arquitectos del exilio español en Venezuela”, propone diversos presupuestos conceptuales en torno al tema del desplazamiento en la arquitectura, revisando la adscripción disciplinar y profesional de los arquitectos españoles exiliados en Venezuela. El cuarto capítulo, “El regreso”, versa sobre el recorrido final de estos arquitectos. Como marco general, se revisa su itinerario de regreso o, en muchos casos, la imposibilidad de retorno. Por último, se dispone la fuente de los diversos documentos de archivos y repositorios, así como el aparato bibliográfico y referencial, empleados en la investigación. Tres anexos se adjuntan al corpus del trabajo. El primero presenta documentos inéditos, hallados durante el pertinente proceso de investigación; el segundo, dibujos de Bergamín, básicamente de las primeras décadas del siglo XX: caricaturas, anuncios y trabajos de la Escuela; el tercero, un esbozo biográfico de los arquitectos del exilio español. ABSTRACT The 20th Century has been the century of displacements. An enormous number of people were forced to leave their homelands for political or economic reasons, which generated a gap that in most of the cases would be unrecoverable. The hardships that people had to endure in Europe, the opportunities that emerged in American countries, or the pressure exerted by totalitarian regimes drove a good number of European professionals, artists and intellectuals to American territory. This research study is intended to investigate one of those migrations that settled in Latin America during the first half of the 20th century: the one of the Spanish architects that were forced into exile. To achieve this, an attempt was made to expose not only their contributions but also the influence that the culture of the countries which welcomed them exerted in their work. Venezuela received a large portion of Spanish architects who were displaced as a consequence of the Civil War. After Mexico, it was the country that sheltered the greatest number of persons. The arrival of these exiled Spanish architects coincided with the moment in which the Venezuelan society – based on agriculture and commerce – would witness the impact of the revolution of the oil industry. Thus, their arrival supposed not only experiencing the dramatic loss of their previous world – implicit in the notion of the exile – but also settling in a society going through a profound change process. In both cases it was about “two worlds that were vanishing.” The assumption of these architects’ work is regarded as a displaced architecture. A displacement that takes place in two ways: on one hand, there was a physical displacement, and on the other hand, the word displaced also talks about the second place that architecture is given when confronted with the urgent drama of survival that affected the exiled community. Hence, a physical, verifiable displacement is combined with a displacement that has to do with the importance and the attention given to architecture. This research study encompasses an introduction, four chapters, and an epilogue as a conclusion. Throughout the chapters, the individual approach to the work of one of these exiled architects, Rafael Bergamín, runs in parallel to an overall view of various other architects’ career paths that faced a common destiny. The work of the architect Bergamín was chosen as the center of this research study due to the significant presence that his work had in Spain as well as in Venezuela, and because its main characteristic was that it was built in collaboration with other architects. The introduction, “Architectural exiles”, shows the structural contextualization, the explanatory thesis statement and the methodology used, including “problematizations” about the architectural exile. The first chapter, “Memory of departure”, contains the academic background and performance during the pre-war time of the Spanish architects that would go into exile. An outline based on different generations and revealing an unambiguous perspective is introduced. The second chapter, “War and departure into exile”, tackles the performance of the Spanish architects during the war, as well as the following general diaspora into exile. The third chapter, “Building from what vanishes. Architects of the Spanish exile in Venezuela”, proposes various conceptual assumptions concerning the topic of displacement in architecture according to the doctrine and professional affiliations of the Spanish architects exiled in Venezuela. The fourth chapter, “The return”, deals with the end of these architects’ careers. As a general framework, their itineraries to return, or in many cases, the impossibility of returning, are reviewed. Finally, the sources to the various documents of files and repositories, as well as the bibliographical references consulted for the research, are provided. Three annexes have been attached to this research study. The first annex contains unpublished documents found during the research process; the second includes Bergamín’s drawings, basically from the first decades of the 20th century, such as, caricatures, advertisements and assignments done when he was a university student; and the third annex presents a biographical outline of the architects of the Spanish exile.
Se pretende estudiar en este Trabajo Fin de Máster la influencia en la sociedad de un fenómeno de actualidad como es el consumo colaborativo. Para ello se han fijado dos objetivos relacionados entre sí. Por un lado profundizar en este nuevo movimiento desde todas sus aristas bajo un punto de vista teórico para conseguir una visión independiente de cada una de ellas así como una visión de conjunto que las relacione. De este modo, a nivel teórico, analizaremos conceptos tan importantes como son los factores claves para su aparición, la creación y modificación de nuevos mercados, sus modelos de negocio, los marketplaces P2P, los riesgos a los que se enfrenta y la financiación de estas iniciativas. Por otro lado, aplicaremos este conocimiento en una segunda parte práctica. Para ello, utilizando como metodología científica el estudio de casos, se analizan una serie de casos de éxito de los más significativos de este movimiento poniendo el foco en el panorama español. Por último extraeremos del análisis unas buenas prácticas que le puedan ser de utilidad a una ‘startup’ en sus primeros pasos. ABSTRACT I intend to study in this research the influence in the society of a new movement, the so called Collaborative Consumption – a form of consumption where people share goods and services. Two related objectives have been set in this context. On the one hand it will be necessary to deep into this new movement from different perspectives under a theoretical point of view to get an independent view of each one as well as an overview that relates all of them. To accomplish this, it will be necessary to discuss important concepts such as the key factors for its occurrence, the creation and modification of new markets, business models, the P2P marketplaces, the risks it faces and the funding part of these initiatives. On the other hand, we will apply this knowledge in a second practical part using the case study as scientific methodology. A series of case studies, the most significant of this movement, will be analyzed focusing on the Spanish landscape. Finally, we will derive from the analysis a set of best practices that could be helpful to a start-up in its first steps.
