73 resultados para Chironomus riparius


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Os sistemas aquáticos naturais podem estar sujeitos frequentemente a entrada de tóxicos, quer seja através da lixiviação dos campos agrícolas ou da descarga por parte de unidades industriais. Avaliar o impacto potencial destes contaminantes nos sistemas aquáticos é muito importante, porque pode promover consequências sérias no balanço ecológico dos ecossistemas. Os efeitos de níveis sub-letais destes tóxicos nas populações aquáticas são detectados, em muitos casos, somente após diversas gerações, dependendo da espécie e do contaminante. O comportamento animal é considerado como sendo a primeira linha de defesa perante estímulos ambientais, e pode ser uma representação de alterações fisiológicas no organismo, sendo portanto um indicador excelente de alterações ambientais. O desenvolvimento dos sistemas de aviso prévio que integram parâmetros comportamentais pode ajudar a prever mais rapidamente possíveis alterações ao nível das populações naturais, do que a utilização de testes ecotoxicológicos padrão com a mesma finalidade. O conhecimento acerca de possíveis implicações devido a alterações comportamentais, em organismos bentónicos e em populações do campo sujeitas a tóxicos, é ainda escasso. Sabendo isto, neste estudo pretendeu-se investigar como o comportamento de Chironomus riparius – usando um biomonitor em tempo real – e outros parâmetros tais como crescimento, emergência de adultos, bioacumulação e biomarcadores, são afectados pela exposição a imidacloprid e ao mercúrio, que foram seleccionados como contaminantes. Os resultados demonstraram que a exposição às concentrações sub-letais de imidacloprid afecta o crescimento e o comportamento dos quironomídeos e que estes organismos podem recuperar de uma exposição curta ao insecticida. O comportamento que corresponde à ventilação de C. riparius revelou-se como um parâmetro mais sensível do que a locomoção e do que as respostas bioquímicas, quando as larvas foram sujeitas ao imidacloprid. Larvas de C. riparius expostas a concentrações sub-letais de mercúrio apresentaram uma tendência de diminuição de actividade comportamental, em testes com concentrações crescentes do tóxico; o crescimento das larvas foi também prejudicado, e as taxas de emergência de adultos e o tempo de desenvolvimento apresentaram retardamento. Estes organismos podem bioacumular rapidamente o mercúrio em condições de não alimentação e apresentam uma lenta depuração deste metal. Estes efeitos podem, em último caso, conduzir a prováveis repercussões ao nível da população e das comunidades. As reduções em actividades comportamentais, mesmo em concentrações baixas, podem diminuir a quantidade de tempo gasta na procura de alimento, produzindo efeitos aos níveis morfo-fisiológicos, e assim afectar severamente o desempenho dos quironomídeos no ambiente. O uso destes factores comportamentais como um parâmetro ecotoxicológico sub-letal relevante ao nível da toxicologia aumentará a versatilidade dos testes, permitindo uma resposta comportamental mensurável e quantitativa ao nível do organismo, utilizando uma avaliação não destrutiva, e assim certificando que esta aproximação pode ser usada em testes ecotoxicológicos futuros.


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Results of previous laboratory studies suggest that high population density often buffers the effects of chemical stressors that predominately increase mortality. Mortality stressors act to release more resources for the survivors and, therefore, produce less-than-additive effects. By contrast, growth stressors are expected to have opposite results or more-than-additive effects. We investigated the effects of a growth inhibitor (lufenuron) on larval growth and survival of Chironomus riparius and examined its joint effects with density on population growth rate (PGR). Exposure to 60 mu g/kg sediment or greater inhibited larval growth, and exposure to 88 mu g/kg or greater often resulted in mortality before reaching emergence. The effects of lufenuron, however, differed with population density. At 88 mu g/kg, mortalities and, to a lesser extent, reduced fecundity resulted in a reduction in PGR at low density. Conversely, when populations were initiated at high density, PGR was similar to that of controls, because the few survivors reached maturity sooner and started producing offspring earlier. The effect of density as a growth stressor therefore was stronger than the effect of lufenuron, which had effects similar to those of a mortality stressor and produced less-than-additive effects. Longterm studies under field conditions, however, are needed before less-than-additive effects are considered to be the norm.


