5 resultados para School-aged Workers
em Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
Enquadramento teórico: A realização deste trabalho surgiu da própria vivência profissional enquanto professor de Educação Física, lidando com alunos sem perspectivas de futuro, desmotivados, de comportamento agressivo, e com alto grau de indisciplina, caracterizando um perfil violento. A escola atualmente aparece como palco de tensões e a preocupação é evidente já que a escola deve ser um local onde as relações do dia-a-dia traduzem respeito, harmonia, socialização e aquisição de normas e valores, onde os alunos constroem a sua personalidade e uma identidade. Objetivos: Analisar os tipos e frequência da violência no contexto escolar de escolas da rede pública e particular de ensino na cidade de Maceió; Analizar os factores geradores da violência e projetos minimizadores da mesma. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, exploratório de natureza quantitativa, com 200 professores e 800 alunos de 6 escolas da Rede Pública e Particular de Ensino de Maceió-AL. Resultados: Predomínio de estudantes do sexo feminino, sendo 71,2% na escola pública e 58,% na escola particular, na faixa etária entre os 15-18 anos (65.5%) . Os professores foram de 65% do sexo feminino e 35% do sexo masculino na rede Publica e 45% e 55% na rede Particular, com idades entre os 20 e 60 anos, tendo sido 78% admitidos através de concurso público, com estabilidade vínculo efetivo nesta rede de ensino. Todos os professores da Rede Particular de Ensino atuam sob o regime de contrato com carteira assinada, seguindo a CLT (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho). Forte predominância da violência verbal em ambos os tipos de instituições e em ambos os sexos e que se somadas perfazem um total superior a 75%. O sumatório de estudantes que em algum momento sofreu violência, nas duas escolas é de 11.4%. De realçar que 39,2% e 28% dos estudantes da escola pública e particular respectivamente informarem que ninguém o ajudou nestas situações. Na escola Publica os fatores mais relatados como geradores de violência foram: Uso de drogas com 14%, as famílias desestruturadas com 14% e a falta de educação doméstica com 13%. Na rede particular 45 % dos professores referem a desestruturação familiar e 35% a práticas de Bullying. Quando questionados sobre o sentimento de segurança na rede publica apenas 8% se sente seguro. Na rede particular, 65% afirmaram sentir-se seguros. Conclusões: A violência ocorre em ambas as escolas da rede pública ou particular, com menor proporção nas escolas da rede particular, tendo em vista que os projetos desenvolvidos, a estrutura física, e recursos humanos, estão presentes a contento. Ambos os públicos estudantis, convivem e se relacionam nesse mesmo cenário social extraescolar, e que carece ser ocupado em termos de políticas públicas que agreguem valor na formação desse jovem. Palavras-chave: violência, escola, juventude, família, políticas públicas.
Student involvement in the school and the perception of parental support are core variables in the context of studies on personal and school adjustment of children and adolescents and should be considered in the context of socio-educational intervention. In this study, we formulated the following objectives: i) to understand the differences in students’ involvement in school and the perception of parental support, according to several socio- demographic and school variables, ii) to analyse the relationship between involvement and the perception of parental support iii) to outline socio-educational intervention strategies in the contexts of children’s lives. This is a non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional study by means of a non-probabilistic convenience sample consisting of 150 children, aged between 10 and 16 years, attending the 2nd and 3rd cycles basic education [5th – 9th years of schooling] attending a school in the central region of Portugal. The data collection instruments were “Students’ Engagement in School: a Four-Dimensional Scale – SES-4DS” (Veiga 2013, 2016), the “Perceived Parental Support Scale” (Veiga, 2011) and a part with socio-demographic and school questions was added. We found significant differences in overall (and partial) amounts of student involvement and the perception of parental support, depending on the age, gender (in agency and behaviour subscales), school difficulties/retentions and methods of study (time, a place to study and a study schedule). We also found positive and significant relationships between student involvement and perception of parental support. The results are in line with the scientific literature in the field, which highlights the key role of the variables, student involvement and perception of parental support in the academic and psychosocial adjustment of young people. These should be considered in the context of socio-educational intervention. Given the above, we present areas and action strategies promoting parent and student involvement in the educational process.
