22 resultados para Cornide de Saavedra


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Articulo publicado con ocasión de los 10 años del 9/11, el día 11.09.2011 en portada de edición on-line. ... The towers seemed provisional to Pammy. They remained mere concepts, not because their excessive volume less temporary than any regular distortion of light.


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Most fusion satellite image methodologies at pixel-level introduce false spatial details, i.e.artifacts, in the resulting fusedimages. In many cases, these artifacts appears because image fusion methods do not consider the differences in roughness or textural characteristics between different land covers. They only consider the digital values associated with single pixels. This effect increases as the spatial resolution image increases. To minimize this problem, we propose a new paradigm based on local measurements of the fractal dimension (FD). Fractal dimension maps (FDMs) are generated for each of the source images (panchromatic and each band of the multi-spectral images) with the box-counting algorithm and by applying a windowing process. The average of source image FDMs, previously indexed between 0 and 1, has been used for discrimination of different land covers present in satellite images. This paradigm has been applied through the fusion methodology based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), using the à trous algorithm (WAT). Two different scenes registered by optical sensors on board FORMOSAT-2 and IKONOS satellites were used to study the behaviour of the proposed methodology. The implementation of this approach, using the WAT method, allows adapting the fusion process to the roughness and shape of the regions present in the image to be fused. This improves the quality of the fusedimages and their classification results when compared with the original WAT method


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This paper proposes a new methodology for object based 2-D data fu- sion, with a multiscale character. This methodology is intended to be use in agriculture, specifically in the characterization of the water status of different crops, so as to have an appropriate water management at a farm-holding scale. As a first approach to its evaluation, vegetation cover vigor data has been integrated with texture data. For this purpose, NDVI maps have been calculated using a multispectral image and Lacunarity maps from the panchromatic image. Preliminary results show this methodology is viable in the integration and management of large volumes of data, which characterize the behavior of agricultural covers at farm-holding scale.


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Once admitted the advantages of object-based classification compared to pixel-based classification; the need of simple and affordable methods to define and characterize objects to be classified, appears. This paper presents a new methodology for the identification and characterization of objects at different scales, through the integration of spectral information provided by the multispectral image, and textural information from the corresponding panchromatic image. In this way, it has defined a set of objects that yields a simplified representation of the information contained in the two source images. These objects can be characterized by different attributes that allow discriminating between different spectral&textural patterns. This methodology facilitates information processing, from a conceptual and computational point of view. Thus the vectors of attributes defined can be used directly as training pattern input for certain classifiers, as for example artificial neural networks. Growing Cell Structures have been used to classify the merged information.


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Articulo sobre la relación entre influencia e inmigración. en edición online


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This paper presents a new methodology, simple and affordable, for the definition and characterization of objects at different scales in high spatial resolution images. The objects have been generated by integrating texturally and spectrally homogeneous segments. The former have been obtained from the segmentation of Wavelet coefficients of the panchromatic image. The multi-scale character of this transform has yielded texturally homogeneous segments of different sizes for each of the scales. The spectrally homogeneous segments have been obtained by segmenting the classified corresponding multispectral image. In this way, it has been defined a set of objects characterized by different attributes, which give to the objects a semantic meaning, allowing to determine the similarities and differences between them. To demonstrate the capabilities of the methodology proposed, different experiments of unsupervised classification of a Quickbird image have been carried out, using different subsets of attributes and 1-D ascendant hierarchical classifier. Obtained results have shown the capability of the proposed methodology for separating semantic objects at different scales, as well as, its advantages against pixel-based image interpretation.


