3 resultados para Family healthcare unit
em Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
A Estratégia Saúde da Família apresenta-se como uma possibilidade de reestruturação da atenção primária, a partir de um conjunto de ações conjugadas em sintonia com os princípios de intersetorialidade, descentralização, equidade, coresponsabilidade e priorização de grupos populacionais com maior risco de adoecerem ou morrerem. Assim, este estudo objetivou caracterizar a percepção dos usuários da Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família (UBSF) sobre o Programa Saúde da Família (PSF). Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo desenvolvido na USF Barra de Sirinhaém, do Estado de Pernanbuco. Para tanto, contou-se com a participação de 54 usuárias do sexo feminino. Estas responderam a um formulário sócio-demográfico e um roteiro de entrevista semi-diretiva. Os discursos foram submetidos a análise de conteúdo à luz da literatura pertinente. Os principais resultados mostraram que a percepção das usuárias acerca do Programa de Saúde Familiar é de que este ainda funciona com abordagem curativa, mas que possuem maior acessibilidade e construíram um vínculo mais efetivo com os profissionais de saúde. Diante do exposto infere-se que a estratégia de saúde da família ainda não se concretiza pela dificuldade das pessoas entenderem a filosofia do programa, ainda polarizarem uma visão hospitalocêntrica da saúde e revelaram um certo alheamento da compreensão do significado do PSF. Palavras-chave: Estratégia Saúde da Família; Percepção; Assistência à Saúde.
Problem Statement: Chronic disease entails physical, psychological and social issues with a decrease in the quality of life. The assessment of QoL has been applied as indicator in patients with chronic diseases. Research Questions: What is the quality of life in patients with chronic disease? What are the socio-demographic variables that influence the quality of life in patients? Purpose: To assess the quality of life in patients suffering from chronic disease and identify socio-demographic variables which influence the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic disease. Research Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analytical study using a sample composed of 228 users (134 females) from a Family Health Unit in the municipality of Viseu. Data collection was made by means of a questionnaire, consisting of sociodemographic variables, the SF-12 scale and the existence of chronic disease was assessed through the questions – “Do you currently suffer from any chronic disease?”; “If so, which one(s)?”. Findings: The most common chronic diseases were hypertension (59.9%). Female patients with a chronic disease reported worse physical functioning, role-physical and role-emotional; increased bodily pain and better quality of life regarding general health. Male patients showed worse role-physical, increased bodily pain and vitality. Sociodemographic variables which were associated with quality of life were area of residence, academic qualifications and work situation. Conclusion: Chronic disease affects quality of life negatively. Quality of life in both patients groups was associated with socio-demographic variables. Health-related quality of life is an essential issue and should be considered as a priority in health policies.
Abstract Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women worldwide and, therefore, deserves the highest attention and assistance from medical services. Considering patients’ satisfaction as an indication of healthcare quality, women who have undergone a mastectomy will assess the medical care received. This assessment will be based on what is expected from that medical care and on the expected improvement of her health condition. . Objective: To determine the level of satisfaction of women who have undergone a mastectomy with the medical care provided by nurses, doctors and by the way hospital services are organized. Design: A descriptive and cross-sectional study, developed in Portugal. Participants: A non-probabilistic sample formed by 153 women who underwent a mastectomy with an average age of 55, married (67.3%), unemployed (56.2%), living in a rural area (71.2%) and living on minimum wage (54.9%). Measurement instrument: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) IN-PATSAT32 questionnaire. Results: 113 (73.85%) of the 153 women are satisied with the medical care provided and 40 (26.14%) of them show their lack of satisfaction. A highly signiicant percentage of women (49.01%) feel fairly satisied with the medical care provided by nurses and with the way services are organized (37.9). On the other hand (37.9%) show their dissatisfaction towards doctors. The family network proved to be a predictor of the satisfaction with doctors (β = 0.163; P = .044) and the period of hospitalization predicts the satisfaction with the organization (β = 0.171; P = .011). Both predictors will be useful to explain the 3% variability in patients’ satisfaction. Conclusions: Monitoring the satisfaction with the medical care received is a fundamental strategy to promote the well-being of women who underwent a mastectomy.