991 resultados para Educative Intervention


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In Australia, research suggests that up to one quarter of child pedestrian hospitalisations result from driveway run-over incidents (Pinkney et al., 2006). In Queensland, these numbers equate to an average of four child fatalities and 81 children presenting at hospital emergency departments every year (The Commission for Children, Young People and Child Guardian). National comparison shows that these numbers represent a slightly higher per capita rate (23.5% of all deaths). To address this issue, the current research was undertaken with the aim to develop an educative intervention based on data collected from parents and caregivers of young children. Thus, the current project did not seek to use available intervention or educational material, but to develop a new evidence-based intervention specifically targeting driveway run-overs involving young children. To this end, general behavioural and environmental changes that caregivers had undertaken in order to reduce the risk of injury to any child in their care were investigated. Broadly, the first part of this report sought to: • develop a conceptual model of established domestic safety behaviours, and to investigate whether this model could be successfully applied to the driveway setting; • explore and compare sources of knowledge regarding domestic and driveway child safety; and • examine the theoretical implications of current domestic and driveway related behaviour and knowledge among caregivers. The aim of the second part of this research was to develop and test the efficacy of an intervention based on the findings in the first part of the research project. Specifically, it sought to: • develop an educational driveway intervention that is based on current safety behaviours in the domestic setting and informed by existing knowledge of driveway safety and behaviour change theory; and • evaluate its efficacy in a sample of parents and caregivers.


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Cette recherche visait à développer, mettre à l’essai et évaluer les effets d’une intervention de pratique réflexive (IPR) avec des infirmières œuvrant auprès d’aînés hospitalisés. Fondée sur la théorie du Human Caring de Watson (1979) et sur le modèle de réflexion structurée de Johns (2006), l’étude a été réalisée au moyen d’un devis mixte. Le développement et la mise à l’essai de l’IPR ont été réalisés au moyen d’une approche qualitative de type recherche-action. L’évaluation de l’intervention a été effectuée à l’aide d’une approche qualitative et d’une approche quantitative de type quasi-expérimental avec groupe de comparaison (GC). Au terme de l’IPR, les infirmières étaient invitées à décrire les retombées perçues de cette intervention, soit les habiletés et les savoirs infirmiers développés suite à une pratique réflexive (PR), ainsi que leur perception de la PR comme moyen d’amélioration de leur pratique professionnelle. De plus, comparativement à un GC, trois hypothèses étaient formulées : les infirmières du groupe expérimental (GE) ayant bénéficié d’une IPR amélioreraient significativement leurs attitudes et leurs connaissances à l’égard des aînés; identifieraient davantage d’interventions infirmières adaptées à la clientèle âgée hospitalisée, et obtiendraient un niveau de réflexion supérieur. L’étude a été effectuée auprès de 43 infirmières (GE = 22; GC = 21) travaillant dans un centre hospitalier universitaire. L’IPR s’est déroulée sur une période de 22 semaines. Elle comprenait huit ateliers thématiques d’une durée de 75 minutes chacun, dispensés aux trois semaines, combinés à des lectures et à des exercices individuels. L’IPR portait sur trois thèmes centraux du séjour hospitalier des aînés : la médication, la mobilisation et la planification du congé. Des données qualitatives et quantitatives ont été colligées par le biais de questionnaires ouverts (vignettes, écrit réflexif) et standardisés (Kogan’s Attitudes Toward Old People Scale, Palmore’s Facts on Aging Quiz) pré et post intervention pour les deux groupes. Les infirmières du GE ont également complété un questionnaire sur l’expérience de la PR et certaines d’entre elles ont participé à des groupes de discussion focalisée. Une analyse de contenu thématique, selon l’approche de Miles et Huberman (2003), a été réalisée sur les données qualitatives, alors que des tests de classement de Wilcoxon ont été effectués sur les données quantitatives. Les résultats soulignent que les infirmières ont développé différentes habiletés nécessaires à une PR telles que l’introspection, l’ouverture aux autres et l’analyse critique. Les participantes reconnaissent que l’IPR leur a notamment permis de développer des savoirs empirique, éthique, esthétique, personnel et émancipatoire. De plus, elles perçoivent que l’IPR est un moyen d’amélioration de la pratique professionnelle puisqu’elle peut, entre autres, contrer la routinisation des soins. Par ailleurs, comparativement au GC, les infirmières du GE ont amélioré significativement leurs attitudes et leurs connaissances à l’égard des aînés. Cependant, aucune différence significative entre le GE et le GC n’a été révélée suite à l’IPR quant au nombre d’interventions adaptées aux situations vécues par les aînés hospitalisés et au niveau de réflexion atteint. Les hypothèses de recherche ont ainsi été partiellement soutenues. Cette étude démontre le potentiel d’une IPR comme approche de développement professionnel novateur qui valorise l’expérience des infirmières, tout en leur permettant de modifier positivement leurs attitudes à l’égard des aînés et d’ajuster leurs connaissances aux besoins de cette clientèle hautement fragile et vulnérable.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers


