933 resultados para internet marketing


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This paper examines the role of the Internet in international marketing growth. Evidence of a positive relationship between e-mail, website usage, online marketing and advertising with international market growth was found, in terms of increased sales from new customers in new countries, new customers in existing countries, and existing customers.


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Previous studies show that the Internet positively influences firms’ export activities from developed markets. However, the literature is vague as to whether the Internet has an impact on the export performance of firms from emerging markets. This study tests a conceptual model that includes the effect of Internet marketing capabilities on export market growth in an emerging market. Drawing on a cross-national sample of 204 export firms from a Latin American country (Chile), findings indicate that Internet marketing capabilities positively influence the availability of export information, which in turn impacts the development of business network relationships and export market growth.


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The Internet has been shown to positively enhance internationalisation for SMEs, but scant empirical testing limits our understanding of the explicit impact of the Internet on firm internationalisation. This paper highlights key areas where the integration of the Internet can be leveraged through Internet-related capabilities within the internationalisation of the firm. Specifically, this study investigates how Internet marketing capabilities play a role in altering international information availability, international strategic orientation, and international business network relationships. This study provides evidence, indicating that these key relationships may vary between countries. To examine these key relationships this study utilises draws from data small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in three export intensive markets; Australia (215 international SMEs), Chile (204 international SMEs) and Taiwan (130 international SMEs); and tests a conceptual model through structural equation modelling. Results from the data show the impact of Internet marketing capabilities in positively impacting traditional internationalisation elements, which varies between countries. That is, our findings highlight the international business network relationships in Australia and Taiwan are directly impacted by Internet marketing capabilities, but not in Chile. We offer some insight into why we see variance across comparative exporting countries in how they leverage new technological capabilities for internationalisation and firm performance.


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The Internet has been shown to facilitate elements of internationalisation such as information accumulation and network opportunities. However, there is limited understanding of how the Internet combined with marketing capabilities drives international market growth. This study, based on a sample of 224 Australian firms, develops and tests, using structural equation modelling (SEM), a conceptual model of Internet marketing capabilities and international market growth. Results indicate that firms deploying Internet marketing capabilities will benefit due to the reduction of information uncertainty and increased capacity to develop international network capabilities. Moreover, Internet marketing capabilities indirectly lead to international market growth when the firm has a high level of international strategic orientation and international network capabilities. Overall, Internet marketing capabilities enhance the firm's ability to generate other internal capabilities within the firm, which in turn have a positive impact on the international market growth of the firm.


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Au cours des dernières années, le domaine de la consommation a grandement évolué. Les agents de marketing ont commencé à utiliser l’Internet pour influencer les consommateurs en employant des tactiques originales et imaginatives qui ont rendus possible l’atteinte d'un niveau de communication interpersonnelle qui avait précédemment été insondable. Leurs interactions avec les consommateurs, en utilisant la technologie moderne, se manifeste sous plusieurs formes différentes qui sont toutes accompagnés de leur propre assortiment de problèmes juridiques. D’abord, il n'est pas rare pour les agents de marketing d’utiliser des outils qui leur permettent de suivre les actions des consommateurs dans le monde virtuel ainsi que dans le monde physique. Les renseignements personnels recueillis d'une telle manière sont souvent utilisés à des fins de publicité comportementale en ligne – une utilisation qui ne respecte pas toujours les limites du droit à la vie privée. Il est également devenu assez commun pour les agents de marketing d’utiliser les médias sociaux afin de converser avec les consommateurs. Ces forums ont aussi servi à la commission d’actes anticoncurrentiels, ainsi qu’à la diffusion de publicités fausses et trompeuses – deux pratiques qui sont interdites tant par la loi sur la concurrence que la loi sur la protection des consommateurs. Enfin, les agents de marketing utilisent diverses tactiques afin de joindre les consommateurs plus efficacement en utilisant diverses tactiques qui les rendent plus visible dans les moteurs de recherche sur Internet, dont certaines sont considérés comme malhonnêtes et pourraient présenter des problèmes dans les domaines du droit de la concurrence et du droit des marques de commerce. Ce mémoire offre une description détaillée des outils utilisés à des fins de marketing sur Internet, ainsi que de la manière dont ils sont utilisés. Il illustre par ailleurs les problèmes juridiques qui peuvent survenir à la suite de leur utilisation et définit le cadre législatif régissant l’utilisation de ces outils par les agents de marketing, pour enfin démontrer que les lois qui entrent en jeu dans de telles circonstances peuvent, en effet, se révéler bénéfiques pour ces derniers d'un point de vue économique.


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A presente dissertação procura compreender o grau de aceitação dos consumidores na comunidade moçambicana em relação à recente abordagem da internet nos meios de comunicação. Desta forma, o objetivo principal deste trabalho consistiu em avaliar o impacto do internet marketing no comportamento dos consumidores, assumindo como ponto de partida e suporte, estudos já realizados e aplicados em Portugal. Divagando sobre a problemática foi traçada a seguinte questão de partida para a investigação em curso: De que forma o aparecimento do internet marketing veio afetar o comportamento do consumidor atual em Moçambique? O uso da internet está a crescer rapidamente em todo mundo, assumindo deste modo um papel primordial no quotidiano dos consumidores e como consequência tem impulsionado a alteração dos seus padrões de consumo. O mesmo comportamento dos consumidores tem vindo a modificar a forma como o indivíduo vê a compra de bens e serviços, podendo dizer-se que o consumidor atual passou claramente a assumir as suas próprias escolhas, segundo as suas reais necessidades. Assente nesta tendência do meio digital, surge-nos um novo tipo de consumidor, mais autónomo, inteligente, exigente e informado, o consumidor 2.0. Como conclusão deste estudo, aplicado à realidade moçambicana, iremos constatar que apesar da crescente utilização deste novo método de comunicação o país e a população em geral ainda não estão preparados para esta nova abordagem do marketing.


