4 resultados para Vitamins.
em Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
O envelhecimento da população, bem como a alteração da dinâmica da família, têm contribuído diretamente para o aumento do número de idosos institucionalizados. A incidência da desnutrição alcança níveis elevados nestes idosos, sendo essencial o seu diagnóstico precoce para a melhoria da sua qualidade de vida. Constitui objetivo primordial do estudo a avaliação do estado nutricional de idosos institucionalizados no concelho de Viseu, Portugal. A amostra (n=120) é constituída por idosos de ambos os sexos, institucionalizados, com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, com capacidade para se colocar de pé, sem demência e que não sejam portadores de patologia passível de afetar a digestão, absorção ou utilização dos nutrientes. A avaliação do estado nutricional é determinada tendo em conta parâmetros antropométricos, a aplicação do e Mini Nutricional Assessment (MNA) e dietéticos, através da avaliação da ingestão alimentar (registo de 3 dias). Os questionários aplicados estão validados para a população portuguesa idosa e foram aplicados após consentimento informado. Foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais às diferentes variáveis, de acordo com o género e estratos etários. Considerou-se um nível de confiança de 95%. Dos 120 indivíduos estudados 30% eram do sexo masculino e 70% eram do sexo feminino. As médias das idades eram de 82,36 ± 6,34 anos. A determinação do IMC mostrou que 12,5% dos idosos avaliados exibem baixo peso (IMC 19,6±2,1); 46,7% são eutróficos (IMC 25,7±1,3); 11,7% apresentam excesso de peso (IMC 29,0±0,6), sendo 29,2% classificados como obesos (IMC 33,8±2,9).A avaliação da população pelo MNA evidenciou uma percentagem de desnutrição de 1,7% com uma prevalência de risco de desnutrição (33,3%) mas identifica 65% da amostra como bem nutrida. Os 2 instrumentos utilizados para avaliação do estado nutricional, antropometria (IMC) e MNA mostraram uma correlação estatística entre si positiva. Independentemente do género e do grupo etário verificou-se que o Valor Calórico Total (VCT) ingerido diariamente apresentava valores abaixo do recomendado. Já a ingestão diária de hidratos de carbono e de proteínas apresentou valores médios superiores às recomendações nutricionais enquanto os teores de lípidos ingeridos se situava dentro dos limites recomendados estando porém os valores da ingesta média de fibra total (18g/dia) abaixo dos indicados para a população idosa (25g/dia). Quanto aos micronutrientes encontraram-se deficits de ingestão média diária de minerais e oligoelementos como o cálcio, ferro, magnésio selénio, zinco e iodo e também de algumas vitaminas (D, E, ácido fólico). Conclui-se então que no geral a população estudada apresenta um estado de nutrição normal avaliado através de IMC e do MNA dois instrumentos que estão correlacionados entre si e se complementam. Que a ingestão alimentar apresentada pelos idosos desta amostra é apenas ligeiramente inferior ao recomendado, não colocando em risco o aparecimento de desnutrição. Porém é importante a intervenção dietética no sentido de corrigir determinadas carências (vitaminas, minerais) e prevenir o risco de desnutrição detetado assim como a obesidade.
