994 resultados para Senior population


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O aumento da esperança média de vida e a redução do número de nascimentos, tem conduzido a um aumento significativo da população sénior, e apesar de ser conotado como um fenómeno característico dos países desenvolvidos, esta é uma realidade quase universal, que tem assumido particular incidência na Europa. No entanto, apesar de frequentemente estigmatizada com base em estereótipos negativos, no que diz respeito às suas capacidades físicas e mentais, na atualidade, o perfil dos seniores, sofreu alterações significativas dada a sua disponibilidade de tempo e dinheiro, transformando-o num segmento com um peso significativo no incremento da economia e um target desejável para os media e seus agentes. Deste modo, por via da alteração do paradigma social; envelhecimento da população e a crescente importância deste segmento para o mercado, é pertinente compreender a relação entre o sénior e a comunicação publicitária. Esta dissertação visa examinar a relação que os seniores mantêm com a publicidade, na perspetiva dos seniores. Especificamente, visa perceber de que forma é percecionada a publicidade televisiva pelo segmento sénior em Portugal, a importância que este lhe atribui, como este descreve o papel do sénior e os estereótipos que lhe estão associados na publicidade. Pretende-se ainda identificar os principais fatores que atuam como mecanismos persuasivos na mensagem publicitaria, as categorias de produto que os seniores consideram que surgem associadas ao seu segmento na publicidade e qual a sua perceção acerca do modo como os outros seniores encaram a publicidade, i. é., a sua heteroperceção. Sendo um tema pertinente e oportuno no atual contexto português, espera-se que este estudo contribua para fornecer informação útil a entidades públicas e privadas, fomentar o diálogo e a discussão no desenvolvimento de futuras iniciativas.


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Projeto de mestrado apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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L’évolution technologique et l'accroissement de la population vieillissante sont deux tendances majeures de la dernière décennie. Durant cette période, la prolifération ubiquitaire de la téléphonie mobile a changé les habitudes de communication des gens. Le changement constant des appareils téléphoniques portatifs, l'augmentation des fonctions, la diversité iconographique, la variété des interfaces et la complexité de navigation exigent aujourd’hui non seulement plus de temps d'adaptation et d’apprentissage, mais représentent aussi un effort cognitif important. Les technologies d'information et de communication (TIC) sont devenues des outils incontournables de la vie moderne. Pour les personnes âgées, cet univers en perpétuelle mutation avec ces nouveaux appareils représente un obstacle à l’accès à l’information et contribue ainsi au gap générationnel. Le manque de référence et de soutien et les déficiences physiques ou cognitives, que certaines personnes développent en vieillissant, rendent l'usage de ce type d’objet souvent impossible. Pourtant, les produits intelligents plus accessibles, tant au niveau physique que cognitif sont une réelle nécessité au sein de notre société moderne permettant aux personnes âgées de vivre de manière plus autonome et « connectée ». Cette recherche a pour but d'exposer les défis d'usage des téléphones portables existants et d'identifier en particulier les problèmes d’usage que les personnes âgées manifestent. L’étude vise la tranche de population qui est peu habituée aux technologies de communications qui ne ciblent le plus souvent que les plus jeunes et les professionnels. C’est en regardant les habitudes d’usage, que la recherche qualitative nous permettra d’établir un profil des personnes âgées par rapport au TIC et de mieux comprendre les défis liés à la perception, compréhension et l’usage des interfaces de téléphones portables.


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La hausse démographique de la population des aînés dans le dernier tiers du XX siècle et leur désir d’une retraite productive où ils puissent réinventer une nouvelle étape de leur vie, ont produit un changement dans les salles de classes des institutions formelles et informelles au Québec. Les aînés d’aujourd’hui retournent aux salles de classes mais pas pour la même raison que lorsqu’ils étaient adolescents ou étudiants à l’université, là où l’éducation était connectée aux objectifs professionnels et à la promotion sociale, mais plutôt avec le désir d’intégration continue et de la croissance personnelle. Ce désir est traduit par un apprentissage tout au long de la vie. En effet, l’éducation du Troisième âge devient importante, ainsi que la gérontagogie (branche de la gérontologie) qui étudie le processus d’apprentissage des aînés. Le rôle des Universités du troisième âge (UTA) demeure important mais aussi celui des institutions diverses comme par exemple les « Elder Hostels » et les Centres Communautaires. Dans ce contexte-ci, et basé sur nôtre expérience d’animateur d’ateliers d’espagnol d’une Université (de la province) du Québec, nous présentons quelques méthodologies et stratégies appliquées aux cours d’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE). Ces méthodologies et stratégies sont résumées dans un journal du professeur qui nous aidera à observer le niveau d’efficacité de celles-ci dans les ateliers de conversation. Ainsi, nous avons la possibilité de créer notre propre approche méthodologique qui pourra venir en aide à d’autres professeurs d’espagnol.


