49 resultados para CSCW


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Estudiar la aplicabilidad de t??cnicas CSCW (Computer Supported Collaborative Work) en el trabajo diario, tanto en un aula, como en educaci??n a distancia. Analizar la idoneidad de las distintas plataformas de redes subyacentes, sistemas operativos, etc., as?? como estudiar otros aspectos de CSCW, como seguridad y registro de usuarios, ergonom??a... Dise??ar y desarrollar el prototipo ya que es necesario tener una aplicaci??n software que pudiera implantarse cuanto antes y con el m??ximo nivel de funcionalidad. Comparar el rendimiento de ordenadores basados en l??piz, con los ordenadores tradicionales port??tiles o de sobremesa ya que deben probarse nuevos m??todos de interacci??n con los ordenadores. Se pretende estudiar los problemas de CSCW (concurrencias, coordinaci??n, derechos,...) asociados al car??cter recursivo de la escritura y la interacci??n entre un grupo peque??o de estudiantes y el profesor, creando as?? una clase electr??nica. Se decide crear un sistema que pueda servir de apoyo a los alumnos de la asignatura 'T??cnica de escritura' impartido en la Facultad de Educaci??n. Se estudia la aplicaci??n de los ordenadores y las redes como elementos de apoyo a la ense??anza, especialmente al aprendizaje de la composici??n escrita, tanto de forma individual, como de forma cooperativa, incluyendo los m??todos de an??lisis de los textos generados por los alumnos. Se hace una rese??a hist??rica del Trabajo Coperativo Soportado por Ordenador (CSCW) present??ndose las distintas clasificaciones y arquitecturas existentes para estos sistemas, vi??ndose las caracter??sticas que las difeencian y haciendo una comparaci??n con los del sistema propuesto. Se tratan las interfaces multiusuario y sus implicaciones de dise??o, comentando los distintos problemas que surgen cuando hay que implementar un sistema CSCW y describi??ndose las soluciones adoptadas. Durante los dos a??os de utilizaci??n del sistema como apoyo a la signatura 'T??cnicas de escritura' han ido surgiendo distintos problemas tanto del tipo funcional, como inform??tico y-o telem??tico, cuyas soluciones m??s importantes han sido: consciencia del espacio de trabajo compartido, implementaci??n de roles y organizaci??n del trabajo en las fases cooperativas, soporte adecuado para la comunicaci??n, almacenamiento de la informaci??n generada por la interfaz basada en l??piz electr??nico, almacenamiento y recupaeraci??n del trabajo de sesiones anteriores y tama??o de cada ventana de trabajo. En la presente tesis se ha dise??ado e implantado un nuevo sistema CSCW basado en una interfaz de l??piz electr??nico para la ense??anza y aprendizaje de la composici??n de textos. El sistema, llamado PENCACOLAS (PEN Computer Aided Composing COLlAborative System) permite la interacci??n entre alumnos (grupos de 2 ?? 3) y la supervisi??n e interacci??n con el profesor, posibilita el paso del alumno por las distintas fases que subyacen en el proceso de composici??n de un documento, dota tanto al profesor como a los alumnos de una interfaz que les permite visualizar el trabajo de los dem??s e intervenir en ciertas circunstancias, permite la creaci??n de las llamadas aulas virtuales.


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In order to gain a better understanding of online conceptual collaborative design processes this paper investigates how student designers make use of a shared virtual synchronous environment when engaged in conceptual design. The software enables users to talk to each other and share sketches when they are remotely located. The paper describes a novel methodology for observing and analysing collaborative design processes by adapting the concepts of grounded theory. Rather than concentrating on narrow aspects of the final artefacts, emerging “themes” are generated that provide a broader picture of collaborative design process and context descriptions. Findings on the themes of “grounding – mutual understanding” and “support creativity” complement findings from other research, while important themes associated with “near-synchrony” have not been emphasised in other research. From the study, a series of design recommendations are made for the development of tools to support online computer-supported collaborative work in design using a shared virtual environment.


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This paper describes a novel methodology for observing and analysing collaborative design by using the concepts of cognitive dimensions related to concept-based misfit analysis. The study aims at gaining an insight into support for creative practice of graphical communication in collaborative design processes of designers while sketching within a shared white board and audio conferencing environment. Empirical data on design processes have been obtained from observation of groups of student designers solving an interior space-planning problem of a lounge-diner in a shared virtual environment. The results of the study provide recommendations for the design and development of interactive systems to support such collaborative design activities.


