37 resultados para Art criticism|Literature|Architecture
El "Anclaje y Ajuste", una herramienta de Marketing para analizar el poder de las referencias en el Arte, el Diseño y la Arquitectura = "Anchoring and Adjustment", a Marketing tool to analyse references in Art, Design and Architecture
Vivimos en un tiempo de referencias múltiples, de inquietudes en todos los ámbitos -también en el de la arquitectura-, en el que se trata de superar el peso de la historia; donde los apegos sobran y lo que interesa son las posibilidades que nos depara el presente activo. El papel de la crítica de la arquitectura se cuestiona a diario. Los nuevos media son contenedores en actualización continua y el texto ha sido sustituido inevitablemente por la imagen y la acción. En este contexto, la tesis cuestiona por que el nuevo sentido de la crítica sea el de operador que acompaña al proceso del proyecto arquitectónico. Desde el proyecto, sobre el proyecto, para el proyecto, en el proyecto, hacia el proyecto, con el proyecto. Acometiendo la acción crítica desde la complejidad de lo arquitectónico, sobre la diversidad, para la pluralidad, en lo colectivo, hacia la simultaneidad en la síntesis. Para ello, la tesis se apoya en la noción de poética –como complejidad y síntesis interna- y en cinco sistemas arquitectónicos cuya interacción no puede ignorarse –campo, programa, materia, geometría y morfología- para renovar y actualizar la usabilidad de un método crítico –el método Mirregan-Todorov- que ha obtenido reconocidos resultados; pero cuya pesada estructura limita en gran medida su campo de acción y operativa. En este sentido, no se trata ni de una tesis meramente analítica, ni de determinar unos paradigmas arquitectónicos para este siglo. Esta investigación reformula el papel de la crítica de la arquitectura hoy, y parte del orden –como autoorganización- abierto de la crítica poética para proponer una línea de trabajo sobre la interacción de sistemas arquitectónicos de una manera sinérgica y a disposición del proceso de proyecto. Disposición que lleva, como proposición final, a plantear esta actitud como instrumento docente y pedagógico de la asignatura de proyectos arquitectónicos, ya que posibilita la obtención de una serie de cartografías abiertas reflejo de los múltiples agentes y factores de influencia del presente que propician una visión compleja, pero abordable, del proyecto como totalidad. ABSTRACT We live in a time of multiple references, of concerns in all areas -also in architecture-, which tries to overcome the burden of history. A time where the attachments remain and what matters are the possibilities active present lies. The role of criticism of architecture is questioned daily. New media are continuously updated containers, and the text has been inevitably replaced by the image and the action. In this context, the thesis questions that the new sense of criticism is to be the operator that accompanies the architectural design process. From the project, on the project, for the project, in the project, to the project, with the project. An operator which undertakes the critical work from the architectural complexity, on the diversity, plurality, in the collective, to the simultaneous synthesis. To do this, the thesis is based on the notion of poetic -as complexity and internal synthesis- and in five architectural systems whose interaction cannot be ignored -field, program, material, geometry and morphology- to renovate and upgrade the usability of a critical method –the Mirregan-Todorov method- which has obtained recognized results, but whose heavy structure limits greatly its scope and operational. In this sense, it is not a purely analytical thesis. It neither tries to identify any architectural paradigms for this century. This research reformulates the role of criticism of architecture today. It runs from the open orderliness –as self-organization- of the poetic criticism to propose a line of work on the interaction of architectural systems in a synergistic manner and available to the project process. Since this attitude enables the production of a series of open mapping which reflect multiple current factors and agents of influence, this arrangement leads, as a final proposition, to raise the poetic criticism as a teaching and educational instrument of the subject of architectural design, where those maps lead to a complex, but approachable, vision of the project as a whole.
La presente investigación aborda el análisis de las cualidades del entorno urbano que inciden en la experiencia perceptiva de su recorrido. Los intereses que la motivan tienen que ver con la recuperación de la ciudad para el viandante y se sitúa dentro de un marco de intereses más amplio como es el de la ciudad sostenible. En primer lugar, se contextualiza el tema de la experiencia del recorrido a través de disciplinas diferentes como son el cine, la literatura, la arquitectura, el urbanismo, la arquitectura del paisaje, la psicología y la estética ambiental. De este modo, se refuerza el argumento en torno al papel que desempeñan la forma y otros estímulos sensoriales en la experiencia del espacio, ya sea éste urbano, arquitectónico o natural. La experiencia que las personas viven al desplazarse por un entorno viene definida por infinitos factores que van desde la configuración física del entorno recorrido, hasta el aprendizaje cultural de la persona que camina; desde los estímulos sensoriales que se reciben, hasta las condiciones físicas que posibilitan la funcionalidad del recorrido; desde las sutilezas de índole secuencial que se desvelan a medida que avanzamos, hasta las condiciones higrotérmicas en el momento en que se lleva a cabo el desplazamiento. Sin embargo, factores como las motivaciones y atenciones personales del que anda, así como sus recuerdos de experiencias anteriores, deseos, imaginación y estado de ánimo, también definen nuestra experiencia al caminar que, indudablemente, se encuentra ligada a nuestra personalidad y, por lo tanto, no puede ser exacta a la de otra persona. Conscientes de que todos estos factores se funden en un fenómeno global, y que no se dan en la vida por separado, nos hemos esforzado por independizar las cualidades sensoriales y formales, únicamente a efectos de investigación. La importancia del tema a investigar reside en las conexiones que existen entre las cualidades del medio construido y la experiencia cotidiana de su recorrido, en la medida en que dicha vinculación establece relaciones con la calidad de vida, la salud de los ciudadanos y sus sentimientos de identidad. En este sentido, el problema clave encontrado es que si la definición de la experiencia del recorrido urbano es demasiado amplia, se vuelve nebulosa e inoperativa, pero si se precisa demasiado, se pueden excluir variables importantes. Hemos concentrado nuestros esfuerzos en buscar un medio que permita hacer operativo el estudio de aspectos que, por su propia naturaleza, son difíciles de controlar y aplicar en la práctica. En este sentido, el campo de estudio que aúna interés en el tema, producción científica y vocación práctica, es el de la caminabilidad de las ciudades. Por esta razón, hemos situado nuestro trabajo dentro del marco de criterios que este campo establece para valorar