Teachers’ emotional competences and well-being are fundamentally important to developing and maintaining positive relationships in the classroom, which can contribute to improving pedagogical action. References to several intervention programmes are found in the literature with the purpose of changing the practices, attitudes, and beliefs of teachers, who show evidence of a significant improvement in personal competences and school success. Therefore, an intervention with teachers integrating a broader line of research was carried out, involving parents and students as well. It consists of a programme which promotes personal (well-being and emotional intelligence) and professional (acquiring differentiated pedagogical strategies) competences over a period of six months, followed by a focus group to assess the contribution of an empowerment programme with the intention of promoting school success. The preliminary action-research study involved 10 teachers of two classes with students who show disruptive behaviour in the 7th year in a school in the central region of Portugal. The teachers, of both genders, are aged between 44 and 52, and belong to several recruitment groups. The main research question was: “To what extent does an intervention programme, intended for training, contribute to developing personal and professional competences in teachers of the 3rd cycle of basic education?” The teachers revealed a rather favourable view of their participation in the programme, considering that it helped them perceive some behaviours and practices which are less adjusted to their action in the classroom with these students (shouting, scolding, etc.). From the pretest to the posttest, statistically significant differences were found in assessing their own emotions and in their use. Signs of improvement in positive affections and satisfaction with life were also found, though with a marginal significance. The preliminary data in this empowerment programme for these educational agents points towards the importance of teachers’ awareness in what concerns their pedagogical action, as well as the need to change traditional pedagogical practices that contribute to discouraging students towards learning. The need to establish closer and systematic contact with the students and their families in order to meet their needs and expectations was also highlighted.
The perceptions about school play a central role in behavior, performance and learning outcomes. There is evidence that an improvement in emotional skills is associated with a higher school success. The aim of this paper is to know the relationship between internalizing and externalizing behaviors, emotional skills and academic success of students of the 3rd cycle of basic education. In order to promote students social and emotional skills, a pilot study in a School Grouping of the central region (Portugal) was carried out. It was made a diagnosis of disruptive behavior (ASEBA) and identified 6 children aged between 12 and 14 years old and followed by 3 focus groups with students, parents, and teachers, respectively. Six students mostly male were identified, with the predominance of externalizing behaviors and academic failure. They don’t like school and have no motivation for learning. The relationship between parents and teachers is conflictive. All parents have the utmost concern academic success and teachers perceived good practices, but without success. This program is seen in a perspective of empowerment of the educational agents to manage various environments and relationships. The results point to the importance of the systemic intervention program on the improvement of the social and emotional competences and academic achievement.
Problem Statement: The perceptions about school, play a central role in behavior, performance and results. There is evidence that an improvement in emotional skills is associated with a higher success. Research Questions: What is the relationship between internalizing and externalizing behaviors, emotional skills and academic success in the 3rd cycle of basic education? Purpose of Study: To promote social and emotional skills of students, in the 3rd cycle of basic education. Research Methods: A pilot study with groups of 7th year at a school central Portugal. Made diagnosis of disruptive behavior (ASEBA) was identified 6 children aged 12 0s and 14 and followed by 3 focus groups with students, parents, and teachers respectively. Findings: 6 students mostly male were identified (70 %), with the predominance of externalizing behaviors and academic failure. Not like school (80%) and have no motivation for learning. The relationship between parents and teachers is conflituoso. 100 % of parents have the utmost concern academic success and teachers perceptional good practices, but without success. Conclusions: This program is seen in a perspective of empowerment of the various educational agents to manage various environments and relationships. The results point to the importance of the focus group in the awareness of relational problems in schools. Less adjusted change behaviors imply the involvement of all educators.