La finalidad del proyecto es el diseño y la fabricación de un equipo de prácticas que permita a los alumnos ensayar el proceso de sincronización real de un generador síncrono a la red. El diseño consiste en un equipo de prácticas con el cual el alumno deberá acoplar el generador, previa verificación de la tensión, frecuencia y ángulo de fase con un sincronoscopio monofásico. Durante el proceso, el profesor podrá ir provocando errores de fase en las tensiones que el alumno deberá corregir. Al término del proceso, el alumno, si ha conseguido acoplar el generador, recibirá una calificación sobre diez en una pantalla LCD. Posteriormente se llevaran a cabo ensayos con alumnos voluntarios. ABSTRACT The purpose of the project is the design and manufacture of an equipment which allows students to perform the process of synchronization of a synchronous generator to the grid. The design consists of an equipment with which students must synchronize the generator to the grid, after checking voltage, frequency or phase angle with a single-phase synchronoscope. During that process, the teacher can cause phase angle errors in the voltage which students must solve. At the end of the process, if students have been able to synchronize the generator to the grid, they will receive a mark on an LCD screen. Afterwards a testing is going to be run by volunteers.
La ecología no solamente ha puesto de manifiesto problemas ambientales, sino que ha confirmado la necesidad de una nueva armonía entre los propios seres humanos y de éstos con la naturaleza y con todos los seres que la habitan. Es necesario un nuevo contrato que determine nuestras relaciones con la Naturaleza (Serrs1), y una nueva Ética para nuestras vidas (Guattari2). La ética medioambiental nos ha dado una visión universal y supra-generacional de la gestión de la naturaleza y como consecuencia, una nueva forma de construir nuestra ‘segunda’ Naturaleza, que es la arquitectura. ¿Qué es lo esencial que esta nueva ética exige para la arquitectura? Este es un momento crucial para reconsiderar los objetivos de la arquitectura, porque lo ‘eco’ está produciendo grandes cambios. ¿Implica esta era post-ecológica una particular ética, es decir, referida a sus fines y medios? ¿Porqué, para qué, para quién, cómo debemos hacer la arquitectura de nuestro tiempo? Es momento de afrontar críticamente el discurso de la eco-arquitectura, e incluso de repensar los propios límites de la arquitectura. El desarrollo actual del conocimiento medioambiental es esencialmente técnico y utilitario, pero ¿es el reto solamente técnico?¿Es suficiente la suma de lo medioambiental-social-económico-cultural para definirla? ¿Hay claves que nos puedan dar la dimensión ética de esta aproximación técnica-empírica? ¿Sabemos lo que estamos haciendo cuando aplicamos este conocimiento? Y, sobre todo, ¿cuál es el sentido de lo que estamos haciendo? La tesis que se propone puede resumirse: De acuerdo con el actual conocimiento que tenemos de la Naturaleza, la Arquitectura de nuestro tiempo deber reconsiderar sus fines y medios, puesto que la ética medioambiental está definiendo nuevos objetivos. Para fundamentar y profundizar en esta afirmación la tesis analiza cómo son hoy día las relaciones entre Ética-Naturaleza-Arquitectura (Fig.1), lo que facilitará las claves de cuáles son los criterios éticos (en cuanto a fines y medios) que deben definir la arquitectura del tiempo de la ecología. ABSTRACT Ecology shows us not only environmental problems; it shows that we need a new balance and harmony between individuals, beings, communities and Nature. We need a new contract with Nature according to Serres576, and a new Ethics for our lives according to Guattari577. Environmental ethics have given us a universal and supra-generational vision of the management of our Nature and, as a consequence, a new way to construct our ‘second’ nature, which is architecture. What is essential for this new architecture that the new ethics demand? This is a critical moment to reconsider the object of architecture, because the ‘eco’ is making significant changes in it. Are there any specifically ethical concerns (ends and means) in the post-ecological era? Why, for what, for whom, how should we make architecture in our times? This is the time to approach the eco-architectural discourse critically and to question the current boundaries of architecture itself: Where is eco-architecture going? The current development of environmental knowledge is essentially technical and utilitarian, but it is its technical aspect the only challenge? Is the sum of environmental-social-economic aspects enough to define it? Are there any clues which can give an ethical sense to this technical-empirical approach? Do we know what we are doing when we apply this knowledge? And overall, what is the meaning of what we are doing? Exploring this subject, this thesis makes a statement: In accordance with the actual knowledge of Nature, Architecture of our time must reconsider its ends and means, since the environmental ethics is defining new objectives. To support that, the thesis analyzes what the relationships between Ethics –Nature- Architecture (Fig. 53) are like nowadays, this will provide the clues of which ethical criteria (ends and means) must architecture of an ecological era define.
In this paper the first stage of implementation of digital content is presented through a website, that includes OS issues. Currently students at the Technological University of the Valle of Toluca (UTVT) represents a high degree of learning difficulty in this area. Then academic staff develops this project, in collaboration with the Technological University of the Suroeste of Guanajuato (UTSOE), which aims to improve the teaching-learning and make teaching practices incorporating TIC provide students with a tool to promote their interest. Through the interactivity offered by the web, the student to achieve strengthening further their knowledge and actively participate, which has easy access to information, where distance and time is not a constraint, in addition to have an effective view of the concepts needed to acquire the skills and the ability to self-regulate their learning. For the development of project is used methodologies of the software engineering and technologies web for design.