988 resultados para Animal culture


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L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’effet du remplacement total ou partiel du maïs d’une ration alimentaire standard (MS) sur les performances de croissance, le pH ruminal et les paramètres biochimiques sanguins chez les veaux de grain de race Holstein. Quatre groupes de 80 veaux ont été répartisen32 parcs (10 veaux/parc) et ont été assignés au hasard à quatre rations alimentaires. Les rations alimentaires ont été: la ration standard qui est constituée de maïs et un supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute (MS);une ration réduite de maïs, avec tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MCD); une ration réduite de maïs, avec supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MSD); et finalement une ration d’orge roulé, de tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (OCD). Les rations alimentaires ont été formulées selon une phase de démarrage P1 (j0 à j54), une de croissance P2 (j55 à j85) et une de finition P3 (j86 à j96). Un groupe additionnel de 5 veaux contrôle (CT), a reçu une ration alimentaire non acidogène à base de fourrage et de concentré. Notons qu’avant le début des traitements alimentaires au j0, sauf CT, les veaux ont reçu une ration d’adaptation contenant du maïs et de l’orge (50-50) et un supplément protéique pendant 20j. Les gains moyens quotidiens (GMQ) ont été similaires aux périodes P1 (0j-j27, j28-j54) et P2 (j55-j85), mais à la période P3 (j86-j96), le GMQ de la ration OCD a été plus grand que ceux dans les autres rations (p<0.001). Le rendement carcasse des veaux abattus au poids vifs d’environ 267 kg, de la ration OCD a été plus petit que ceux des rations MS et MSD (p<0.002). La matière sèche ingérée (MSI) a diminué pour le groupe MSD au j96, comparée à celles des groupes MS et BCD (p<0.001). Cependant, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur le poids vif des veaux. Les durées moyennes en dessous du pH ruminal de 5.6 (DpH5.6 en h.j.-1) du j68 au j85 (P2) ont été similaires pour les groupes CT et OCD (p=0.09) et plus petites (p<0.001) que celles des groupes du MS, MCD et MSD. Pendant la phase P3, les DpH5.6 des groupes de MS, MCD et MSD, ont été similaires (p>0.83), mais plus grandes que celle du groupe de OCD (p<0.0001). Les DpH5.6 n’ont pas eu d’effet sur les GMQ. Aux j68 et j96, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur la L-lactate (p > 0.05), le pH sanguin (p > 0.001; non significatif après l’ajustement de Bonferroni :NSAB) et le trou anionique (p > 0.009; NSAB). La PCO2 des animaux du groupe MS a été plus grande que celle du groupe CT (p = 0.0003). Au j68, HCO3 - du groupe CT a été plus grande que celle du groupe MCD (p = 0.0008). Les traitements alimentaires n’ont pas d’effets sur la lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) aux j0 et j68. Au j96, la LBP du groupe CT a été plus petite que celle du groupe MS et MCD (p=0.001). Les diètes n’ont pas d’effets significatifs sur les épithéliums et les lamina propria du rumen (p0>0.37), ainsi que sur les abcès du foie (p=0.80). Le remplacement total du maïs par l’orge roulé, la drêche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble et le tourteau de canola amélioré le GMQ en phase de finition, a amélioré le pH du rumen, le rapprochant du pH ruminal physiologique, n’a pas modifié les paramètres biochimiques sanguins qui ont été mesurés et a diminué le rendement carcasse moyen de 1,1%.


