989 resultados para HLA-G


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Introduction: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G is a nonclassic class I molecule that acts as a modulator of immune responses, and the expression of these molecules in virus-infected cells has been associated with subversion of the immune response. Objective: In this study, we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of the HLA-G in benign, premalignant, and malignant oral lesions and correlating it with the presence of high-risk and low-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types. Specimens and Methods: Oral biopsies were collected from 51 patients and analyzed by immunohistochemistry using anti HLA-G antibody. Human papillomavirus detection and typing from oral biopsies were obtained by polymerase chain reaction using GP5+/GP6+ and specific primers. Results: The 51 biopsies were stratified into 3 groups according to lesion grade: oral benign lesions (oral hyperplasia and papilloma, n = 16), oral premalignant lesions (oral leukoplakia with dysplasia and lichen planus, n = 17), and malignant lesions (oral squamous cell carcinoma, n = 18). Human leukocyte antigen G overexpression was mainly observed in benign and premalignant oral lesions but was not related to HPV infection (P>.05). On the other hand, HPV DNA was detected in 24 (47%) oral lesions, mainly in benign and premalignant lesions, with the most frequent type detected being high-risk HPV type. Conclusion: The HLA-G molecule was expressed in a significant number of benign oral lesions and was not correlated with HPV infection or oral cancer. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a worldwide health problem that may evolve to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Incompletely understood immune system mechanisms have been associated with impaired viral clearance. The nonclassical class I human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) molecule may downregulate immune system cell functions exhibiting well-recognized tolerogenic properties. HCV genotype was analyzed in chronic HCV-infected patients. Because HLA-G expression may be induced by certain viruses, we evaluated the presence of HLA-G in the liver microenvironment obtained from 89 biopsies of patients harboring chronic HCV infection and stratified according to clinical and histopathological features. Overall, data indicated that HCV genotype 1 was predominant, especially subgenotype 1a, with a prevalence of 87%. HLA-G expression was observed in 45(51%) liver specimens, and it was more frequent in milder stages of chronic hepatitis (67.4%) than in moderate (27.8%; p = 0.009) and severe (36.0%; p = 0.021) stages of the disease. Altogether, these results suggest that the expression of HLA-G in the context of HCV is a complex process modulated by many factors, which may contribute to an immunologic environment favoring viral persistence. However, because the milder forms predominantly expressed HLA-G, a protective role of this molecule may not be excluded. (C) 2012 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Human leukocyte antigen-G (FILA-G) plays a well-recognized role in the modulation of the immune response, and HLA-G expression has been associated with increased graft survival and decreased rejection episodes. To investigate the role of the HLA-G 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) in renal transplantation, we evaluated several polymorphic sites (14-bp Del/Ins +3003T/C, +3010C/G, +3027C/A, +3035C/T, +3142G/C, and +3187A/G) in patients exhibiting or not exhibiting rejection episodes. A total of 104 patients (15 with acute and 48 with chronic rejection, and 41 with no rejection) and 142 healthy individuals were studied. HLA-G 3'UTR was typed by direct sequencing. The +3035C-C genotype was more frequent in patients exhibiting chronic rejection compared with healthy controls, and the +3035C-T genotype was less frequent in chronic rejection compared with patients without rejection (acute plus chronic) or compared with healthy controls. The +3187G-A genotype, in which the A allele is associated with increased mRNA degradation, showed increased frequency in the rejection group (acute plus chronic) when compared with healthy controls. The 14 base pair Deletion/Insertion genotype was marginally increased in patients with acute rejection. This is the first study to show associations among numerous polymorphic sites in the HLA-G 3'UTR in kidney allotransplantation, which may contribute to the understanding of HLA-G post-transcriptional mechanisms. (C) 2012 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTEC) of the kidney line the proximal tubule downstream of the glomerulus and play a major role in the re-absorption of small molecular weight proteins that may pass through the glomerular filtration process. In the perturbed disease state PTEC also contribute to the inflammatory disease process via both positive and negative mechanisms via the production of inflammatory cytokines which chemo-attract leukocytes and the subsequent down-modulation of these cells to prevent uncontrolled inflammatory responses. It is well established that dendritic cells are responsible for the initiation and direction of adaptive immune responses. Both resident and infiltrating dendritic cells are localised within the tubulointerstitium of the renal cortex, in close apposition to PTEC, in inflammatory disease states. We previously demonstrated that inflammatory PTEC are able to modulate autologous human dendritic cell phenotype and functional responses. Here we extend these findings to characterise the mechanisms of this PTEC immune-modulation using primary human PTEC and autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDC) as the model system. We demonstrate that PTEC express three inhibitory molecules: (i) cell surface PD-L1 that induces MoDC expression of PD-L1; (ii) intracellular IDO that maintains the expression of MoDC CD14, drives the expression of CD80, PD-L1 and IL-10 by MoDC and inhibits T cell stimulatory capacity; and (iii) soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) that inhibits HLA-DR and induces IL-10 expression by MoDC. Collectively the results demonstrate that primary human PTEC are able to modulate autologous DC phenotype and function via multiple complex pathways. Further dissection of these pathways is essential to target therapeutic strategies in the treatment of inflammatory kidney disorders.