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Cytochrome P450 activity in individual Chironomus riparius larvae was measured using a microtiter plate adaptation of the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) assay. The sensitivity of this biomarker was tested by exposing larvae to phenobarbital (0.5 and 1.0 mM) and permethrin (1 and 10 mug/g). Both chemicals induced EROD activity in C. riparius larvae by up to 1.58-fold with PB and 2.47-fold with permethrin. EROD induction was more pronounced after 48 h. The initially high EROD activity in the controls suggested that P450s are induced by stress. Feeding levels prior to exposure also had a significant effect on EROD activity. EROD activity compared to the control was highest when larvae were fed double the normal ration. These results indicate that EROD activity in individual C. riparius may be a useful biomarker to add to a suite of biomarkers for the detection of freshwater pollution. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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1. Chemical effects on organisms are typically assessed using individual-level endpoints or sometimes population growth rate (PGR), but such measurements are generally made at low population densities. In contrast most natural populations are subject to density dependence and fluctuate around the environmental carrying capacity as a result of individual competition for resources. As ecotoxicology aims to make reliable population projections of chemical impacts in the field, an understanding of how high-density or resource-limited populations respond to environmental chemicals is essential. 2. Our objective was to determine the joint effects of population density and chemical stress on the life history and PGR of an important ecotoxicological indicator species, Chironomus riparius, under controlled laboratory conditions. Populations were fed the same ration but initiated at different densities and exposed to a solvent control and three concentrations of C-14-cypermethrin in a sediment-water test system for 67 days at 20 +/- 1 degreesC. 3. Density had a negative effect on all the measured life-history traits, and PGR declined with increasing density in the controls. Exposure to C-14-cypermethrin had a direct negative effect on juvenile survival, presumably within the first 24 h because the chemical rapidly dissipated from the water column. Reductions in the initial larval densities resulted in an increase in the available resources for the survivors. Subsequently, exposed populations emerged sooner and started producing offspring earlier than the controls. C-14-cypermethrin had no effect on estimated fecundity and adult body weight but interacted with density to reduce the time to first emergence and first reproduction. As a result, PGR increased with cypermethrin concentration when populations were initiated at high densities. 4. Synthesis and applications. The results showed that the effects of C-14-cypermethrin were buffered at high density, so that the joint effects of density and chemical stress on PGR were less than additive. Low levels of chemical stressors may increase carrying capacity by reducing juvenile competition for resources. More and perhaps fitter adults may be produced, similar to the effects of predators and culling; however, toxicant exposure may result in survivors that are less tolerant to changing conditions. If less than additive effects are typical in the field, standard regulatory tests carried out at low density may overestimate the effects of environmental chemicals. Further studies over a wide range of chemical stressors and organisms with contrasting life histories are needed to make general recommendations.


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Despite long-standing interest in the forms and mechanisms of density dependence, these are still imperfectly understood. However, in a constant environment an increase in density must reduce per capita resource availability, which in turn leads to reduced survival, fecundity and somatic growth rate. Here we report two population experiments examining the density dependent responses under controlled conditions of an important indicator species, Chironomus riparius. The first experiment was run for 35 weeks and was started at low density with replicate populations being fed three different rations. Increased ration reduced generation time and increased population growth rate (pgr) but had no effect on survival, fecundity and female body weight in the first generation. In the second generation there was a six-fold increase in generation time, presumably due to the greatly reduced per capita resource availability as the estimated initial densities of the second generation were 300 times greater than the first. Juvenile survival to emergence, fecundity, adult body weight and pgr declined by 90%, 75%, 35% and 99%, respectively. These large between-generation effects may have obscured the effects of the threefold variation in ration, as only survival to emergence significantly increased with ration in the second generation. These results suggest that some chironomid larvae survive a reduction in resource availability by growing more slowly. In the ephemeral habitats sometimes occupied by C. riparius, the effects of population density may depend crucially on the longevity of the environment. A second experiment was therefore performed to measure pgr from six different starting densities over an eight-week period. The relationship between pgr and density was concave, viewed from above. At densities above 16 larvae per cm(2), less than 1% of the population emerged and no offspring were produced. Under the conditions of experiment 2 - an 8-week habitat lifespan carrying capacity was estimated as 8 larvae per cm(2).