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Les antibiotiques sont fréquemment utilisés dans l’alimentation de la volaille afin de prévenir certaines maladies, dont l’entérite nécrotique, ce qui occasionne l’émergence de souches bactériennes résistantes aux antibiotiques. Une alternative prometteuse est l’utilisation de peptides antimicrobiens (AMPs) comme suppléments alimentaires, tels les AMPs provenant des produits laitiers. L’objectif du projet était de développer une méthode de production d’extraits peptidiques à partir de coproduits de la transformation alimentaire (babeurre, lactoferrine, isolat de protéines de pois), afin de tester si ces extraits peptidiques possédaient une activité antimicrobienne sur les pathogènes spécifiques aviaires suivants : Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli et Staphylococcus aureus. Les protéines ont été mises en suspension dans l’eau (5% p/p) et hydrolysées par la pepsine, 6 heures, pH de 2.5. Les peptides furent récupérés par ultrafiltration (< 10 kDa), puis fractionnés selon leur charge nette : totaux, cationiques, anioniques et non liés. L’effet antimicrobien a été évalué surmicroplaques, par la survie bactérienne en présence de concentrations croissantes d’extraits peptidiques. Les extraits cationiques de babeurre ont démontré une efficacité à une concentration inférieure ou égale à 5 mg/mL; perte de 3 log pour Escherichia coli O78 :H80. En comparaison, la lactoferrine cationique a été efficace à une concentration inférieure ou égale à 0.6 mg/mL; perte de 6 log pour E. coli O78 :H80. Les extraits peptidiques du pois ont démontré une efficacité faible. Cette méthode s’avère prometteuse pour le développement d’une alternative ou d’un complément pour la réduction de l’utilisation des antibiotiques dans l’alimentation de la volaille.


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Project staff: Sharon Schwarz, William Schreck, Gayla Sargent.


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The Maya of the Yucatan region have a long history of keeping the native stingless bees (subfamily Meliponinae). However, market forces in the last few decades have driven the Maya to favor the use of invasive Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) for producing large quantities of high quality honey that has an international market. Furthermore, the native bees traditionally used by the Maya are now disappearing, along with the practice of keeping them. ^ An interdisciplinary approach was taken in order to determine the social factors behind the decrease in stingless beekeeping and the ecological driving forces behind their disappearance from the wild. Social research methods included participant observation with stingless beekeepers, Apis beekeepers, and marketing intermediaries. Ecological research methods included point observations of commonly known melliferous and polliniferous plants along transects in three communities with different degrees of human induced ecosystem disturbance. ^ The stingless bee species most important to the Maya, Melipona beecheii, has become extremely rare, and this has caused a breakdown of stingless beekeeping tradition, compounded with the pressure of the market economy, which fuels Apis beekeeping and has lessened the influence of traditional practices. The community with the heaviest amount of human induced ecosystem disturbance also had the highest degree of dominance of Apis mellifera, while the area with the most intact ecosystem had the highest diversity of stingless bees, though Apis mellifera was still the dominant species. Aggressive competitive behavior involving physical attacks by Apis mellifera against stingless bees was observed on several occasions, and this is a new observation previously unreported by science. ^


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To the Editor—We thank Bonten and Mevius for their interest in our systematic review [1]. In their letter, they disagree with our finding that whole-bacterium transmission (WBT) of expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant (ESCR) Escherichia coli between food-producing animals and humans likely contributes to the burden of human extraintestinal infections. We respectfully argue against 2 assumptions that underlie their assertion.


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A validation study examined the accuracy of a purpose-built single photon absorptiometry (SPA) instrument for making on-farm in vivo measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) in tail bones of cattle. In vivo measurements were made at the proximal end of the ninth coccygeal vertebra (Cy9) in steers of two age groups (each n = 10) in adequate or low phosphorus status. The tails of the steers were then resected and the BMD of the Cy9 bone was measured in the laboratory with SPA on the resected tails and then with established laboratory procedures on defleshed bone. Specific gravity and ash density were measured on the isolated Cy9 vertebrae and on 5-mm2 dorso-ventral cores of bone cut from each defleshed Cy9. Calculated BMD determined by SPA required a measure of tail bone thickness and this was estimated as a fraction of total tail thickness. Actual tail bone thickness was also measured on the isolated Cy9 vertebrae. The accuracy of measurement of BMD by SPA was evaluated by comparison with the ash density of the bone cores measured in the laboratory. In vivo SPA measurements of BMD were closely correlated with laboratory measurements of core ash density (r = 0.92). Ash density and specific gravity of cores, and all SPA measures of BMD, were affected by phosphorus status of the steers, but the effect of steer age was only significant (P < 0.05) for steers in adequate phosphorus status. The accuracy of SPA to determine BMD of tail bone may be improved by reducing error associated with in vivo estimation of tail bone thickness, and also by adjusting for displacement of soft tissue by bone mineral. In conclusion a purpose-built SPA instrument could be used to make on-farm sequential non-invasive in vivo measurements of the BMD of tailbone in cattle with accuracy acceptable for many animal studies.


