9 resultados para Purinoceptors


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A adenosina é um nucleósido ubíquo envolvido na regulação de controlo do tónus vascular do tecido cavernoso, desempenhando um papel importante na fisiopatologia da Disfunção Erétil (DE) resistente aos fármacos relaxantes musculares clássicos. Apesar da importância comprovada dos recetores da adenosina na fisiopatologia da DE no homem, pouca informação é conhecida no que diz respeito à expressão e localização dos recetores purinérgicos no Tecido Cavernoso de Ratazana (TCR). Neste trabalho avaliou-se o fenótipo dos recetores purinérgicos responsáveis pela regulação do tónus do tecido erétil de ratazana por imunofluorescência indireta aplicada à microscopia confocal em co-culturas de células endoteliais e musculares lisas do TCR. Para além da caracterização imunofenotípica, desenvolveu-se uma técnica que permite diferenciar funcionalmente em tempo real (por microscopia confocal funcional) células musculares lisas e células endoteliais isoladas de TCR em co-cultura marcadas com a sonda fluorescente Fluo-4NW. Esta técnica permite distinguir cada um dos subtipos celulares mediante o padrão e a magnitude das oscilações dos níveis intracelulares de Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) em resposta ao ATP (agonista P2) e à fenilefrina (PE, agonista α-adrenérgico). Nas células musculares lisas, observou-se uma resposta mais acentuada ao agonista α-adrenérgico, PE, e uma resposta menos significativa ao ATP. O contrário foi observado relativamente às células endoteliais. A incubação das células musculares lisas e endoteliais com ATP (300 μM) causou um aumento dos níveis de [Ca2+]i. O efeito do ATP (300 μM) parece envolver a ativação de recetores dos subtipos P2X1 e P2X3 sensíveis ao bloqueio com NF023 (3μM) e A317491 (100 nM), respetivamente. Já o aumento dos níveis [Ca2+]i produzido pelo ADP (300 μM) parece envolver a ativação de recetores P2Y1, P2Y12 e P2Y13 mediante o antagonismo produzido pelos antagonistas MRS 2179 (0,3μM), AR-C66096 (0,1 μM) e MRS 2211 (10μM), respetivamente. Os dois tipos celulares expressam imunorreatividade contra recetores A2A, A2B, P2X1, P2X3, P2Y1, P2Y12 e P2Y13.


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Neuronal gap junctions are receiving increasing attention as a physiological means of intercellular communication, yet our understanding of them is poorly developed when compared to synaptic communication. Using microfluorimetry, we demonstrate that differentiation of SN56 cells (hybridoma cells derived from murine septal neurones) leads to the spontaneous generation of Ca(2+) waves. These waves were unaffected by tetrodotoxin (1microM), but blocked by removal of extracellular Ca(2+), or addition of non-specific Ca(2+) channel inhibitors (Cd(2+) (0.1mM) or Ni(2+) (1mM)). Combined application of antagonists of NMDA receptors (AP5; 100microM), AMPA/kainate receptors (NBQX; 20microM), nicotinic AChR receptors (hexamethonium; 100microM) or inotropic purinoceptors (brilliant blue; 100nM) was also without effect. However, Ca(2+) waves were fully prevented by carbenoxolone (200microM), halothane (3mM) or niflumic acid (100microM), three structurally diverse inhibitors of gap junctions, and mRNA for connexin 36 was detected by PCR. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings revealed spontaneous inward currents in voltage-clamped cells which we inhibited by Cd(2+), Ni(2+) or niflumic acid. Our data suggest that differentiated SN56 cells generated spontaneous Ca(2+) waves which are propagated by intercellular gap junctions. We propose that this system can be exploited conveniently for the development of neuronal gap junction modulators.


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The application of antibodies to living neurones has the potential to modulate function of specific proteins by virtue of their high specificity. This specificity has proven effective in determining the involvement of many proteins in neuronal function where specific agonists and antagonists do not exist, e.g. ion channel subunits. We discuss studies where antibodies modulate functions of voltage gated sodium, voltage gated potassium, voltage gated calcium hyperpolarisation activated cyclic nucleotide (HCN gated) and transient receptor potential (TRP) channels. Ligand gated channels studied in this way include nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, purinoceptors and GABA receptors. Antibodies have also helped reveal the involvement of different intracellular proteins in neuronal functions including G-proteins as well as other proteins involved in trafficking, phosphoinositide signalling and neurotransmitter release. Some suggestions for control experiments are made to help validate the method. We conclude that antibodies can be extremely valuable in determining the functions of specific proteins in living neurones in neuroscience research.


