27 resultados para Maria João da Rocha Afonso


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Este estudo exploratório procura analisar o impacto do está- gio, integrado do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Social (ESEV-IPV), no que diz respeito aos benefícios da intervenção socioeducativa com pessoas idosas percecionados pelo públi- co-alvo e pelos promotores dos projetos. O estágio surge, no processo de formação, como um contacto formal e estruturado com o mundo do trabalho. Partindo do reconhecimento da im- portância da educação no trabalho social e, mais concretamente, na intervenção gerontológica, importa saber qual a contribui- ção da Educação Social na capacitação individual e social para a promoção de um envelhecimento mais digno, ativo e bem- suce- dido. Durante os anos letivos 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012 e 2013/2014 auscultou-se a opinião do público-alvo dos projetos de estágio (pessoas idosas) e pelos próprios estagiários acerca do impacto das atividades desenvolvidas, tendo-se recorrido a questionários e entrevistas estruturadas para o efeito. Os resul- tados sugerem a importância das atividades ao nível do aumento do bem-estar pessoal e relações interpessoais, reportado quer por estagiários, quer por pessoas idosas. Dado o contributo que o Educador Social pode ter no envelhecimento, apresenta-se a necessidade de se preparem Técnicos Superiores de Educação Social capacitados para as especificidades do trabalho com esta população-alvo.


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Este estudo procura examinar os benefícios de um programa de estimulação cognitiva na redução do isolamento, comportamentos de afastamento e irritabilidade e na melhoria da capacidade cognitiva e estado emocional. O programa constituído por 14 sessões foi aplicado num grupo de pessoas a residir na comunidade (n=6) e num grupo de idosos a viver em estrutura residencial (n=6). Ambos os grupos foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção com recurso ao instrumento Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES). Complementarmente, foi desenvolvido um focus-group com os dinamizadores do programa, que incluiu questões acerca das suas experiências e opiniões sobre as sessões. Resultados estatisticamente significativos apontam para benefícios nos domínios das relações interpessoais e estado emocional, ambos no grupo que recebeu a intervenção no domicílio. Assim, a implementação de programas de estimulação cognitiva deve ser alargada a serviços de apoio domiciliário e projetos mais direcionados para as pessoas que vivem sozinhas.


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Este Simpósio é dedicado ao tema “Género e TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação) ”, visando analisar e discutir as questões de género, no âmbito da utilização das TIC. Para desencadear a discussão, as/os participantes no Simpósio enquadrarão teoricamente o tema e apresentarão uma síntese dos resultados de diferentes estudos académicos, contribuindo, assim, para o retrato da relação entre género e utilização das TIC por crianças e jovens em Portugal. O enquadramento teórico apresentará as diferentes abordagens internacionais ao tema. Será referido o capítulo dedicado às TIC, do Guião Educação, Género e Cidadania para o 3º ciclo, e o programa de formação contínua de docentes que tem vindo a usar o referido capítulo na formação contínua de docentes, resultando na aplicação do mesmo pelos/as formandos/as em agrupamentos de escolas de todo o país. Serão também apresentados os resultados de uma investigação sobre a dimensão de género na utilização das TIC por jovens no ensino superior em Portugal. A análise das questões de género na utilização da internet pelas crianças será apresentada por pessoas da coordenação portuguesa de dois projetos europeus.


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Research into families of children and young people with disability maintain that parents or caregivers seem to experience higher levels of global stress than parents of children without disabilities, thereby presenting a high risk of developing disorders in their health and quality of life. The aim of this study is to understand the differences in parental stress and social support among groups of parents whose children have different disabilities in the context of parental adjustment to disability. Considering that adjustment is related to the effectiveness with which the family uses its resources and the support of their social network, we intend to analyse the differences of stress and social support among groups of parents of children with different problems and to clarify the relationships between the variables under study in order to adapt family intervention strategies. For this purpose a comparative, descriptive-correlational study was undertaken. The convenience sample included 152 parents of children with different disabilities (82 with intellectual disability, 37 with motor problems and 33 with autism) supported by schools and institutions in Viseu. The instruments used were: a Portuguese version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), the Social Support Questionnaire – short version (Pinheiro & Ferreira, 2001) and a Parental Questionnaire (demographic and family data). Data were collected in schools and institutions that support people with disabilities, located in the Municipality of Viseu (Portugal). The results revealed significant differences between groups of parents in the partial results of parental stress, specifically in the Hyperactivity/Distract (DI), Acceptability (AC) and Adaptability (AD), dimensions of the Child Domain subscale (CD stress) and the Role Restriction (RO), dimension of Parent Domain subscale (PD stress). With regard to social support dimensions, we found significant differences between parents in the extent and availability of the social support network (SSQN).