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[es] La violencia de género puede afectar a cualquier mujer a lo largo de todo el ciclo vital. Se han estudiado aspectos específicos y diferenciales que ponen de manifiesto como las mujeres mayores de 65 años víctimas de violencia de género presentan dificultades para la percepción y ruptura con esta situación. En base a las conclusiones de dicho análisis se ha observado que el abordaje de esta problemática necesita una intervención especializada, por lo que se han elaborado pautas de intervención socioeducativa para una praxis transformadora y adaptada a su realidad.


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Introduction: Une éducation nutritionnelle offerte à des personnes âgées contribuerait à améliorer leurs connaissances et leurs habitudes alimentaires. La présente étude s’insère dans le cadre du projet ‘Nutrition-Action’ (NA) ayant pour but de promouvoir les bases d’une alimentation saine et la pratique d’activité physique chez des sujets âgés vivant à domicile et à mobilité réduite. Objectifs : 1) Développer et présenter deux ateliers éducatifs portant sur des notions nutritionnelles précises; 2) Élaborer des outils de collecte de données; 3) Enseigner les notions nutritionnelles sous forme d’un échange continu entre la candidate à la maîtrise et les participants; 4) Évaluer l’impact des ateliers à thématique nutritionnelle sur les habitudes alimentaires des sujets. Sujets : Trente-neuf personnes âgées (PA) participants au projet NA ont été ciblées. Méthodologie : Les participants ont assisté à sept sessions éducatives sur la nutrition. Lors de ces dernières, des solutions nutritionnelles ont été proposées pour pallier à certains problèmes de santé. Une collation et une recette, appuyant le thème de la rencontre, ont été offertes aux participants après la session éducative. Un questionnaire recueillant les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, de santé et alimentaires a été administré aux participants avant le début de l’intervention. Ce même questionnaire, rehaussé en cours de route par des questions additionnelles, a été administré une deuxième fois à la fin de l’intervention. Résultats : La moyenne d’âge des participants était de 80,0 ± 7,7 ans avec une majorité de femmes (84,6%). Un changement significatif des habitudes alimentaires des participants au niveau de l’ajout de sel à table et de la monotonie de la diète a été observé. Conclusion : Les résultats de la présente étude permettent d’établir les facteurs aidant au développement d’interventions éducatives nutritionnelles ciblant des PA. Une meilleure compréhension de ces facteurs contribuerait au changement des comportements alimentaires des aînés.


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Introducción : las infecciones intrahospitalarias llevan alta morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes críticamente enfermos en unidades neonatales. Materiales y métodos : después de un período de observación de 5 meses, se realizó una intervención educativa en una unidad neonatal de referencia en Bogotá sobre adecuadas técnicas de aislamiento y precauciones de contacto, basados en la toma de cultivos de piel para evaluar la colonización microbiológica. Se evaluó la tasa de infecciones intrahospitalarias (IIH) de los dos períodos y se realizó un ajuste teniendo en cuenta variables confusoras que afectan el riesgo de infección intrahospitalaria a través de un modelo de regresión logística incondicional. Resultados : se evaluaron 450 neonatos. 78 pacientes tuvieron IIH, siendo mayor en el primer grupo (45 de 247; 18,2%), que en el de intervención educativa: (33 de 203; 16,2%). La IIH se presentó en 17 de 25 pacientes colonizados (66,7%), 15 de 44 pacientes no colonizados (34%) y uno de los 134 pacientes a los que no se les tomó muestra (0,75%; p<0,01). El modelo mostró que el riesgo de IIH fue mayor en el grupo no intervenido, (O.R. 1,99, I.C. 95%: 1,39-12,30); otros factores de riesgo identificados fueron el uso de nutrición parenteral, la presencia de cardiopatía congénita y una mayor estancia hospitalaria. Discusión : una intervención educativa sobre adecuadas técnicas de aislamiento y precauciones de contacto en neonatos, basados en la toma de cultivos de piel para evaluar la colonización microbiológica, se asoció con una menor tasa de IIH en el grupo intervenido en una UCIN.