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This paper provides information on business use of the Internet (Net) and World Wide Web (Web) across three countries viz Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (UK), and explores reasons for observed differences in use. The study reports that UK firms are more likely to use the Internet in relationship management than are Australasian firms. The conclusion drawn is that while there is less sophisticated business use of the Internet by Australasian companies relative to UK companies, this is but one reason for lower household penetration of the Internet and lower online purchasing levels.


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This paper examines the dimensions of an experience in product marketing conceptualised by Pine II and Gilmore (1998) – customer participation and customer connection – by extending the study of the dimensions to the online context. In online marketing, the business aim is to hold attention, have visitors more deeply penetrate a Website, purchase, and return to the site, among other objectives. The paper analyses and synthesises findings from a three-part study of Internet use, the WebQUAL Audit, and presents the proposition that the dimensions suggested by Pine II and Gilmore as attractors to many experiential offerings in the physical world, may not be applicable in the online environment populated by commercial Websites. The paper also suggests a future research agenda to reconcile the requirements of users and the perspective of Web designers and other contributors to commercial Websites as discussed in the literature review presented.


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Due nuove mode che si stanno propagando sempre più tra gli innumerevoli tentativi di realizzare nuovi formati di pubblicità on-line sono la pubblicità che diventa videogame gratuito, giocabile on-line o scaricabile, chiamata advergame, e la collocazione di pubblicità, oramai nella stragrande maggioranza dinamiche, nei videogames sopratutto di grandi software house, chiamata in-game advertising. Infatti nella società odierna i pubblicitari devono camuffare i consigli per gli acquisti per fare in modo che non vengano rifiutati. L'advergame in passato è stato lodato per il suo metodo innovativo di fare pubblicità. La sua caratteristica è la capacità di divertire e intrattenere l'utente ottenendo una connotazione non intrusiva e un effetto fidelizzante, peculiarità che fa di questo mezzo uno strumento potenzialmente molto valido. Si tratta, in parole povere, di videogames spesso multiplayer, nei quali gli scenari, gli oggetti e i personaggi evocano determinati brand o prodotti. Per quello che invece riguarda l'in-game advertising, si tratta di una forma particolarmente efficace di pubblicità che permette di ottenere dei tassi di ricordo rilevanti e che consente un elevato coinvolgimento emotivo. E' a livello della creazione degli spazi pubblicitari che si scatena la fantasia degli sviluppatori: se nei giochi sportivi basta trasporre in 3D gli spazi pubblicitari presenti solitamente nella realtà, in altre tipologie di gioco è necessario sfruttare parti dell'ambientazione o creare degli intermezzi atti allo scopo. Esempio tipico è quello di manifesti pubblicitari inseriti in spazi di gioco come le locande, soprattutto nei giochi di ruolo e nelle avventure grafiche. Gli investimenti in queste particolari forme di comunicazione, crescono a tassi elevatissimi e il business è molto allettante, non a caso le principali agenzie specializzate in materia sono state acquisite da grandi colossi: AdScape Media da Google e Massive Inc. da Microsoft. L'advergame e l'in-game advertising possono essere usati per lanciare un nuovo prodotto sul mercato, per rafforzare l'immagine del brand e per ottenere un database di utenti disposti ad essere sollecitati per ottenere in modo facile e non dispendioso riscontri su future attività di marketing. Perciò mi sono proposto di analizzare la situazione odierna del marketing, in particolare la parte che riguarda la pubblicità, i vantaggi ottenuti da questa scienza dallo sviluppo tecnologico, fattore che ha determinato la nascita dei due formati pubblicitari in esame e analizzati in seguito. Inoltre effettuerò l'analisi del fenomeno che vede i grandi colossi dell'IT tentare l'inserimento come agenzie intermediarie fra le software house da una parte e le grandi multinazionali dall'altra, queste ultime alla ricerca di nuovi canali più profittevoli dove sponsorizzare le proprie attività. Cercherò infine di capire le scelte di tutti gli attori che girano attorno a questi formati pubblicitari e i benefici che ne traggono per ipotizzare quale sarà il contesto che si andrà a delineare.


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Internet marketing, as a key area of e-commerce, plays an important role in SMEs’ e-commerce success. It is the use of Internet technologies in facilitating and supporting marketing activities. Its implementation and success require expert knowledge and extensive experience. SMEs admit that they are willing to embrace Internet marketing to enhance their business competitiveness, but do not know where to start and suffer from a lack of guidance. Evidence suggests that Internet marketing analysis is one of the most needed areas of training in e-commerce for SMEs. It is therefore evident that SMEs need to acquire Internet marketing knowledge from external sources. However, the majority of the literature fails to study what specific knowledge they need and from whom they should acquire the knowledge. This paper has addressed these issues through a questionnaire survey of UK SMEs in the service sector. It identifies SMEs’ specific transfer needs for Internet marketing knowledge, and discusses strategic issues for improving SMEs’ effectiveness of leveraging knowledge.


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The purpose of the paper is to present an automated system for realization of effective internet marketing campaign (ASEIMC). The constantly growing number of websites available online brings more problems for the contemporary enterprises to reach their potential customers. Therefore the companies have to discover novel approaches to increase their online sales. The presented ASEIMC system gives such an approach and helps small and medium enterprises to compete for customers with big corporations in the Internet space.