141 resultados para Water Engineering
v.1. Water consumption, costs and savings.--v.2. Electric current consumption costs and savings.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program was established by the federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Act). Administered nationally by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Act combined eight existing categorical programs into a single block grant program. In 1981, Congress amended the Act to allow states to directly administer the block grant for small cities. At the designation of the Governor, the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs assumed operation of the State of Illinois Community Development Block Grant -- Small Cities Program in the same year. The Illinois Block grant program is known as the Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP). Through this program, funds are available to assist Illinois communities meet their greatest economic and community development needs, with an emphasis upon helping persons of low-to-moderate income.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program was established by the federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Act). Administered nationally by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Act combined eight existing categorical programs into a single block grant program. In 1981, Congress amended the Act to allow states to directly administer the block grant for small cities. At the designation of the Governor, the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs assumed operation of the State of Illinois Community Development Block Grant -- Small Cities Program in the same year. The Illinois Block grant program is known as the Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP). Through this program, funds are available to assist Illinois communities meet their greatest economic and community development needs, with an emphasis upon helping persons of low-to-moderate income.
The following activities are specifically identified as ineligible. 1. Design Engineering costs of water storage tanks/towers. 2. Construction of buildings, or portions thereof, used predominantly for the general conduct of government (e.g., city halls, courthouses, jails, police stations). 3. General government expenses. 4. Costs of operating and maintaining public facilities and services (e.g., mowing parks, replacing street light bulbs). 5. Servicing or refinancing of existing debt.
Mode of access: Internet.
The city of Marion has applied to the Illinois EPA for Section 401 water quality certification to construct a 1,172 surface acre, raw water impoundment reservoir on Sugar Creek, southeast of Creal Springs, Williamson County, Illinois. This proposal and the impacts are described in the Final EIS, DSI, and DSII. The proposed project will involve the construction of a reservoir on Sugar Creek and the mitigation for affected wetlands and jurisdictional waters of the United States.
Reissue of 1954 ed. published by the Dept's Division of Sanitary Engineering, which was issued as the Dept.'s Circular N820.
"Project: 88/062."
"Statistical summary of Illinois public water supplies (State operated facilities excluded)."
The approved project allows the Corps to dredge the Waukegan Harbor approach channel and advanced maintenance area. The area to be dredged lies immediately east of the north breakwater. It is approximately a rectangle 650 feet north and south and 1,400 feet east and west. The advanced maintenance area is a band along the north side of the channel. The approved project is for a 10-year certification, under which the Corps may remove 22,000 to 75,000 cubic yards of sediment per dredging event. The dredging depth is 22 feet and the amount to be dredged is about one foot of sediment. As a condition of the certification, disposal of the dredged sediment in Lake Michigan or the waters of the state cannot occur until the conditions of the certification are met. These conditions, which have been placed on the certification by Illinois EPA, ensure that the project meets state water quality standards and is consistent with the determinations of the Illinois Attorney General's Task Force on asbestos contamination at Illinois Beach State Park.
Cover title: Strategic planning study for flood mitigation and control.
"September, 1991."