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The overall objective of this thesis was to study the effects of regular and high (super-) doses of phytase in the gut of broilers, with the aim of documenting the mechanism of their action leading to improvements in animal health. Phytase is often supplemented to commercial broiler diets to facilitate the hydrolysis of plant phytate and release of phosphorus for utilisation. Although not the original intention of its addition, phytase supplementation leads to improvements in growth performance parameters and enhanced nutrient utilisation. Further benefits have also been observed following the addition of super-doses of phytase which are not explained by an increase in phosphorus release, and thus have been termed ‘extra-phosphoric effects’. Using diets formulated to be adequate or marginally deficient in available phosphorus (aP; forming the negative control, NC), phytase was supplemented at 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg phytase in the first study (both super-doses) and the partitioning of nutrients within the body was investigated. It appeared that there were some metabolic changes between 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg, switching between protein and fat accretion, potentially as a consequence of nutrient availability, although these changes were not reflected by changes in growth performance parameters. However, the loss of the NC treatment without phytase on day 12 limits the comparison of the phytase within the NC treatment, but does allow for comparison of each dose at adequate or low dietary aP levels. As expected, a greater degree of phytate hydrolysis was achieved with 3,000 than with 1,500 FTU/kg phytase, but changes in carcass accretion characteristics were greater with 1,500 than 3,000 FTU/kg. Using these findings and the observation that there were no further changes in the parameters measured by increasing phytase from 1,500 to 3,000 FTU/kg (aside from phytate hydrolysis), 1,500 FTU/kg phytase was selected as the super-dose to be used in subsequent studies. The next study considered the influence of regular (500 FTU/kg) and super doses (1,500 FTU/kg) of phytase from within the gut. Overall, it was observed that changes were occurring to the gut environment, which ultimately would influence the absorptive capacity and conditions for further phytate hydrolysis. Dietary treatment influenced gut conditions such as pH, intestinal morphology and bacterial populations which can subsequently influence nutrient utilisation and potential for growth. The subsequent study was designed to investigate the effects within the gut in more detail. The release of nutrients from phytate hydrolysis and their bioavailability within the digesta can influence conditions within intestine, facilitating enhanced absorption. One of the parameters investigated was the expression of genes involved in the transport of nutrients in the intestine. Overall, there were few significant dietary treatment influences on gene expression in the intestine, however there was a dose-dependent response of phytase on the expression of the jejunual divalent mineral transporter. This indicates a change in divalent mineral bioavailability in the intestine, with correlations with inositol phosphate esters (IPs) being identified. This is likely explained by the IPs produced by phytase hydrolysis and accumulating in the digesta, differing between regular and high doses of phytase. It became apparent that interactions between the products of phytate hydrolysis (IP3, IP4) and minerals in the digesta had the potential to influence the gut environment and subsequent nutrient bioavailability and overall phytase action. The final study was designed to increase the content of the IPs, and investigate the influence of phytase under these conditions. As the complete hydrolysis of phytate to myo-inositol has been reported to be beneficial due to its proposed insulin mimetic effects, myo-inositol was also supplemented to one of the diets to see if any further benefits would be observed when supplemented alongside super-doses of phytase. Neither increased concentrations of the higher IP esters (IP6, IP5 and IP4) nor myo-inositol (myo-) had any effect on broiler growth performance, however there were still apparent beneficial influences of phytase supplementation. The results suggest considerable and important interactions between minerals and IP esters within the digesta, which ultimately have the potential to influence gut conditions and thus nutrient utilisation and growth performance. Reduced concentrations of blood glucose in the high IP ester diet with additional phytase supplementation suggest some insulin-like effects of myo- production. Additionally, the lack of effect of myo- supplementation on blood glucose and insulin concentrations suggests a difference between the structure of phytase-produced myo- and supplemented myo-. Although there were no improvements in growth performance by increasing phytase from 500 to 1,500 FTU/kg, there were changes occurring at the level of the gut and expression of genes in the intestine, influencing nutrient utilisation and the partitioning of nutrients within the body. There are many factors to be considered when supplementing phytase, with dietary nutrient content and nutrient release and IP production during phytate hydrolysis having an influence on phytase action, nutrient absorption and conditions within the gut. Super-doses of phytase may be beneficial for maintaining optimal gut conditions, clearing IP esters from the digesta, reducing their potential to form complexes with minerals and other nutrients, ultimately influencing the efficiency of production.


