328 resultados para Opportunity Returns (Program : Ill.)
In the fall of 2003, Governor Blagojevich unveiled Opportunity Returns, a regional economic development plan that is the most aggressive, comprehensive approach to creating jobs in Illinois' history. The Governor divided the state into 10 economic development regions -- finding areas with common economic strengths and needs, and is developing plans for each region that include specific actions to make these regions more accessible and more attractive to business. This grassroots effort is a product of significant outreach with economic development leaders, local elected officials and business and community leaders. Each Opportunity Returns economic development plan is designed to be flexible and effective and tailored to deliver real results that local businesses will see, feel, and hopefully profit from.
The Illinois State Employees' Group Insurance Program provides medical, dental, vision and life insurance coverage to Illinois state employees, retirees and their dependents.
"PA 094-059 (HB2411)"
This report is prepared in response to the requirements of Section 2-3-7(a)(6) of the Illinois School Code: The State Board of Education shall report to the General Assembly by November 1, 2010, and every three years thereafter on the results and progress of students who are enrolled in preschool educational programs, including an assessment of which programs have been most successful in promoting academic excellence and alleviating academic failure. The State Board of Education shall assess the academic progress of all students who have been enrolled in preschool education programs.
Audit was conducted pursuant to Senate Resolution no. 102 (adopted April 21, 2005).
This audit concluded that Illinois' preocurement of flu vaccine was not adequately planned or monitored and led to financial liability for vaccine that the state did not receive. The I-Save Rx Program, which imports prescription drugs into the United States from other countries, and was found to be in violation of federal law is also covered in this report.
Pursuant to Section 35 of the Psychiatry Practice Incentive Act [405 ILCS 100/35], the Illinois Department of Public Health is required to report annually to the General Assembly on the Psychiatry Practice Incentive program. The intent of this program is to ensure access to psychiatric health services through grants, loans, and loan forgiveness to recruit and retain psychiatric service providers in designated areas of Illinois demonstrating the greatest need for more psychiatric care.
"Proposed highway & transit improvement program."--Cover.
Responding to Public Act 93-0395 of the Illinois State Legislature, The Autism Program (TAP) was established in May of 2002 via an amendment to The Hope School Agreement with the Department of Human Services (DHS). The new program was located at three Regional Centers, including Northern Illinois (Partnership between the University of Chicago and Ada S. McKinley Community Services), Central Illinois (Partnership between The Hope School and SIU-School of Medicine), and Southern Illinois (Partnership between Family Counseling Center and SIU-C Rehabilitation Institute). The Autism Program's intent was to provide a system development initiative to document service gaps and systemic problems identified by parents and professionals at each Regional Center. More specifically, the program was designed to 1) develop and demonstrate best practices standards; 2) provide training for educators and medical professionals; 3) give support to parents and other caregivers; 4) work with universities and agencies to identify unmet needs and resources; 5) encourage and support research.
A sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) is a registered nurse (R.N.) who has advanced education in conducting medical and forensic examinations of patients who are sexually victimized. SANE programs consist of SANEs as well as other professionals from community agencies that respond to sex crimes such as police departments, state's attorney's officers, and victim service agencies. Together these professionals work to achieve two primary objectives: 1) improve treatment of sexually assaulted victims who are admitted to hospital emergency departments; and 2) improve the quality of evidence collection and presentation to increase successful prosecution outcomes.
Each annual report ha a theme title.
"June 1981."
Title from cover.
The 17-acre landfill southwest of Decatur on the south bank of the Sangamon River was permitted in 1974 as a demolition debris landfill. It originated as an open dump in 1918. The site had a history of not complying with the state landfill rules in the 1980s. The landfill also exceeded its permitted waste disposal limits, by the time that the operations stopped in 1991. The owner failed to comply with an August 1994 court order requiring proper cover to be installed and maintained. Visible leachate seeps (leachate is water that has traveled through the landfill and contacts waste material) and exposed refuse were observed along the bank of the Sangamon River. ... This landfill was one of the 33 landfills in Illinois identified by the Illinois EPA in 1998 as most in need of immediate repairs. The state legislature responded by passing legislation that allocated $50 million over five years to address these 33 sites. These 33 landfills are being managed through the Abandoned Landfill Program.
The goal of the Tree City USA Program and the IDNR Urban and Community Forestry Program is to encourage local communities to establish and uphold local community forestry programs for the purpose of citizen safety and community forest management.