976 resultados para Implant cochléaire


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Cette thèse examine le développement du langage des enfants sourds qui ont reçu un implant cochléaire (IC) en bas âge. Une première étude rapporte une revue systématique qui avait pour but d’évaluer les connaissances actuelles concernant le développement du vocabulaire et de la grammaire chez les enfants qui ont reçu un IC avant l’âge de trois ans. Vingt-huit études ont été sélectionnées; une analyse descriptive de même qu’une méta-analyse ont été effectuées séparément pour chaque aspect du langage évalué (vocabulaire et grammaire, aspect réceptif et expressif). Au résultat, en dépit de la variabilité observée dans les études, il appert que l’implant cochléaire influence positivement le développement langagier; toutefois, seule une minorité de participants aux études a atteint des niveaux de langage comparables à ceux d’enfants entendants de même âge chronologique. La majorité des enfants continuent de présenter divers degrés de retard de langage, tant au plan réceptif qu’expressif, et ce, après jusqu’à cinq années de port de l’appareil. Les résultats suggèrent aussi, malgré la variabilité observée dans les études, que les bénéfices langagiers sont influencés par le fait de recevoir l’implant à deux ans plutôt qu’à trois ans. À partir des tendances retrouvées dans la littérature, les habiletés de vocabulaire et de grammaire chez 27 enfants qui ont reçu l’implant cochléaire en bas âge (entre 8 et 28 mois) ont été comparées avec celles d’un groupe d’enfants entendants, en utilisant des outils d’évaluation standardisés. Alors que les résultats de groupe montrent que les enfants qui reçoivent un IC autour de l’âge de deux ans atteignent des niveaux de langage dans les limites de la normale, les résultats individuels d’un sous-groupe formé de enfants les plus âgés font état de quatre profils de développement, soit des niveaux de langage dans les limites de la normale pour l’ensemble des composantes, un retard généralisé à l’ensemble des composantes, des habiletés lexicales dans la norme assorti d’un retard morphosyntaxique et enfin un profil atypique montrant des disparités importantes à travers les composantes du langage. Dans trois des quatre profils, la compréhension des phrases était particulièrement faible. Ces résultats suggèrent que le fait de recevoir un implant cochléaire entre l’âge d’un et deux ans ne garantit pas l’atteinte de niveaux de langage dans les limites de la normale malgré une expérience de port de l’appareil d’une durée appréciable. Une étape antérieure du développement linguistique a été examinée de plus près dans la troisième étude. La taille et la composition du vocabulaire expressif de onze enfants ayant reçu un IC à un âge moyen de 15 mois ont été comparées à celles de l’échantillon d’enfants entendants ayant servi à établir les normes en français québécois pour le questionnaire Mots et énoncés des Inventaires MacArthur-Bates du développement de la communication (IMBDC). Les scores d’âge équivalent selon la taille totale du vocabulaire des enfants avec IC étaient supérieurs à l’âge auditif (correspondant à la durée de port de l’appareil) mais inférieurs à l’âge chronologique. La représentation grammaticale en fonction de la taille du vocabulaire des enfants avec IC suit la tendance observée dans la norme. Ces résultats suggèrent que le profil lexical des enfants avec implant est très similaire à celui des enfants entendants lorsque le nombre total de mots acquis est le même. Les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que l’implant peut, de manière générale, avoir un effet « normalisant » sur le langage ; toutefois, il semble que l’amélioration de l’accès auditif ne suffise pas pour rattraper à coup sûr le niveau de langage des pairs entendants dans l’ensemble des composantes du langage. Alors que les habiletés lexicales se rapprochent du profil typique, les habiletés de compréhension morphosyntaxique sont fortement atteintes chez une majorité d’enfants, suggérant un profil apparenté à un trouble de langage.


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L’implant cochléaire devient une ressource importante pour contrer la surdité alors qu’il a été démontré qu’une privation auditive précoce ou tardive affecte le développement des systèmes auditif et visuel. Le but des études présentées dans cette thèse est d’évaluer l’impact développemental d’une privation auditive sur les systèmes auditif et visuel. En premier lieu, l’étude du développement chez une population entendante a montré que les systèmes auditif et visuel se développent à des rythmes distincts et qu’ils atteignent leur maturité respective à des âges différents. Ces conclusions suggèrent que les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ces deux systèmes sont différents et que leur développement respectif est indépendant. Aussi, tel qu’observé par une mesure comportementale et électrophysiologique, la discrimination fréquentielle auditive chez les personnes porteuses d’un implant cochléaire est altérée et corrélée aux performances de perception de la parole. Ces deux études suggèrent que suite à une privation auditive, le traitement auditif diffère d’une personne malentendante à une autre, et que ces différences touchent les processus de bas-niveaux, tel que suggéré par la disparité présente dans les performances de discrimination fréquentielle. La dernière étude observe qu’une privation auditive affecte aussi le développement de la modalité visuelle, tel qu’indiqué par une diminution des capacités de discrimination visuelle observée chez des malentendants. Cette indication appuie l’hypothèse qu’un développement normal de chacun des sens est requis pour un développement optimal des autres sens. Globalement, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse suggèrent que les systèmes auditif et visuel se développent de façon distincte, mais demeurent toutefois interreliés. En effet, une privation auditive affecte non seulement le développement des habiletés auditives, mais aussi celui des habiletés visuelles, suggérant une interdépendance entre les deux systèmes.


