929 resultados para Sensorimotor aging


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L'être humain utilise trois systèmes sensoriels distincts pour réguler le maintien de la station debout: la somesthésie, le système vestibulaire, et le système visuel. Le rôle de la vision dans la régulation posturale demeure peu connu, notamment sa variabilité en fonction de l'âge, du type développemental, et des atteintes neurologiques. Dans notre travail, la régulation posturale induite visuellement a été évaluée chez des participants au développement et vieillissement normaux âgés de 5-85 ans, chez des individus autistes (développement atypique) âgés de 12-33 ans, ainsi que chez des enfants entre 9-18 ans ayant subi un TCC léger. À cet effet, la réactivité posturale des participants en réponse à un tunnel virtuel entièrement immersif, se mouvant à trois niveaux de vélocité, a été mesurée; des conditions contrôles, où le tunnel était statique ou absent, ont été incluses. Les résultats montrent que la réactivité (i.e. instabilité) posturale induite visuellement est plus élevée chez les jeunes enfants; ensuite, elle s'atténue pour rejoindre des valeurs adultes vers 16-19 ans et augmente de façon linéaire en fonction de l'âge après 45 ans jusqu'à redevenir élevée vers 60 ans. De plus, à la plus haute vélocité du tunnel, les plus jeunes participants autistes ont manifesté significativement moins de réactivité posturale comparativement à leurs contrôles; cette différence n'était pas présente chez des participants plus âgés (16-33 ans). Enfin, les enfants ayant subi un TCC léger, et qui étaient initialement modérément symptomatiques, ont montré un niveau plus élevé d'instabilité posturale induite visuellement que les contrôles, et ce jusqu'à 12 semaines post-trauma malgré le fait que la majorité d'entre eux (89%) n'étaient plus symptomatiques à ce stade. En somme, cela suggère la présence d'une importante période de transition dans la maturation des systèmes sous-tendant l'intégration sensorimotrice impliquée dans le contrôle postural vers l'âge de 16 ans, et d'autres changements sensorimoteurs vers l'âge de 60 ans; cette sur-dépendance visuelle pour la régulation posturale chez les enfants et les aînés pourrait guider l'aménagement d'espaces et l'élaboration d'activités ajustés à l'âge des individus. De plus, le fait que l'hypo-réactivité posturale aux informations visuelles chez les autistes dépende des caractéristiques de l'environnement visuel et de l'âge chronologique, affine notre compréhension des anomalies sensorielles propres à l'autisme. Par ailleurs, le fait que les enfants ayant subi un TCC léger montrent des anomalies posturales jusqu'à 3 mois post-trauma, malgré une diminution significative des symptômes rapportés, pourrait être relié à une altération du traitement de l'information visuelle dynamique et pourrait avoir des implications quant à la gestion clinique des patients aux prises avec un TCC léger, puisque la résolution des symptômes est actuellement le principal critère utilisé pour la prise de décision quant au retour aux activités. Enfin, les résultats obtenus chez une population à développement atypique (autisme) et une population avec atteinte neurologique dite transitoire (TCC léger), contribuent non seulement à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d'intégration sensorimotrice sous-tendant le contrôle postural mais pourraient aussi servir comme marqueurs sensibles et spécifiques de dysfonction chez ces populations. Mots-clés : posture, équilibre, vision, développement/vieillissement sensorimoteur, autisme, TCC léger symptomatique, réalité virtuelle.


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In older adults, cognitive resources play a key role in maintaining postural stability. In the present study, we evaluated whether increasing postural instability using sway referencing induces changes in resource allocation in dual-task performance leading older adults to prioritize the more age-salient posture task over a cognitive task. Young and older adults participated in the study which comprised two sessions. In the first session, three posture tasks (stable, sway reference visual, sway reference somatosensory) and a working memory task (n-back) were examined. In the second session, single- and dual-task performance of posture and memory were assessed. Postural stability improved with session. Participants were more unstable in the sway reference conditions, and pronounced age differences were observed in the somatosensory sway reference condition. In dual-task performance on the stable surface, older adults showed an almost 40% increase in instability compared to single-task. However, in the sway reference somatosensory condition, stability was the same in single- and dual-task performance, whereas pronounced (15%) costs emerged for cognition. These results show that during dual-tasking while standing on a stable surface, older adults have the flexibility to allow an increase in instability to accommodate cognitive task performance. However, when instability increases by means of compromising somatosensory information, levels of postural control are kept similar in single- and dual-task, by utilizing resources otherwise allocated to the cognitive task. This evidence emphasizes the flexible nature of resource allocation, developed over the life-span to compensate for age-related decline in sensorimotor and cognitive processing.


