261 resultados para Hamilton, sir William Rowan
Edited by Sir William Ramsay, William Macnab, and others.
Story of the discoverer of the plate, Sir William Phips.
Errata for Ars pictoria, p. [8] of preliminaries. Errata for Appendix, p. 39.
"The index has been compiled by Mr. Richard Taylor."--T.p. iii.
Read before the Wentworth Historical Society, Hamilton, February 14, 1899.
Edited by Sir William Smith.
"Price Half-a-Crown."
In verse.
Original purple cloth; series lists (iiip.) at front of each volume; advts. ([2] p.) at end of v. 2.
I.: Venedig. Werther und Ort; Freiheitsinn. Ruhm und geschichte. Ueber historisches richten. Uber den vortrag der universalgeschichte, 1807.--II. Sir William Temple. Biographie. 1808. 2en bd chen has also a special title-page.
Supplement to the works of Sir William Jones.
Reprint of the 1907-1909 ed. published by Clarendon Press, London ; 1st ed., 9 v., 1881, and 2d ed., 14 v., 1885-1887, edited by Sir William Wilson Hunter.
Whitley, W.T. Catholic and Protestant versions of the Bible. First prize essay.--Beard, G.H. The history of the Catholic English and the American revised versions of the Bible. Second prize essay.--Dalton, C.B. The origin and history of the version of the Bible authorized by the Roman Catholic Church, and of the American revised version. Third prize essay.--Appendix.--Bibliography (p. [315]-361)
G. W. E. Russell.--W. E. Gladstone.--Lord Hartington.--Charles Stewart Parnell.--John Bright.--Joseph Chamberlain.--Sir William Vernon Harcourt.--The members for Northampton.--General Gordon.--Lord Wolseley and Lord Roberts.--Archbishop Temple, Archdeacon Farrar, and some other churchmen.--Professor Huxley and the evolutionists.--Sir John Lubbock.--Sir Thomas Brassey.--Lord Elcho and Lord Wemyss.--William Morris.--Swinburne and George Meredith.--Spencer Walpole and Andrew Lang.--G. F. Watts, J. E. Millais, and E. Burne-Jones.--Nellie Farren and some other players.--W. S. Gilbert and the Savoyards.--The "Æsthetes" and Oscar Wilde.--W. G. Grace.--The Souls.--Index.
First edition published in 1641 under title: The negotiations of Thomas Wolsey.