un entorno caminable. Sin embargo, hemos detectado que los trabajos sobre caminabilidad tienden a desarrollarse dentro de la disciplina del planeamiento de transporte y, con frecuencia, siguiendo las mismas pautas que la investigación sobre el transporte motorizado. Además, la tendencia a proporcionar datos numéricos producto de la medición controlada de variables, para respaldar iniciativas dentro de los ámbitos de toma de decisiones, lleva consigo un progresivo alejamiento de los aspectos más sutiles y próximos de la experiencia de las personas y la especificidad de los lugares. Por estas razones, hemos estimado necesario profundizar en la experiencia peatonal explorando otras líneas de trabajo como son la habitabilidad de las ciudades, políticas llevadas a cabo para mejorar la calidad del espacio público o las certificaciones de sostenibilidad en el ámbito del urbanismo. También se han estudiado las aproximaciones gráficas a la representación y simulación de recorridos urbanos por su importancia en la comunicación y promoción de caminar. Para detectar las problemáticas implicadas en la definición de una herramienta que permita valorar, de manera operativa, la calidad de la experiencia del recorrido urbano, la metodología de valoración propuesta se ha basado en la combinación de distintos métodos y en la conjugación de tres aproximaciones: valoración por parte del investigador en calidad de experto, valoración realizada por el investigador en el papel de usuario y valoración por el ciudadano. El desarrollo de esta investigación se ha visto condicionado por la intención de aplicar lo estudiado en un caso práctico. El marco de criterios que los trabajos sobre caminabilidad de las ciudades establecen para que se dé un entorno caminable, se puede resumir en que concurran los siguientes factores: mezcla de usos, densidad de población y edificación relativamente altas, destinos públicos accesibles a pie, un alto grado de seguridad con respecto al tráfico y actos delictivos, alta funcionalidad (dimensiones, pendientes, etc.) y atractivo. Una vez definido el modelo de ciudad en que es pertinente realizar una investigación sobre las cualidades del entorno urbano responsables de que éste se perciba como atractivo, se escogió la ciudad de Taipei, entre otras razones, por cumplir con los requisitos restantes. Con respecto al caso práctico, el objetivo es detectar fortalezas y debilidades del área central de la ciudad de Taipei en cuanto a la experiencia perceptiva que proporciona a los viandantes. ABSTRACT This research addresses the analysis of the qualities of the urban environment that affect the perceptual experience of walking. The interests lying behind it are related to the recovery of the city for pedestrians, and is framed within the sustainable city framework of interests. Firstly, the issue of the experience of walking is contextualized through different disciplines such as film, literature, architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental psychology and aesthetics. This way, the argument about the role that form and other sensory stimuli play in the experience of space, whether it is urban, architectural or natural, is strengthened. The walking experience of people is defined by factors ranging from the physical configuration of the environment to the cultural background of the person who walks, from the sensory stimuli that are perceived to the physical conditions that enable the functionality of the walk, from the subtleties of sequential nature that are revealed as we move around to hygrothermal conditions at the specific time of walking. Nevertheless, factors such as personal motivations and attentions of the walker, as well as memories of past experiences, desires, imagination and mood, also define our walking experience that is undoubtedly linked to our personality and, therefore, it cannot be exactly the same as other people's experience. Being aware that all these factors come together in a total phenomenon and that, in real life, they do not exist separately, we focused on separating sensory and formal qualities only for research purposes. The importance of the research topic lies in the connections between the qualities of the built environment and the quotidian experience of walking through it, to the extent that such link establishes relationships with the quality of life, health and feelings of identity of citizens. In this sense, the key problem encountered is that, if the definition of urban walking experience is too broad, it becomes nebulous and non‐operational, but if it is too precise, important variables can be excluded. We concentrated our efforts on finding a way to operationalize the study of questions that, by their very nature, are difficult to control and apply in practice. In this regard, the field of study that combines interest in the topic, scientific production and practical purpose, is the walkability of cities. For this reason, we placed our work within the framework of the set of criteria that this field establishes for assessing an environment as walkable. However, we found that works on walkability tend to be developed within the discipline of transportation planning and often following the same guidelines that research on motorized transport. Furthermore, the tendency to provide numerical data as a result of the controlled measurement of variables in order to support initiatives in decision making areas, involves a progressive distancing from the proximity and the most subtle aspects of the experience of people, and from the specificity of places. For these reasons, we considered it was necessary to deepen into the study of pedestrians experience, by exploring other lines of work such as the livability of cities, implemented policies to improve the quality of the public space or sustainability certifications in urbanism. Graphic representation and simulation of urban walks are also studied due to their important role in communication and promotion of walking. In order to find the issues involved in defining a tool to assess, in an operational way, the quality of urban walking experience, the proposed assessment methodology is based on the combination of different methods and the synthesis of three approaches: assessment by the researcher as expert, assessment by the researcher playing the role of user and assessment by the citizens. The development of this research has been conditioned by our intention of applying it in a case study. The framework of criteria that works on walkability of cities set to define a walkable environment, can be summarized in the following factors: mix of uses, population and building density rather high, public destinations accessible on foot, high levels of safety in terms of traffic and crime, high functionality (dimensions, slopes, etc.) and attractiveness. After defining the model of city in which it is relevant to conduct an investigation on the qualities that are responsible of the attractiveness of the environment; Taipei City was selected because it meets the remaining requirements, among other reasons. Regarding the case study, the goal is to identify strengths and weaknesses in the central area of Taipei City in terms of the perceptual experience of pedestrians.