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Cost and energy consumption related to obtaining polysilicon impact significantly on the total photovoltaic module cost and its energy payback time. Process simplifications can be performed, leading to cost reductions. Nowadays, among several approaches currently pursued to produce the so called Solar Grade Silicon, the chemical route, named Siemens process, is the dominant one. At the Instituto de Energía Solar research on this topic is focused on the chemical route, in particular on the polysilicon deposition step by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) from Trichlorosilane through a laboratory prototype. Valuable information about the phenomena involved in the polysilicon deposition process and the operating conditions is obtained from our experiments. A particular feature of our system is the inclusion of a mass spectrometer. The present work comprises spectra characterization of the polysilicon deposition chemical reaction, temperature and inlet gas mixture composition influence on the deposition rate and analysis of polysilicon deposition conditions for the ?pop-corn' phenomenon to appear, based on experimental experience (Actas de la Special Issue: E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting ? Symposium A


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We introduce a second order in time modified Lagrange--Galerkin (MLG) method for the time dependent incompressible Navier--Stokes equations. The main ingredient of the new method is the scheme proposed to calculate in a more efficient manner the Galerkin projection of the functions transported along the characteristic curves of the transport operator. We present error estimates for velocity and pressure in the framework of mixed finite elements when either the mini-element or the $P2/P1$ Taylor--Hood element are used.


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Polysilicon cost impacts significantly on the photovoltaics (PV) cost and on the energy payback time. Nowadays, the besetting production process is the so called Siemens process, polysilicon deposition by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) from Trichlorosilane. Polysilicon purification level for PV is to a certain extent less demanding that for microelectronics. At the Instituto de Energía Solar (IES) research on this subject is performed through a Siemens process-type laboratory reactor. Through the laboratory CVD prototype at the IES laboratories, valuable information about the phenomena involved in the polysilicon deposition process and the operating conditions is obtained. Polysilicon deposition by CVD is a complex process due to the big number of parameters involved. A study on the influence of temperature and inlet gas mixture composition on the polysilicon deposition growth rate, based on experimental experience, is shown. Moreover, CVD process accounts for the largest contribution to the energy consumption of the polysilicon production. In addition, radiation phenomenon is the major responsible for low energetic efficiency of the whole process. This work presents a model of radiation heat loss, and the theoretical calculations are confirmed experimentally through a prototype reactor at our disposal, yielding a valuable know-how for energy consumption reduction at industrial Siemens reactors.


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Esta tesis doctoral, cuestiona el presente y futuro del poder comunicacional del edificio, acotado al rascacielos como tipo, y en su aspecto o condición propagandística. La hipótesis parte del supuesto de que, con el desarrollo del siglo XX y específicamente de las técnicas y medios de comunicación, el agente productor de la propaganda se ha vuelto indeterminado, convirtiendo la línea que separa la publicidad de la propaganda (i.e., al mercado /Estado) en una línea indistinguible. La tesis se divide en 5 capítulos, correspondientes cada uno de ellos, a períodos relevantes de la historia del siglo XX en que el rascacielos actúa como colonizador y en los cuales su construcción está cargada de los significantes políticos que dieron forma al siglo, estableciendo un número variable de casos que finalizan con el edificio del CCTV de Rem Koolhaas a modo síntesis de la historia de la arquitectura de rascacielos, cuyas influencias acotan un período definido cuyo comienzo se define en el Woolworth Building de 1913 como el primer caso efectivo, de un edificio privado con repercusiones públicas. Y plantea preguntas fundamentales para el momento en que nos encontramos sobre ¿Que es el gobierno? ¿Que gobierna, la política, o el mercado? Y dentro de esto, ¿a qué responde la obra arquitectura? específicamente, un rascacielos. El lenguaje visual publicitario, produce imágenes que convierten la experiencia urbana en un hecho universal. A través del rascacielos experimentamos lo que Edouard Glissant denomina como “Ciudad-Mundo”: la sensación de pertenecer a un sistema unificado de códigos, en que la única diferencia que continúa existiendo es la étnica. La publicidad ocupa el lugar de la propaganda, y la propaganda se vale de la publicidad. Convirtiendo a la ciudad vertical, en el escenario de la desaparición de las diferencias culturales, eliminando la sensación de diferencias en el grado de desarrollo. El efecto es único, directo y simple: la pertenencia a un mundo unificado que, al compartir valores comunes y modos de vida reduce sus amenazas, al desaparecer el rango de lo diferente. El rascacielos, se convierte con mayor eficacia que ninguna otra tipología arquitectónica en el reflejo de esa unidad, que culturalmente se convierte en una fuerza. Esta tesis explora las connotaciones que, a lo largo del siglo XX, convirtieron al rascacielos en el arma arquitectónica de la globalización y la occidentalización.