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This study shows the distribution and density of adenosine A1 receptor (A(1)R) within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) of Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) from birth to adulthood (1, 15, 30 and 90 days old). The NTS shows heterogeneous distribution of A(1)R in dorsomedial/dorsolateral, subpostremal and medial/intermediate subnuclei. A(1)R decrease from rostral to caudal within dorsomedial/dorsolateral subnucleus in 15-, 30- and 90-day-old WKY and SHR. A(1)R increase from rostral to caudal subpostremal subnucleus in 30- and 90-day-old WKY, and in 15-, 30- and 90-day-old SHR. Furthermore, A(1)Rs are increased in SHR as compared with WKY within dorsomedial/dorsolateral in 30- and 90-day-old and within subpostremal of 15-, 30- and 90-day-old rats. Finally, A(1)Rs increase from 1- to 30-day-old rats. Medial/intermediate did not show any changes in A(1)R from rostral to caudal levels, age or strain. In summary, our result highlights the importance of A1 adenosine system regarding the neural control of blood pressure and the development of hypertension.


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Current biological approaches to the treatment of depression focus mainly on modification of monoaminergic neurotransmission. New agents targeting these neurotransmitters are under development. Many novel antidepressant targets are however under investigation. These include the neurokinins, glutamate, purinoceptors, opioids and trophic factors. While many of these potential targets are likely to fail clinical development, exciting novel therapeutic options are likely to emerge.


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Abstract Background We have previously reported that a Teiid lizard red blood cells (RBCs) such as Ameiva ameiva and Tupinambis merianae controls intracellular calcium levels by displaying multiple mechanisms. In these cells, calcium stores could be discharged not only by: thapsigargin, but also by the Na+/H+ ionophore monensin, K+/H+ ionophore nigericin and the H+ pump inhibitor bafilomycin as well as ionomycin. Moreover, these lizards possess a P2Y-type purinoceptors that mobilize Ca2+ from intracellular stores upon ATP addition. Results Here we report, that RBCs from the tropidurid lizard Tropidurus torquatus store Ca2+ in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) pool but unlike in the referred Teiidae, these cells do not store calcium in monensin-nigericin sensitive pools. Moreover, mitochondria from T. torquatus RBCs accumulate Ca2+. Addition of ATP to a calcium-free medium does not increase the [Ca2+]c levels, however in a calcium medium we observe an increase in cytosolic calcium. This is an indication that purinergic receptors in these cells are P2X-like. Conclusion T. torquatus RBCs present different mechanisms from Teiid lizard red blood cells (RBCs), for controlling its intracellular calcium levels. At T. torquatus the ion is only stored at endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Moreover activation of purinergic receptor, P2X type, was able to induce an influx of calcium from extracelullar medium. These studies contribute to the understanding of the evolution of calcium homeostasis and signaling in nucleated RBCs.