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Cette étude décrit le développement des structures morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques chez les enfants francophones âgés entre 3 et 6 ans. Ces données pourront contribuer à particulariser certaines difficultés morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques retrouvées chez l’enfant déficient auditif québécois porteur d’implant cochléaire. Le premier objectif de notre projet pilote vise à comparer les habiletés morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques au niveau expressif de l’enfant porteur d’IC à celles des enfants entendants de même âge auditif et chronologique. L’étude évalue spécifiquement l’accord intra-nominal en genre, et les processus de fusion, d’élision et de liaison. Nous prédisons qu’une entrée auditive inférieure à la norme aura un impact sur l’acquisition des règles morpho(phonolo)giques en français. Le deuxième objectif consiste à observer si la maîtrise de ces structures est liée à la maîtrise de la production phonémique chez l’enfant franco-québécois porteur d’IC. L’élaboration de deux tâches expérimentales et la passation de tâches évaluatives et expérimentales ont permis d’étudier les difficultés morphologiques et phonologiques de l’enfant porteur d'IC. Le groupe témoin a inclus 14 enfants à développement typique. Ils ont été comparés au cas de Vincent, âgé de 59 mois, porteur d’implant cochléaire. Ce dernier présente des étapes de développement linguistique décalées qui correspondent à celles d’enfants appariés sur l’âge auditif (date d’IC) plutôt qu’à l’âge chronologique (AC). Nous avons observé des similitudes et des différences, sur le plan phonologique et morphosyntaxique, entre Vincent et les enfants entendants : il présente des performances significativement moins bonnes que la norme pour certaines de structures morphosyntaxiques et processus morphophonologiques (accord du genre, élision, fusion) mais meilleures que les témoins dans la tâche de liaison. Nous pensons que le gain prothétique n’est pas le seul facteur qui a un impact sur le développement linguistique précoce et que d’autres facteurs l’influenceraient, tels l’âge d’implantation, le mode de communication, l’implantation bilatérale, l’investissement des parents et les effets d’apprentissage. Enfin, notre étude de cas n’a pu étayer si la maîtrise de la production phonémique est en relation avec la maîtrise de certaines structures et processus morphologiques.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Growth rods are commonly used for the treatment of scoliosis in the immature spine. Many variations have been proposed but breakage of implants is a common problem. Growth rod insertion commonly involves large exposures at initial insertion followed by multiple smaller procedures for lengthening. We present our early experiences using a percutaneous technique of insertion of a new titanium mobile bearing implant (Medtronic Inc). The implant allows some rotatory motion in the middle of the construct thus reducing construct stresses and thus possibly reducing rod breakage risk. Based on this small initial series with 12 months follow-up, percutaneous insertion of growth rods using the new implant is a safe and reliable technique although the infection rate in our sample was of note. This may be related to the titanium wear and inflammation seen in the soft tissues at time of operation and visualised on histology. No implants have required removal due to infection, and all infections were treated with debridement at next lengthening and suppressive antibiotics. Propionibacterium is one of the commonest infections seen with spinal implants and sometimes does not respond to simple antibiotic suppression. The technique allows preservation of the soft tissues until definitive fusion is needed and may lead to a decrease in hospital stay. The implant is low profile and seems to offer advantages over other systems on the market. Further follow up is needed to look at longer term outcomes with this new implant type.


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This study directly measured the load acting on the abutment of the osseointegrated implant system of transfemoral amputees during level walking, and studied the variability of the load within and among amputees. Twelve active transfemoral amputees (age: 54±12 years, mass:84.3±16.3 kg, height: 17.8±0.10 m) fitted with an osseointegrated implant for over 1 year participated in the study. The load applied on the abutment was measured during unimpeded, level walking in a straight line using a commercial six-channel transducer mounted between the abutment and the prosthetic knee. The pattern and the magnitude of the three-dimensional forces and moments were revealed. Results showed a low step-to-step variability of each subject, but a high subject-to-subject variability in local extrema of body-weight normalized forces and moments and impulse data. The high subject-to-subject variability suggests that the mechanical design of the implant system should be customized for each individual, or that a fit-all design should take into consideration the highest values of load within a broad range of amputees. It also suggests specific loading regime in rehabilitation training are necessary for a given subject. Thus the loading magnitude and variability demonstrated should be useful in designing an osseointegrated implant system better able to resist mechanical failure and in refining the rehabilitation protocol.


