8 resultados para APPROXIMATIONS

em Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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We study the frequent problem of approximating a target matrix with a matrix of lower rank. We provide a simple and efficient (EM) algorithm for solving {\\em weighted} low rank approximation problems, which, unlike simple matrix factorization problems, do not admit a closed form solution in general. We analyze, in addition, the nature of locally optimal solutions that arise in this context, demonstrate the utility of accommodating the weights in reconstructing the underlying low rank representation, and extend the formulation to non-Gaussian noise models such as classification (collaborative filtering).


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We give a one-pass, O~(m^{1-2/k})-space algorithm for estimating the k-th frequency moment of a data stream for any real k>2. Together with known lower bounds, this resolves the main problem left open by Alon, Matias, Szegedy, STOC'96. Our algorithm enables deletions as well as insertions of stream elements.


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This paper explores automating the qualitative analysis of physical systems. It describes a program, called PLR, that takes parameterized ordinary differential equations as input and produces a qualitative description of the solutions for all initial values. PLR approximates intractable nonlinear systems with piecewise linear ones, analyzes the approximations, and draws conclusions about the original systems. It chooses approximations that are accurate enough to reproduce the essential properties of their nonlinear prototypes, yet simple enough to be analyzed completely and efficiently. It derives additional properties, such as boundedness or periodicity, by theoretical methods. I demonstrate PLR on several common nonlinear systems and on published examples from mechanical engineering.


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Reconstructing a surface from sparse sensory data is a well known problem in computer vision. Early vision modules typically supply sparse depth, orientation and discontinuity information. The surface reconstruction module incorporates these sparse and possibly conflicting measurements of a surface into a consistent, dense depth map. The coupled depth/slope model developed here provides a novel computational solution to the surface reconstruction problem. This method explicitly computes dense slope representation as well as dense depth representations. This marked change from previous surface reconstruction algorithms allows a natural integration of orientation constraints into the surface description, a feature not easily incorporated into earlier algorithms. In addition, the coupled depth/ slope model generalizes to allow for varying amounts of smoothness at different locations on the surface. This computational model helps conceptualize the problem and leads to two possible implementations- analog and digital. The model can be implemented as an electrical or biological analog network since the only computations required at each locally connected node are averages, additions and subtractions. A parallel digital algorithm can be derived by using finite difference approximations. The resulting system of coupled equations can be solved iteratively on a mesh-pf-processors computer, such as the Connection Machine. Furthermore, concurrent multi-grid methods are designed to speed the convergence of this digital algorithm.


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Recent developments in the area of reinforcement learning have yielded a number of new algorithms for the prediction and control of Markovian environments. These algorithms, including the TD(lambda) algorithm of Sutton (1988) and the Q-learning algorithm of Watkins (1989), can be motivated heuristically as approximations to dynamic programming (DP). In this paper we provide a rigorous proof of convergence of these DP-based learning algorithms by relating them to the powerful techniques of stochastic approximation theory via a new convergence theorem. The theorem establishes a general class of convergent algorithms to which both TD(lambda) and Q-learning belong.


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This thesis presents there important results in visual object recognition based on shape. (1) A new algorithm (RAST; Recognition by Adaptive Sudivisions of Tranformation space) is presented that has lower average-case complexity than any known recognition algorithm. (2) It is shown, both theoretically and empirically, that representing 3D objects as collections of 2D views (the "View-Based Approximation") is feasible and affects the reliability of 3D recognition systems no more than other commonly made approximations. (3) The problem of recognition in cluttered scenes is considered from a Bayesian perspective; the commonly-used "bounded-error errorsmeasure" is demonstrated to correspond to an independence assumption. It is shown that by modeling the statistical properties of real-scenes better, objects can be recognized more reliably.


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We present a technique for the rapid and reliable evaluation of linear-functional output of elliptic partial differential equations with affine parameter dependence. The essential components are (i) rapidly uniformly convergent reduced-basis approximations — Galerkin projection onto a space WN spanned by solutions of the governing partial differential equation at N (optimally) selected points in parameter space; (ii) a posteriori error estimation — relaxations of the residual equation that provide inexpensive yet sharp and rigorous bounds for the error in the outputs; and (iii) offline/online computational procedures — stratagems that exploit affine parameter dependence to de-couple the generation and projection stages of the approximation process. The operation count for the online stage — in which, given a new parameter value, we calculate the output and associated error bound — depends only on N (typically small) and the parametric complexity of the problem. The method is thus ideally suited to the many-query and real-time contexts. In this paper, based on the technique we develop a robust inverse computational method for very fast solution of inverse problems characterized by parametrized partial differential equations. The essential ideas are in three-fold: first, we apply the technique to the forward problem for the rapid certified evaluation of PDE input-output relations and associated rigorous error bounds; second, we incorporate the reduced-basis approximation and error bounds into the inverse problem formulation; and third, rather than regularize the goodness-of-fit objective, we may instead identify all (or almost all, in the probabilistic sense) system configurations consistent with the available experimental data — well-posedness is reflected in a bounded "possibility region" that furthermore shrinks as the experimental error is decreased.


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This work presents detailed numerical calculations of the dielectrophoretic force in octupolar traps designed for single-cell trapping. A trap with eight planar electrodes is studied for spherical and ellipsoidal particles using an indirect implementation of the boundary element method (BEM). Multipolar approximations of orders one to three are compared with the full Maxwell stress tensor (MST) calculation of the electrical force on spherical particles. Ellipsoidal particles are also studied, but in their case only the dipolar approximation is available for comparison with the MST solution. The results show that the full MST calculation is only required in the study of non-spherical particles.