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This paper describes a multi-agent architecture to support CSCW systems modelling. Since CSCW involves different organizations, it can be seen as a social model. From this point of view, we investigate the possibility of modelling CSCW by agent technology, and then based on organizational semiotics method a multi-agent architecture is proposed via using EDA agent model. We explain the components of this multi-agent architecture and design process. It is argued that this approach provides a new perspective for modelling CSCW systems.


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L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi è quello di approfondire il tema della comunicazione e sincronizzazione dati nel contesto di uno specifico caso di studio di sistema informatico a supporto del lavoro cooperativo per il soccorso in emergenza: a partire dai requisiti del caso applicativo, secondo cui agli operatori deve essere possibile utilizzare il sistema anche a fronte di disconnessioni dei propri dispositivi mobili, emerge infatti la necessità di un middleware a cui il livello applicativo demandi le funzionalità di sincronizzare le informazioni prodotte durante le operazioni, in modo da promuovere uno scambio di informazioni che migliori e supporti l'azione del singolo e conseguentemente del team. Quindi, dopo aver introdotto la tematica ed analizzato il caso di studio da affrontare, viene descritta l'esplorazione del panorama tecnologico volta alla ricerca di strumenti o approcci che possano mitigare la complessità nella realizzazione di questa funzionalità. Nel panorama tecnologico considerato, comprendente framework per servizi web, MOM e database, uno strumento di particolare interesse è stato individuato in CouchDB, un database NoSQL, grazie alle sue funzionalità di replica e sincronizzazione e alla presenza di una libreria per lo sviluppo su dispositivi mobili: su di esso è stata effettuata una breve fase di sperimentazione volta a saggiarne in maniera più concreta le potenzialità anche in relazione alla valutazione di fattibilità per il caso applicativo considerato.


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The increasing ubiquity of digital technology, internet ser-vices and social media in our everyday lives allows for a seamless transitioning between the visible and the invisible infrastructure of cities: road systems, building complexes, information and communication technology, and people networks create a buzzing environment that is alive and exciting. Driven by curiosity, initiative and interdiscipli-nary exchange, the Urban Informatics Research Lab at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia, is an emerging cluster of people interested in research and development at the intersection of people, place and technology with a focus on cities, locative media and mobile technology. This paper seeks to define, for the first time, what we mean by ‘urban informatics’ and outline its significance as a field of study today. It describes the relevant background and trends in each of the areas of peo-ple, place and technology, and highlights the relevance of urban informatics to the concerns and evolving challenges of CSCW. We then position our work in academia juxta-posed with related research concentrations and labels, fol-lowed by a discussion of disciplinary influences. The paper concludes with an exposé of the three current research themes of the lab around augmented urban spaces, urban narratives, and environmental sustainability in order to illustrate specific cases and methods, and to draw out distinctions that our affiliation with the Creative Industries Faculty affords.


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For the purpose of developing collaborative support in design studio environments, we have carried out ethnographic fieldwork in professional and academic product design studios. Our intention was to understand design practices beyond the productivity point of view and take into account the experiential, inspirational and aesthetical aspects of design practices. Using examples from our fieldwork, we develop our results around three broad themes by which design professionals support communication and collaboration: (1) use of artefacts, (2) use of space and (3) designerly practices. We use the results of our fieldwork for drawing implications for designing technologies for the design studio culture.


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The role of material artefacts in supporting distributed and co-located work practices has been well acknowledged within HCI and CSCW research. In this paper, we show that in addition to their ecological, coordinative and organizational support, artefacts also play an 'experiential' role. In this case, artefacts not only improve efficiency or have a purely functional role (e.g. allowing people to complete tasks quickly), but the materiality, use and manifestations of these artefacts bring quality and richness to people's performance and help them make better sense of their everyday lives. In a domain such as industrial design, such artefacts play an important role for supporting creativity and innovation. Based on our ethnographic fieldwork on understanding cooperative design practices of industrial design students and researchers, we describe several experiential practices that are supported by design-related artefacts such as sketches, drawings, physical models and explorative prototypes -- used and developed in designers' everyday work. Our main intention in carrying out this kind of research is to develop technologies to support designers' everyday practices. We believe that with the emergence of ubiquitous computing, there is a growing need to focus on the personal, social and creative side of people's everyday experiences. By focusing on the experiential practices of designers, we can provide a much broader view in the design of new interactive technologies.