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Chez la femme, la majorité des cas d’infection au VIH sont acquis lors de relations hétérosexuelles. Cependant, très peu d’informations sont disponibles concernant l’immunité locale naturelle du tractus génital féminin, les facteurs influençant la susceptibilité à l’infection au VIH dans ce compartiment, ainsi que la réponse immunitaire de la muqueuse enclenchée après l’infection. Le but de notre projet est donc d’étudier certains facteurs pouvant être impliqués dans la susceptibilité à l’infection au VIH, afin de mieux comprendre l’immunité du tractus génital féminin. Nous avons, dans un premier temps, analysé le rôle du polymorphisme des gènes HLA-G et HLA-E sur la susceptibilité au VIH dans une population de femmes zimbabwéennes. La présence de l’allèle HLA-G*0105N, en combinaison avec le génotype HLA-EG/HLA-EG, était associée avec une diminution du risque d’infection. Puis, dans une étude cas-contrôle de travailleuses du sexe (TS) du Bénin, nous avons mesuré l’expression de HLA-G soluble au niveau du plasma. Nous avons observé une différence significative dans l’expression de HLA-G soluble, celle-ci étant plus faible dans le groupe des TS VIH positives comparé aux groupes de TS VIH négatives et de femmes VIH négatives de la population générale. Nous avons aussi analysé l’expression de cytokines et chimiokines dans le sérum et le tractus génital des participantes de l’étude du Bénin. Nous avons constaté que chez les TS VIH positives il y avait une expression plus élevée des chimiokines MPC-3, IP-10 et MIG dans le tractus génital et le sérum comparativement aux deux autres groupes. Les patrons d’expression des cytokines variaient selon les compartiments : le niveau de TNF-α et IFN-γ était plus élevé dans le tractus génital des TS VIH positives, alors que le niveau d’IL-2, d’IL-10 et de TNF-α était plus faible dans le sang des TS VIH positives, comparativement aux deux autres groupes. Ainsi, au niveau du tractus génital des femmes VIH positives, il semble y avoir une activation chronique du système immunitaire dans le but de favoriser la dissémination/perpétuation du virus. Les patrons d’expression différents entre le milieu systémique et génital nous montrent que l’immunité présente dans un compartiment n’est pas nécessairement le reflet de l’autre. Nous avons aussi observé une augmentation significative des niveaux d’IL-4, de MIP-1α, de MIP-1β et de MCP-1 dans le sérum des TS VIH négatives. Ces personnes, hautement exposées mais non infectées, semblent démontrer une plus grande capacité à enclencher une réponse immunitaire précoce pour empêcher la dissémination du virus. Notre étude a donc permis d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur l’immunité du tractus génital féminin en relation avec l’infection au VIH.