Strawberries are an important source of phytochemicals, namely vitamins and phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins and tannins with antioxidant properties [1]. The yield and phenolic content of natural extracts are dependent on the conditions used for extraction [2]. In the present work three different types of extracting solutions (methanol, ethanol:water and aceton:water), two times of extraction (15 and 60 min) and three ratios of solid/solvent (5/25, 5/50 and 5/100 g/mL) were tested in order to evaluate the efficiency of the extraction of phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method [3]. Each assay was performed in triplicate. Regarding the extraction solution, it was possible to observe a slight tendency towards a higher efficiency of acetone:water (AcO:H2O, 60:40), but the differences mioght not be statistically significant. A longer time of contact, 60 min as opposed to 15 min, did not show advantages in the yield of extraction. Considering the factors under study, the results obtained showed that volume of extraction solution was the parameter that most influenced the values obtained. Using a higher volume lead to an increase in the amount of phenolic compounds extracted, in a more pronounced way for 15 min of extraction. For a volume of 25 mL the amount of phenolic compounds quantified ranged from 2.13-2.41 mg GAE/g, and increased 30-68% when it was used 50 mL of solution. Using 100 mL of solution, it was extracted twice as double of phenolic compounds. In case of 60 min, the amount of phenolic compounds quantified in samples obtained with 25 mL of solution ranged from 2.32-2.97 mg GAE/g, and increased for 2.43-4.27 mg GAE/g and 3.98-4.68 mg GAE/g when was used 50 and 100 mL, respectively.
Objective: To assess the epidemiological evidence on dietary fiber intake and chronic diseases and make public health recommendations for the population in Romania based on their consumption. Populations that consume more dietary fiber from cereals, fruits and vegetables have less chronic disease. Dietary Reference Intakes recommend consumption of 14 g dietary fiber per 1,000 kcal, or 25 g for adult women and 38 g for adult men, based on epidemiologic studies showing protection against cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, colorectal -, breast -, gastric -, endometrial -, ovarian - and prostate cancer. Furthermore, increased consumption of dietary fiber improves serum lipid concentrations, lowers blood pressure, blood glucose leads to low glycemic index, aids in weight loss, improve immune function, reduce inflammatory marker levels, reduce indicators of inflammation. Dietary fibers contain an unique blend of bioactive components including resistant starches, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. Dietary fiber components have important physiological effects on glucose, lipid, protein metabolism and mineral bioavailability needed to prevent chronic diseases. Materials and methods: Data regarding diet was collected based on questionnaires. We used mathematical formulas to calculate the mean dietary fiber intake of Romanian adult population and compared the results with international public health recommendations. Results: Based on the intakes of vegetables, fruits and whole cereals we calculated the Mean Dietary Fiber Intake/day/person (MDFI). Our research shows that the national average MDFI was 9.8 g fiber/day/person, meaning 38% of Dietary Requirements, and the rest of 62% representing a “fiber gap” that we have to take into account. This deficiency predisposes to chronic diseases. Conclusions and recommendations:The poor control of relationship between dietary fiber intake and chronic diseases is a major issue that can result in adverse clinical and economic outcomes. The population in Romania is at risk to develop such diseases due to the deficient fiber consumption. A model of chronic diseases costs is needed to aid attempts to reduce them while permitting optimal management of the chronic diseases. This paper presents a discussion of the burden of chronical disease and its socio-economic implications and proposes a model to predict the costs reduction by adequate intake of dietary fiber.
Bananas arise as one of the most popular fruits consumed all around the world. Banana belongs to the genus Musa from the family Musaceae. It is original from tropical regions and presents a strong ability to protect itself from the oxidative stress caused by extreme climatic conditions such as intense sunshine and high temperature. For this protection, bananas increase the production of bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity, which protect the fruit from the oxidative damage. Scientific studies have demonstrated that bananas (both in the pulp and peel) contain different antioxidant compounds, like vitamins (A, B, C and E), β-carotene and phenolic compounds (catechin, epicatechin, lignin, tannins, anthocyanins). Furthermore, banana is also notably rich in minerals, like potassium and phosphorus. The knowledge about the chemical composition and the contents in compounds with biological activity is of high interest given the importance of bananas as a valuable food all over the world. However, because bananas are perishable due to some factors like chemical reactions, including those that result in the production of ethylene, their postharvest conservation in pivotal for the commercialization. The effects of postharvest treatments and storage conditions on the composition of bananas are, therefore, essential. In this way, the present chapter focus on the composition of bananas, including macronutrients, micronutrients and bioactive compounds, as well as the effect of postharvest treatments and storage conditions in the quality of bananas.