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CSCW researchers have increasingly come to realize that the material work setting and its population of artefacts play a crucial part in coordination of distributed or co-located work. This paper uses the notion of physicality as a basis to understand cooperative work. Using examples from an ongoing fieldwork on cooperative design practices, it provides a conceptual understanding of physicality and shows that material settings and co-workers’ working practices play an important role in understanding the physicality of cooperative design.


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Motivation Awareness is an integral part of remote collaborative work and has been an important theme within the CSCW research. Our project aims at understanding and mediating non-verbal cues between remote participants involved in a design project. Research approach Within the AMIDA project we focus on distributed 'cooperative design' teams. We especially focus on the 'material' signals - signals in which people communicate through material artefacts, locations and their embodied actions. We apply an ethnographic approach to understand the role of physical artefacts in co-located naturalistic design setting. Based on the results we will generate important implications to support remote design work. We plan to develop a mixed-reality interface supported by a shared awareness display. This awareness display will provide information about the activities happening in the design room to remotely located participants. Findings/Design Our preliminary investigation with real-world design teams suggests that both the materiality of designers' work settings and their social practices play an important role in understanding these material signals that are at play. Originality/Value Most research supporting computer mediated communication have focused on either face-to-face or linguistically oriented communication paradigms. Our research focuses on mediating the non-verbal, material cues for supporting collaborative activities without impoverishing what designers do in their day to day working lives. Take away message An ethnographic approach allows us to understand the naturalistic practices of design teams, which can lead to designing effective technologies to support group work. In that respect, the findings of our research will have a generic value beyond the application domain chosen (design teams).


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Software development settings provide a great opportunity for CSCW researchers to study collaborative work. In this paper, we explore a specific work practice called bug reproduction that is a part of the software bug-fixing process. Bug re-production is a highly collaborative process by which software developers attempt to locally replicate the ‘environment’ within which a bug was originally encountered. Customers, who encounter bugs in their everyday use of systems, play an important role in bug reproduction as they provide useful information to developers, in the form of steps for reproduction, software screenshots, trace logs, and other ways to describe a problem. Bug reproduction, however, poses major hurdles in software maintenance as it is often challenging to replicate the contextual aspects that are at play at the customers’ end. To study the bug reproduction process from a human-centered perspective, we carried out an ethnographic study at a multinational engineering company. Using semi-structured interviews, a questionnaire and half-a-day observation of sixteen software developers working on different software maintenance projects, we studied bug reproduction. In this pa-per, we present a holistic view of bug reproduction practices from a real-world set-ting and discuss implications for designing tools to address the challenges developers face during bug reproduction.


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Within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) research, the notion of technologically-mediated awareness is often used for allowing relevant people to maintain a mental model of activities, behaviors and status information about each other so that they can organize and coordinate work or other joint activities. The initial conceptions of awareness focused largely on improving productivity and efficiency within work environments. With new social, cultural and commercial needs and the emergence of novel computing technologies, the focus of technologically-mediated awareness has extended from work environments to people’s everyday interactions. Hence, the scope of awareness has extended from conveying work related activities to people’s emotions, love, social status and other broad range of aspects. This trend of conceptualizing HCI design is termed as experience-focused HCI. In my PhD dissertation, designing for awareness, I have reported on how we, as HCI researchers, can design awareness systems from experience-focused HCI perspective that follow the trend of conveying awareness beyond the task-based, instrumental and productive needs. Within the overall aim to design for awareness, my research advocates ethnomethodologically-informed approaches for conceptualizing and designing for awareness. In this sense, awareness is not a predefined phenomenon but something that is situated and particular to a given environment. I have used this approach in two design cases of developing interactive systems that support awareness beyond task-based aspects in work environments. In both the cases, I have followed a complete design cycle: collecting an in-situ understanding of an environment, developing implications for a new technology, implementing a prototype technology to studying the use of the technology in its natural settings.