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Die durch eine männchenspezifisch auftretende heterochromatische Bande und ein hemizygotes Cla-Element-Cluster gekennzeichnete geschlechtsbestimmende Region („sex determining region“: SDR) auf Chromosom III von C. riparius stellt ein frühes Stadium in der Evolution von Geschlechtschromosomen dar. Diese eindeutig lokalisierte chromosomale Region, die den molekular noch unbekannten männchen¬bestimmenden Faktor M enthalten muss, ist im Vergleich zu den Y-Chromosomen anderer Dipterenarten wie unter anderem M. domestica, die ebenfalls einen dominanten Männchenbestimmer besitzen, relativ klein. Aus diesem Grund bietet die SDR von C. riparius eine Möglichkeit, den männchenbestimmenden Faktor einzugrenzen und zu identifizieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ein Bereich einer Größe von ca. 200 kb aus der SDR von C. riparius charakterisiert und analysiert werden. Durch bioinformatische Sequenzanalysen konnten an 20 Stellen der SDR mögliche Genstrukturen nachgewiesen werden. Von den gefundenen möglichen Genen ist bisher die Funktion in C. riparius unbekannt. Bei den Genen mit vermuteter Funktion deutet nichts eindeutig auf eine Beteiligung an der Geschlechtsbestimmung von C. riparius hin. Da allerdings davon auszugehen ist, dass für die Funktion des Männchenbestimmers M ein Gen rekrutiert wurde, welches zur Interaktion mit dem nachgeschalteten Gen der Geschlechts¬bestimmungskaskade fähig ist, muss die geschlechtsbestimmende Funktion des Gens M nicht unbedingt offensichtlich sein. Aus geschlechtsbestimmenden Genkaskaden anderer Dipteren bekannte Gene wie transformer und doublesex konnten im analysierten Bereich nicht nachgewiesen werden, obwohl zumindest zu doublesex homologe Gene im Genom von C. riparius vorkommen. Um möglicherweise proto-X- und proto-Y-Chromosom miteinander vergleichen zu können und einen Hinweis auf die chromosomale Herkunft der analysierten Sequenzen aus der SDR zu erlangen, wurden Sequenzen von 31 teilweise parallel liegenden BAC-Klonen aus der untersuchten Region verglichen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Klone zwei Gruppen bilden, deren Sequenzen sich durch 500 SNPs und 110 Indels unterschiedlicher Größe (1-800 Bp) unterscheiden, was für eine Herkunft von zwei sich erst seit kurzer Zeit unterscheidenden Geschlechtschromosomen spricht. Die zwölf größten dieser Indels wurden auf geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede hin untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Klongruppen zwar im 30 Jahre alten Laborstamm, der auch für die Konstruktion der durchsuchten BAC-Bibliotheken verwendet wurde, tatsächlich geschlechtsspezifisch sind, in zwei Wildfangpopulationen jedoch keine derartige Geschlechtsspezifität aufweisen. Somit kann keine Aussage zur Herkunft der untersuchten Klone aus der SDR von C. riparius getroffen werden, und es bleibt unklar, ob die analysierten Sequenzen vom proto-X oder vom proto-Y-Chromosom stammen.


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In the environment humans and biota are generally exposed to chemical mixtures rather than individual chemicals. Therefore, when assessing the environmental risk of chemicals, it is important to consider chemical mixtures and their possible interactions. The main objective of this work focused on the environmental risk assessment of pesticides found in the water of the Alqueva reservoir and their binary combinations. In this aquatic ecosystem several pesticides were above of the environmental quality standards. But in addition, there were several sampling points of the reservoir where ecotoxicity was observed despite the presence of these contaminants at low concentrations. Here, a component-based approach was used to assess the effects of the pesticide mixtures. The effects of the binary combinations of four herbicides, atrazine (ATR), terbuthylazine (TER), simazine (SIM) and metolachlor (MET), on the growth rate of the microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and the effects of the binary combinations of the s-triazine herbicides ATR and TER and the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) on the swimming behaviour and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of the zebrafish Danio rerio were assessed using the two reference models of concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA). Moreover, the combined effects of the herbicides (ATR, TER and MET) and the insecticide CPF were also tested on the swimming behaviour and AChE activity of the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius after the cholinesterases characterization. In this risk characterization, the calculated risk quotients for the herbicides ATR, TER, SIM and MET were higher than 1, meaning that these herbicides present a high risk for the Alqueva ecosystem. As expected, the microalgae P. subcapitata was the most sensitive species to the herbicides. However, despite these herbicides pose no or low risk to other aquatic organisms tested in this study, with EC50 values much higher than the concentrations found in this aquatic ecosystem, they are able to increase the toxic effects of CPF when they are tested in binary mixtures. Moreover, the risk quotients of mixtures of these herbicides present simultaneously in three different locations of the reservoir were also higher than 1, so this confirms the fact that these herbicides when present in mixtures, present a greater risk for this ecosystem than the expected considering each single chemical by its own.