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En este trabajo se presenta una solución para mejorar el rendimiento de los robots móviles con ruedas que se desplacen sobre superficies con un bajo coeficiente de fricción estática. En estas circunstancias, los robots móviles con ruedas pueden experimentar pérdidas de tracción, y por tanto, sufrir deslizamientos a lo largo de la superficie. La solución descrita propone la utilización de una configuración especial para el robot móvil, en la que todas las ruedas son accionadas de forma independiente, y una estructura de control que consta de tres partes bien diferenciadas: un controlador de seguimiento con realimentación de estado basado en el modelo cinemático del robot, una extensión de la ley de control cinemático resultante para incorporar la dinámica del robot móvil utilizando backstepping, y un algoritmo de distribución de la fuerza de tracción global, que calcula las señales de referencia adecuadas para cada una de las ruedas. Con esta estructura se consigue controlar la posición y la velocidad del robot móvil, y al mismo tiempo, distribuir la fuerza de tracción global entre las ruedas, evitando así el deslizamiento del robot. El funcionamiento de los algoritmos de control es evaluado mediante pruebas experimentales.


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This work aims at a deeper understanding of the energy loss phenomenon in polysilicon production reactors by the so-called Siemens process. Contributions to the energy consumption of the polysilicon deposition step are studied in this paper, focusing on the radiation heat loss phenomenon. A theoretical model for radiation heat loss calculations is experimentally validated with the help of a laboratory CVD prototype. Following the results of the model, relevant parameters that directly affect the amount of radiation heat losses are put forward. Numerical results of the model applied to a state-of-the-art industrial reactor show the influence of these parameters on energy consumption due to radiation per kilogram of silicon produced; the radiation heat loss can be reduced by 3.8% when the reactor inner wall radius is reduced from 0.78 to 0.70 m, by 25% when the wall emissivity is reduced from 0.5 to 0.3, and by 12% when the final rod diameter is increased from 12 to 15 cm.


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This work addresses heat losses in a CVD reactor for polysilicon production. Contributions to the energy consumption of the so-called Siemens process are evaluated, and a comprehensive model for heat loss is presented. A previously-developed model for radiative heat loss is combined with conductive heat loss theory and a new model for convective heat loss. Theoretical calculations are developed and theoretical energy consumption of the polysilicon deposition process is obtained. The model is validated by comparison with experimental results obtained using a laboratory-scale CVD reactor. Finally, the model is used to calculate heat consumption in a 36-rod industrial reactor; the energy consumption due to convective heat loss per kilogram of polysilicon produced is calculated to be 22-30 kWh/kg along a deposition process.


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The goal of this paper is to show how mathematics and computational science can help to design not only the geometry but also the operation conditions of different parts of a pulverized coal power plant.


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El territorio a estudiar se localiza en las comarcas de Sanabria y Benavente, en Zamora (Castilla y León), formando parte de la cuenca hidrográfica del Duero. En concreto el tramo de estudio comprende desde el embalse de Cernadilla hasta la confluencia del río Tera con el Esla. El Estudio consiste en la caracterización hidrológica y evaluación de la alteración de los tramos medio y bajo del río Tera. El primer tramo a estudiar se comprende desde el embalse de Cernadilla hasta la presa de Nuestra Señora del Agavanzal, compuesto por un sistema de embalses para uso hidroeléctrico y para derivaciones de riego. El segundo tramo se compone del curso del Tera desde la presa de Nuestra Señora del Agavanzal hasta la confluencia con el Esla, distinguido por la elevada superficie de cultivos que componen la zona. Dicha caracterización y evaluación se llevarán a cabo a partir de la metodología de Índices de Alteración Hidrológica, para ello se emplearán de forma complementaria dos software: IAHRIS, promovido por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid por Carolina Martínez y José Anastasio Fernández; IHA en base a las ideas de Richter promovido por The Nature Conservancy.