911 resultados para NORMAS ISO-9000


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Durant aquests darrers anys hem pogut veure com el concepte de qualitat apareixia amb molta força a casa nostra. En l'àmbit empresarial i possiblement degut a la influència que ha tingut la implicació de les grans empreses en tot aquest moviment, o potser només a la creixent competència de les empreses estrangeres, el petit i mitjà empresari del nostre país s'ha vist obligat a obrir les portes de casa seva al que podríem definir com a la "Cultura de la Qualitat". És evident que en aquesta entrada l'administració també hi ha pres part. Ara bé, sovint aquest missatge a favor de la qualitat ha estat "disfressat" de la tant coneguda normativa ISO 9000. Poc a poc, sota aquestes sigles la gent s'ha fet la distorsionada idea de que això vol dir qualitat i tot el que surti d'això és sinònim de mala qualitat. Així doncs, val realment la pena la implicació en el compliment d'aquestes normes? És realment per això pel que la majoria de les petites i mitjanes empreses del nostre entorn s'han implicat en l'assegurament de la qualitat segons la ISO 9000? I més encara, una vegada han aconseguit el certificat de qualitat n'estan realment satisfetes de les millores que han tingut? O la única millora important és la de la imatge externa de l'empresa? La recerca d'una resposta amb base científica és la que porta al desenvolupament del present treball, omplint el buit que hi ha actualment entre els treballs teòrics i la realitat. Aquesta tesi vol esbrinar quin ha estat l'impacte que hi ha hagut a les empreses catalanes degut a la implicació en la normativa d'assegurament de la qualitat ISO 9000. El mètode de recerca es basarà en una anàlisi de les dades que es recullin d'un treball empíric a realitzar en petites i mitjanes empreses de les comarques de Catalunya. Al primer capítol es defineix exactament quin és l'objectiu d'aquest treball de recerca. Al capítol dos es pot trobar una perspectiva del que ha estat la qualitat en la història i de la gent que ha fet possible que prengués la importància que ara té. La normativa d'assegurament de la qualitat ISO 9000, marc de treball d'aquesta tesi es mereix un capítol apart, el tres. A partir de les hipòtesis a contrastar, i la literatura sobre la gestió de la qualitat, al quart capítol es defineix com es portarà a terme es treball, quedant definit doncs quin serà el treball empíric que s'ha portat a terme. Al cinquè capítol es troben els resultats obtinguts del treball empíric, així com un anàlisi descriptiu d'aquests. Les hipòtesis plantejades es resolen al capítol sisè, mitjançant l'aplicació de la tècnica estadística denominada: "Anàlisi cluster". Aquesta tècnica permetrà veure per a quines agrupacions d'empreses es compleixen les hipòtesis i per quines no, realitzant-se així un estudi més concret de la situació. Finalment al capítol setè és on s'hi troben les conclusions d'aquest treball,analitzant-se també quines poden ser futures línies d'investigació en aquest camp.


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En el presente estudio se determinan los lineamientos de un modelo de gestión de la calidad, basado en la norma internacional ISO 9001:2008, que atienda a las características particulares de las microempresas comercializadoras familiares en la ciudad de Quito. Con este fin, a través de un estudio de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo que consideró fuentes primarias y secundarias, se determinaron las características de las microempresas y si han adoptado acciones establecidas por un modelo de gestión de la calidad. Como principales conclusiones se pudo verificar que las microempresas familiares no cuentan con un modelo sólido de gestión de la calidad, aunque sí desarrollan algunos de los principios de la familia de normas ISO 9000 y requisitos de la norma ISO 9001, al menos de una manera informal; adicionalmente se concluyó que es posible implementar varias de las acciones establecidas por la norma con el fin de beneficiar a estas microempresas y generar condiciones óptimas para su perdurabilidad y crecimiento.


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Esta pesquisa analisa a difusão das certificações ISO-9000 no Brasil sob o prisma da teoria neo-institucional e de referências sobre modismos gerenciais nas organizações. A premissa é de que muitas dessas decisões de certificação - que se tornou muito popular nas empresas brasileiras desde 1990 - só podem ser entendidas plenamente à luz de sua natureza modal e institucionalizada, e que muitas desses processos podem refletir adoções cerimoniais (isto é "para inglês ver"). Através de questionários aplicados em empresas que buscaram a certificação ISO no Brasil, o estudo procura entender melhor fatores ligados à tomada de decisão sobre a adoção, à estratégia de implantação, aos resultados percebidos e aos mecanismos de justificação dos programas.


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This study investigates in the National Commission of Nuclear Energy the Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in terms of perceptions, actions, and posture of the administrative agents which could facilitate the engagement of the employees of that public organization in the TQM implantation, based on NBR ISO 9000. The central question of this research is: which characteristics of the administrative actions and sense of the managerial posture manifested in the implantation, implementation and maintenance for the achievement of objectives and goals of the Quality System-ISO 9000, could contribute to engage the IRD professionals in the process? The research finds prevalence of the Quality technical knowledge over the attention on professionals' managerial posture, identifies a lack in that Norm about how to deal with its administrative requirements in practical terms, driving the researcher to look for support especially in Deming to face the critical reading of that organizational context. The field research was conceived under the paradigm of constructivism, facilitating the description of beliefs, perceptions, feelings and values manifested in the employees discourses, actions and re-actions to establish relations between Quality theory and that concrete reality. A phenomenologic approach, only as a complementary level, was sufficient to favor the researcher insertion in that institution where he is still working, but in the new and contingent role of researcher. To apprehend the organization managerial stile, to comprehend beyond its characteristics and to grasp the orientation of the managerial posture in terms of possibilities for Quality implementation were the core of this study. The TQM theory was interpreted as a living philosophy, an administrative posture the meaning of which is a permanent Quality improvement in the CNEN/IRD management processes in its internal and external organizational relations. The procedural nature of the CNEN/IRD public service legal regime, political implications and performance evaluation which reveals only partially the organizational reality should not obstruct the Institute drive to assume the spirit of serving the public as a Quality management philosophic commitment. Conclusions show some progress reorienting initiatives in organizational management taking place in three different levels: operational, toward the employees' expectations of values and organizational processes integration; HR administration, in search of better communication; strategic, through expectations on a possible visionary leadership". Finally, at the academic level, the perception that future studies in search of the establishment of relationships between TQM and the organization culture can favor new progress."