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Introduction : Aujourd’hui, 35,3 millions de personnes vivent avec le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH)-1 dans le monde ; l’Afrique subsaharienne concentre 70% des nouvelles infections et les femmes en représentent plus de la moitié. Le mode de transmission du VIH le plus répandu est par voie mucosale génitale suite à des relations sexuelles. Le tractus génital féminin (TGF) possède un milieu immunitaire complexe qui doit contrer l’invasion par des pathogènes tout en maintenant la tolérance/contrôle de la flore normale vaginale étant sous la pression de procréation sous influence des hormones sexuelles. De plus, les mécanismes favorisant ou prévenant l’infection du TGF par le VIH ne sont pas précisément identifiés. Hypothèse : Le contexte inflammatoire mucosal génital et la résultante de dialogues intercellulaires tel qu’entre les cellules épithéliales génitales (CEG) et les cellules dendritiques myéloïdes (mDC), qui sont des premières à rencontrer le virus aux portes d’entrée mucosales, modulent l’activité des lymphocytes qui est déterminante dans le type de réponse immunitaire élaborée par l’hôte. Méthodologie : Des spécimens provenant d’une cohorte de travailleuses du sexe (TS) recrutées à Cotonou au Bénin en Afrique subsaharienne ont été analysés. Nous avons caractérisé le milieu mucosal génital féminin hautement exposé au VIH de TS séronégatives (highly exposed seronegative; HESN) en comparaison avec celui de TS séropositives. Brièvement, les liquides cervicaux-vaginaux ont été déterminés par des techniques de multiplexes/Luminex ou par ELISA et le milieu cellulaire a été décrit suite à des analyses de cytométrie en flux (phénotypage et tri cellulaire). Résultats : Nous avons observé la présence augmentée d’un facteur soluble antiviral, immunomodulateur et antiprolifératif sécrété dans le TGF des TS HESN qui est l’interféron (IFN)-α. La présence augmentée de cette cytokine suggère l’existence possible de connexions intercellulaires clés qui pourraient mener à une régulation homéostatique du compartiment immunitaire génital permettant de contrôler l’infection par le VIH-1. En étudiant l’expression de molécules impliquées dans les voies de signalisation associées à la production d’IFN-α dans les CEG et les cellules myéloïdes du TGF, nous avons pu mettre en évidence l’existence d’un microenvironnement présentant un profil «tolérogénique/régulateur» dans le TGF des TS HESN. Conclusion : Nos observations nous ont permis d’élucider certaines hypothèses sur un potentiel mécanisme d’immunité naturelle protecteur chez les TS HESN. De plus, nous sommes des premiers à décrire une population myéloïde présentant des caractéristiques de DC «tolérogéniques» de par leur expression d’interleukine (IL)-10, de human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G et de immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT)-4 dans le TGF de TS HESN. Cette étude aura des implications majeures dans le développement de stratégies d’interventions préventives afin de moduler des conditions inflammatoires préexistantes ainsi établissant une défense mucosale rapide et durable contre le VIH-1.


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L’attività di ricerca ha riguardato lo studio di popolazioni di cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (MSC) ottenute da molteplici tessuti adulti. Sono state investigate sorgenti di MSC alternative al midollo osseo, libere da conflitti etici, dotate di vantaggi per l’applicabilità clinica che vanno dalla elevata resa nel recupero cellulare alla tessuto-specificità. Le cellule ottenute dalle diverse sorgenti sono state caratterizzate immunofenotipicamente, commissionate mediante protocolli di induzione specifici per i diversi tipi cellulari ed analizzate con opportuni saggi istologici, immunoistochimici, di espressione genica e proteica. Esperimenti di cocoltura hanno permesso la descrizione di capacità immunomodulatorie e trofiche. - La placenta a termine risulta essere una ricca sorgente di cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC). Dalla membrana amniotica, dal corion e dalla gelatina di Wharton del cordone ombelicale sono state ottenute MSC con potenzialità differenziative verso commissionamenti mesenchimali, con capacità immunomodulatorie e trofiche. Tali tessuti sono ampiamente disponibili, garantiscono una elevata resa nel recupero cellulare e sono liberi da conflitti etici. - Due popolazioni di cellule con caratteristiche di MSC sono state individuate nella mucosa e nella sottomucosa intestinale. Queste cellule possiedono caratteristiche di tessuto-specificità, sono dotate di attività trofiche ed immunomodulatorie che potrebbero essere vantaggiose per approcci di terapia cellulare in patologie quali le Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche Intestinali (IBD). - Popolazioni di cellule staminali con caratteristiche simili alle MSC sono state ottenute da isole pancreatiche. Tali popolazioni possiedono vantaggi di tessuto-specificità per approcci di terapia cellulare per il Diabete. - Sono stati investigati ed individuati marcatori molecolari (molecole HLA-G) correlati con il livello di attività immunomodulatoria delle MSC. La valutazione di tali marcatori potrebbere permettere di determinare l’attività immunosoppressiva a priori del trapianto, con l’obiettivo di scegliere le popolazioni di MSC più adatte per l’applicazione e di definirne il dosaggio. - E’ stato messa a punto una metodica e una strumentazione per il frazionamento di cellule staminali in Campo Flusso in assenza di marcatura (NEEGA-DF). Questa metodica permette di discriminare sottopopolazioni cellulari in base a caratteristiche biofisiche.