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To determine potential benefits of intensive leisure sports for age-related changes in postural control, we tested 3 activity groups comprising 70 young (M = 21.67 years, SD = 2.80) and 73 older (M = 62.60 years, SD = 5.19) men. Activity groups were martial artists, who held at least 1st Dan (black belt), sportive individuals exercising sports without explicit balance components, and nonsportive controls. Martial artists had an advantage over sportive individuals in dynamic posture tasks (upright stance on a sway-referenced platform), and these 2 active groups showed better postural control than nonsportive participants. Age-related differences in postural control were larger in nonsportive men compared with the 2 active groups, who were similar in this respect. In contrast, negative age differences in other sensorimotor and cognitive functions did not differ between activity groups. We concluded that individuals engaging in intensive recreational sports have long-term advantages in postural control. However, even in older martial artists with years of practice in their sports, we observed considerable differences favoring the young. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).


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Background:  Falls are one of the most common health problems among older people and pose a major economic burden on health care systems. Exercise is an accepted stand-alone fall prevention strategy particularly if it is balance training or regular participation in Tai chi. Dance shares the ‘holistic’ approach of practices such as Tai chi. It is a complex sensorimotor rhythmic activity integrating multiple physical, cognitive and social elements. Small-scale randomised controlled trials have indicated that diverse dance styles can improve measures of balance and mobility in older people, but none of these studies has examined the effect of dance on falls or cognition. This study aims to determine whether participation in social dancing: i) reduces the number of falls; and ii) improves cognitive functions associated with fall risk in older people.

Methods/design: A single-blind, cluster randomised controlled trial of 12 months duration will be conducted. Approximately 450 participants will be recruited from 24 self-care retirement villages that house at least 60 residents each in Sydney, Australia. Village residents without cognitive impairment and obtain medical clearance will be eligible. After comprehensive baseline measurements including physiological and cognitive tests and self-completed questionnaires, villages will be randomised to intervention sites (ballroom or folk dance) or to a wait-listed control using a computer randomisation method that minimises imbalances between villages based on two baseline fall risk measures. Main outcome measures are falls, prospectively measured, and the Trail Making cognitive function test. Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses will be performed.

Discussion: This study offers a novel approach to balance training for older people. As a community-based approach to fall prevention, dance offers older people an opportunity for greater social engagement, thereby making a major contribution to healthy ageing. Providing diversity in exercise programs targeting seniors recognises the heterogeneity of multicultural populations and may further increase the number of taking part in exercise.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of normal aging and the additional effects of chronic exposure to two experimental diets, one enriched in aluminium, the other enriched in lecithin, on aspects of the behaviour and brain histology of the female mouse. The aluminium diet was administered in an attempt to develop a rodent model of Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT). With normal aging, almost all assessed aspects of behaviour were found to be impaired. As regards cognition, selective impairments of single-trial passive avoidance and Morris place learning were observed. While all aspects of open-field behaviour were impaired, the degree of impairment was directly related to the degree of motoric complexity. Deficits were also observed on non-visual sensorimotor coordination tasks and in olfactory discrimination. Histologically, neuron loss, gliosis, vacuolation and congophilic angiopathy were observed in several of the brain regions/fibre tracts believed to contribute to the control of some of the assessed behaviours. The aluminium treatment had very selective effects on both behaviour and brain histology, inducing several features observed in DAT. Behaviourally, the treatment induced impaired spatial reference memory; reduced ambulation; disturbed olfactory function and induced the premature development of the senile pattern of swimming. Histologically, significant neuron loss and gliosis were observed in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, medial septum, pyriform and pr-frontal cortex. In addition, the brain distribution of congophilic angiopathy was significantly increased by the treatment. The lecithin treatment had effects on both non-cognitive and cognitive aspects of behaviour. The effects of aging on open-field ambulation and rearing were partially ameliorated by the treatment. A similar effect was observed for single-trial passive avoidance performance. Age-dependent improvements in acquisition/retention were observed in 17-23 month mice and Morris place task performance was improved in 11 and 17 month mice. Histologically, a partial sparing of neurons in the cerebellum, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and subiculum was observed.