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Tripura is a densely populated small state with meagre water resources. 47.51% of the population is constituted by socio-economically backward, illiterate, orthodox, tribal and scheduled castes. Some of them are nomad and a majority of the rest of the population is refugees from Bangladesh, but almost 100% is fish eater. Settlement of tribes in villages, provision of nutritious food and employment therefore calls for proper utilization of every resource they have. The State is poor in water resources but recently has created 21,636.23 ha of new water area. Tripura is rich in pig population, besides poultry birds. Paddy is the main crop cultivated in arable lands. An integration of livestock raising and land based agriculture with pisciculture practices around mini barrages will help in solving the problems to a great extent. The paper is an attempt to outline the prospects of integration of aquaculture with animal husbandry and land based crop culture in Tripura State.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Engenharia Bioquímica), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Vibrio sp. V26 isolated from mangrove sediment showed 98 % similarity to 16S rRNA gene of Vibrio cholerae, V. mimicus, V. albensis and uncultured clones of Vibrio. Phenotypically also it resembled both V. cholerae and V. mimicus.Serogrouping, virulence associated gene profiling, hydrophobicity, and adherence pattern clearly pointed towards the non—toxigenic nature of Vibrio sp. V26. Purification and characterization of the enzyme revealed that it was moderately thermoactive, nonhemagglutinating alkaline metalloprotease with a molecular mass of 32 kDa. The application of alkaline protease from Vibrio sp. V26 (APV26) in sub culturing cell lines (HEp-2, HeLa and RTG-2) and dissociation of animal tissue (chick embryo) for primary cell culture were investigated. The time required for dissociation of cells as well as the viable cell yield obtained by while administeringAPV26 and trypsin were compared. Investigations revealed that the alkaline protease of Vibrio sp. V26 has the potential to be used in animal cell culture for subculturing cell lines and dissociation of animal tissue for the development of primary cell cultures, which has not been reported earlier among metalloproteases of Vibrios.


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Recent changes to the legislation on chemicals and cosmetics testing call for a change in the paradigm regarding the current 'whole animal' approach for identifying chemical hazards, including the assessment of potential neurotoxins. Accordingly, since 2004, we have worked on the development of the integrated co-culture of post-mitotic, human-derived neurons and astrocytes (NT2.N/A), for use as an in vitro functional central nervous system (CNS) model. We have used it successfully to investigate indicators of neurotoxicity. For this purpose, we used NT2.N/A cells to examine the effects of acute exposure to a range of test chemicals on the cellular release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). It was demonstrated that the release of this protective neurotrophin into the culture medium (above that of control levels) occurred consistently in response to sub-cytotoxic levels of known neurotoxic, but not non-neurotoxic, chemicals. These increases in BDNF release were quantifiable, statistically significant, and occurred at concentrations below those at which cell death was measureable, which potentially indicates specific neurotoxicity, as opposed to general cytotoxicity. The fact that the BDNF immunoassay is non-invasive, and that NT2.N/A cells retain their functionality for a period of months, may make this system useful for repeated-dose toxicity testing, which is of particular relevance to cosmetics testing without the use of laboratory animals. In addition, the production of NT2.N/A cells without the use of animal products, such as fetal bovine serum, is being explored, to produce a fully-humanised cellular model.


