63 resultados para pisciculture


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A presente dissertação avalia o desenvolvimento da piscicultura em tanques-rede no reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí, no Estado do Pará, a partir de um estudo de caso: o projeto de piscicultura Ipirá, criado por meio um acordo firmado entre a Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil – Eletrobras Eletronorte e um conjunto de famílias que tiveram seus modos de vida impactados pela construção da Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí, como alternativa para a geração de emprego e renda. Avalia-se, mas especificamente qual o impacto do projeto na melhoria das condições de vida das famílias atendidas pelo mesmo sob a perspectiva socioeconômica. Para alcançar os objetivos desse trabalho, utilizou-se além do estudo de caso, o modelo sistêmico para a aqüicultura, em especial os cálculos dos índices para a avaliação da sustentabilidade socioeconômica da aquicultura - IDES, como procedimentos metodológicos. Observou-se que o projeto de piscicultura Ipirá mostra-se potencialmente sustentável do ponto de vista socioeconômico (0,649). Os indicadores aspectos sanitários (0,123), lazer (0,113) e saúde (0,110), apresentaram em ordem decrescente, as principais contribuições na composição do IDES, ao passo que os indicadores renda (0,040) e habitação (0,79), essenciais para a manutenção familiar e condições de bem estar do ser humano, apresentaram os piores resultados. Conclui-se, a partir dos resultados gerados, que o projeto de piscicultura Ipirá não conseguiu alcançar seu objetivo principal: geração de emprego e renda, e demonstra-se não influenciar significativamente na melhoria das condições de vida das famílias atendidas, o que é reforçado pelos dados levantados em campo, onde 86% dos entrevistados sobrevivem com salário igual e menor que 1 salário mínimo mensal, complementado pelo auxílio do seguro defeso e o bolsa família. Por fim, ressalta-se a relevância do projeto Ipirá como um case de política sócio-ambiental com potencial para dinamizar a economia local e em uma perspectiva mais otimista se tornar um modelo a ser replicado e abranger todos os municípios do entorno do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí, desde que as falhas na implantação e no seu gerenciamento sejam sanadas e as devidas providenciais sejam tomadas, como as apontadas pelo presente estudo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aquaculture is a crucial source of income and livelihood for millions of people around the world. Most fish farms require technical knowledge expertise and qualified staff. This research was developed in Santa Felicidade Settlement Project Cocalzinho de Goias city - GO, where a substantial part of the settlers by INCRA are exploring subsistence farming activities. After meeting open to the 76 settler's families, those who joined the project received courses on intensive farming of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in net cages. The production was an innovative technique, fully realized with the participatory labor of family members, without prejudice of the main activities. The economic analysis showed the return on invested capital in 7.5 years within the financial activity with 7.1% Internal Return Rate higher than the average interest rate market. The Net Cash Flow showed ability to fulfill financial obligations from the second year. The implementation of more productive cycles optimizes the workforce with increased operational efficiency. Diet alternatively produced with local ingredients can minimize the effects of critical variables of the project, since it does not affect productivity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã


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Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) is the fish species most commonly raised in the Brazilian fish farms. The species is highly adaptable to captive conditions, and is both fast-growing and relatively fecund. In recent years, artificial breeding has produced hybrids with Characiform species, known as “Tambacu” and “Tambatinga”. Identifying hybrids is a difficult process, given their morphological similarities with the parent species. This study presents an innovative molecular approach to the identification of hybrids based primarily on Multiplex PCR of a nuclear gene (a-Tropomyosin), which was tested on 93 specimens obtained from fish farms in northern Brazil. The sequencing of a 505-bp fragment of the Control Region (CR) permitted the identification of the maternal lineage of the specimen, all of which corresponded to C. macropomum. Unexpectedly, only two CR haplotype were found in 93 samples, a very low genetic diversity for the pisciculture of Tambaqui. Multiplex PCR identified 42 hybrids, in contrast with 23 identified by the supplier on the basis of external morphology. This innovative tool has considerable potential for the development of the Brazilian aquaculture, given the possibility of the systematic identification of the genetic traits of both fry-producing stocks, and the fry and juveniles raised in farms.


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Edited by Edward H. Knight. cf. Appleton, Dict. of Amer. biog., under Knight.