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There is increased recognition that determinants of health should be investigated in a life-course perspective. Retirement is a major transition in the life course and offers opportunities for changes in physical activity that may improve health in the aging population. The authors examined the effect of retirement on changes in physical activity in the GLOBE Study, a prospective cohort study known by the Dutch acronym for "Health and Living Conditions of the Population of Eindhoven and surroundings," 1991–2004. They followed respondents (n = 971) by postal questionnaire who were employed and aged 40–65 years in 1991 for 13 years, after which they were still employed (n = 287) or had retired (n = 684). Physical activity included 1) work-related transportation, 2) sports participation, and 3) nonsports leisure-time physical activity. Multinomial logistic regression analyses indicated that retirement was associated with a significantly higher odds for a decline in physical activity from work-related transportation (odds ratio (OR) = 3.03, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.97, 4.65), adjusted for sex, age, marital status, chronic diseases, and education, compared with remaining employed. Retirement was not associated with an increase in sports participation (OR = 1.12, 95% CI: 0.71, 1.75) or nonsports leisure-time physical activity (OR = 0.80, 95% CI: 0.54, 1.19). In conclusion, retirement introduces a reduction in physical activity from work-related transportation that is not compensated for by an increase in sports participation or an increase in nonsports leisure-time physical activity.


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PURPOSE: To explore the effects of glaucoma and aging on low-spatial-frequency contrast sensitivity by using tests designed to assess performance of either the magnocellular (M) or parvocellular (P) visual pathways. METHODS: Contrast sensitivity was measured for spatial frequencies of 0.25 to 2 cyc/deg by using a published steady- and pulsed-pedestal approach. Sixteen patients with glaucoma and 16 approximately age-matched control subjects participated. Patients with glaucoma were tested foveally and at two midperipheral locations: (1) an area of early visual field loss, and (2) an area of normal visual field. Control subjects were assessed in matched locations. An additional group of 12 younger control subjects (aged 20-35 years) were also tested. RESULTS: Older control subjects demonstrated reduced sensitivity relative to the younger group for the steady (presumed M)- and pulsed (presumed P)-pedestal conditions. Sensitivity was reduced foveally and in the midperiphery across the spatial frequency range. In the area of early visual field loss, the glaucoma group demonstrated further sensitivity reduction relative to older control subjects across the spatial frequency range for both the steady- and pulsed-pedestal tasks. Sensitivity was also reduced in the midperipheral location of "normal" visual field for the pulsed condition. CONCLUSIONS: Normal aging results in a reduction of contrast sensitivity for the low-spatial-frequency-sensitive components of both the M and P pathways. Glaucoma results in a further reduction of sensitivity that is not selective for M or P function. The low-spatial-frequency-sensitive channels of both pathways, which are presumably mediated by cells with larger receptive fields, are approximately equivalently impaired in early glaucoma.


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This study contributes to the growth of design knowledge in China, where vehicle design for the local, older user is in its initial developmental stages. Therefore, this research has explored the travel needs of older Chinese vehicle users in order to assist designers to better understand users’ current and future needs. A triangulation method consisting of interviews, logbook and co-discovery was used to collect multiple forms of data and so explore the research question. Grounded theory has been employed to analyze the research data. This study found that users’ needs are reflected through various ‘meanings’ that they attach to vehicles – meanings that give a tangible expression to their experiences. This study identified six older-user need categories: (i) safety, (ii) utility, (iii) comfort, (iv) identity, (v) emotion and (vi) spirituality. The interrelationships among these six categories are seen as an interactive structure, rather than as a linear or hierarchical arrangement. Chinese cultural values, which are generated from particular local context and users’ social practice, will play a dynamic role in linking and shaping the travel needs of older vehicle users in the future. Moreover, this study structures the older-user needs model into three levels of meaning, to give guidance to vehicle design direction: (i) the practical meaning level, (ii) the social meaning level and (ii) the cultural meaning level. This study suggests that a more comprehensive explanation exists if designers can identify the vehicle’s meaning and property associated with the fulfilled older users’ needs. However, these needs will vary, and must be related to particular technological, social, and cultural contexts. The significance of this study lies in its contributions to the body of knowledge in three areas: research methodology, theory and design. These theoretical contributions provide a series of methodological tools, models and approaches from a vehicle design perspective. These include a conditional/consequential matrix, a travel needs identification model, an older users’ travel-related needs framework, a user information structure model, and an Older-User-Need-Based vehicle design approach. These models suggest a basic framework for the new design process which might assist in the design of new vehicles to fulfil the needs of future, aging Chinese generations. The models have the potential to be transferred to other design domains and different cultural contexts.