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Industrial activities are the major sources of pollution in all environments. Depending on the type of industry, various levels of organic and inorganic pollutants are being continuously discharged into the environment. Although, several kinds of physical, chemical, biological or the combination of methods have been proposed and applied to minimize the impact of industrial effluents, few have proved to be totally effective in terms of removal rates of several contaminants, toxicity reduction or amelioration of physical and chemical properties. Hence, it is imperative to develop new and innovative methodologies for industrial wastewater treatment. In this context nanotechnology arises announcing the offer of new possibilities for the treatment of wastewaters mainly based on the enhanced physical and chemical proprieties of nanomaterials (NMs), which can remarkably increase their adsorption and oxidation potential. Although applications of NMs may bring benefits, their widespread use will also contribute for their introduction into the environment and concerns have been raised about the intentional use of these materials. Further, the same properties that make NMs so appealing can also be responsible for producing ecotoxicological effects. In a first stage, with the objective of selecting NMs for the treatment of organic and inorganic effluents we first assessed the potential toxicity of nanoparticles of nickel oxide (NiO) with two different sizes (100 and 10-20 nm), titanium dioxide (TiO2, < 25 nm) and iron oxide (Fe2O3, ≈ 85x425 nm). The ecotoxicological assessment was performed with a battery of assays using aquatic organisms from different trophic levels. Since TiO2 and Fe2O3 were the NMs that presented lower risks to the aquatic systems, they were selected for the second stage of this work. Thus, the two NMs pre-selected were tested for the treatment of olive mill wastewater (OMW). They were used as catalyst in photodegradation systems (TiO2/UV, Fe2O3/UV, TiO2/H2O2/UV and Fe2O3/H2O2/UV). The treatments with TiO2 or Fe2O3 combined with H2O2 were the most efficient in ameliorating some chemical properties of the effluent. Regarding the toxicity to V. fischeri the highest reduction was recorded for the H2O2/UV system, without NMs. Afterwards a sequential treatment using photocatalytic oxidation with NMs and degradation with white-rot fungi was applied to OMW. This new approach increased the reduction of chemical oxygen demand, phenolic content and ecotoxicity to V. fischeri. However, no reduction in color and aromatic compounds was achieved after 21 days of biological treatment. The photodegradation systems were also applied to treat the kraft pulp mill and mining effluents. For the organic effluent the combination NMs and H2O2 had the best performances in reduction the chemical parameters as well in terms of toxicity reduction. However, for the mine effluent the best (TiO2/UV and Fe2O3/UV) were only able to significantly remove three metals (Zn, Al and Cd). Nonetheless the treatments were able of reducing the toxicity of the effluent. As a final stage, the toxicity of solid wastes formed during wastewater treatment with NMs was assessed with Chironomus riparius larvae, a representative species of the sediment compartment. Certain solid wastes showed the potential to negatively affect C. riparius survival and growth, depending on the type of effluent treated. This work also brings new insights to the use of NMs for the treatment of industrial wastewaters. Although some potential applications have been announced, many evaluations have to be performed before the upscaling of the chemical treatments with NMs.


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Introduction 1.1 Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the environment Worldwide industrial and agricultural developments have released a large number of natural and synthetic hazardous compounds into the environment due to careless waste disposal, illegal waste dumping and accidental spills. As a result, there are numerous sites in the world that require cleanup of soils and groundwater. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the major groups of these contaminants (Da Silva et al., 2003). PAHs constitute a diverse class of organic compounds consisting of two or more aromatic rings with various structural configurations (Prabhu and Phale, 2003). Being a derivative of benzene, PAHs are thermodynamically stable. In addition, these chemicals tend to adhere to particle surfaces, such as soils, because of their low water solubility and strong hydrophobicity, and this results in greater persistence under natural conditions. This persistence coupled with their potential carcinogenicity makes PAHs problematic environmental contaminants (Cerniglia, 1992; Sutherland, 1992). PAHs are widely found in high concentrations at many industrial sites, particularly those associated with petroleum, gas production and wood preserving industries (Wilson and Jones, 1993). 