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In Brazil the theme quality in public construction has been widely discussed in the early 1990s, with the creation of the Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity for the Habitat (PBQP-H) which is strongly influenced by the wave of studies on issues of quality in the world, such as the ISO 9000. Over the years, other approaches have emerged and been consolidated, evolving from market and customer´s needs. An example is the Six Sigma methodology. This study aims to examine the Six Sigma, ISO 9000 and PBQP-H methodologies, noting the common elements, differences, gaps and how the methods are complementary, so that with the ongoing work, proposed initiatives can be developed to improve the quality that enables its application in public construction. Still aiming to optimize the deployment of the proposed initiatives, it was performed an analysis of ISO 9001 and PBPQ-H certifications in Brazil and in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, with respect to the construction industry and a case study to identify the factors that influence the adoption of initiatives to improve quality, and check if the selected construction company is prepared to implement the proposed initiatives. This research is characterized as exploratory and applied, with literature review and a case study. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire and the statistical analysis used a multidimensional scaling method. The conclusion is that the methodologies are compatible and complementary, and their integration could potentialize the goals set. It was identified that the state of Rio Grande do Norte has a few number of certifications in construction. Nine initiatives are proposed for implementation at construction companies. In the case study it was found that the studied company would be able to implement the suggestions proposed and the requirement for certification by clients and funding institutions influence the adoption of quality improvement initiatives. This result confirms the literature which states that top management support is crucial for the successful implementation of quality methodologies


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The aim of this present research is to investigate about aplication of the supply chain management in Civil Construction, through perception of brasilian building companies directors. Research purpose includes potential benefits and main dificults analysis in supply chain management, beyond to identify decision criterions for suppliers and sales chain (commission agent and real state agency) choice and reduction, to facilility management in companies. The methodology used in this work considers the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type Likert being constituted of variables that compose the aspects of evaluation and of behaviors, beyond questions to identify the market profile of the respondents. For analysis statistics is used the descriptive, clusters and variance, ANOVA, analysis last two to verify the connections between variables. The results show more perception as for long terms contracts with suppliers for purchase of materials and services being decisive for companies nowadays (40%) than as for exclusive contracts with commission agents (30%). There is a positive appraisal about viability of hipotetic situations showed, but more caution as for disposition to apply them too. Another results aim for biggers dificults in management of chain links formed by commission agents and real state agencies, than chain links formed by anothers suppliers of materials and services. The companies for study were chosen among to those with ISO 9000 certificate until november 2001, considering that these companies have the best management systems, probably


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os sistemas de Classificações existentes para a garantia da gestão da qualidade no setor hoteleiro, tendo como foco principal a Matriz de Classificação para os Meios de Hospedagem da EMBRATUR e a ISO 9000, observando os benefícios que esses sistemas e/ou processos de gestão poderão vir a proporcionar para o setor hoteleiro no que se refere à qualidade de seus serviços. Para a obtenção dessas informações foi realizada uma análise comparativa dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade através de pesquisas bibliográficas e de questionários enviados para empreendimentos hoteleiros certificados e classificados, onde os principais resultados fornecidos pela pesquisa foram trabalhados de forma a apresentar, de maneira clara, a superioridade de um sistema em relação ao outro


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This Thesis deals with the performance improvement on hotels that have adopted the ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems. It is researched the Brazilian hotels that have an ISO 9001 registration with an assessment form based on the Balanced Scorecard approach. The main findings are that ISO 9000 provided improvement on the performance of the hotels in general and also in all the BSC perspectives, and that are different perception on managers and directors, what suggests a need for a tool like BSC to register the performance improvements on the same basis. The Thesis contributes to provide information on the performance improvement in hotels, one of the claimed regarding the low ISO 9000 adoption rate in Brazilian hotels


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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Es común percibir que, en la empresas pequeñas o que recién comienzan, el mecanismo de control asociado es el de observación directa por parte del propietario. En cambio para las empresas de mayor tamaño, existen mecanismos más sofisticados de control que permiten realizar un registro más profundo de las actividades, su desarrollo y por sobre todo su adecuación con los objetivos de la firma. Más allá de ser una pequeña o gran empresa, cada una debería implementar un Sistema de Control de Gestión para facilitar el mejoramiento continuo de cada elemento de la organización. Lecar S.A. es una empresa familiar dedicada a la compra - venta de automotores nuevos y usados en la provincia de Mendoza, que ha sufrido a lo largo de sus años varias modificaciones en su estructura, pero nunca logró establecer un orden formal en sus actividades. Se podría decir, que un problema desde el punto de vista social, es una dificultad o impedimento que se interpone para el desarrollo normal de una situación, y por lo tanto requiere de una solución. Los objetivos de este trabajo se pueden disgregar en uno general que es el de formular y documentar un manual de políticas y procedimientos para las áreas operativas más importantes de Lecar S.A. y otros, un tanto más específicos, como analizar la empresa Lecar S.A. en su estado actual, analizar los beneficios y costos de los manuales de políticas y procedimientos en una empresa familiar, establecer conocimientos generales sobre calidad en la gestión y realizar un acercamiento a los instrumentos de certificación de normas de calidad en la gestión de las empresas.