Esta tesis doctoral busca estudiar el espacio desde la premisa de que el espacio es, fundamentalmente, lo intermedio. El entre, lo que hay entre las cosas mismas y que les da, precisamente, su definición como cosas en un constante proceso de delimitación. Este entre, lo que hay entre las cosas, no es sin embargo un resto que queda, sino bien al contrario el principio activo que hace que las cosas, desde lo que hay alrededor, se configuren en su ser sensible y puedan percibirse. El entre, lo intermedio, no es así una línea, un corte puro, sino un intervalo, un espacio en sí mismo, un ámbito en que se desarrolla un proceso. Es por tanto un espacio de formación, en el que las cosas aún no son y ya están siendo, un intervalo ambiguo pleno de virtualidades, unas desplegadas otras que permanecen en espera, siempre en movimiento. Es la hipótesis principal de esta tesis que en el llamado Movimiento Moderno en la arquitectura del siglo veinte esta condición ambigua del límite se pone de manifiesto como la raíz articuladora de los cambios espaciales y formales que definen su ser y su estética. Para desarrollar esta hipótesis, se parte de una doble premisa: por una parte, como un entre que es en sí misma, la arquitectura se encuentra delimitada por las disciplinas artísticas contemporáneas, especialmente pintura y escultura y a la vez las delimita. Por tanto, se explorarán una serie de momentos claves en las vanguardias de comienzos del siglo veinte en paralelo a una serie de arquitecturas contemporáneas para estudiar esta doble dialéctica entre límites. Por otra parte, y entendiendo que lo propio de la arquitectura es el espacio, se estudiarán en profundidad las concepciones espaciales que en la física y la estética del finales del siglo diecinueve y principios del veinte se desarrollan, para comprender cómo estas nuevas concepciones, centradas en las ideas de relatividad y de espacio-tiempo como magnitudes interlimitadas, determinan a su vez las concepciones espaciales que se desarrollan simultáneamente en las artes plásticas y en la arquitectura. La tríada espacio/tiempo/luz regirá este recorrido, en un doble camino: a través de la física y la teoría del arte, y a través de la arquitectura y las artes plásticas. Se trata por tanto de incardinar la arquitectura en su contexto artístico y científico, y comprobar cómo la comprensión del espacio como un entre, como un intervalo del límite y no como un absoluto trascendente, se generaliza en dichos ámbitos en una exploración paralela que condiciona los resultados en todos ellos y que define, por tanto, la arquitectura de la modernidad como una arquitectura del entre. El encuadre enmarca como motivo principal el Movimiento Moderno a través de la figura de Le Corbusier. Se muestra el modo en que los recursos y mecanismos empleados provocan el encuentro del espacio indecible a través de la polifonía de las artes. Desde el espaciamiento del límite, su borradura, su ambigüedad, producidos mediante el entrelazamiento de los recursos artísticos, la continuidad de lo lineal, el encabalgamiento, el maridaje, la ambivalencia, la relatividad del color y la luz, el intersticio. Ello se analiza a través de la obra de le Corbusier, destacando la dialéctica entre Le Cheminée y Nature morte aux nombreux objets; Ma maison y el pabellón del Zurichhorn; Unité y L’espace indicible. Aclaradas las premisas fundamentales y las consecuencias inmediatas para la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno, la cuarta parte y final de la tesis, mucho más breve que las anteriores, expone una primera aproximación a las consecuencias que todo esto ha tenido en un momento liminal también: el comienzo de la postmodernidad. En realidad se trata de una apertura a lo que ha de venir, pues establecida la operatividad de la hipóteisi inicial, se trata aquí solamente de abrir el camino a una interpretación que en realidad escapa del alcance de esta tesis. Así se deja apuntado cómo, a través de la obra de tres arquitectos, teóricos y artistas trabajando en los años setenta y comienzos de los ochenta del pasado siglo, una comprensión más clara de la revolución moderna precipitada por esta nueva comprensión del espacio como límite-entre queda patente. Chamberworks de Daniel Libeskind, Wexner Center for the Visual Arts de Peter Eisenman y Manhattan Transcripts de Bernard Tschumi servirían de privilegiados ejemplo. Como queda patente que las consecuencias de todo ello aún las estamos sintiendo en nuestra contemporaneidad. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to study the space from the premise that space is mainly the in-between. The in-between, what is in-between the things themselves and gives them precisely its definition as things in a constant process of delimitation. This in-between, what is in between things, is not a remnant that remains, but on the contrary it is the active ingredient that produces things from what is around, that configures them in a sensitive to be perceived. The in-between, the intermediate, is not a line, a pure cut, but an interval, a space in itself, an area in which a process is developed. It is therefore a space in development, where things are still not and already been, delimiting an ambiguous range full of potentialities, some present and others that remain only as virtualities. It is the main hypothesis of this thesis that in the so-called Modern Movement in the architecture of the twentieth century this ambiguous boundary condition is revealed as the result of the articulatation of spatial and formal changes. To develop this hypothesis, I posit this double premise: On the one hand, as an in-between which is in itself, architecture is defined by contemporary artistic disciplines, especially painting and sculpture and simultaneously defines them. Therefore, a number of key moments in the avantgarde of the early twentieth century in parallel with a number of contemporary architecture to study this double dialectic between boundaries will be explored. On the other hand, and considering that the “essence” of