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Conventional clinical therapies are unable to resolve osteochondral defects adequately, hence tissue engineering solutions are sought to address the challenge. A biphasic implant which was seeded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) and coupled with an electrospun membrane was evaluated as an alternative. This dual phase construct comprised of a Polycaprolactone (PCL) cartilage scaffold and a Polycaprolactone - Tri Calcium Phosphate (PCL - TCP) osseous matrix. Autologous MSC was seeded into the entire implant via fibrin and the construct was inserted into critically sized osteochondral defects located at the medial condyle and patellar groove of pigs. The defect was resurfaced with a PCL - collagen electrospun mesh that served as a substitute for periosteal flap in preventing cell leakage. Controls either without implanted MSC or resurfacing membrane were included. After 6 months, cartilaginous repair was observed with a low occurrence of fibrocartilage at the medial condyle. Osteochondral repair was promoted and host cartilage degeneration was arrested as shown by the superior Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) maintenance. This positive morphological outcome was supported by a higher relative Young's modulus which indicated functional cartilage restoration. Bone in growth and remodeling occurred in all groups with a higher degree of mineralization in the experimental group. Tissue repair was compromised in the absence of the implanted cells or the resurfacing membrane. Moreover healing was inferior at the patellar groove as compared to the medial condyle and this was attributed to the native biomechanical features.


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Background: Implant surface micro-roughness and hydrophilicity are known to improve the osteogenic differentiation potential of osteoprogenitor cells. This study was aimed to determine whether topographically and chemically modified titanium implant surfaces stimulate an initial osteogenic response in osteoprogenitor cells, which leads to their improved osteogenesis. ----- ----- Methods: Statistical analysis of microarray gene expression profiling data available from studies (at 72 hours) on sand-blasted, large grit acid etched (SLA) titanium surfaces was performed. Subsequently, human osteoprogenitor cells were cultured on SLActive (hydrophilic SLA), SLA and polished titanium surfaces for 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days. The expression of BMP2, BMP6, BMP2K, SP1, ACVR1, FZD6, WNT5A, PDLIM7, ITGB1, ITGA2, OCN, OPN, ALP and RUNX2 were studied using qPCR. ----- ----- Results: Several functional clusters related to osteogenesis were highlighted when genes showing statistically significant differences (from microarray data at 72 hours) in expression on SLA surface (compared with control surface) were analysed using DAVID (online tool). This indicates that differentiation begins very early in response to modified titanium surfaces. At 24 hours, ACVR1 (BMP pathway), FZD6 (Wnt pathway) and SP1 (TGF-β pathway) were significantly up-regulated in cultures on the SLActive surface compared to the other surfaces. WNT5A and ITGB1 also showed higher expression on the modified surfaces. Gene expression patterns on Day 3 and Day 7 did not reveal any significant differences.----- ----- Conclusion: These results suggest that the initial molecular response of osteoprogenitor cells to modified titanium surfaces may be responsible for an improved osteogenic response via the BMP and Wnt signalling pathways.


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Topographically and chemically modified titanium implants are recognized to have improved osteogenic properties; however, the molecular regulation of this process remains unknown. This study aimed to determine the microRNA profile and the potential regulation of osteogenic differentiation following early exposure of osteoprogenitor cells to sand-blasted, large-grit acid-etched (SLA) and hydrophilic SLA (modSLA) surfaces. Firstly, the osteogenic characteristics of the primary osteoprogenitor cells were confirmed using ALP activity and Alizarin Red S staining. The effect of smooth (SMO), SLA and modSLA surfaces on the TGF-β/BMP (BMP2, BMP6, ACVR1) and non-canonical WNT/Ca2+ (WNT5A, FZD6) pathways, as well as the integrins ITGB1 and ITGA2, was determined. It was revealed that the modified titanium surfaces could induce the activation of TGF-β/BMP and non-canonical WNT/Ca2+ signaling genes. The expression pattern of microRNAs (miRNAs) related to cell differentiation was evaluated. Statistical analysis of the differentially regulated miRNAs indicated that 35 and 32 miRNAs were down-regulated on the modSLA and SLA surfaces respectively, when compared with the smooth surface (SMO). Thirty-one miRNAs that were down-regulated were common to both modSLA and SLA. There were 10 miRNAs up-regulated on modSLA and nine on SLA surfaces, amongst which eight were the same as observed on modSLA. TargetScan predictions for the down-regulated miRNAs revealed genes of the TGF-β/BMP and non-canonical Ca2+ pathways as targets. This study demonstrated that modified titanium implant surfaces induce differential regulation of miRNAs, which potentially regulate the TGF-β/BMP and WNT/Ca2+ pathways during osteogenic differentiation on modified titanium implant surfaces.