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Introduction : For the past decade, three dimensional (3D) culture has served as a foundation for regenerative medicine study. With an increasing awareness of the importance of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions which are lacking in 2D culture system, 3D culture system has been employed for many other applications namely cancer research. Through development of various biomaterials and utilization of tissue engineering technology, many in vivo physiological responses are now better understood. The cellular and molecular communication of cancer cells and their microenvironment, for instance can be studied in vitro in 3D culture system without relying on animal models alone. Predilection of prostate cancer (CaP) to bone remains obscure due to the complexity of the mechanisms and lack of proper model for the studies. In this study, we aim to investigate the interaction between CaP cells and osteoblasts simulating the natural bone metastasis. We also further investigate the invasiveness of CaP cells and response of androgen sensitve CaP cells, LNCaP to synthetic androgen.----- Method : Human osteoblast (hOB) scaffolds were prepared by seeding hOB on medical grade polycaprolactone-tricalcium phosphate (mPLC-TCP) scaffolds and induced to produce bone matrix. CaP cell lines namely wild type PC3 (PC3-N), overexpressed prostate specific antigen PC3 (PC3k3s5) and LNCaP were seeded on hOB scaffolds as co-cultures. Morphology of cells was examined by Phalloidin-DAPI and SEM imaging. Gelatin zymography was performed on the 48 hours conditioned media (CM) from co-cultures to determine matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity. Gene expression of hOB/LNCaP co-cultures which were treated for 48 hours with 1nM synthetic androgen R1881 were analysed by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR).----- Results : Co-culture of PCC/hOB revealed that the morphology of PCCs on the tissue engineered bone matrix varied from homogenous to heterogenous clusters. Enzymatically inactive pro-MMP2 was detected in CM from hOBs and PCCs cultured on scaffolds. Elevation in MMP9 activity was found only in hOB/PC3N co-culture. hOB/LNCaP co-culture showed increase in expression of key enzymes associated with steroid production which also corresponded to an increase in prostate specific antigen (PSA) and MMP9.----- Conclusions : Upregulation of MMP9 indicates involvement of ECM degradation during cancer invasion and bone metastases. Expression of enzymes involved in CaP progression, PSA, which is not expressed in osteoblasts, demonstrates that crosstalk between PCCs and osteoblasts may play a part in the aggressiveness of CaP. The presence of steroidogenic enzymes, particularly, RDH5, in osteoblasts and stimulated expression in co-culture, may indicate osteoblast production of potent androgens, fuelling cancer cell proliferation. Based on these results, this practical 3D culture system may provide greater understanding into CaP mediated bone metastasis. This allows the role of the CaP/hOB interaction with regards to invasive property and steroidogenesis to be further explored.


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To date, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from various tissues have been reported, but the yield and differentiation potential of different tissue-derived MSCs is still not clear. This study was undertaken in an attempt to investigate the multilineage stem cell potential of bone and cartilage explant cultures in comparison with bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The results showed that the surface antigen expression of tissue-derived cells was consistent with that of mesenchymal stem cells, such as lacking the haematopoietic and common leukocyte markers (CD34, CD45) while expressing markers related to adhesion (CD29, CD166) and stem cells (CD90, CD105). The tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into osteoblast, chondrocyte and adipocyte lineage pathways when stimulated in the appropriate differentiating conditions. However, compared with BMSCs, tissue-derived cells showed less capacity for multilineage differentiation when the level of differentiation was assessed in monolayer culture by analysing the expression of tissue-specific genes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and histology. In high density pellet cultures, tissue-derived cells were able to differentiate into chondrocytes, expressing chondrocyte markers such as proteoglycans, type II collagen and aggrecan. Taken together, these results indicate that cells derived from tissue explant cultures reserved certain degree of differentiation properties of MSCs in vitro.