the architecture is space, I will study in depth the spatial concepts in physics and aesthetics of late-nineteenth century and early twentieth century to understand how these new concepts centered on the ideas of relativity and space-time as interlimited magnitudes in turn determine the spatial conceptions that take place simultaneously in the visual arts and architecture. The space / time / light triad governs this journey in a double way: through physics and theory of art, and through architecture and the arts. The aim is to anchor architecture in its artistic and scientific context, and to see how the understanding of space as an in-between interval and not as an absolute transcendent determines the results in all of them, defining, therefore, the architecture of modernity as an architecture of the in-between. The frame of the study is centered in the modern movement through the figure of Le Corbusier and how rthe different resources and mechanisms employed provoke an unspeakable space of encounter through the polyphony of the arts. From the spacing of the limit, its erasure, its ambiguity, produced by the intertwining of artistic resources to continuity of the linear, the marriage, the ambivalence, the relativity of color and light, the gap. All this is analyzed through the work of Le Corbusier, highlighting the dialectic between Le Cheminée and Nature morte aux nombreux objets, Ma maison and Zürichhorn pavilion, Unité and L’espace indicible. Once the basic premises and immediate consequences for the architecture of the Modern Movement are set, the fourth and final part of the thesis aims to explore the impact that all this has had in another liminal time: the beginning of postmodernism. Of course, this part is shorter, in fact it is more a prospective survey and an opening of possibilities than a truly articulated body of theory, since the conceptual core of this thesis has been developed in the central part. Hence, through the work of three architects, theorists and artists working in the seventies and early eighties of last century, a clearer understanding of the modern revolution precipitated by this new understanding of space as a boundary- between is proposed. Chamberworks by Daniel Libeskind, Wexner Center for the Visual Arts by Peter Eisenman and Manhattan Transcripts by Bernard Tschumi will exemplify this approach. The consequences of all this are still haunting our contemporaneity.
The art of construction is a risky activity that directly affects the life and physical integrity of persons. Since the approval of Law 31/1995, of November 8, Prevention of Occupational Risks was the first legislation that established the current basis in all sectors and then transposed into Spanish law Directive 92/57/CEE called Royal Decree 1627/1997 of October 24, on minimum safety and health dispositions in construction works, measures have been proposed to develop a mixed body of scientific literature composed of researchers and professionals in the field of occupational safety and health, but even today there is still no clear and firm proposal, showing a lack of awareness in the occupational risk prevention and, therefore, a consolidation of the culture of prevention in society. Therefore, the technicians, who make up the building process, can incur in very high responsibilities, such as: Author of the project, Coordinator of Safety and Health during the preparation of the project and during the execution of works, Site Management: Site Manager. This involves the immediate creation of a general training in prevention for all architects starting when still studying, as well as specific training, appropriate and complementary to all the architects that will be devoted to the specialty of occupational safety and health in construction works. That is, first, we must make the responsible bodies aware of the urgent need to integrate risk prevention in the curricula of architecture and later in the continuing education of the profession. It is necessary that our teaching must conform to the laws on safety and health, due to the fact that the law recognizes our academic degrees and professional qualifications to perform functions in that area
as tecnologías emergentes como el cloud computing y los dispositivos móviles están creando una oportunidad sin precedentes para mejorar el sistema educativo, permitiendo tanto a los educadores personalizar y mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje, como facilitar a los estudiantes que adquieran conocimientos sin importar dónde estén. Por otra parte, a través de técnicas de gamificacion será posible promover y motivar a los estudiantes a que aprendan materias arduas haciendo que la experiencia sea más motivadora. Los juegos móviles pueden ser el camino correcto para dar soporte a esta experiencia de aprendizaje mejorada. Este proyecto integra el diseño y desarrollo de una arquitectura en la nube altamente escalable y con alto rendimiento, así como el propio cliente de iOS, para dar soporte a una nueva version de Temporis, un juego móvil multijugador orientado a reordenar eventos históricos en una línea temporal (e.j. historia, arte, deportes, entretenimiento y literatura). Temporis actualmente está disponible en Google Play. Esta memoria describe el desarrollo de la nueva versión de Temporis (Temporis v.2.0) proporcionando detalles acerca de la mejora y adaptación basados en el Temporis original. En particular se describe el nuevo backend hecho en Go sobre Google App Engine creado para soportar miles de usuarios, asó como otras características por ejemplo como conseguir enviar noticaciones push desde la propia plataforma. Por último, el cliente de iOS en Temporis v.2.0 se ha desarrollado utilizando las últimas y más relevantes tecnologías, prestando especial atención a Swift (el lenguaje de programación nuevo de Apple, que es seguro y rápido), el Paradigma Funcional Reactivo (que ayuda a construir aplicaciones altamente interactivas además de a minimizar errores) y la arquitectura VIPER (una arquitectura que sigue