em Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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The Listener is an automated system that unintrusively performs knowledge acquisition from informal input. The Listener develops a coherent internal representation of a description from an initial set of disorganized, imprecise, incomplete, ambiguous, and possibly inconsistent statements. The Listener can produce a summary document from its internal representation to facilitate communication, review, and validation. A special purpose Listener, called the Requirements Apprentice (RA), has been implemented in the software requirements acquisition domain. Unlike most other requirements analysis tools, which start from a formal description language, the focus of the RA is on the transition between informal and formal specifications.


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We present the results of an implemented system for learning structural prototypes from grey-scale images. We show how to divide an object into subparts and how to encode the properties of these subparts and the relations between them. We discuss the importance of hierarchy and grouping in representing objects and show how a notion of visual similarities can be embedded in the description language. Finally we exhibit a learning algorithm that forms class models from the descriptions produced and uses these models to recognize new members of the class.


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This report describes a computer system that creates simple computer animation in response to high-level, vague, and incomplete descriptions of films. It makes its films by collecting and evaluating suggestions from several different bodies of knowledge. The order in which it makes its choices is influenced by the focus of the film. Difficult choices are postponed to be resumed when more of the film has been determined. The system was implemented in an object-oriented language based upon computational entities called "actors". The goal behind the construction of the system is that, whenever faced with a choice, it should sensibly choose between alternatives based upon the description of the film and as much general knowledge as possible. The system is presented as a computational model of creativity and aesthetics.


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The research here described centers on how a machine can recognize concepts and learn concepts to be recognized. Explanations are found in computer programs that build and manipulate abstract descriptions of scenes such as those children construct from toy blocks. One program uses sample scenes to create models of simple configurations like the three-brick arch. Another uses the resulting models in making identifications. Throughout emphasis is given to the importance of using good descriptions when exploring how machines can come to perceive and understand the visual environment.


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The research reported here concerns the principles used to automatically generate three-dimensional representations from line drawings of scenes. The computer programs involved look at scenes which consist of polyhedra and which may contain shadows and various kinds of coincidentally aligned scene features. Each generated description includes information about edge shape (convex, concave, occluding, shadow, etc.), about the type of illumination for each region (illuminated, projected shadow, or oriented away from the light source), and about the spacial orientation of regions. The methods used are based on the labeling schemes of Huffman and Clowes; this research provides a considerable extension to their work and also gives theoretical explanations to the heuristic scene analysis work of Guzman, Winston, and others.