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In den letzten Jahren gewann die Erforschung des Sphingolipidstoffwechsels in den verschiedensten Zellsystemen immer mehr an Bedeutung, da es sich zeigte, dass einige Sphingolipidspezies, vor allem Ceramid und Sphingosin-1-Phosphat, als wichtige intra- und extrazelluläre Botenstoffe wirken und bei einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher zellulärer Antworten, wie Apoptose, Proliferation und Migration, eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Während Ceramid eher pro-apoptotisch und wachstumshemmend wirkt, begünstigt Sphingosin-1-Phosphat als „Gegenspieler“ eher die Proliferation und das Zellwachstum. Ceramid kann relativ schnell in Sphingosin-1-Phosphat umgewandelt werden durch die Wirkung zweier Enzymklassen, den Ceramidasen und den Sphingosinkinasen. Konsequenterweise ist die Regulation dieser Enzyme von entscheidender Bedeutung für das zelluläre Gleichgewicht zwischen Ceramid und Sphingosin-1-Phosphat. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde die Wirkung von extrazellulären Nukleotiden, die ebenfalls als Regulatoren zahlreicher zellulärer Antworten, wie z.B. Proliferation und Migration, bekannt sind und über entsprechende Oberflächenrezeptoren, die Purinrezeptoren, wirken, auf die Aktivität besonders der Sphingosinkinasen 1 und 2 näher untersucht. Es sollte geklärt werden, ob die Sphingosinkinasen an einigen durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide induzierbaren zellulären Antworten, in diesem Falle der Migration und der Proliferation von Zellen, beteiligt sind. Als Zellsystem wurden Nierenmesangiumzellen verwendet, da diese Zellen bei verschiedenen entzündlichen Nierenerkrankungen (Glomerulonephritiden) eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Es konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass extrazelluläre Nukleotide die Aktivität der Sphingosinkinase 1 in den Mesangiumzellen stimulieren können. Zu beobachten ist dabei eine biphasische Aktivitätssteigerung der Sphingosinkinase 1. Die erste Aktivitätssteigerung nach einer Kurzzeitstimulation ist dabei auf eine Phosphorylierung des Enzyms zurückzuführen, während die zweite Aktivitätssteigerung mit einer Aktivierung des Sphingosinkinase 1-Promotors, einer verstärkten mRNA-Expression und einer de novo Proteinsynthese zu erklären ist. Diese Induktion kann durch die Verwendung von Hemmstoffen des PKC- und MAPK-Signalweges, sowie durch Verwendung eines Transkriptions- (Actinomycin D) oder eines Translationsinhibitors (Cycloheximid) blockiert werden. Die Halbwertszeit der mRNA der Sphingosinkinase 1 in den Mesangiumzellen konnte auf ca. 20 Minuten bestimmt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Sphingosinkinase 2 nicht durch ATP aktivierbar, wohl aber durch diverse Abbauprodukte von ATP, wie AMP und Adenosin, sowie durch UTP und seine Abbauprodukten UDP und UMP. Die neutrale Ceramidase kann nicht durch ATP und UTP aktiviert werden, wohl aber durch P2X7-Rezeptoragonisten (Bz-ATP, αβ-Me-ATP, γS-ATP) und TPA. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Rolle der Sphingosinkinasen und der neutralen Ceramidase bei der durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide induzierten Migration und Proliferation untersucht. Es zeigte sich mit Hilfe von genspezifischer siRNA zur Depletion der Sphingosinkinasen und der neutralen Ceramidase, sowie durch Verwendung von Kinase-Hemmstoffen und damit einhergehend der Inhibierung der Signalwege und mit Hilfe von verschiedenen Zelllinien isoliert aus Wildtyp-, SPHK 1-überexprimierenden und mSPHK1-defizienten Mäusen, dass die Aktivierung der Sphingosinkinase 1 durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Migrationsfähigkeit der Zellen ist, jedoch keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Proliferationsrate der Mesangiumzellen hat. Auch die Aktivität der neutralen Ceramidase ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Migrationsfähigkeit der Zellen. Durch Depletion der neutralen Ceramidase scheint Ceramid in den Zellen zu akkumulieren, was die Proliferationsrate reduziert. Für die Proliferation der Mesangiumzellen könnte die Sphingosinkinase 2 als negativer Regulator fungieren, wie die Experimente mit der genspezifischen siRNA unter UTP-Stimulation gezeigt haben. Für die Migration der Mesangiumzellen gilt darüber hinaus, dass auch das Produkt der Sphingosinkinase 1, Sphingosin-1-Phosphat, in der Lage ist, die Migration zu stimulieren. Im Gegensatz dazu spielt Sphingosin-1-Phosphat für die Induktion der Proliferation der hier verwendeten Zellen keine wesentliche Rolle. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Daten, dass die Sphingosinkinase 1 und vorgeschaltet auch die neutrale Ceramidase bei der Migration von Mesangiumzellen eine zentrale Rolle spielen und damit als therapeutische Angriffspunkte bei der Behandlung von Krankheiten, die durch eine vermehrte Migration gekennzeichnet sind, in Frage kommen.


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The capsaicin (vanilloid) receptor, VR1, is a sensory neuron-specific ion channel that serves as a polymodal detector of pain-producing chemical and physical stimuli. It has been proposed that ATP, released from different cell types, initiates the sensation of pain by acting predominantly on nociceptive ionotropic purinoceptors located on sensory nerve terminals. In this study, we examined the effects of extracellular ATP on VR1. In cells expressing VR1, ATP increased the currents evoked by capsaicin or protons through activation of metabotropic P2Y1 receptors in a protein kinase C-dependent pathway. The involvement of Gq/11-coupled metabotropic receptors in the potentiation of VR1 response was confirmed in cells expressing both VR1 and M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. In the presence of ATP, the temperature threshold for VR1 activation was reduced from 42°C to 35°C, such that normally nonpainful thermal stimuli (i.e., normal body temperature) were capable of activating VR1. This represents a novel mechanism through which the large amounts of ATP released from damaged cells in response to tissue trauma might trigger the sensation of pain.