A survey and analysis of the GNSS spoofing threat and countermeasures

Autoria(s): Schmidt, Desmond; Radke, Kenneth; Camtepe, Seyit; Foo, Ernest; Ren, Michal



Detection and prevention of global network satellite system (GNSS) “spoofing” attacks, or the broadcast of false global navigation satellite system services, has recently attracted much research interest. This survey aims to fill three gaps in the literature: first, to assess in detail the exact nature of threat scenarios posed by spoofing against the most commonly cited targets; second, to investigate the many practical impediments, often underplayed, to carrying out GNSS spoofing attacks in the field; and third, to survey and assess the effectiveness of a wide range of proposed defences against GNSS spoofing. Our conclusion lists promising areas of future research.










Schmidt, Desmond, Radke, Kenneth, Camtepe, Seyit, Foo, Ernest, & Ren, Michal (2016) A survey and analysis of the GNSS spoofing threat and countermeasures. ACM Computing Surveys, 48(4), Article No. 64.



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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Institute for Future Environments; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080303 Computer System Security #080401 Coding and Information Theory #080502 Mobile Technologies #080503 Networking and Communications #global navigation satellite system #GNSS #constellation #timing #navigation #vulnerability #attacks #spoofing #denial-of-service #jamming

Journal Article