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À mesure que la population des personnes agées dans les pays industrialisés augmente au fil de années, les ressources nécessaires au maintien du niveau de vie de ces personnes augmentent aussi. Des statistiques montrent que les chutes sont l’une des principales causes d’hospitalisation chez les personnes agées, et, de plus, il a été démontré que le risque de chute d’une personne agée a une correlation avec sa capacité de maintien de l’équilibre en étant debout. Il est donc d’intérêt de développer un système automatisé pour analyser l’équilibre chez une personne, comme moyen d’évaluation objective. Dans cette étude, nous avons proposé l’implémentation d’un tel système. En se basant sur une installation simple contenant une seule caméra sur un trépied, on a développé un algorithme utilisant une implémentation de la méthode de détection d’objet de Viola-Jones, ainsi qu’un appariement de gabarit, pour suivre autant le mouvement latéral que celui antérieur-postérieur d’un sujet. On a obtenu des bons résultats avec les deux types de suivi, cependant l’algorithme est sensible aux conditions d’éclairage, ainsi qu’à toute source de bruit présent dans les images. Il y aurait de l’intérêt, comme développement futur, d’intégrer les deux types de suivi, pour ainsi obtenir un seul ensemble de données facile à interpréter.


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O presente relatório caracteriza a ação política e a perspetiva social da Junta de Freguesia de São Domingos de Benfica, categorizando-o em cinco eixos de intervenção, analisando a sua eficácia e abrangência no período entre 2005 e 2011. No primeiro eixo, focado na ação na infância e juventude, inclui-se o Programa de Promoção de Competências Pessoais e Sociais, o Gabinete de Apoio à Criança e ao Jovem, os Encontros para Pais, a Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens, as Atividades de OTL do Espaço Jovem e os Programas de Férias. Das respostas para os adultos, no segundo eixo, fazem parte dois gabinetes de apoio aos munícipes1 com perturbações de comportamento aditivo e vítimas de violência doméstica, incluindo-se ações de prevenção e sensibilização. Para a população idosa temos o terceiro eixo e salienta-se o Programa de Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável, as Atividades de OTL, nomeadamente o Programa de Férias para a população Sénior e as visitas e passeios histórico-culturais. A família e a qualidade das relações familiares são um aspeto de grande importância, por isso temos o quarto eixo que tem o acompanhamento psicossocial, apoio a famílias carenciadas e o projeto de apoio às famílias junto de bairros isolados da freguesia. Finalmente, o quinto e último eixo refere-se a um movimento de integração das várias entidades da freguesia designado por Comissão Social de Freguesia que pretende desenvolver projetos orientados para o apoio à comunidade. Este relatório terminará com uma reflexão crítica relativamente à evolução do trabalho desenvolvido na ação social desde 2005 até 2011.


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In this paper I examine the structure of the current assisted living industry in order to explain how and why it is appealing and effective, as well as look at its limitations. I discuss the politics of Medicaid and Medicare, and how through these programs the federal and state governments are failing to provide adequate care for the nation’s senior population. Like the rest of our health care system, these two public health insurance systems are fragmented, and consequently, financing long-term care is complicated and insufficient. Ultimately, this paper will function as a policy report and I will propose: standardized requirements for assisted living facilities; a stricter and new way to regulate assisted living on the state level; restructured models for the public insurance programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.


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The trigeminal nerve, fifth equal of cranial nerves, a mixed nerve is considered by possessing motor and sensitive components. The sensitive portion takes to the Nervous System Central somesthesics information from the skin and mucous membrane of great area of the face, being responsible also for a neural disease, known as the Trigeminal Neuralgia. The aim of this study was to review the literature on the main characteristics of Trigeminal Neuralgia, the relevant aspects for the diagnosis and treatment options for this pathology. This neuralgia is characterized by hard pains and sudden, similar to electric discharges, with duration between a few seconds to two minutes, in the trigeminal nerve sensorial distribution. The pain is unchained by light touches in specific points in the skin of the face or for movements of the facial muscles, it can be caused by traumatic sequels or physiologic processes degenerative associate the vascular compression. Prevails in the senior population, frequently in the woman. In a unilateral way it attacks more the maxillary and mandibular divisions, rarely happens in a simultaneous way in the three branches of trigeminal nerve three branches.