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Rationale: Asthma has substantial morbidity and mortality and a strong genetic component, but identification of genetic risk factors is limited by availability of suitable studies. Objectives: To test if population-based cohorts with self-reported physician-diagnosed asthma and genome-wide association (GWA) data could be used to validate known associations with asthma and identify novel associations. Methods: The APCAT (Analysis in Population-based Cohorts of Asthma Traits) consortium consists of 1,716 individuals with asthma and 16,888 healthy controls from six European-descent population-based cohorts. We examined associations in APCAT of thirteen variants previously reported as genome-wide significant (P<5x10-8) and three variants reported as suggestive (P<5×10-7). We also searched for novel associations in APCAT (Stage 1) and followed-up the most promising variants in 4,035 asthmatics and 11,251 healthy controls (Stage 2). Finally, we conducted the first genome-wide screen for interactions with smoking or hay fever. Main Results: We observed association in the same direction for all thirteen previously reported variants and nominally replicated ten of them. One variant that was previously suggestive, rs11071559 in RORA, now reaches genome-wide significance when combined with our data (P = 2.4×10-9). We also identified two genome-wide significant associations: rs13408661 near IL1RL1/IL18R1 (PStage1+Stage2 = 1.1x10-9), which is correlated with a variant recently shown to be associated with asthma (rs3771180), and rs9268516 in the HLA region (PStage1+Stage2 = 1.1x10-8), which appears to be independent of previously reported associations in this locus. Finally, we found no strong evidence for gene-environment interactions with smoking or hay fever status. Conclusions: Population-based cohorts with simple asthma phenotypes represent a valuable and largely untapped resource for genetic studies of asthma. © 2012 Ramasamy et al.


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Objective - To investigate the HLA class I associations of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in the white population, with particular reference to HLA-B27 subtypes. Methods - HLA-B27 and -B60 typing was performed in 284 white patients with AS. Allele frequencies of HLA-B27 and HLA-B60 from 5926 white bone marrow donors were used for comparison. HLA-B27 subtyping was performed by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) in all HLA-B27 positive AS patients, and 154 HLA-B27 positive ethnically matched blood donors. Results - The strong association of HLA-B27 and AS was confirmed (odds ratio (OR) 171, 95% confidence interval (CI) 135 to 218; p < 10-99). The association of HLA-B60 with AS was confirmed in HLA-B27 positive cases (OR 3.6, 95% CI 2.1 to 6.3; p < 5 x 10-5), and a similar association was demonstrated in HLA-B27 negative AS (OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.1 to 11.4; p < 0.05). No significant difference was observed in the frequencies of HLA-B27 allelic subtypes in patients and controls (HLA-B*2702, three of 172 patients v five of 154 controls; HLA-B*2705, 169 of 172 patients v 147 of 154 controls; HkA-B*2708, none of 172 patients v two of 154 controls), and no novel HLA-B27 alleles were detected. Conclusion - HLA-B27 and -B60 are associated with susceptibility to AS, but differences in BLA-B27 subtype do not affect susceptibility to AS in this white population.


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The association of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was recently described in the large International Genetics of AS Consortium Immunochip study...


