Encouraging learners to drive using game elements and smartphones

Autoria(s): Fitz-Walter, Zachary; Tjondronegoro, Dian W.; Wyeth, Peta

Farrell, Vivienne

Farrell, Graham

Chua, Casion

Huang, Weidong

Vasa, Raj

Woodward, Clinton




Young drivers aged 17-24 years are at a risk of death and injury from road crashes primarily due to their age and inexperience on the road. Our research aims to investigate if a gamified mobile tracking and intervention tool can help to address this issue. We aim to build a smartphone application to support the current process of logging driving hours using a physical logbook and pen in Queensland. This provides an easier way to log driving hours than recording them in a logbook. In an attempt to engage Learners and encourage them to undertake more diverse driving practice we will explore how game elements can be integrated into the experience to motivate Learners. Previous research in other domains has shown that framing tasks as game-like can help engage and motivate users, however the addition of game elements to this space provides some interesting design challenges. This paper presents an overview of the research and presents these challenges for further discussion.









Fitz-Walter, Zachary, Tjondronegoro, Dian W., & Wyeth, Peta (2012) Encouraging learners to drive using game elements and smartphones. In Farrell, Vivienne, Farrell, Graham, Chua, Casion, Huang, Weidong, Vasa, Raj, & Woodward, Clinton (Eds.) Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI 2012), ACM, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC.


Copyright 2012 The Authors

Copyright in material reproduced here remains with the author(s), who have granted CHISIG a licence to distribute the material as part of the OzCHI2012 electronic proceedings. For any further use please contact the author(s).


School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Information Systems; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #Learner Drivers #gamification #gameful design #mobile devices #smartphone

Conference Paper