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Technology intermediaries are seen as potent vehicles for addressing perennial problems in transferring technology from university to industry in developed and developing countries. This paper examines what constitutes effective user-end intermediation in a low-technology, developing economy context, which is an under-researched topic. The social learning in technological innovation framework is extended using situated learning theory in a longitudinal instrumental case study of an exemplar technology intermediation programme. The paper documents the role that academic-related research and advisory centres can play as intermediaries in brokering, facilitating and configuring technology, against the backdrop of a group of small-scale pisciculture businesses in a rural area of Colombia. In doing so, it demonstrates how technology intermediation activities can be optimized in the domestication and innofusion of technology amongst end-users. The design components featured in this instrumental case of intermediation can inform policy making and practice relating to technology transfer from university to rural industry. Future research on this subject should consider the intermediation components put forward, as well as the impact of such interventions, in different countries and industrial sectors. Such research would allow for theoretical replication and help improve technology domestication and innofusion in different contexts, especially in less-developed countries.


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Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems, intermediate between rivers and lakes, with diferent morphological and hydrological characteristics that can provide many important benefits to society. However, the use of this water for human consumption, watering livestock, leisure, irrigated agricultural production and pisciculture development, directly influence the increase loading of nutrients to aquatic environments and contribute to acceleration of eutrophication. Furthermore, global climate models are predicting a higher occurrence of extreme events such as floods and severe droughts, which will create hydrological stresses in lakes. In the semiarid northeast we can see the occurrence of these events, the drought of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 was the worst drought in 60 years, according to the National Water Agency (ANA). Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of the semiarid tropical water sources, identifying temporal patterns in periods with extreme hydrological events (floods and severe droughts). The study results showed that Gargalheiras and Cruzeta reservoirs presented significative changes in the limnological variables between rain and severe drought periods, with better appearance and in the most of the water quality variables in the rainy season and higher nutrientes concentrations and high electrical conductivity values in severe season, indicating decay of its quality. However, we found diferent behaviors between the reservoirs in severe drought. While Gargalheiras showed a typical behavior of the region, with high concentrations of algal biomass, indicating the worsening eutrophication, Cruzeta demonstrated a colapse in the total phytoplankton biomass, evidenced by the decrease in chla concentrations. This fact occurred because the low depth and proximity with the sediment facilited the inorganic solids resuspension and, consequently, resulted in turbid water column and light by limitation. In addition, the different behaviors between the reservoirs indicate that the responses of these environments problems such as extreme events must take into account factors such the region climate, size, depth of the reservoir and the basin characteristics.