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Objective. To analyze the effect of HLA-DR genes on susceptibility to and severity of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods. Three hundred sixty- three white British AS patients were studied; 149 were carefully assessed for a range of clinical manifestations, and disease severity was assessed using a structured questionnaire. Limited HLA class I typing and complete HLA-DR typing were performed using DNA-based methods. HLA data from 13,634 healthy white British bone marrow donors were used for comparison. Results. A significant association between DR1 and AS was found, independent of HLA-B27 (overall odds ratio [OR] 1.4, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.1-1.8, P = 0.02; relative risk [RR] 2.7, 95% CI 1.5-4.8, P = 6 x 10-4 among homozygotes; RR 2.1, 95% CI 1.5-2.8, P = 5 x 10-6 among heterozygotes). A large but weakly significant association between DR8 and AS was noted, particularly among DR8 homozygotes (RR 6.8, 95% CI 1.6-29.2, P = 0.01 among homozygotes; RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.0-2.7, P = 0.07 among heterozygotes). A negative association with DR12 (OR 0.22, 95% CI 0.09-0.5, P = 0.001) was noted. HLA-DR7 was associated with younger age at onset of disease (mean age at onset 18 years for DR7-positive patients and 23 years for DR7-negative patients; Z score 3.21, P = 0.001). No other HLA class I or class H associations with disease severity or with different clinical manifestations of AS were found. Conclusion. The results of this study suggest that HLA-DR genes may have a weak effect on susceptibility to AS independent of HLA-B27, but do not support suggestions that they affect disease severity or different clinical manifestations.


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To identify susceptibility loci for visceral leishmaniasis, we undertook genome-wide association studies in two populations: 989 cases and 1,089 controls from India and 357 cases in 308 Brazilian families (1,970 individuals). The HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 locus was the only region to show strong evidence of association in both populations. Replication at this region was undertaken in a second Indian population comprising 941 cases and 990 controls, and combined analysis across the three cohorts for rs9271858 at this locus showed P combined = 2.76 × 10 -17 and odds ratio (OR) = 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.30-1.52. A conditional analysis provided evidence for multiple associations within the HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 region, and a model in which risk differed between three groups of haplotypes better explained the signal and was significant in the Indian discovery and replication cohorts. In conclusion, the HLA-DRB1-HLA-DQA1 HLA class II region contributes to visceral leishmaniasis susceptibility in India and Brazil, suggesting shared genetic risk factors for visceral leishmaniasis that cross the epidemiological divides of geography and parasite species. © 2013 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Ankylosing spondylitis is a common form of inflammatory arthritis predominantly affecting the spine and pelvis that occurs in approximately 5 out of 1,000 adults of European descent. Here we report the identification of three variants in the RUNX3, LTBR-TNFRSF1A and IL12B regions convincingly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (P < 5 × 10-8 in the combined discovery and replication datasets) and a further four loci at PTGER4, TBKBP1, ANTXR2 and CARD9 that show strong association across all our datasets (P < 5 × 10-6 overall, with support in each of the three datasets studied). We also show that polymorphisms of ERAP1, which encodes an endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase involved in peptide trimming before HLA class I presentation, only affect ankylosing spondylitis risk in HLA-B27-positive individuals. These findings provide strong evidence that HLA-B27 operates in ankylosing spondylitis through a mechanism involving aberrant processing of antigenic peptides.


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To identify new susceptibility loci for psoriasis, we undertOk a genome-wide asociation study of 594,224 SNPs in 2,622 individuals with psoriasis and 5,667 controls. We identified asociations at eight previously unreported genomic loci. Seven loci harbored genes with recognized iMune functions (IL28RA, REL, IFIH1, ERAP1, TRAF3IP2, NFKBIA and TYK2). These asociations were replicated in 9,079 European samples (six loci with a combined P < 5-10 -8 and two loci with a combined P < 5-10-7). We also report compeLing evidence for an interaction betwEn the HLA-C and ERAP1 loci (combined P = 6.95-10-6). ERAP1 plays an important role in MHC claS I peptide proceSing. ERAP1 variants only influenced psoriasis susceptibility in individuals carrying the HLA-C risk aLele. Our findings implicate pathways that integrate epidermal barrier dysfunction with iNate and adaptive iMune dysregulation in psoriasis pathogenesis.