5 resultados para 10 de junho (dia de Portugal)

em Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada - Lisboa


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Miles e Snow’s configurational theory has received a great deal of attention from many investigators. Framing the Miles e Snow Typology with the organizational configuration concept, the main purpose of this paper is to make an empirical evaluation of what configurational theories postulate: higher organizational performance is associated to the resemblance to one of the ideal types defined. However, as it is often assumed that an organization can increase performance by selecting the adjustable hybrid type to its own exogenous environment, the relation between the organization’s effectiveness and the hybrid configuration alignment to the respective specific environment types was also analyzed. The assumption of equifinality was also considered because the configurational theory assumes that all the ideal types can potentially achieve the same performance level. A multiple regression model was made to confirm if the misfit related to the ideal and hybrid types has significant impact on the organizational effectiveness. The analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used to verify the equality of performance between the different organization types. In short, the empirical results obtained confirm what is postulated in the theory.


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This article reports country differences in the consumer’s most considered characteristics when choosing electrical appliances, including but not restricted to the energy efficiency aspect. A survey was performed to store customers from 7 countries: the United Kingdom; Germany; Portugal; Greece; Poland; Spain; Italy. Results showed consistency between countries in the top three characteristics considered: cost; quality; and a balance between price and quality. Differences were found for reported environmental attitudes and behaviours, purchase motives, and store employees evaluation. The results may support national policies and store level energy efficiency interventions. Specifically, they can provide input for store employee’s training, in persuading customers towards the purchase of energy efficient appliances.


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É hoje em dia inquestionada a importância da inovação para o crescimento económico e para o desenvolvimento sustentado das empresas e da sociedade. Sendo verdade que o desempenho em termos de inovação das empresas, regiões ou países está condicionado por múltiplos factores de contexto, não é menos verdade que o verdadeiro motor desse desempenho são as iniciativas das empresas e das organizações. O sucesso dos projectos de inovação depende de um elevado número de factores, alguns dos quais são frequentemente negligenciados aquando da análise dos processos de inovação, tais como alianças estratégicas e parcerias, estrutura dos consórcios, protecção dos direitos de propriedade intelectual, estratégias de exploração dos resultados dos projectos, etc. Este artigo centra-se na análise e caracterização do processo de inovação em projectos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos levados a cabo por consórcios liderados por empresas industriais em Portugal. Após uma breve introdução ao problema, descreve-se de forma sucinta o enquadramento metodológico proposto e apresentam-se e discutem-se resultados obtidos através de um estudo conduzido pelo INESC Porto e pelo Observatório das Ciências e do Ensino Superior (OCES) do Ministério da Ciência, Inovação e Ensino Superior (MCIES).


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Education in entrepreneurship is a relatively new addition to the curriculum of institutions of higher education in Portugal. Forty-one percent of the current courses were first offered in 2003 or 2004. This recent awakening to the importance of entrepreneurship education is both reactive to the needs of the market as well as pro-active through the interests of professors. As the developing phenomenon of entrepreneurship education grows there is an urgent need to better understand and develop this area through academic research. Pedagogy, course content, the use of technology as well as other parallel initiatives related to entrepreneurship education in Portugal are the primary focus of this national survey of academic year 2004/2005. The majority (76.5%) of professors surveyed stated that their university has plans to create an entrepreneurship/innovation center. However, it is believed that roles and activities that a “center” must have to be effective are, as of yet, not well-defined in the Portuguese context. In developing future initiatives, Portugal could benefit by looking at models from other countries that have well-developed entrepreneurship educational offerings and support structures. Findings indicate that current course pedagogy in Portugal relies heavily on business plan creation and theoretical lectures and seldom makes use of computer business simulations, role-playing or internships. In addition, greater use of the Internet as a method for disseminating information to students and entrepreneurs could help “market” entrepreneurship education better and improve the perception of those students not currently taking an entrepreneurship course.


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Este artigo identifica os obstáculos à gestão do conhecimento nas escolas de gestão e economia do ensino superior público em Portugal. Assume a gestão do conhecimento como um processo colectivo e interactivo que envolve a geração, codificação e transferência do conhecimento. No âmbito duma pesquisa sobre gestão do conhecimento no ensino superior em Portugal, procedeu-se à aplicação de um questionário junto de docentes das escolas de gestão e economia do ensino público, tendo-se obtido 142 respostas válidas para tratamento de dados. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise descritiva e factorial tendo-se identificado os seguintes principais obstáculos à gestão do conhecimento: liderança e organização, comunicação, e recursos organizacionais.