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Introduction: Institutionalized children exposed to early adverse experiences are a particularly vulnerable group with a high risk of developing health problems. Objectives: i) to know the representations of attachment in institutionalized children; ii) to understand if there are differences of attachment, according to some sociodemographic variables; iii) outline socio-educational intervention strategies in the children’s life’s contexts. Methods: This is an exploratory and cross-sectional study, using for this purpose, a non-probabilistic and convenience sample composed of 82 institutionalized children, aged between 8 and 17 years old. The gathering instruments were the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Inventory Attachment for Children and Adolescents. Results: The results show that most children have secure attachment representations, followed by the avoidant attachment representations. We also found signiicant differences in the results of attachment, according to the gender (in avoidant attachment and ambivalent attachment) and in the institutionalization time (in the ambivalent attachment). Conclusions: The results show promising lines of research, being our purpose to outline socio-educational intervention strategies for children in their pathways of life by promoting protective factors, especially the establishment of secure relationships, thus promoting better quality of life and well-being.


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Introduction: Resilience is a core variable in the context of studies on the psychosocial adjustment and school children and teenagers, and should be considered in the context of strategies to promote their well- being and quality of life. Objectives: To know the relationship between resilience, parental support and some sociodemographic variables; outline socio-educational intervention strategies in contexts of children’s lives. Methods: This is a non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional study, having used a non- probabilistic convenience sample consisting of 150 children, aged between 10 and 16 years old, attending the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education. The gathering instruments were the Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Inventory Measuring State and Child Resilience (Martins, 2005) and Perception Parental Support Scale (Veiga, 2011). Results: Results show that there are signiicant differences in the values of the current, past and overall resilience, between the age groups children, revealing that children aged between 10 and 11 years have higher results in resilience than young people aged between 14 and 16 years. We also observed signiicant differences in the current resilience, depending on the parents’ marital status (higher when parents are married). We also observed positive and signiicant correlations between resilience and perception of parental support. Conclusions: Results are in line with the scientiic literature in the ield that highlights the key role of resilience in school and psychosocial adjustment of children, and should be considered within the design of socio-educational intervention strategies. Keywords: Resilience. Parental support. Attachment


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This study aims to examine the benefits of a cognitive stimulation program in reducing social isolation and irritability and improving cognitive capacity and emotional status of elderly people. A program of 14 sessions was conducted with individuals living in the community (n=6) and with group of individuals living in nursing home (n=6). Both groups were evaluated before and after the intervention with the Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES). Also a focus group with the program monitors ́ allowed to collect information about the experience in conducting the sessions and their opinion about the whole program. Results have demonstrated benefits statistically significant in the domains of relationships and emotional status for the group who received the intervention at home. This experience allowed to conclude that the implementation of cognitive stimulation programs should be extended to home-based services, especially for older persons living alone.


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O interesse crescente pelos alimentos enriquecidos com esteróis vegetais deve-se ao fato de que estes diminuem as concentrações sanguíneas de colesterol sem efeitos adversos colaterais. Neste contexto, o enriquecimento de alimentos com esteróis vegetais poderá constituir uma ajuda importante na proteção da população contra a aterosclerose e doenças cardiovasculares. As informações sobre o comportamento alimentar são praticamente inexistentes em Portugal, pelo que se torna indispensável perceber a importância dos produtos funcionais nos hábitos de consumo. O presente trabalho pretendeu avaliar os hábitos de consumo de uma população de Viseu relativamente aos leites fermentados com baixo teor de gordura enriquecidos com esteróis vegetais e margarinas enriquecidas com fitoesteróis. Para cada produto foram feitos 577 inquéritos a indivíduos escolhidos aleatoriamente numa população que efetuava as suas compras semanais em vários hipermercados da cidade de Viseu. Inquiriu-se sobre vários parâmetros respeitantes a leites fermentados com baixo teor de gordura enriquecidos com esteróis vegetais e margarinas enriquecidas com fitoesteróis. Os resultados preliminares obtidos mostraram que, para a maioria dos inquiridos a compra dos alimentos era condicionada pelo seu custo elevado. Os indivíduos que afirmaram consumir os produtos eram maioritariamente mulheres com idade entre os 40≤65 anos. Relativamente aos parâmetros avaliados não se observam diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre ambos os sexos. Estes inquiridos ingeriam maioritariamente o alimento 1vez/dia (leites fermentados, margarina (fatia/dia)) fazendo esta escolha por apresentarem colesterol elevado ou por lhes atribuírem efeitos preventivos para a doença. Para além disso quer os que estavam sob terapêutica antidislipidémica quer os que não estavam declararam observar efeitos positivos na hipercolesterolemia. Parece evidente que são as preocupações com a saúde que influenciam a aquisição dos leites fermentados com baixo teor de gordura e margarinas enriquecidos com fitoesteróis. As declarações feitas sobre os níveis de colesterol, ingestão declarada e efeitos observados parecem sugerir uma ingestão com quantidade e frequência suficiente. Também a faixa etária que mais consome parece estar de acordo com as recomendações. A elevada taxa de não consumidores encontrada no estudo e que alega não necessidade e descrença de efeitos mesmo quando tal não acontece pode atribuir-se à escassez de informação nos rótulos e/ou custo acrescido do produto. Esclarecer sobre a importância da inclusão destes produtos na dieta sozinhos ou como coadjuvantes de terapêutica instituída poderá ser uma forma de conseguir o equilíbrio na gestão da hipercolesterolemia.