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Quasi-experimental study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed at the Hospital do Coração in Natal, aimed at verified the existence of difference between the care given by health professionals to the patients under mechanical ventilation (MV) in the Intensive Care Unit, before and after an educative intervention. The population was of 31 professionals, with data collected between november 05 of 2007 to march 27 of 2008. The results show a yong population, female gender, middle level of education, nursing technique, working between 05 and 09 years on nursing profession, and 01 to 04 years on Intensive Care Unit; almost all, never had an kind of training over prevent pneumonia associated to mechanical ventilation; from those that had training, occur on the work place with duration from 12 to 24 hours. About endotracheal intubation, the cuff was tested with a sterilized syringe had a positive change after a educative intervention, increased from 75,0% to 100,0%; the sterile guide was used on 75,0% before and 100,0% after an educative intervention. Regarding endotracheal suction procedure, was not informed to the patient on 72,7% before, however was informed on 56,7% after; the hands was not previously washed 68,5% before, however was 63,3% after the procedure; mask was used on 74,2 % opportunities before and 76,7% after; the aspiration catheter had adequated size on 98,9% observation before and 100,0% after; the gaze was sterilized on 95,7% before and 100,0% after; the ventilator was connected to the patient during the aspiration intervals on 94,4% observation before and 100,0% after; the ambu bag was clean and protected on 76,1% before and 85,7% after; the aspiration catheter was discarded after be used on 98,9% before and 100,0% after; FIO2 was turned to the begging value on 32,9% observation before and 12,0% after; before the procedure 71,9% professions washed their hands and 73,3% after; before, notes of aspiration results were performed on 70,8% observation and 86,7% after. Regarding devices used on respiratory tract, aspirator flasks were not swapped on 84,6% observations before and 71,0% after; daily látex extention change was not performed on 93,6% observation before and 87,1% after; the ambu bag change was not performed on 50,0% observation before even if was duty or unprotected and on 75,8% opportunities was changed, after; nebulization was not prepared with sterile fluids or manipulated aseptically on 65,2% observation before, perhaps was on 71,7% after; before nebulizers were not changed on 65,2% observations, perhaps were on 60,9% after. Concerning ventilator breathing circuits, condense fluids cumulated on circuits were removed on 55,0% opportunities before, and 64,0% after; moisturizer was not filled with sterile water when already had small amount of liquid inside on 78,4% observations before, and 90,2% after; MV circuits were changed on 97,0% observations on presence of visible duty or when presents some kind of failure, before and 98,4% after. About body position, on 51,3% observations the decubitus position change were done before and 78,2% after; fowler position was maitened on 95,5% observations before and 98,2% after; Regarding respiratory physiotherapy, enteral diet was not interrupted before respiratory physiotherapy on 94,9% before and 90,0% after; respiratory physiotherapy devices were not disinfected or sterile on 69,6% observations before but they re on 60,0% after; before the cateter was not tested before introduction enteral diet or medications on 100,0% but after was done on 15,2%. About enteral feeding, intestine motility and measure of stomach contents were not done on 100,0% observations before, but was 15,2% after. We conclude that 05 of 07 valuated procedures in relation to MV, had a significant improvement on quality of care given after educative intervention, when compared before intervention


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The dance installs in the body another scene of senses that raises the creative performance and not that can be speculated about it. There, "who dance" is the Other one, making the body acting of another manner, beyond the systemic contour of Ego. Without the presence of this forged performance, the body would not pass of one ruled machine in function of something and not in favor of himself, as original movement of himself. This article intends to make a reflection about the corporal perception in the dance, trying to point out the creative performance. So, we opened a way to understand the process creative as field of corporal sensitization where the educative intervention is accomplished in the body.


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En este texto y en consonancia con propuestas similares de otros autores, se cuestiona el sentido y la utilidad de la educación especial, como ámbito de conocimiento y para la intervención educativa. En opinión de unos y otros, continuar manteniendo dicho enfoque, lejos de contribuir significativamente a la mejora de la calidad de vida de aquellos a los que dice servir, y al pensar e intervenir desde perspectivas y políticas sociales y educativas “sectorizadas", se refuerza el estatus quo de las perspectivas dominantes y se limitan los esfuerzos por conseguir una auténtica igualdad de derechos y oportunidades de quienes se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad. En el mismo también se plantean los contenidos más relevantes de la inclusión educativa como marco de referencia común para mejorar la educación de todo el alumnado, sin exclusiones.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es el tipo de cáncer más mortal a nivel mundial, al cual se atribuyen una de cada cinco muertes anualmente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de una intervención educativa en la promoción de la actividad física, otros comportamientos saludables y los conocimientos para la prevención del cáncer de pulmón en jóvenes estudiantes de una institución educativa pública en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: Estudio experimental no controlado en 243 estudiantes de sexo femenino (Edad 14±1,5 años). La intervención educativa se desarrolló en tres momentos: una sesión educativa con una duración de 60 minutos acorde a la Guía para la Comunicación Educativa en el Marco del Control del Cáncer, en Colombia. Segundo, se enviaron tres correos electrónicos con información acerca del cáncer pulmonar; finalmente se desarrollaron actividades grupales. Para la toma de datos se utilizaron el cuestionario Cáncer Awareness Measure (CAM) y el Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo del Comportamiento (BRFSS). La evaluación se realizó en un período de seguimiento a 1, 3 y 6 meses post-intervención. Resultados: La intervención educativa incrementó significativamente los conocimientos de las jóvenes sobre los signos de alarma del cáncer pulmonar y los principales factores de riesgo modificables, tales como el consumo de cigarrillo, la exposición al humo del mismo y el sedentarismo, al sexto mes post-intervención. Las mejoras en el cambio comportamental no lograron significancia estadística. Conclusiones: Una intervención educativa mejora los conocimientos acerca de la detección temprana y la prevención del cáncer de pulmón, así como los comportamientos saludables en jóvenes estudiantes en Bogotá, Colombia. Se requiere de estudios controlados aleatorizados.