1.2 Remediation technologies Conventional techniques used for the remediation of soil polluted with organic contaminants include excavation of the contaminated soil and disposal to a landfill or capping - containment - of the contaminated areas of a site. These methods have some drawbacks. The first method simply moves the contamination elsewhere and may create significant risks in the excavation, handling and transport of hazardous material. Additionally, it is very difficult and increasingly expensive to find new landfill sites for the final disposal of the material. The cap and containment method is only an interim solution since the contamination remains on site, requiring monitoring and maintenance of the isolation barriers long into the future, with all the associated costs and potential liability. A better approach than these traditional methods is to completely destroy the pollutants, if possible, or transform them into harmless substances. Some technologies that have been used are high-temperature incineration and various types of chemical decomposition (for example, base-catalyzed dechlorination, UV oxidation). However, these methods have significant disadvantages, principally their technological complexity, high cost , and the lack of public acceptance. Bioremediation, on the contrast, is a promising option for the complete removal and destruction of contaminants. 1.3 Bioremediation of PAH contaminated soil & groundwater Bioremediation is the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to degrade or detoxify hazardous wastes into harmless substances such as carbon dioxide, water and cell biomass Most PAHs are biodegradable unter natural conditions (Da Silva et al., 2003; Meysami and Baheri, 2003) and bioremediation for cleanup of PAH wastes has been extensively studied at both laboratory and commercial levels- It has been implemented at a number of contaminated sites, including the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1989, the Mega Borg spill off the Texas coast in 1990 and the Burgan Oil Field, Kuwait in 1994 (Purwaningsih, 2002). Different strategies for PAH bioremediation, such as in situ , ex situ or on site bioremediation were developed in recent years. In situ bioremediation is a technique that is applied to soil and groundwater at the site without removing the contaminated soil or groundwater, based on the provision of optimum conditions for microbiological contaminant breakdown.. Ex situ bioremediation of PAHs, on the other hand, is a technique applied to soil and groundwater which has been removed from the site via excavation (soil) or pumping (water). Hazardous contaminants are converted in controlled bioreactors into harmless compounds in an efficient manner. 1.4 Bioavailability of PAH in the subsurface Frequently, PAH contamination in the environment is occurs as contaminants that are sorbed onto soilparticles rather than in phase (NAPL, non aqueous phase liquids). It is known that the biodegradation rate of most PAHs sorbed onto soil is far lower than rates measured in solution cultures of microorganisms with pure solid pollutants (Alexander and Scow, 1989; Hamaker, 1972). It is generally believed that only that fraction of PAHs dissolved in the solution can be metabolized by microorganisms in soil. The amount of contaminant that can be readily taken up and degraded by microorganisms is defined as bioavailability (Bosma et al., 1997; Maier, 2000). Two phenomena have been suggested to cause the low bioavailability of PAHs in soil (Danielsson, 2000). The first one is strong adsorption of the contaminants to the soil constituents which then leads to very slow release rates of contaminants to the aqueous phase. Sorption is often well correlated with soil organic matter content (Means, 1980) and significantly reduces biodegradation (Manilal and Alexander, 1991). The second phenomenon is slow mass transfer of pollutants, such as pore diffusion in the soil aggregates or diffusion in the organic matter in the soil. The complex set of these physical, chemical and biological processes is schematically illustrated in Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, biodegradation processes are taking place in the soil solution while diffusion processes occur in the narrow pores in and between soil aggregates (Danielsson, 2000). Seemingly contradictory studies can be found in the literature that indicate the rate and final extent of metabolism may be either lower or higher for sorbed PAHs by soil than those for pure PAHs (Van Loosdrecht et al., 1990). These contrasting results demonstrate that the bioavailability of organic contaminants sorbed onto soil is far from being well understood. Besides bioavailability, there are several other factors influencing the rate and extent of biodegradation of PAHs in soil including microbial population characteristics, physical and chemical properties of PAHs and environmental factors (temperature, moisture, pH, degree of contamination). Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing possible rate-limiting processes during bioremediation of hydrophobic organic contaminants in a contaminated soil-water system (not to scale) (Danielsson, 2000). 1.5 Increasing the bioavailability of PAH in soil Attempts to improve the biodegradation of PAHs in soil by increasing their bioavailability include the use of surfactants , solvents or solubility enhancers.. However, introduction of synthetic surfactant may result in the addition of one more pollutant. (Wang and Brusseau, 1993).A study conducted by Mulder et al. showed that the introduction of hydropropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HPCD), a well-known PAH solubility enhancer, significantly increased the solubilization of PAHs although it did not improve the biodegradation rate of PAHs (Mulder et al., 1998), indicating that further research is required in order to develop a feasible and efficient remediation method. Enhancing the extent of PAHs mass transfer from the soil phase to the liquid might prove an efficient and environmentally low-risk alternative way of addressing the problem of slow PAH biodegradation in soil.