los principios SOLID, se centra en la separación de asuntos y favorece la reutilización de código en otras plataformas). ABSTRACT Emerging technologies such as cloud computing and mobile devices are creating an unprecedented opportunity for enhancing the educational system, letting both educators customize and improve the learning experience, and students acquire knowledge regardless of where they are. Moreover, through gamification techniques it would be possible to encourage and motivate students to learn arduous subjects by making the experience more motivating. Mobile games can be a perfect vehicle to support this enhanced learning experience. This project integrates the design and development of a highly scalable and performant cloud architecture, as well as the iOS client that uses it, in order to provide support to a new version of Temporis, a mobile multiplayer game focused on ordering time-based (e.g. history, art, sports, entertainment and literature) in a timeline that currently is available on Google Play. This work describes the development of the new Temporis version (Temporis v.2.0), providing details about improvements and details on the adaptation of the original Temporis. In particular, the new Google App Engine backend is described, which was created to support thousand of users developed in Go language are provided, in addition to other features like how to achieve push notications in this platform. Finally, the mobile iOS client developed using the latest and more relevant technologies is explained paying special attention to Swift (Apple's new programming language, that is safe and fast), the Functional Reactive Paradigm (that helps building highly interactive apps while minimizing bugs) and the VIPER architecture (a SOLID architecture that enforces separation of concerns and makes it easy to reuse code for other platforms).
One of the most productive discoveries of art and architectural criticism is the comparative reading between different situations. It is an approach that does away with all conventions and destroys any attempt to codifing the future. It also reveals the futility of established styles or movements. In the early 20th century, the Russian Formalists spoke of the dissimilarity of the similar in literature and more than a few studies on the visual arts have used the comparative method, from Heinrich Wolfflin to Robert Venturi. But something more has to be added, personal biography. The involvement of the individual, their name and their life, in the history of art bursts in with all the force of what is real, with no need for credibility, because it merely is what it is. The histories of architecture and art tell things in a believable, perfectly connected manner, without the fits and starts of personal biography - when this appears we find ourselves in a different sort of situation.
Crossed-arch domes are a singular type of ribbed vaults. Their characteristic feature is that the ribs that form the vault are intertwined, forming polygons or stars, leaving an empty space in the centre. The earliest known vaults of this type are found in the Great Mosque of Córdoba, built ca. 960 a.C. The type spread through Spain, and the north of Africa in the 10th to the 16th Centuries, and was used by Guarini and Vittone in the 17th and 18th Centuries in Italy. However, it was used only in a few buildings. Though the literature about the structural behaviour of ribbed Gothic vaults is extensive, so far no structural analysis of crossed arch domes has been made. The purpose of this work is, first to show the way to attack such an analysis within the frame of Modern Limit Analysis of Masonry Structures (Heyman 1995), and then to apply the approach to study the stability of the dome of the Capilla de Villaviciosa. The work may give some clues to art and architectural historians to understand better the origin and development of Islamic dome architecture.
La investigación trata de mostrar cuatro acciones habitualmente empleadas al proyectar arquitectura. La tesis narra el discurso que construyen cuatro acciones como mecanismos optimizadores, fundamentales, activos y necesarios cuando creamos nuevos proyectos. En este trabajo se estudian en profundidad cuatro acciones optimizadoras a través de numerosos casos de estudio. Se estudia también la presencia de estas acciones en otros campos creativos, como la biología, el arte, la literatura, la filosofía, la matemática o la psicología de la creatividad. Se busca qué tienen en común estas cuatro acciones y se indaga sobre la posible narración que construyen entre ellas. La mayor parte de los textos que constituyen este trabajo se escriben en un formato próximo al del ensayo, empleando tiempos verbales presentes evitando los tiempos verbales pretéritos o imperfectos para potenciar la acción a través el estilo narrativo. La investigación se ha realizado a partir de fuentes bibliográficas existentes en numerosas bibliotecas. Se han llevado a cabo estudios de campo realizados a través de entrevistas personales a interlocutores expertos, no sólo de teoría arquitectónica sino también de prácticas constructivas, así como visitas a lugares íntimamente relacionados con el tema de investigación. Se ha completado el estudio de casos con ejercicios prácticos realizados por el autor de esta tesis, para profundizar con la propia investigación por empatía con los autores estudiados. La investigación bibliográfica principal se ha desarrollado en las bibliotecas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, de la Universidad de Alicante, de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, de la Universidad Europea de Madrid, de la Universidad Camilo José Cela, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, de la Columbia University, de la Harvard University, de la Delft University, de Heidelberg University, de la Biblioteca Central de Madrid y de la Regional de Murcia, así como de la del COAMU. También se ha utilizado recursos bibliográficos propios. La metodología utilizada muestra desde