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Todos nós, educadores, devemos prestar uma atenção aprofundada às potencialidades e inclinações das crianças que constituem os nossos grupos, para que possamos estimular e desenvolver as suas competências. É nesse sentido que desenvolvemos este Estudo Exploratório, com o qual se pretende analisar a adaptação da avaliação de potencial derivada da Teoria das Inteligência Múltiplas ao contexto da Educação Pré-Escolar, com o objectivo de contribuir para a qualidade da intervenção educativa, articulando conceitos como Inteligência, Competência, Potencial, Currículo, Avaliação Dinâmica. Participam no estudo 42 crianças que frequentam Jardim de Infância e integram dois grupos heterogéneos e as respectivas educadoras. A metodologia é de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, apoiando-se na aplicação dos seguintes instrumentos: modelo de avaliação de potencial baseado no Spectrum; Inventário de Quociente Emocional, versão para crianças e jovens (Bar-On Emocional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version), adaptado a educadores por Candeias e Monteiro (2010); questionário de Caracterização do ambiente educativo - Sala de Actividades, adaptado por Candeias e lglésias (2010); Teste de Avaliação de Habilidades Cognitivas de Solução de Problemas lnterpessoais (EVHACOSPI). Os resultados obtidos sugerem a importância de uma avaliação do potencial, baseada na Teoria das Inteligências Múltiplas, que utiliza instrumentos adequados a cada um dos domínios do potencial e da competência humana propostos por H. Gardner: verbal, Lógico-Matemática, Musical, Corporal-Cinestésica, Visuo-espacial, lnterpessoal, Intrapessoal e Naturalista. Apontam também para o papel que este tipo de avaliação pode desempenhar na intervenção educativa que se objectiva intencional e fundamentada. ABSTRACT: Ali of us, educators, must pay a special attention to the potentialities and inclinations of children who make up our groups, so enabling the stimulation and development of their competences. ln this sense we developed this Exploratory Study, through which is intended to analyse the adaptation of potential evaluation derived from the Theory of Multiple intelligences in the range of Pre-School Education, aiming at the contribution for the educative intervention: articulating concepts such as Intelligence, Competence Potential, Curriculum, and Dynamic Evaluation. The study involves 42 children attending Infant School, belonging to two heterogeneous groups and respective educators. Methodology is of qualitative and quantitative nature, supported by the following instruments: evaluation model based on Spectrum; Inventory of Emotional Quotient, version for children and youths, adapted to educators by Candeias e Monteiro (2010), Query of Characterization of Educative Environment - Activities Room, adapted by Candeias e lglésias (2010); Test for Evaluation of Cognitive Abilities of Interpersonal Problems Solution. (EVHACOSPI). The results suggest the importance of an assessment, based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which uses instruments fitted to each of the domains of human potential and competence proposed by H. Gardiner: Verbal, Logical-Maths, Musical, Corporal¬ Kinaesthetic, Visuo-Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist. They also refer to the role that this type of assessment can play in the educational intervention aiming to be intentional and grounded.


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Since remote times, certain sectors of society have been exposed to inequality and vulnerability, where adequate intervention processes have become conspicuous because of their absence. Nowadays, current societies have the responsibility of contributing, based on their experience and knowledge, with more efficient policies and programs that improve the life quality of the most disadvantaged. It is here where art and its different tools play a very important role, not only on a physical level, but also as an education tool that allows the development of emotional, mental and communicative skills. The aim of this paper is to make clear the potential of art as an instrument of social and educational intervention. It starts by showing worldwide-collected experience related to education and arts, and then, it acquaints the reader with two parallel intervention projects that worked with youths under social vulnerability conditions. These interventions were developed based on a qualitative research (Grounded theory), using as methodology “The Artistic Mediation” with emphasis on body language. This methodology helped researchers to get close to the participants and to know their experiences and emotions. At the same time, it was possible to evidence the positive effects of educative interventions through art. These workshops were based on an artistic methodology especially focused on body language. Data in this work is qualitative, and as such, it permits a special approach to the personal and emotional experiences of the participants; clearly showing the positive effects of the referenced practice on them.