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Registramos a incidência de parasitismo por vermes Mermithidae em larvas de Chironomus gr. decorus (Diptera: Chironomidae), no Rio dos Peixes, Dois Córregos, região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Neste estudo, de um total de 791 larvas amostradas, 205 (25,9%) estavam infectadas por mermitídeos, indicando que larvas de Chironomidae são comumente parasitadas por vermes mermitídeos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abamectin is used as an acaricide and insecticide for fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants, as well as a parasiticide for animals. One of the major problems of applying pesticides to crops is the likelihood of contaminating aquatic ecosystems by drift or runoff. Therefore, toxicity tests in the laboratory are important tools to predict the effects of chemical substances in aquatic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to assess the potential hazards of abamectin to the freshwater biota and consequently the possible losses of ecological services in contaminated water bodies. For this purpose, we identified the toxicity of abamectin on daphnids, insects and fish. Abamectin was highly toxic, with an EC50 48 h for Daphnia similis of 5.1 ng L-1, LC50 96 h for Chironomus xanthus of 2.67 mu g L-1 and LC50 48 h for Danio rerio of 33 mu g L-1. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is well-established that the organization of nuclear components influences gene expression processes, yet little is known about the mechanisms that contribute to the spatial co-ordination of nuclear activities. The salivary gland cells of Chironomus tentans provide a suitable model system for studying gene expression in situ, as they allow for direct visualization of the synthesis, processing and export of a specific protein-coding transcript, the Balbiani ring (BR) pre-mRNA, in a nuclear environment in which chromatin and non-chromatin structures can easily be distinguished. The RNAbinding protein Hrp65 has been identified in this model system as a protein associated with non-chromatin nucleoplasmic fibers, referred to as connecting fibers (CFs). The CFs associate with BR RNP particles in the nucleoplasm, suggesting that Hrp65 is involved in mRNA biogenesis at the post-transcriptional level. However, the function of Hrp65 is not known, nor is the function or the composition of CFs. In the work described in this thesis, we have identified by yeast two-hybrid screening and characterized different proteins that bind to Hrp65. These proteins include a novel hnRNP protein in C. tentans named Hrp59, various isoforms of Hrp65, the splicing- and mRNA export factor HEL/UAP56, and a RING-domain protein of unknown function. Immuno-electron microscopy experiments showed that Hrp59 and HEL are present in CFs, and in larger structures in the nucleoplasm of C. tentans salivary gland cells. Hrp59 is a C. tentans homologue of human hnRNP M, and it associates cotranscriptionally with a subset of pre-mRNAs, including its own transcript, in a manner that does not depend quantitatively on the amount of synthesized RNA. Hrp59 accompanies the BR pre-mRNA from the gene to the nuclear envelope, and is released from the BR mRNA at the nuclear pore complex. We have identified the preferred RNA targets of Hrp59 in Drosophila cells, and we have shown that Hrp59 binds preferentially to exonic splicing enhancer sequences. Hrp65 self-associates through an evolutionarily conserved domain that can also mediate heterodimerization of Hrp65 homologues. Different isoforms of Hrp65 interact with each other in all possible combinations, and Hrp65 can oligomerize into complexes of at least six molecules. The interaction between different Hrp65 isoforms is crucial for their intracellular localization, and we have discovered a mechanism by which Hrp65-2 is imported into the nucleus through binding to Hrp65-1. Hrp65 binds to HEL/UAP56 in C. tentans cells. We have analyzed the distribution of the two proteins on polytene chromosomes and in the nucleoplasm of salivary gland cells, and our results suggest that Hrp65 and HEL become associated during posttranscriptional gene expression events. HEL binds to the BR pre-mRNP cotranscriptionally, and incorporation of HEL into the pre-mRNP does not depend on the location of introns along the BR pre-mRNA. HEL accompanies the BR mRNP to the nuclear pore and is released from the BR mRNP during translocation into the cytoplasm.