diferentes perspectivas el problema de las acciones optimizadoras, desde obras artísticas, pasando por ejemplos de arquitectura construida hasta ejercicios puramente intelectuales. La acumulación ha sido el método de obtención de conocimiento de esta tesis. Se han acumulado conocimientos y posteriormente se ha profundizado, reflexionando sobre los datos que se han ido obteniendo. Al profundizar se enlazan unas pruebas con otras, hilando y ensamblándolas en un discurso que hace continuo y coherente la aparición de cada caso estudiado. Estas entidades probatorias son acciones que han sido aplicadas frecuentemente por distintas generaciones de autores que proyectan utilizando alguna de estas cuatro acciones. Partimos de una extensa bibliografía general y de otra específica. A través de citas e imágenes se muestra el repertorio de objetos y textos estudiados. Los casos de estudio seleccionados exponen los efectos que produce cada acción en el ejercicio del proyectar. Se ha estudiado la necesidad de cada acción en todas y cada una de las partes del ciclo creativo del proyecto, tanto en prácticas imaginadas como en construidas, de los autores que proyectan. Se citan y se interpretan las descripciones de biólogos, sociólogos, antropólogos, psicólogos, escritores, artistas, arquitectos, matemáticos, ingenieros, físicos, médicos y filósofos en los cuales estas acciones se encuentran conscientemente incorporadas en su procedimiento de proyectar y de pensar. Por último, hemos obtenido unos resultados adecuados a la metodología empleada y a los objetivos planteados gracias a la acumulación y clasificación de pruebas. Los resultados se exponen a modo de discursos conclusivos con un intencionado carácter abierto que despliega nuevas posibles nuevas vías de investigación entorno a los temas estudiados. ABSTRACT. The research seeks to show four commonly used actions in designing architecture. Thesis recounts the speech that built four actions like optimizer, fundamental, active and necessary mechanisms when we create new projects. In this work it studies in depth four optimizer actions through numerous case studies. Also, it considers the presence of these actions in other creative fields, such as biology, art, literature, philosophy, mathematics or psychology of creativity. It is intended what these four actions have in common and it explores the possible narrative constructed among them. Most of the texts that constitute this work are written in a format close to the essay, using present tenses avoiding past or imperfect tenses of enhancing the action through the narrative style. Research has been done from literature sources available in numerous libraries. Field studies have been carried out through personal interviews with expert speakers, not just of architectonic theory but also from constructive practices, as well as visits to sites closely related to the research topic. case studies with practical exercises conducted by the author of this thesis has been completed, to deepen with the own research by empathy with the studied authors. Main bibliographical investigation has been developed in the libraries of UPM, UA, UAM, UEM, the CJC, the UCM, Columbia University, Harvard University Delft University, Heidelberg University, Madrid Central Library, Regional Murcia Library and COAMU Library. Also it has been used own bibliographical resources. Methodology shows from different perspectives the problem of optimizers actions, from art, passing through examples of architecture built up to puré intellectual exercise. Accumulation has been the method of obtaining knowledge of this thesis. it has been accumulated knowledge and later it has been deepened, reflecting on the data that have been obtained. By deepening tests are linked with other, spinning and locking into a discourse that makes continuous and consistent the development of each case study. These evidentiary entities are actions that have been frequently applied by different generations of authors who project using some of these four stocks. We leave from an extensive general bibliography and another specific one. Through quotes and pictures it shows the repertoire of objects and texts studied. The selected study cases set out the effects that each action produces in the exercise of projecting. It has studied the need of each action in every parts of creative cycle of the project, both imagined as constructed practices, by the authors who project. It is quoted and interpreted the descriptions of biologists, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, writers, artists, architects, mathematicians, engineers, physicists, physicians and philosophers in which these actions are consciously incorporated into his projecting and thinking procedure. Finally, we have obtained adequate results to the used methodology and to the stated objectives through the accumulation and classification of evidence. The results are presented as conclusive speeches with an intentional open character that unfolds new possible research routes around the studied topics.
A highly parallel and scalable Deblocking Filter (DF) hardware architecture for H.264/AVC and SVC video codecs is presented in this paper. The proposed architecture mainly consists on a coarse grain systolic array obtained by replicating a unique and homogeneous Functional Unit (FU), in which a whole Deblocking-Filter unit is implemented. The proposal is also based on a novel macroblock-level parallelization strategy of the filtering algorithm which improves the final performance by exploiting specific data dependences. This way communication overhead is reduced and a more intensive parallelism in comparison with the existing state-of-the-art solutions is obtained. Furthermore, the architecture is completely flexible, since the level of parallelism can be changed, according to the application requirements. The design has been implemented in a Virtex-5 FPGA, and it allows filtering 4CIF (704 × 576 pixels @30 fps) video sequences in real-time at frequencies lower than 10.16 Mhz.
