4 resultados para Cadaveric Kidney-transplantation
em Instituto Nacional de Saúde de Portugal
Kidney transplantation has been recognised as the optimal treatment choice for most end stage renal disease patients and the increase of allograft survival rates is achieved through the refinement of novel immunosuppressive agents. Chronic Graft Disease (CGD) is a multifactorial process that likely includes a combination of immunological, apoptotic and inflammatory factors. The application of individualised immunosuppressive therapies will also depend on the identification of risk factors that can influence chronic disease. Despite being the subject of several independent studies, investigations of the relationship between transforming growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1) polymorphisms and kidney graft outcome continue to be plagued by contradictory conclusions.
Transplantation is one of the medical activities with more expectation of success. For patients with end stage renal disease, kidney transplantation provides a better quality of life compared with those on dialysis, even for those with advanced age or co-morbidities. Greater access to food since the Second World War, high exposure to chemical and toxic, associated with changes in lifestyles, increased diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic renal failure and transplantation demands. The dream of replacing damaged parts in the human body materialized with the transplants, but the hope in transplantation reached much higher levels than the actual results deserve. The transplant was used as flags of technical and scientific differentiation and success. Nonetheless transplantation was faced with shortage of organs and increased demand. The claim to the right to treatment quickly was confused and understood as the right to transplantation.
Kidney transplantation is the preferred treatment for many end stage renal disease patients; however, the small number of organs for transplantation does not allow all patients to have access to this scarce resource. An allocation system for deceased donor kidneys should be anchored to transparent policies and rules. It should take into account the relationship between supply and demand, hence seeking a balance between the higher net benefit of survival that can be provided by a particular organ and the transplant candidates’ waiting time (as well as the probability of being transplanted).
A Polineuropatia Amiloidótica Familiar de tipo português (PAF) ou ATTR V30M é uma doença hereditária cuja prevalência em Portugal é elevada, sendo diagnosticados cerca de 60 novos casos todos os anos. Uma doente com PAF submeteu-se a um segundo transplante hepático de um dador cadavérico depois de se ter constatado que o primeiro dador era portador de TTR V30M. Com este artigo breve pretende-se realizar uma reflexão sobre o interesse, a prática e o enquadramento legal que condicionam a realização de testes genéticos preditivos em dadores de fígado na transplantação de doentes com paramiloidose. A determinação da presença (ou não) de proteína mutada no soro do segundo dador foi realizada por espectrometria de massa precedida de imunoprecipitação da proteína transtirretina. A realização de testes genéticos que permitam determinar a condição de portador de TTR V30M em dadores de fígado, deveria ser considerada no quadro das políticas de transplante em Portugal.