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Prolonged high-intensity training seems to result in increased systemic inflammation, which might explain muscle injury, delayed onset muscle soreness, and overtraining syndrome in athletes. Furthermore, an impaired immune function caused by strenuous exercise leads to the development of upper respiratory tract infections in athletes. Nutraceuticals might help counteract these performance-lowering effects. The use of nanotechnology is an interesting alternative to supply athletes with nutraceuticals, as many of these substances are insoluble in water and are poorly absorbed in the digestive tract. The present chapter starts with a brief review of the effects of exercise on immunity, followed by an analysis on how nutraceuticals such as omega-3 fatty acids, glutamine, BCAAs, or phytochemicals can counteract negative effects of strenuous exercise in athletes. Finally, how nanostructured delivery systems can constitute a new trend in enhancing bioavailability and optimizing the action of nutraceuticals will be discussed, using the example of food beverages.


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This project aims at describing the use of Action Research in the development of more structured assessment practices in Early Childhood Portuguese contexts. The teacher had always observed young learners’ activities and progress, and registered them in the form of “critical incidents”. This reflective process structured through this type of narratives helps “tune” the Class Curriculum firstly designed without much knowledge about the kids and so, difficultly responding to their specific needs and interests. The results achieved suggest kids become better prepared to face further education and life. Being early childhood assessment felt by most Portuguese kindergarten teachers as an innovative procedure, the project was seen as the launching of roots for “new” practices.


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The growing concerns for physical wellbeing and health have been reflected in the way we choose food in our table. Nowadays, we are all more informed consumers and choose healthier foods. On the other hand, stroke, cancer and atherosclerosis may be somehow minimized by the intake of some bioactive compounds present in food, the so-called nutraceuticals and functional foods. The aim of this work was to make a revision of the published studies about the effects of some bioactive compounds, namely lycopene in human health, in the prevention of diseases, thus playing the role of a functional food. Free radical in human body can induce cell damage and consequently can be responsible for the development of some cancers and chronic diseases. Lycopene is one of the most powerful antioxidants known, being the predominant carotenoid in tomato. The respective chemistry, bioavailability, and its functional role in the prevention of several diseases will be object of this work. On the other hand, the inclusion of lycopene in some foods can also be made by biotechnology and represents a way to recover the wastes in the tomato industry with nutritional positive effects in health.


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Hypertension is a common condition causing cardio and cerebrovascular complications. Portugal has one of the highest mortality rates from stroke and a high prevalence of hypertension. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction and stroke) and premature mortality, particularly in the elderly population. The present study aims to estimate the prevalence of hypertension in a Portuguese population living in a coastal city and to identify some of its determinants (namely gender, age, the body mass index and physical activity frequency). A total of 91 adults who attended three pharmacies of a coastal city in the center of Portugal, between May and August of 2013 were evaluated. Attendants who reported to have diabetes or taking antihypertensive drugs in the 2 previous weeks were excluded from the study. Sociodemographic factors, BMI, habits of exercise and BP were assessed. Hypertension was defined as blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg. The majority of the studied population was constituted by women (75.8%), with a mean age of 54.2±1.6 years old, married or living in civil union and that had completed secondary school or had higher education (40%). They presented a mean BMI of 26.2±4.76 Kg/m2., and were sedentary. The mean BP was 127.0±17.77mmHg- 74.69 ± 9.53. In this population we found 4.3% of people with hypertension and 16.1% with normal high blood pressure. Men exhibit a tendency to present higher systolic blood pressure values than women. Of all the factors considered, SBP values also tended to be higher with age and higher BMI values. Despite the fact that the mean values of SBP did not present values higher than 140 mmHg we must be concerned because the studied population is undiagnosed for hypertension. Although this is a preliminary study, it might be a prelude to the upcoming research about the underlying factors responsible for the occurrence of SBP.