The twentieth century brought a new sensibility characterized by the discredit of cartesian rationality and the weakening of universal truths, related with aesthetic values as order, proportion and harmony. In the middle of the century, theorists such as Theodor Adorno, Rudolf Arnheim and Anton Ehrenzweig warned about the transformation developed by the artistic field. Contemporary aesthetics seemed to have a new goal: to deny the idea of art as an organized, finished and coherent structure. The order had lost its privileged position. Disorder, probability, arbitrariness, accidentality, randomness, chaos, fragmentation, indeterminacy... Gradually new terms were coined by aesthetic criticism to explain what had been happening since the beginning of the century. The first essays on the matter sought to provide new interpretative models based on, among other arguments, the phenomenology of perception, the recent discoveries of quantum mechanics, the deeper layers of the psyche or the information theories. Overall, were worthy attempts to give theoretical content to a situation as obvious as devoid of founding charter. Finally, in 1962, Umberto Eco brought together all this efforts by proposing a single theoretical frame in his book Opera Aperta. According to his point of view, all of the aesthetic production of twentieth century had a characteristic in common: its capacity to express multiplicity. For this reason, he considered that the nature of contemporary art was, above all, ambiguous. The aim of this research is to clarify the consequences of the incorporation of ambiguity in architectural theoretical discourse. We should start making an accurate analysis of this concept. However, this task is quite difficult because ambiguity does not allow itself to be clearly defined. This concept has the disadvantage that its signifier is as imprecise as its signified. In addition, the negative connotations that ambiguity still has outside the aesthetic field, stigmatizes this term and makes its use problematic. Another problem of ambiguity is that the contemporary subject is able to locate it in all situations. This means that in addition to distinguish ambiguity in contemporary productions, so does in works belonging to remote ages and styles. For that reason, it could be said that everything is ambiguous. And that’s correct, because somehow ambiguity is present in any creation of the imperfect human being. However, as Eco, Arnheim and Ehrenzweig pointed out, there are two major differences between current and past contexts. One affects the subject and the other the object. First, it’s the contemporary subject, and no other, who has acquired the ability to value and assimilate ambiguity. Secondly, ambiguity was an unexpected aesthetic result in former periods, while in contemporary object it has been codified and is deliberately present. In any case, as Eco did, we consider appropriate the use of the term ambiguity to refer to the contemporary aesthetic field. Any other term with more specific meaning would only show partial and limited aspects of a situation quite complex and difficult to diagnose. Opposed to what normally might be expected, in this case ambiguity is the term that fits better due to its particular lack of specificity. In fact, this lack of specificity is what allows to assign a dynamic condition to the idea of ambiguity that in other terms would hardly be operative. Thus, instead of trying to define the idea of ambiguity, we will analyze how it has evolved and its consequences in architectural discipline. Instead of trying to define what it is, we will examine what its presence has supposed in each moment. We will deal with ambiguity as a constant presence that has always been latent in architectural production but whose nature has been modified over time. Eco, in the mid-twentieth century, discerned between classical ambiguity and contemporary ambiguity. Currently, half a century later, the challenge is to discern whether the idea of ambiguity has remained unchanged or have suffered a new transformation. What this research will demonstrate is that it’s possible to detect a new transformation that has much to do with the cultural and aesthetic context of last decades: the transition from modernism to postmodernism. This assumption leads us to establish two different levels of contemporary ambiguity: each one related to one these periods. The first level of ambiguity is widely well-known since many years. Its main characteristics are a codified multiplicity, an interpretative freedom and an active subject who gives conclusion to an object that is incomplete or indefinite. This level of ambiguity is related to the idea of indeterminacy, concept successfully introduced into contemporary aesthetic language. The second level of ambiguity has been almost unnoticed for architectural criticism, although it has been identified and studied in other theoretical disciplines. Much of the work of Fredric Jameson and François Lyotard shows reasonable evidences that the aesthetic production of postmodernism has transcended modern ambiguity to reach a new level in which, despite of the existence of multiplicity, the interpretative freedom and the active subject have been questioned, and at last denied. In this period ambiguity seems to have reached a new level in which it’s no longer possible to obtain a conclusive and complete interpretation of the object because it has became an unreadable device. The postmodern production offers a kind of inaccessible multiplicity and its nature is deeply contradictory. This hypothetical transformation of the idea of ambiguity has an outstanding analogy with that shown in the poetic analysis made by William Empson, published in 1936 in his Seven Types of Ambiguity. Empson established different levels of ambiguity and classified them according to their poetic effect. This layout had an ascendant logic towards incoherence. In seventh level, where ambiguity is higher, he located the contradiction between irreconcilable opposites. It could be said that contradiction, once it undermines the coherence of the object, was the better way that contemporary aesthetics found to confirm the Hegelian judgment, according to which art would ultimately reject its capacity to express truth. Much of the transformation of architecture throughout last century is related to the active involvement of ambiguity in its theoretical discourse. In modern architecture ambiguity is present afterwards, in its critical review made by theoreticians like Colin Rowe, Manfredo Tafuri and Bruno Zevi. The publication of several studies about Mannerism in the forties and fifties rescued certain virtues of an historical style that had been undervalued due to its deviation from Renacentist canon. Rowe, Tafuri and Zevi, among others, pointed out the similarities between Mannerism and certain qualities of modern architecture, both devoted to break previous dogmas. The recovery of Mannerism allowed joining ambiguity and modernity for first time in the same sentence. In postmodernism, on the other hand, ambiguity