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The Rachycentron canadum species, commonly known as beijupirá or cobia is the only representative of Rachycentridae family which has been increasingly used in marine fish farming, in intensive cultivation. As advantageous features it has easy adaptation, prolific behavior, early growth in captivity and high commercial value. Additionally, specie of Lutjanidae family (Lutjanus synagris, Lutjanus jocu, Lutjanus analis, Lutjanus alexandrei and Ocyurus chrysurus) represents an important fisheries resource in all areas of its occurrence. In Brazil, the commercial exploitation of Lutjanidae which begun in the 60's and 80's, already has showed a decline in catch volumes. This fact suggests that the snappers must have a conservative management. Despite the economic potential, little is known about the genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of these species, especially with respect to repetitive DNA analysis, which represents the major part of the eukaryotes genome, playing important evolutionary roles in the fish genome. Cytogenetic data is increasingly being used in population studies and biotechnological purposes in fishes. The cytogenetical analyzes were performed using classical methods such as Giemsa staining, C-banding and Ag-NORs, fluorochromes base-specific staining (DAPI and MM) and physical mapping of repetitive sequences among which, telomeric sequences, transposons (Tol2), retrotransposons (Rex1 and Rex3), repetitive DNA (microsatellites and Cot-1) and transcriptionally active regions of the 18S and 5S ribosomal genes and histone (H3 and H2BA) by in situ hybridization with fluorescent probes (FISH). The chromosomal patterns obtained contributed to the organization of repetitive sequences in the genome of the species, as well as karyotypical differentiation. Unusual patterns of histone sequences expansion depict the first occurrence in marine fishes. The obtained data provided subsides to the genetic knowledge of the important fisheries resource represented by the species here analyzed, seeking the marine pisciculture improvement.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Ce congrès était organisé conjointement par les deux grandes associations de développement de l'aquaculture dans le monde: la World Aquaculture Society (WAS, 2300 membres) et la European Aquaculture Society (EAS, 550 membres). Le précédent s'était tenu à Nice, en mai 2000. Il a rassemblé pendant 5 jours plus de 3000 chercheurs et responsables institutionnels de 95 nationalités. Environ 600 communications orales étaient réparties sur 67 sessions suivant un système de 11 salles en parallèle. Entre les salles de conférence étaient présentés les panneaux des 460 posters. Sur le site, l'exposition commerciale accueillait 135 entreprises et organismes; elle a reçu la visite d'environ 2000 visiteurs dont la moitié d'Italiens (source: EAS). Le thème général du congrès était le lien entre la tradition et la technologie. L'objectif était de montrer que les technologies, dont l'image est ambivalente, constituent un outil remarquable de développement de l'aquaculture, y compris en tenant compte des contraintes de durabilité. En effet, les attentes du citoyen, comme du consommateur, restent centrées autour des notions de qualité, sécurité alimentaire, bien-être et santé animale. Les travaux portaient sur les disciplines classiques de l'aquaculture (nutrition, physiologie, génétique, etc) et leur relation avec les biotechnologies. Il faut souligner l'émergence de thèmes de plus en plus liés la démonstration que l'aquaculture peut s'intégrer dans détruire (capacité de charge d'un écosystème, animaux échappés, etc) et à la perception de la société (perception du consommateur, aquaculture et société, position des ONG écologistes, etc). L'U.E. était très présente avec 5 représentants et une implication marquée dans de plusieurs sessions. Sous différentes formes, ses représentants ont rappelé la volonté de l'UE de continuer à soutenir l'aquaculture, avec l'objectif de poursuivre le développement de ce secteur (4 % de croissance moyenne par an). L'aquaculture devrait générer 8 à 10 000 emplois nouveaux sur les 15 prochaines années, notamment dans la conchyliculture et la pisciculture marine au large avec comme mot clef l'intégration dans l'environnement, dans le tissu socio-économique côtier et dans l'imaginaire des gens, touristes, consommateurs, élus, etc. Ce congrès à vocation mondiale a attiré des représentants de régions habituellement peu représentées comme le Moyen Orient et la Chine, présente à de nombreuses sessions. Il a été aussi le lieu de multiples réunions satellites impliquant presque toujours des chercheurs français: grands programmes européens en cours comme SeaFood+, ASEM (coop. Europe - Asie) ou Consensus, assemblée générale de l'EAS, groupe de travail de l'UICN, etc. Ce type de réunion confirme l'importance des contacts personnels directs pour 1. Evaluer les grandes tendances mondiales du secteur 2. Etablir des contacts directs avec des chercheurs seniors des grandes équipes de recherche et des décideurs au niveau européen et extra-européen 3. Tester des idées et des projets de collaboration et de partenariat Il constitue un forum exceptionnel de diffusion de connaissances, d'informations et de messages. Il offre un espace de perception et de reconnaissance d'Ifremer par de nombreux acteurs de la communauté de recherche en aquaculture. Grâce à la variété thématique des sessions où des chercheurs d'Ifremer sont actifs, l'institut renforce sa notoriété notamment dans la dimension pluridisciplinaire. Cette capacité d'ensemblier est la qualité la plus demandée dans les conclusions d'ateliers et la plus rare dans les instituts présents. Le congrès révèle bien l'évolution de l'aquaculture mondiale: il y a 10 ans, la production de masse était au Sud et la technologie et les marchés au Nord (USA, Europe, Japon). Aujourd'hui, la progression économique et scientifique rapide des pays du Sud, surtout en Asie, crée des marchés locaux .solvables pour l'aquaculture (Chine, Inde) et fait émerger une capacité de recherche « de masse». Cette situation exige que la recherche occidentale évolue pour rester compétitive. Pour préserver un secteur important, qui concourt à la sécurité alimentaire en protéines de manière croissante (4% par an, record de toutes les productions alimentaires), la recherche européenne en aquaculture doit maintenir son effort afin de garder une longueur d'avance, surtout dans les secteurs qui seront vitaux dans la décennie: relations avec l'environnement naturel (durabilité dont la maîtrise des coûts énergétiques), qualité des produits, sécurité alimentaire, intégration socio-économique dans des espaces de plus en plus convoités, maîtrise de l'image de l'espèce « cultivée» (industrielle mais contrôlée) par rapport à l'image de l'espèce « sauvage» (naturelle mais polluée et surexploitée). En conséquence, l'UE conserve tout son potentiel de développement car l'essentiel de la valeur ajoutée sera de moins en moins dans la production en quantité mais dans sa maîtrise de la qualité. Cette évolution donne toute sa valeur à la recherche menée par Ifremer et ce d'autant plus que l'institut sera capable d'anticiper les besoins et les attentes des entreprises, des consommateurs, des associations comme des organisations internationales. Dans cette vision, réactivité, capacité d'ensemblier et réflexion prospective sont les qualités à développer pour que l'lfremer puisse donner toute sa mesure notamment dans la recherche en aquaculture. Ces enjeux sont à l'échelle internationale et Ifremer fait partie du petit nombre d'instituts capables de les traiter en large partenariat, en accord complet avec la politique souhaitée par l'UE