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This article reviews the literature on the outcome of flapless surgery for dental implants in the posterior maxilla. The literature search was carried out in using the keywords: flapless, dental implants and maxilla. A hand search and Medline search were carried out on studies published between 1971 and 2011. The authors included research involving a minimum of 15 dental implants with a followup period of 1 year, an outcome measurement of implant survival, but excluded studies involving multiple simultaneous interventions, and studies with missing data. The Cochrane approach for cohort studies and Oxford Centre for Evidence- Based Medicine were applied. Of the 56 published papers selected, 14 papers on the flapless technique showed high overall implant survival rates. The prospective studies yielded 97.01% (95% CI: 90.72–99.0) while retrospective studies or case series illustrated 95.08% (95% CI: 91.0–97.93) survival. The average of intraoperative complications was 6.55% using the flapless procedure. The limited data obtained showed that flapless surgery in posterior maxilla areas could be a viable and predictable treatment method for implant placement. Flapless surgery tends to be more applicable in this area of the mouth. Further long-term clinical controlled studies are needed.


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The Exeter stems vary in length from 90 to 150 mm. The shorter stems generally have lower offsets. The purpose of this study was to determine if length of stem, with fixed offset, affected rotational stability. Mechanical testing was carried out on 10 implant-cement constructs with 2 loading profiles, rising from chair and stair climbing, at different simulated implant lengths using purpose-built apparatus. This paper presents a mechanism for clinically observed rotational stability and explains the mechanical characteristics required for rotational stability in Exeter femoral stems. © 2012.


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Total hip arthroplasty (THA) has a proven clinical record for providing pain relief and return of function to patients with disabling arthritis. There are many successful options for femoral implant design and fixation. Cemented, polished, tapered femoral implants have been shown to have excellent results in national joint registries and long-term clinical series. These implants are usually 150mm long at their lateral aspect. Due to their length, these implants cannot always be offered to patients due to variations in femoral anatomy. Polished, tapered implants as short as 95mm exist, however their small proximal geometry (neck offset and body size) limit their use to smaller stature patients. There is a group of patients in which a shorter implant with a maintained proximal body size would be advantageous. There are also potential benefits to a shorter implant in standard patient populations such as reduced bone removal due to reduced reaming, favourable loading of the proximal femur, and the ability to revise into good proximal bone stock if required. These factors potentially make a shorter implant an option for all patient populations. The role of implant length in determining the stability of a cemented, polished, tapered femoral implant is not well defined by the literature. Before changes in implant design can be made, a better understanding of the role of each region in determining performance is required. The aim of the thesis was to describe how implant length affects the stability of a cemented, polished, tapered femoral implant. This has been determined through an extensive body of laboratory testing. The major findings are that for a given proximal body size, a reduction in implant length has no effect on the torsional stability of a polished, tapered design, while a small reduction in axial stability should be expected. These findings are important because the literature suggests that torsional stability is the major determinant of long-term clinical performance of a THA system. Furthermore, a polished, tapered design is known to be forgiving of cement-implant interface micromotion due to the favourable wear characteristics. Together these findings suggest that a shorter polished, tapered implant may be well tolerated. The effect of a change in implant length on the geometric characteristics of polished, tapered design were also determined and applied to the mechanical testing. Importantly, interface area does play a role in stability of the system; however it is the distribution of the interface and not the magnitude of the area that defines stability. Taper angle (at least in the range of angles seen in this work) was shown not to be a determinant of axial or torsional stability. A range of implants were tested, comparing variations in length, neck offset and indication (primary versus cement-in-cement revision). At their manufactured length, the 125mm implants were similar to their longer 150mm counterparts suggesting that they may be similarly well tolerated in the clinical environment. However, the slimmer cement-in-cement revision implant was shown to have a poorer mechanical performance, suggesting their use in higher demand patients may be hazardous. An implant length of 125mm has been shown to be quite stable and the results suggest that a further reduction to 100mm may be tolerated. However, further work is required. A shorter implant with maintained proximal body size would be useful for the group of patients who are unable to access the current standard length implants due to variations in femoral anatomy. Extending the findings further, the similar function with potential benefits of a shorter implant make their application to all patients appealing.