is present ex-professo, developing a prominent role in the theoretical discourse of this period. The distance between its analytical identification and its operational use quickly disappeared because of structuralism, an analytical methodology with the aspiration of becoming a modus operandi. Under its influence, architecture began to be identified and studied as a language. Thus, postmodern theoretical project discerned between the components of architectural language and developed them separately. Consequently, there is not only one, but three projects related to postmodern contradiction: semantic project, syntactic project and pragmatic project. Leading these projects are those prominent architects whose work manifested an especial interest in exploring and developing the potential of the use of contradiction in architecture. Thus, Robert Venturi, Peter Eisenman and Rem Koolhaas were who established the main features through which architecture developed the dialectics of ambiguity, in its last and extreme level, as a theoretical project in each component of architectural language. Robert Venturi developed a new interpretation of architecture based on its semantic component, Peter Eisenman did the same with its syntactic component, and also did Rem Koolhaas with its pragmatic component. With this approach this research aims to establish a new reflection on the architectural transformation from modernity to postmodernity. Also, it can serve to light certain aspects still unaware that have shaped the architectural heritage of past decades, consequence of a fruitful relationship between architecture and ambiguity and its provocative consummation in a contradictio in terminis. Esta investigación centra su atención fundamentalmente sobre las repercusiones de la incorporación de la ambigüedad en forma de contradicción en el discurso arquitectónico postmoderno, a través de cada uno de sus tres proyectos teóricos. Está estructurada, por tanto, en torno a un capítulo principal titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad como proyecto teórico postmoderno, que se desglosa en tres, de títulos: Proyecto semántico. Robert Venturi; Proyecto sintáctico. Peter Eisenman; y Proyecto pragmático. Rem Koolhaas. El capítulo central se complementa con otros dos situados al inicio. El primero, titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad contemporánea. Una aproximación realiza un análisis cronológico de la evolución que ha experimentado la idea de la ambigüedad en la teoría estética del siglo XX, sin entrar aún en cuestiones arquitectónicas. El segundo, titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad como crítica del proyecto moderno se ocupa de examinar la paulatina incorporación de la ambigüedad en la revisión crítica de la modernidad, que sería de vital importancia para posibilitar su posterior introducción operativa en la postmodernidad. Un último capítulo, situado al final del texto, propone una serie de Proyecciones que, a tenor de lo analizado en los capítulos anteriores, tratan de establecer una relectura del contexto arquitectónico actual y su evolución posible, considerando, en todo momento, que la reflexión en torno a la ambigüedad todavía hoy permite vislumbrar nuevos horizontes discursivos. Cada doble página de la Tesis sintetiza la estructura tripartita del capítulo central y, a grandes rasgos, la principal herramienta metodológica utilizada en la investigación. De este modo, la triple vertiente semántica, sintáctica y pragmática con que se ha identificado al proyecto teórico postmoderno se reproduce aquí en una distribución específica de imágenes, notas a pie de página y cuerpo principal del texto. En la columna de la izquierda están colocadas las imágenes que acompañan al texto principal. Su distribución atiende a criterios estéticos y compositivos, cualificando, en la medida de lo posible, su condición semántica. A continuación, a su derecha, están colocadas las notas a pie de página. Su disposición es en columna y cada nota está colocada a la misma altura que su correspondiente llamada en el texto principal. Su distribución reglada, su valor como notación y su posible equiparación con una estructura profunda aluden a su condición sintáctica. Finalmente, el cuerpo principal del texto ocupa por completo la mitad derecha de cada doble página. Concebido como un relato continuo, sin apenas interrupciones, su papel como responsable de satisfacer las demandas discursivas que plantea una investigación doctoral está en correspondencia con su condición pragmática.
Este texto apunta algunos aspectos de la labor crítica desarrollada por Juan Daniel Fullaondo como director de Nueva Forma entre 1966 y 1975. En unos años de crisis disciplinar, esta publicación emprendió una revisión del legado arquitectónico español. Ante un panorama editorial aséptico, los textos críticos de Fullaondo aspiraron a mediar en el decurso histórico con el firme convencimiento de que la crítica, como tal, cumple con una función tan real como el de las propias obras construidas. ABSTRACT: This paper studies some aspects of the critical work that Juan Daniel Fullaondo developed at the Spanish magazine Nueva Forma (New Form), which directed from 1966 to 1975. In these critical years, this monthly publication, which was specialized in architecture and art, undertook a revision of the Spanish Architectural legacy. Despite the aseptic editorial panorama, Fullaondo’s texts firmly aspired to mediate in the collective cultural knowledge. His defense on criticism as a specialized discipline made him vindicate that it could have a role in History as real as masterly projects.
Current bias estimation algorithms for air traffic control (ATC) surveillance are focused on radar sensors, but the integration of new sensors (especially automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast and wide area multilateration) demands the extension of traditional procedures. This study describes a generic architecture for bias estimation applicable to multisensor multitarget surveillance systems. It consists on first performing bias estimations using measurements from each target, of a subset of sensors, assumed to be reliable, forming track bias estimations. All track bias estimations are combined to obtain, for each of those sensors, the corresponding sensor bias. Then, sensor bias terms are corrected, to subsequently calculate the target or sensor-target pair specific biases. Once these target-specific biases are corrected, the process is repeated recursively for other sets of less reliable sensors, assuming bias corrected measures from previous iterations are unbiased. This study describes the architecture and outlines the methodology for the estimation and the bias estimation design processes. Then the approach is validated through simulation, and compared with previous methods in the literature. Finally, the study describes the application of the methodology to the design of the bias estimation procedures for a modern ATC surveillance application, specifically for off-line assessment of ATC surveillance performance.