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The ‘Estatuto do Idoso’ (senior citizen statute), Brazilian federal law promulgated in 2003, defines senior citizen as the person with 60 years old, or more. Revered as a landmark recognition of the senior´s rights, it guarantees, among others, the right of education. According to the statutory provisions, the education is personal right of the elderly person and must be assured with absolute priority by the State, the family, the society, as well by entities. However, in practice, just few senior citizens enjoy the right of education, since this policy has not been developed with focus in the old age, since educational practices are aimed, in most cases, to the younger age groups. Nevertheless, some initiatives seek to invest in the education for the elderly, like happens with the University of the Third Age (U3A). Although this kind of initiatives have been reason of celebration such projects should be enforced and consolidated as an object of better political investment to enlarge the access to the education right to the senior citizens in general. Due to the visibility achieved by the senior population, a possible way to the establishment of services in the area of education, would be the formation of partnerships between educational institutions that understand old age as a potential expansion of cultural goods and production of knowledge.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recibido 15 de marzo de 2012 • Corregido 01 de noviembre de 2012 • Aceptado 07 de noviembre de 2012Ante los constantes cambios demográficos y el acelerado crecimiento de la población gerontológica de nuestro país, se convierte en una necesidad crear y potenciar espacios del accionar desde la Orientación como disciplina. Se debe buscar, en todo momento, la satisfacción, realización y calidad de vida de las personas adultas mayores, por medio de su participación activa, autoconocimiento y desarrollo de aspectos sociales que favorecen su crecimiento como persona íntegra y activa socialmente. Abrirse como orientadores y orientadoras a nuevos panoramas de intervención que respondan a necesidades sociales y personales emergentes resulta imperativo, para poder brindar atención y responder a los cambios culturales y a las demandas persistentes, por consiguiente, reales de nuestra población adulta mayor.


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As populations live longer, healthier lives in countries like Australia the growing population of older people is increasing the strains on social security and pension systems. Yet many seniors are healthy and want to remain active during the later years in life. Whilst there is significant research on seniors, ageing and the employment of mature-aged people there is scant research on seniors creating jobs as opposed to seeking jobs as employees. This is the first empirical research specifically on senior entrepreneurship in Australia. Seniors often have the skills, financial resources and time available to contribute to economic activity, which leads to the growing prevalence of senior entrepreneurship. Senior entrepreneurship is the process whereby people aged 50+ participate in business start-ups; however, despite representing the fastest growing segment of entrepreneurship little is known about this phenomenon. This research seeks to answer the following questions: What is the scope of senior entrepreneurship in Australia? What are the impacts of senior entrepreneurship in Australia? What perceptions do seniors hold about entrepreneurship as a career option? What policy implications and recommendations can be derived to enhance active ageing, and extend working lives through senior entrepreneurship?


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This research identified and examined the responses of 19 physically active seniors to determine why they were physically active. The participants were physically active seniors, from the Niagara region who participated in physical activity 2, or more times per week. The purpose to this research was to determine what specific experiences or characteristics those seniors' possessed which motivated them to follow an exercise regime in later life. Three focus group interviews were conducted and participants responded to a set of predetermined questions. Responses to the interview questions were transcribed and analysed by comparing words and participant responses. This method of analysis is known as ethnographic summary. Themes, concepts, and experiences that emerged from the focus group interviews were also recorded according to systematic coding by way of content analysis. From this study, factors that predispose, enable, reinforce and prevent seniors from participating in exercise have been identified. Nine recommendations for improving seniors quality of life have also emerged from the study. Additionally, the findings from the study illustrate that those responsible for planning programs for seniors need to consider senior's wants and needs. Finally, the study also has educational implications. All participants in the study experienced a positive introduction to daily phyiscal activity through their school setting. Participants of the study believed, that their positive experiences at school, directly influenced their lifelong involvement in exercise.


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Background: A strong association between persistent infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer is well established. Small numbers of international studies examining adolescent HPV infection and the risk factors associated are published, but there is currently no evidence on the prevalence and risk factors for HPV in an Australian, sexually active female adolescent population. Methods: To provide prevalence and risk factors for HPV in a female sexually active, senior high school population in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), a convenience sample of 161, 16–19-year-old females attending a senior high school was evaluated. The sample formed part of a larger sample recruited for a study of sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses in senior high school students. A clinical record was used to collect information about sexual and other risk behaviours, while self-collected vaginal swabs were tested for HPV DNA detection and genotyping using polymerase chain reaction. Results: The prevalence of HPV DNA in this sample overall was 11.2%, with multiple genotypes in 38%. No statistically significant associations were found between HPV DNA and the number of male partners, age of coitarche, time since first sexually active, condom use, smoking or alcohol intake. Conclusions: This is the first Australian study that has examined the prevalence and risk factors for genital HPV in this demographic group. The prevalence of HPV infection is slightly lower than reported in similar age groups overseas and is lower than other Australian studies in older women and those attending sexual health centres. Of HPV-positive young women, high-risk genotypes were found in over half, with more than one-third of HPV existing as multiple genotypes. Large community-based prevalence studies are needed to guide the development of recommendations for the vaccination of young women against HPV and to support other health promotion initiatives.