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Zusammenfassung: Funktionale Analyse des CpY/DmX Gens aus Chironomus und Drosophila melanogaster Bei CpY und DmX handelt es sich um homologe neuartige Gene aus den Dipteren Chironomus piger und Drosophila melanogaster. CpY und DmX bestehen aus 15 Exons, die für eine mRNA von ca. 11,5 kb kodieren.Das Gen hat eine genomische Länge von ca. 15 kb. Die abgeleiteten Genprodukte sind durch eine hohe Anzahl von WD-Repeats gekennzeichnet.WD-Proteine besitzen in der Regel regulatorische Funktionen in allen möglichen Bereichen. Ein Strukturvergleich mit homologen Genen legt die Vermutung nahe, daß sich sowohl am N- als auch am C-Terminus eine WD-Propellerstruktur befindet. CpY aus Chironomus piger ist in einem hromosomalen Abschnitt lokalisiert, der den Kern eines evolvierendenGeschlechtschromosoms darstellt. Dieses Gen besitzt im Gegensatz zu DmX geschlechtsspezifisch in Introns integrierte Transposons und wird quantitativ geschlechtsspezifisch gespleißt. DmX ist auf dem X-Chromosom im Bereich 5D6-5E1 lokalisiert, es konnte jedoch kein geschlechtsspezifisches Expressionsmuster diagnostiziert werden. Die Transkriptionsanalyse ergab,daß DmX während der Oogenese und der gesamten Embryonalentwicklung transkribiert wird. Dabei wird neben einer ubiquitären Grundexpression DmX in einer gewebespezifischen Weise exprimiert. Die DmX-Transkriptewandern offensichtlich - wie die CpY-Transkripte - in großer Menge in die reifende Oozyte. Bei DmX/CpY könnte es sich also um ein maternales Effektgen handeln. Während der Embryogenese können zunächst DmX-Transkripte am posterioren Pol nachgewiesen werden. Danach färben die vorderen und hinteren Mitteldarmvorläufer, dann spezifische Zellen im ZNS und in reifen Embryonen das gesamte ZNS, Sinnesorgan-Anlagen im Kopf, sowie der Enddarm. Das dem DmX benachbarte Gen DmSPX, welchen mit diesem einen gemeinsamen 174 bp großen bidirektionalen Promoter besitzt, zeigt ein von DmX unterschiedliches Transkriptionsmuster. Mit einer Reihe von Keimbahntransformationen konnten die für eine ordnungsgemäße Expression hinreichenden regulatorischen Bereiche identifiziert werden. In Versuchen, mittels verschiedener 'Antisense'-Strategien einen Phänotyp zu generieren, konnte kein spezifischer Phänotyp nachgewiesen werden. Durch die erfolgreiche Keimbahntranformationeines Rettungsvektors, welcher ein intaktes DmX-Gen enthält, konnte der Phänotyp von EMS-DmX-Mutanten identifiziert werden: Nach anfänglich normaler Embryonalentwicklung werden die Larven im Laufe des L1-Stadiums schlaff und inaktiv, jedoch nicht paralytisch und stellen Bewegung und Nahrungsaufnahme ein. Kurz nachdem wildtypische Larven das L2-Stadium erreichen, sterben die Mutanten ab. Der Phänotyp wei'st starke Ähnlichkeit zu Synaptotagmin I-Mutanten und zu alpha-Adaptin-Mutanten auf. Das Transkriptionsmuster ähnelt dem von alpha-Adaptin und AP50. Alle diese Gene spielen in der Endozytose eine Rolle


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Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 74736 bp genomischer DNA-Sequenzder Hämoglobingen-Gruppe D aus der Chironomiden Art Chironomus tentansentschlüsselt und analysiert. Durch Datenbankrecherchen undSequenz-Vergleiche wurden 29 vollständige Hämoglobin-Geneidentifiziert und klassifiziert. Es zeigt sich, daß alle derzeitbekannten Hämoglobin-Gene der Chironomiden auch in Chironomus tentansvorhanden sind. Zusätzlich konnten in Chironomus tentans sechs neueHämoglobin-Varianten identifiziert werden, die bislang weder aufProtein- noch auf Gen-Ebene in anderen Spezies nachgewiesenwurden. Die Hämoglobin-Gene liegen in dichter Abfolge innerhalbdes Clusters, wobei durchschnittlich etwa alle 2 kb ein Gen zufinden ist. Die Abfolge der Hämoglobin-Gene innerhalb derGengruppe wird nur an einer Stelle durch ein interspergiertes Genaus der Familie der Glukosetransporter unterbrochen. Desweiterenkonnten zwei retrotransponierbare Elemente der SINE-Klasse (CP1)innerhalb des Hämoglobingen-Clusters identifiziert werden. AlleGene besitzen die für ihre Expression erforderlichenSignalsequenzen, so daß es sich höchstwahrscheinlich um aktiveGene handelt. Die abgeleiteten Aminosäure-Sequenzen weisen alleCharakteristika sauerstofftransportierender Moleküle auf. Da es sich bei den Hämoglobinen um eine sehr alte Genfamiliehandelt, kann die vergleichende Analyse derHämoglobin-Genstruktur bei Vertebraten, Invertebraten, Pflanzenund Protozoen zur Rekonstruktion der Intron-Evolution genutztwerden. Die Konservierung von Intronpositionen in homologen Genenverschiedener Taxa gilt dabei als Maß für das relativestammesgeschichtliche Alter der Introns. Eine Vielzahl derHämoglobin-Gene von Invertebraten weisen ein Intron im zentralenGenbereich auf. Auch bei einigen Chironomiden-Arten konntendiese 'zentralen Introns' nachgewiesen werden. DieHämoglobin-Gene von Chironomus tentans galten hingegen bislang als intronlos.Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, daß auch zweiHämoglobin-Gene dieser Spezies je ein kurzes Intron aufweisen.Der Vergleich der Intronverteilung in den Hämoglobin-Genen derChironomiden führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß alle vorhandenen Intronsam sparsamsten (im Sinne des 'maximum parsimony'-Prinzips) durchunabhängige Insertionen in ein intronlosesVorläufer-Hämoglobin-Gen erklärt werden können. Alle bislangin Chironomiden beschriebenen Introns sind mit großerWahrscheinlichkeit nicht ortholog (Hankeln et al., 1997; dieseArbeit). Das Vorläufer-Hämoglobin-Gen in Chironomiden besaßdaher vermutlich kein 'zentrales Intron'. Die in Chironomidengefundenen Verhältnisse stellen somit die von Go (1981)formulierte Hypothese der Ursprünglichkeit des 'zentralenIntrons' in Hämoglobin-Genen in Frage. Die in Invertebraten undPflanzen beschriebenen 'zentralen Introns' sind vermutlich nichthomolog und dementsprechend auch nicht auf ein Intron imanzestralen Globin zurückzuführen. Vielmehr implizieren die inhohem Maße variablen Positionen der 'zentralen Introns' beiPflanzen und Invertebraten ihre unabhängige Insertion in diejeweiligen Globin-Gene nach der Aufspaltung der Taxa. Grundsätzlich können zwei Klassen von Hämoglobin-Genen inChironomiden unterschieden werden. Die überwiegende Mehrzahl derHämoglobine wird von Genen kodiert, die nur in einer Kopie imGenom vorliegen. Sie werden dementsprechend als 'single copy'Varianten bezeichnet. Für andere Hämoglobin-Varianten konntehingegen eine Vielzahl leicht unterschiedlicher Gene beschriebenwerden. Diese bilden sogenannte Gen-Subfamilien. In Chironomus tentans konntegezeigt werden, daß neben den 7B-Genen auch die 7A-Gene eineeigene Subfamilie bilden. Die 'single copy' Varianten zeichnensich im Interspezies-Vergleich durch ihre konservierteNukleotid-Sequenz aus: Sie unterliegen während ihrer Evolutionoffenbar einer stabilisierenden Selektion, d.h. Veränderungenihrer Protein-Sequenzen werden nur in geringem Maße toleriert.Auch ihre räumliche Anordnung innerhalb der Gengruppe istzwischenartlich konserviert. Der Vergleich der 'single copy'Varianten innerhalb einer Art zeigt, daß diese sehr deutlicheSequenz-Unterschiede zueinander aufweisen. Sie bilden somit einkonserviertes Sortiment an Hämoglobin-Genen, das weitgehend vorder Radiation der Arten entstanden ist und eine über dieArtgrenzen hinweg unveränderte 'Hämoglobin-Grundausstattung'gewährleistet. Im Gegensatz hierzu zeichnen sich die Mitglieder vonHämoglobin-Gen-Sub-familien durch eine hohe Variabilität aus:Nukleotid-Sequenz, Anzahl und Organisation der Gene innerhalb derGenfamilie weisen im zwischenartlichen Vergleich zahlreicheUnterschiede auf. Es ist daher nur selten möglich allein aufGrundlage der Nukleotid-Sequenzen orthologe Genpaare zuidentifizieren. Die orthologen Gene der 7B-Subfamilie aus Chironomus tentansund chth konnten ausschließlich anhand korrespondierenderIntergen-Sequenzen einander zugeordnet werden. Somit sind dieGen-Subfamilien präferenziell an der Entstehung einesspeziesspezifischen Gen-Repertoires beteiligt. Variationen derNukleotid-Sequenz, Gen-Anzahl und Gen-Organisation innerhalb derSubfamilie werden im Gegensatz zu den 'single copy' Varianten ineinem hohen Maße toleriert. Aufgrund der hohen Sequenz-Übereinstimmungen zwischen denMitgliedern der Gen-Subfamilien unterliegen diese einer Vielzahlvon Rearrangements, die in Gen-Duplikationen, Deletionen undSequenz-Homogenisierungen resultieren. So führten beispielsweiseGenduplikationen durch ungleiches, homologes Crossing-over mitgroßer Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Entstehung und Expansion der7A-Subfamilie. Auch die Gene Cte12-1 und Cte 12-2 sind vermutlichdas Ergebnis eines rezenten Duplika-tions-Ereignisses. DerMechanismus der Retrotransposition, der zu einer Duplika-tioneines 3`-untranslatierten Bereichs innerhalb der 7A-Subfamilieführte, scheint für die Entstehung derHämoglobin-Multiplizität in Chironomiden hingegen wenigerbedeutsam zu sein. Innerhalb der 7A-Subfamilie ist eineAngleichung der Gene durch konzertierte Sequenz-Evolution zubeobachten. Der nukleotidweise Vergleich von Gen-Sequenzen zeigtam Beispiel der Gene 7A7 und 7A8, daß die konzertierte Evolutiondieser Gen-Varianten auf dem Mechanismus der Genkonversionberuht. Auch die Gen-Subfamilie 7B unterliegt offenbar in hohemMaße einer solchen Sequenz-Homogenisierung. Im Sinne einer molekularen Uhr sollten synonyme Basenaustauscheweitgehend neutral sein und sich proportional zur Zeit in denGenen anhäufen. Der Vergleich der Hämoglobin-Gen-Sequenzenzeigt, daß große Unterschiede in der Anzahl der synonymenBasenaustausche zwischen orthologen Genen nicht zwangsläufig dasErgebnis einer frühen Trennung dieser Gene sind. Die Übertragungvon Sequenzen zwischen paralogen Genen kann die Anzahl dersynonymen Basenaustausche orthologer Gene in kürzester Zeitverändern und den tatsächlichen Zeitpunkt der Trennung zweierorthologen Gene überdecken. Werden Genkonversionen nichterkannt, weil beispielsweise nicht alle Gene der Gruppevollständig erfaßt werden konnten, führt der Vergleichorthologer Gen-Sequenzen zwangsläufig zu falschen evolutionärenGendistanzen. Da die Mitglieder der Hämoglobin-Genfamiliebesonders häufig Rekombinations-Prozessen unterliegen, sind siedaher möglicherweise weniger nützliche Kanditaten für dieErmittlung evolutionärer Distanzen zwischen den verschiedenenChironomiden-Arten. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, daß anhanddetaillierter phylogenetischer Analysen sich die Evolution derHämoglobin-Multigenfamilie von Chironomiden umfassendbeschreiben läßt. Ob einzelne, besonders gut konservierteGen-Varianten (wie z. B. die Gene Cte 8 und Cte W) einespezifische physiologische Funktion erfüllen oder ob dieGen-Subfamilien, die ein speziesspezifisches Genrepertoirebilden, an der Einnischung der verschiedenen Arten beteiligtsind, sollte durch weiterführende Untersuchungen (z. B. derGenexpression sowie der physiologischen Eigenschaften einzelnerVarianten) ermittelt werden können.