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This paper describes an experiment undertaken to investigate intuitive interaction, particularly in older adults. Previous work has shown that intuitive interaction relies on past experience, and has also suggested that older people demonstrate less intuitive uses and slower times when completing set tasks with various devices. Similarly, this experiment showed that past experience with relevant products allowed people to use the interfaces of two different microwaves more quickly, although there were no significant differences between the different microwaves. It also revealed that certain aspects of cognitive decline related to aging, such as central executive function, have more impact on time, correct uses and intuitive uses than chronological age. Implications of these results and further work in this area are discussed.


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Against a background of population aging, and with it, warnings about the sustainability of social welfare systems and problems associated with declining labour supply, there is an increasing policy emphasis on extending working lives of older workers among the industrialised nations (Hirsch, 2003; Keese, 2005; Taylor, 2006). However, recent commentaries have tended to focus on the relationship between population aging and the labour market, largely ignoring other critical factors that are affecting older workers’ relationship with the labour market. This contrasts with extensive research undertaken in the 1980s and 1990s when the forces acting upon older workers at that time were thoroughly elucidated (e.g. Kohli et al., 1991). The focus of this paper is on the labour supply challenges for employers and nations arising from demographic trends, in combination with social and technological changes and the wider forces of globalisation, how each is responding, and how these trends are affecting older workers’ trying to secure or maintain footholds in a labour market but facing, as Richard Sennett (2006) puts it, the ‘spectre of uselessness’ as jobs they could do have either migrated to other parts of the world or have been destroyed in the wake of industry failure.


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Aging in humans is associated with a loss in neuromuscular function and performance. This is related, in part, to the reduction in muscular strength and power caused by a loss of skeletal muscle mass (sarcopenia) and changes in muscle architecture. Due to these changes, the force-velocity (f-v) relationship of human muscles alters with age. This change has functional implications such as slower walking speeds. Different methods to reverse these changes have been investigated, including traditional resistance training, power training and eccentric (or eccentrically-biased) resistance training. This review will summarise the changes of the f-v relationship with age, the functional implications of these changes and the various methods to reverse or at least partly ameliorate these changes.


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College students (N = 3,435) in 26 cultures reported their perceptions of age-related changes in physical, cognitive, and socioemotional areas of functioning and rated societal views of aging within their culture. There was widespread cross-cultural consensus regarding the expected direction of aging trajectories with (1) perceived declines in societal views of aging, physical attractiveness, the ability to perform everyday tasks, and new learning, (2) perceived increases in wisdom, knowledge, and received respect, and (3) perceived stability in family authority and life satisfaction. Cross-cultural variations in aging perceptions were associated with culture-level indicators of population aging, education levels, values, and national character stereotypes. These associations were stronger for societal views on aging and perceptions of socioemotional changes than for perceptions of physical and cognitive changes. A consideration of culture-level variables also suggested that previously reported differences in aging perceptions between Asian and Western countries may be related to differences in population structure.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the factors that influence midlife women to make positive exercise and dietary changes. In late 2005 questionnaires were mailed to 866 women aged 51–66 years from rural and urban locations in Queensland, Australia and participating in Stage 2 of the Healthy Aging of Women Study. The questionnaires sought data on socio-demographics, body mass index (BMI), chronic health conditions, self-efficacy, exercise and dietary behavior change since age 40, and health-related quality of life. Five hundred and sixty four (69%) were completed and returned by early 2006. Data analysis comprised descriptive and bivariate statistics and structural equation modeling. The results showed that midlife is a significant time for women to make positive health behavior changes. Approximately one-third of the sample (34.6%) indicated that they had increased their exercise and around 60% had made an effort to eat more healthily since age 40. Modeling showed self-efficacy to be important in making both exercise and dietary changes. Although education appeared to influence self-efficacy in relation to exercise change, this was not the case for dietary change. The study has application for programs promoting healthy aging among women, and implies that those with low education, high BMI and poor mental health may need considerable support to improve their lifestyles.


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We investigated the temporal relationship between lifestyle and mental health among 564 midlife women. The mental health measured included anxiety, depression, and mental well-being; the lifestyle measures included body mass index (BMI), exercise, smoking, alcohol use, and caffeine consumption. We found that BMI was positively related with mental well-being (r = .316, p = .009); smokers had lower mental well-being than nonsmokers (β = 6.725, p = .006), and noncaffeine drinkers had higher mental well-being (β = 5, p = .023). Past alcohol-drinkers had less anxiety than nondrinkers (β = 1.135, p = .04). Therefore, lifestyle is predictive of mental health among midlife and older women.